Aberdeen (Brown County), lax marriage laws in, 128–36
Adams County, 40–42, 155; towns of, 43–50, 191, 192
Aho, Marilyn, 37
Allmandinger, John, 183
Alpha (Greene County), 179–80
Amish, 41–42; newspaper for, 147–54
Amundsen, Roald, 63
Andreas, Ranson, 150
Ash (Licking County), 180
Ashtabula (Ashtabula County), 33–34
Ashtabula County, 33–39
Ashville Area Historical Society, 140
Ashville (Pickaway County), 137–44
Athens, Ohio University in, 79–80
Athens County: ghosts in, 80; towns of, 79, 200–201
Athens County Historical Society, 81
Audubon, John, 58
Auglaize River, 190; and Great Black Swamp, 111, 113
Austin, Eliphalet, 35
Austin, Joab and L. B., 36
Austin, Roswell and Henry, 37
Austinburg (Ashtabula County), 35–36
automobiles, effects of, 37, 48, 123–24
Bader, Alfred and Eugenia, 46–47
Baer, Gabriel, 181
Baker, Jacob, 183
Barnes, Chauncey, 86–87
Barrett, Fred, 10–16
Barry, Frank, 183–84
Battle of Fallen Timbers, 114, 182, 199
Bear’s Mill, 180–81
Bear’s Oil Village (Ashtabula County), 181
Bear Swamp (Van Wert County), 182
Beasley, Squire Massie, 129–36
Bentonville (Adams County), 155–60, 163–66
Bentonville Anti-Horse Thief Society of Adams County, 155–58, 160, 163–64
Berlin Heights, 183–84
Big Bottom, 182
Bimeler (Baumeler), Joseph, 69
Blount, Jim, 197
Blue Heron Wildlife Preserve, 20
Bogan, Dallas, 70
A Book for Skeptics (Everett), 83
Boor, Teddy, 143
Bowling Green State University, 126
Bowling Green (Wood County), 126
Braun, E. Lucy and Annette, 45–46
breweries, in Cincinnati, 49–50, 169
Brinkers, Clyde, 142
Brooks, Moses, 61
Brown, Henry, 196
Brown, Marjorie, 56
Bruckmann, William and John C., 48–50, 169
Brunersburg (Paulding County), 126
Brushy Fork Creek, gold in, 169
Budget (newspaper), 147–54
Burnet, Jacob, 196
business, and farmers, 17
Bussey, Jim, 193–94
Buster the dog, 142–43
Butler, Charles, 23
Butler, John S., 118
Butler County, 162; towns of, 27–32, 196–97
Butterfield, Jeremiah, 28–29
Byrd, Richard E., 63–64
Camp Bartley (later Camp Mansfield), 91
canals, 182; effects on towns, 189–90, 195; as industry, 69–70, 72, 125
Canfield, Dwight R., 122
Carpenter, L. B., 23
Carr, James, 123
Cayton, Andrew, 138
Champaign County, 184
Chapman, Gertrude M., 24
Chattanooga (Mercer County), 183
Chic-Chic the rooster, 141–42
cholera, 24
Christian Republic, 183–84
Cincinnati, 60; breweries in, 49–50, 169; canal to Indiana from, 189–90; towns absorbed by, 184, 191
Cincinnati and Eastern Railroad, 44
Cincinnati and Whitewater Canal, 189–90
Clark, Benjamin, 29
Clermont County, 167–71, 198, 200
Cleves, Harrison Tunnel in, 189–90
Cleves, John, 125
Colerain, Oxford & Brookville Turnpike, 29
Colerain Township (Hamilton County), 194
Columbia Settlement (Hamilton County), 184
Columbus, Franklinton and, 187–88
The Communistic Societies of the United States (Nordhoff), 71–72
Compromise (Champaign County), 184
concentric spheres/hollow earth theory, 53–64
Connecticut, Western Reserve land of, 35
Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. A. B., 141–43
Cordle, Charles, 139
Coshocton County, 201
Cottingham, E. A., 186
county fairs, 172–78
Covington (Miami County), 187
Cowger, Mary and Ed, 74–78
Cowles, Giles H., 35
Cross, Joseph, 118–19
