Preface: beyond Tancred and Clorinda—trauma studies for implicated subjects
Michael Rothberg
Gert Buelens, Sam Durrant and Robert Eaglestone
1 Knowledge, ‘afterwardsness’ and the future of trauma theory
Robert Eaglestone
2 Fascism and the sacred: sites of inquiry after (or along with) trauma
Dominick LaCapra
3 Beyond Eurocentrism: trauma theory in the global age
Stef Craps
4 Affect, body, place: trauma theory in the world
Ananya Jahanara Kabir
5 Trauma ties: chiasmus and community in Lebanese civil war literature
Nouri Gana
6 Undoing sovereignty: towards a theory of critical mourning
Sam Durrant
Politics and subjectivity
7 ‘That which you are denying us’: refugees, rights and writing in Arendt
Lyndsey Stonebridge
8 Time, personhood, politics
Jenny Edkins
9 The biopolitics of trauma
Pieter Vermeulen
10 Future shock: science fiction and the trauma paradigm
Roger Luckhurst