

Title Page



1. The Only Unpleasant Liberal Democrat
2. Nothing Can Be Everything; Everything Can Be Nothing
3. The Moment of Realisation
4. In a Spirit of Failure
5. The Wali of Swat, Etc.
6. Eddie’s Weltanschauung
7. The Windward Islands
8. A Designer with an Eye
9. Cosmo Speaks
10. More About Boys
11. He’s My Friend
12. The Mothers Take Action
13. A Literary Agent
14. Justice and Her Colleague, Nemesis
15. A Suppressed Memory
16. Her Own Decision
17. The Friendship of Dogs
18. Old Friends
19. Moral Meaning and Iris Murdoch
20. Rupert’s Disclosure
21. On Who We Really Are
22. Coffee with George
23. A Walk in the Country
24. Things That Didn’t Happen
25. Where Is Freddie de la Hay?
26. Ronald Telephones
27. Ronald’s Interview
28. Honesty Is Sometimes the Best Policy
29. Ronald Talks with His Eyes in the Underground
30. Terence Moongrove Issues
31. Lennie Marchbanks Utters a Warning
32. Oily Deposits
33. You’re My Brother, and I’m Proud of You
34. The Leporine Challenge
35. Freddie Digs His Way Out of a Hole
36. An Unrevealed Source
37. Barbara Ragg Speaks to Hugh
38. In the Cupboard
39. Burundanga
40. Hugh’s Confession
41. On Board Ship
42. Freddie’s Rescuer
43. Loving What You Can’t Have
44. The Dreams of Freddie de la Hay
45. More Risotto
46. In Helping Hands
47. Ronald Shows What He’s Made of
48. The Effects of Gravity
49. Vertical Take-off
50. Just a Gigolo
51. In the Bag
52. Cosmo Bartonette Arrives
53. The Real Man Within
54. Out of Left Field
55. Marcia’s Idea
56. Freddie de la Hay’s New Life
57. Risotto at Last
58. Responsibility for What We Do
59. Et Tu, Rupert
60. Oedipus Encounters the New Rules
61. Big Science Calls
62. In the Collider
63. Mariology, Etc.
64. Dogs, Models, Familiarity
65. A Generous Gesture
66. Team Moongrove
67. A Phone Call from Switzerland
68. At the Drinks Party
69. The Yeti on the Line
70. Shadows in the Cave

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