Crosswick (Warren County), 184–85
culture, small town, 17, 30–31
Curtis, Eli, 86–87
Daniels, Robert M., 97–99
Dearwester, Harry C., 172–78
Defiance County, 124–25
Defiance Trail, 190
Delphos (Allen County), 117
Demyas, Jan, 100–101
Devore, Joe, 156
Dewese, Amos, 118
diseases: cholera, 116–17; Great Black Swamp and, 114–17; tuberculosis, 102–3, 108
Dog Town (Eclipse Mine as), 186
Dogtown (Henry County), 123
Dogtown (Licking County), 185
Donnermeyer, Joseph, 195–96
Dorman, Laura Peck, 37
Eagle Township (Hancock County), 116–17
Eagleville (Ashtabula County), 36–37
Earhart, Estil, 4
Eclipse (Athens County), 185–86
Eliphalet, Aaron C., 36
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 82
Emmett (Paulding County), 125
Erastus (Mercer County), 186
Erie County: Sandusky in, 22–23; Venice in, 20, 29–30
Euler, Leonhardt, 57
Everett, J., 83
Evers, C. W., 115–16
Fairfield County, 163
Fallsville (Highland County), 186–87
farmers/farms, 28, 35, 41, 182; decline of, 17, 173; Great Black Swamp and, 120–21, 126–27; Zoar Separatists as, 69–70
Fiehrer, Paul, 30–31
Fite, Jim, 6
Fizzleville (Hiett), Ohio, 3–9
Foos, Joseph, 188
Footville (Ashtabula County), 37–39
forests, clearing Great Black Swamp’s, 112–13, 121–22, 124
Fort Defiance, 114
Fort Meigs, 113–14
Fort Rowdy (Miami County), 187
Fort Sandusky, 21
Fox sisters, 82
Franklin County, 187–88
Franklinton (Franklin County), 187–88
Friendly Neighbor Home Demonstration Club, 127
Funk Bottoms, 188
Funston, John, 195
Galatea (Wood County), 124
Gallatin (Allen County), 190
ghosts, 80, 181, 197; in Great Black Swamp, 124–25; at Ohio State Reformatory, 91–92, 95, 99–101; in Waynesville, 104–5, 108–10; in Zoar, 76–78
Girty, Simon, 113
Glattke, Arthur and Helen, 95
Gloyd, Michael R., 138
Grant, Ulysses S., 200
Great Black Swamp, 111–27; disappearance of, 120–21, 126–27; diseases from, 114–17; ghost towns in, 123–25; roads in, 117–18, 120, 124
Great Miami River, 28–29; towns on, 191–92, 196–97
Greene County, 179–80
Grenadier Squaw Town (Pickaway County), 188–89
Grierson, Walter D., 4
Haldeman, Cyrus Benton “Ditty,” 32
Hall, William D., 86–87
Halley, Edmund, 57
Hamilton County: horse stealing in, 161–62; towns of, 184, 191–92, 194–95, 197–98
Hamilton (Hamilton County): Rossville and, 196–97; Symmes family and, 53–59, 61–62, 64
Hanson, Melanie, 31
Hardyman, John, 5–6
Harmon, R. L., 187
Harper, R. Kevin, 105
Harris, Bill, 188
Harrison, William Henry, 114, 190
Harrison Tunnel, 189–90
Harsha, Paul, 42
Harshaville (Adams County), 42
Hartford (Allen County), 190
Helton, Dorothy, 132
Hemlock (Perry County), 190
Henson, Josiah, 23–24
Heywood, Russell H., 26
Hiett (Fizzleville), Ohio, 3–9
Hill, James B., 120–21
Hill, N. N., 199–200
Hillsboro (Highland County), 17
Hobson’s Choice, 191
Hocking Hills, Robbers’ Roost in, 163
Hollow Earth Convention, 55
Hollow Earth Society, 60
Holmes County, 148
Houdini, Harry, 85
Huebner, Paul, 123
Huffman, John, 188
Humrickhouse, T. S., 201
Hutt, Fred, 162
Hyob, Lawrence, 30
Indiana, canal from Cincinnati to, 189–90
Indian Hill (Hamilton County), 161
Indians, 21; Mount Nebo and, 79, 82; relations with pioneers, 43, 181–82, 194; Richardville Reservation of, 196; towns of, 181, 188–89, 199–201
