Speedwell prefers average, well-drained garden soil and will tolerate dry conditions. It thrives in southern heat, but also flourishes in the cool North. If grown in part shade, it may flop over, so support the plant with short lengths of brushwood. Otherwise the only care required is deadheading.
Speedwell, more commonly known by its botanical name, Veronica, is very popular for its showy flower spikes and its prodigious blooming habit. ‘Royal Candles’ is shown here. It is remarkably tough in both the cold winters of the North and the heat and humidity of the Southeast. Speedwell is an easy grower and is virtually trouble-free. The blooms last well in water if cut when half the flowers on a spike are open.
Plant speedwell at the edges of perennial borders, spilling over paths and stone walls, and in rock gardens, window boxes, and containers. Don’t forget to plant some to cut for baskets of blossoms all summer long.
ZONES: 3–10
BLOOM TIME: All summer until frost
LIGHT: Full to part sun
HEIGHT: 12–24 inches
INTEREST: Masses of blue, pink, or white flower spikes