
Cover    1

Title Page    3

Copyright Page    4

Endorsements    5

Epigraph    8

Introduction: A Guide to the Wasteland    9

1. I Hate Me    17

The Rise and Decline of the Human Body

2. The Joy of Death    47

“You Must Be Prepared to Kill”

3. Dear Valued Constituent    83

You No Longer Qualify As a Person

4. Schizoid Sex    117

Hijacked by the Hookup Culture    

5. The Body Impolitic    155

How the Homosexual Narrative Demeans the Body

6. Transgender, Transreality    193

“God Should Have Made Me a Girl”

7. The Goddess of Choice Is Dead    229

From Social Contract to Social Meltdown 

Acknowledgments    265

Study Guide    267

Notes    283

Index    324

About the Author    334

Back Ads    336

Back Cover    338