Jackson, Andrew, 191
Jacksonville (Adams County), 191
Jamison, Rose, 138
Jefferson (Ashtabula County), 33–34
Jennings, John and James, 184–85
Johnson, William K., 201
Jones, Theo, 5
justices of the peace, 131
Kepler, Johannes, 57
Kirtland, Turhand, 35
Klippart, John H., 120
Koons, Jonathon, 82–86
Kuhn, Marvin, 162
Lake Erie, 24, 33; and Great Black Swamp, 111–12, 114; ports on, 22–23, 25
Larrick, Louisa Stetson, 102–4, 105–10
Larsen, John, 197–98
Lauber, Christian, 113
Licking County, 180, 185, 199–200
Little Miami River, 184
Losantiville (Hamilton County), 184
Loveland, James (Hamilton County), 194–95
Lucas, Robert, 114
Lynch, Ed and Joe, 185
Macmillan, Bruce, 45
Mahoning Valley, 34
Mansfield Reformatory Preservation Society, 91–93, 100–101
Mansfield (Richland County), 90–101
Marble Furnace (Adams County), 42–43
Marietta (Baltimore and Ohio) Railroad, 195
Marion County, 162–63
Marirovits, Susan, 34
marriage, in Aberdeen, 128–36
Mason, William P., 23
Massie, Nathaniel, 43
Mast, David, 148
Matthews, Thomas, 57
Maumee River, 195; Great Black Swamp and, 111, 113, 115
Maysville, Kentucky, 128–29, 133, 155
McDaniel, Joel, 137
McIlvaine, Right Reverend Bishop, 25–26
McKimie, Robert “Little Reddy,” 18–19
McMahan, John, 39
Miami and Erie Canal, 190, 195
Miami campaign, against Indians, 182
Miami County, 187
Miami (Hamilton County), 192
Middlebury (Van Wert County), 192
Miller, John C., 151–52
Mineral Springs (Adams County), 43–50
monsters, 185
Moore, Isaac, 184
Morgan, John Hunt, 162
Morning Star Community, 86–88
Morrison, Charlie, 139–40, 144
Mount Nebo (Athens County), 79–89
Mueller, Bob, 189
Mueller, Jamie, 193–94
Murphysboro, 186
Naturalist’s Guide to the Americas (Braun), 47
Naylor, Harriet, 158–59
Naylor, Linda Sue, 159–60
Naylor, Verna and Harry, 157–59
Newark (Licking County), 185
Newport (Adams County), 192
New Rome, 192–94
Niebel, John W., 98
Nofziger, Jacob, 113
Nonhelema, 188
Nordhoff, Charles, 71–72
North Bend (Hamilton County), 191–92
O’Banionville (Hamilton County), 194–95
Ohio and Erie Canal, 66, 69, 71–72
Ohio Historical Society, Zoar maintained by, 67, 74
Ohio River, 128
Ohio Small Town Museum, 137–44
Ohio State Reformatory, 90–101, 97
Ohio University, at Athens, 79–80
Owensville (Clermont County), 167–71
Parker, Grafton, 156
Patterson, Robert, 184
Paulding County, 113, 121–22, 125
Pauli, H. C., 21
Payne (Paulding County), 125
Peach Grove (Hamilton County), 194
Peach Ridge (Athens County), 87–88
Peary, Robert E., 63
Perky, George W., 114
Perry County, 190
Perrysburg (Lucas County), 116
Petro, Jim, 193
Peyton, John, 118
Pickleheimer, A. C., 195
Pifer, Mrs. Roy, 183
Pine Hill (Wayne County), 194
Poe, Edgar Allan, 63
Pontiac (Ottawa chief), 21
Post Boy, 195
Prisley, Joanne, 81
Prohibition, Cincinnati breweries in, 49–50
Providence (Lucas County), 195–96
Pruiss, Jeanette Macmillan, 45
Raab (Paulding County), 126
railroads, 117, 163; towns’ growth or decline and, 34, 37, 191–92, 195
Rains, George, 17
Rainsboro (Highland County), 10–14, 17–19
Ramsey, William, 195
Rathbun, Keith, 148
Reed, Monica, 95
Rees, Hillis, 44
Reiner, Martha S., 31–32
Renollet (Paulding County), 125–26
Reynolds, Jeremiah N., 61–63
Rhonemus, Al and Patty, 6–7, 9
