
General Introduction: Defining and Re-Examining Neo-Kantianism

    1. Chronology and Topography

    2. The Rise of Neo-Kantianism

    3. Removing Preconceptions and Prejudices

Part I. Introduction: The Lost Tradition

    1. Unearthing the Lost Tradition

    2. Two Conflicting Kantian Traditions

    3. Neo-Kantianism and the Lost Tradition

    4. Origins and Context

1. Jakob Friedrich Fries and the Birth of Psychologism

    1. Place in History

    2. Discovery of Kant

    3. Justifying Psychology

    4. Early Psychological Programme

    5. Encounters in Jena

    6. Foray into Medicine

    7. Critique of Reinhold, Fichte and Schelling

    8. Early Political Philosophy

    9. Philosophy of Religion

10. New Critique of Reason

11. Psychologism?

12. Wrestling the Thing-in-Itself

2. Johann Friedrich Herbart, Neo-Kantian Metaphysician

    1. Herbart as Kantian

    2. A Troubled Fichtean

    3. Swiss Years

    4. Years of Work and Sorrow

    5. Young Academic

    6. Main Points of Metaphysics

    7. The Idea of Philosophy

    8. Aesthetic Foundation of Ethics

    9. Professor in Königsberg

10. Psychology

3. Friedrich Eduard Beneke, Neo-Kantian Martyr

    1. The Last Anthropologist

    2. A Tragic Life

    3. Epistemological Foundations

    4. The Psychological Programme

    5. A Trying Encounter

    6. The Physics of Morals

    7. Cracks in the Foundation

    8. Settling Accounts with Kant

4. The Interim Years, 1840–1860

    1. Years of Transition

    2. The Materialism Controversy

    3. The Identity Crisis

    4. Late Idealism and Neo-Kantianism

    5. Helmholtz’s Programme: Introduced and Adopted

    6. Helmholtz’s Programme: Reaffirmed and Abandoned

Part II. Introduction: The Coming of Age

    1. The Resurrection of Immanuel Kant

    2. Common Themes

    3. The Fischer–Trendelenburg Dispute

    4. The Great Pretender

5. Kuno Fischer, Hegelian Neo-Kantian

    1. A Mysterious Figure

    2. The Young Hegelian

    3. Banishment

    4. A Hegelian Kantian or a Kantian Hegelian

    5. Birth of a Neo-Kantian

    6. Interpretation of Kant

    7. The Loyal Hegelian

    8. A Hegelian Kantian

6. Eduard Zeller, Neo-Kantian Classicist

    1. Zeller and Fischer

    2. Early Tübingen Years

    3. Historical Criticism

    4. From Hegel to Kant

    5. Running the Gauntlet, Tübingen to Heidelberg

    6. Return to Kant

    7. Unfinished Business

    8. A Neo-Classical Ethics

7. Rehabilitating Otto Liebmann

    1. Rise and Fall of a Reputation

    2. Kant und die Epigonen

    3. Perils of the Transcendent

    4. Rediscovering the Transcendent

    5. War and Peace

    6. Natural Science and Transcendental Philosophy

    7. Against Materialism

    8. Critique of Positivism

    9. The Spirit of Transcendental Philosophy

    10. A Critical Metaphysics

8. Jürgen Bona Meyer, Neo-Kantian Sceptic

    1. Life and Career

    2. Criticism and Metaphysics

    3. Critical Idealism?

    4. In Defence of Psychologism

    5. Questions of the Times

    6. Renewing Philosophy of Religion

    7. First Foray into History

9. Friedrich Albert Lange, Poet and Materialist Manqué

    1. Lange’s Legacy

    2. Early Years and Wild Philosophy

    3. Origins and Aims of a Classic

    4. A Secret Materialist

    5. A Kantian Critique of Materialism

    6. Lange and the Thing-in-Itself

    7. Interpretation of Kant

    8. The Limits of Monism

    9. The New Religion

10. Philosophy as Poetry

10. The Battle against Pessimism

    1. Sources of Pessimism

    2. The Polemic against Pessimism

    3. Neo-Kantianism as Neo-Fichteanism

    4. Critique of Quietism

    5. University Philosophy

11. Encounter with Darwinism

    1. The Rise of Darwinism in Germany

    2. Lange, the Naturalist

    3. Meyer, the Sceptic

    4. Liebmann, the Matchmaker

    5. All Mysteries Solved!

    6. Restoring Mysteries

Part III. Introduction: The New Establishment

    1. The Decade of Consolidation

    2. A Fragile Alliance

    3. From Psychology to Epistemology

12. The Young Hermann Cohen

    1. An Important Little Book

    2. The Young Volkpsychologist

    3. A Kantian Interpretation of Plato

    4. The Nascent Transcendental Philosopher

    5. Cohen and the Materialism Controversy

    6. Cohen and the Fischer–Trendelenburg Dispute

    7. Kant’s Theory of Experience

    8. The Metaphysics of the Transcendental

13. Wilhelm Windelband and Normativity

    1. Windelband and Neo-Kantianism

    2. A Science of Norms

    3. The Rehabilitation of Philosophy

    4. The Normative and the Natural

    5. Philosophical Method

    6. The Problem of Freedom

    7. Early Epistemology

    8. A Normative Logic

    9. Centrifugal Forces

10. The Politics of Normativity

14. The Realism of Alois Riehl

    1. A Realist from the Tirol

    2. Early Realist Tendencies

    3. An Early Discourse on Method

    4. Arrival of a Neo-Kantian

    5. Aims and Varieties of Realism

    6. Analysis of Sensation

    7. A Realist Theory of Space and Time

    8. Retreat from Realism

    9. How to Keep Things-in-Themselves

10. Redefining Philosophy

Bibliography I: Primary Literature

Bibliography II: Secondary Literature