Richards, Giles and George, 29–30
Richardson, Dorothy, 133–36
Richardville Indian Reservation, 196
Richland County, 90–101
Riley, James, Sr., 117
roads, 155, 195; in Great Black Swamp, 117–18, 120, 124
Robbers’ Roost (Hocking Hills), 163
Rock Creek (Ashtabula County), 34
Rogers, George, 82
Ross/Venice (Butler County), 27–32
Rossville (Butler County), 196–97
Ruffin, William, 196
Ruggles, Graham, 130–31
Ruritan Club, in Footville, 38
Ryan, Eugene, 41
Salem Heights (Hamilton County), 197–98
Saltair (Clermont County), 198
Sandusky (Erie County), 22–24
Sauder, Daniel, 118
Schonhart, Harold, 22–23, 25–26
Schradin family, 30–31
Scioto Valley Railroad, 140
Scofield, Levi T., 90
Scott, J. W., 118
Scott, John Reber, 138
Searight, William, 194
Sefton, George, 30
Separatists, Zoar commune of, 66–72
Shackleton, Ernest, 63
Shasta (Van Wert County), 199
Shelton, Gerlinde (George), 4–6, 8
Sherman, William T., 200
Shockey, Walter, 123
Shonk, Steve, 72–74
Shunk (Defiance County), 124–25
Simon Kenton Bridge, across Ohio River, 128
Smith, George R., 149–50
Smith, James, 196
Smith, John A., 199
Smith, Samuel A., 151
Snaketown (Henry County), 199
Sodaville (Adams County), 41, 44–45
Spafford, Hiram, 39
spiritualism, and Mount Nebo, 79, 81–89
Squawtown (Licking County), 199–200
St. Clair, Arthur, 53
Steam Furnace (Adams County), 42–43
Stetson, John Batterson, 102–4, 107–9
Steuk’s Winery, 26
Stillwater River, 187
Stites, Benjamin, 184
Sullivan, G. W., 201
Sullivant, Lucas, 187
Sutherland, John, 196
Symmes, Americus Vespucius, 59, 62, 64–65
Symmes, Captain John Cleves, 53–64
Symmes, John Cleves, 53–58, 54, 191–92
Symmes, John Cleves, Jr., 59, 64
Symmes, Judge John Cleves, 58–59
Symmes, William Henry Harrison, 59, 64
Symzonia: Voyage of Discovery (Symmes), 57–58
210 Row (Athens County), 200–201
Tafur, Edgar, 54–55
telegraph, 163
Tobasco (Clermont County), 200
Toney, John, 101
tornados, 125–26
Tuscarawas River Valley, 68, 70
Tykodi, Martha, 180
Van Wert County, 182, 196; towns of, 192, 199
The Vegetation of the Mineral Springs Region of Adams County (Braun), 47
Venice: in Butler County, 27–29; in Erie County, 20–26, 29–30; Underground Railroad in, 23–24
Virginia, 35
Von X, Ritter, 55
vultures, 42
Walhonding (Coshocton County), 201
Walker, Erastus, 186
Ward-Hines, Annabelle, 139
War of 1812, 114
Warren County: horse stealing in, 160–61; towns of, 70, 101–2, 184–85
Wayne, Anthony, 113–14, 187, 191; at Battle of Fallen Timbers, 182, 199
Wayne County, 194
Waynesville (Warren County), 101–2, 104–5
Webb, Ike, 99–100
West, John C., 97–99
Western Reserve land, 35
Western Reserve Road, 117
West Millgrove (Wood County), 123
West Union (Adams County), 155
Wheeler, Henry, 122–23
Wherley, Winona, 195
White Eyes Town (Tuscarawas County), 201
Wilson, John T., 192
Wise, Chuck, 138
Wogner, Clarence, 14–16
Wolcutt, George, 82
Woodbridge, William, 113–14
Wood County, 121, 123; Great Black Swamp in, 126–27; towns of, 124, 126
Woodruff, Charles and Ruth, 167–71
Woodruff, Roy, 169–70
Woodruff’s Pharmacy (Owensville), 167–71
Woodville (LeSeuer), 124
Workman, Orin Bernard, 126
Worley, Sandy, 73
Worstville (Paulding County), 122–23
Zane, Ebenezer, 155
Zane’s Trace, 155
Zimmerman, Claude, 150