
ABC News, 18

Acosta, Jim, 206

African Americans. See black people

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), 17

Alien Land Law of 1913 (California), 146

Allen, Garland, 157

Almond-Eyed: The Great Agitator (1878), 9091

al-Qaeda, 24

Alta, Iowa, 125

Amendments to the US Constitution

Fifth Amendment, 154

Sixth Amendment, 154

Thirteenth Amendment, 206

Fourteenth Amendment, 82, 147

Fifteenth Amendment, 77

Nineteenth Amendment, 206

America Fallen! The Sequel to the European War (1915), 128

American Defense Society, 117, 135

American Immigration Restrictionist League, 171

American Journal of Public Health (journal), 168

American Legion, 135

American Nun, The (1836), 5758

American Protection League, 12223

American Psychiatric Association, 34

American Red Cross, 115

American Socialist Party, 124

America's Answer (1918), 128

America Unprepared (1916), 128

Amish, 12425

Anderson, W. H., 155

annexation of Mexico, 18, 6668

Anthropological Review (journal), 81

Anti-Chinese laws, 9596

Anti-German League, 123

Anti-Jap Laundry League, 145

Anti-Saloon League, 126

Arab calligraphy scare, 13637

Arab stereotypes in film, 19091

Aryan “race,” 157, 160, 164, 166, 178, 188, 209, 213

Asahi Shumbun (Japanese newspaper), 99

Ashurst, Henry, 158

Asiatic Barred Zone, 30

Asiatic Exclusion League, 143

Atlanta-Journal Constitution (newspaper), 36

Awful Disclosures of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery of Montreal (1836), 52, 54, 57

Bahr, Herbert, 179

Balderrama, Francisco, 7677

Baltimore, Maryland, 46, 6061, 133

Baltimore Literary and Religious Magazine, 60

Baltimore Post (newspaper), 61

Bandhauer, Carina, 72

Barbados, 23

Barbee, John, 62

Bartholomew, Robert E., 9, 12, 13

Bastrop County, Texas, 129

Bathhouse Riots of 1917, 73

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 180

Battle Cry for Peace, The (1915), 127

Battle Cry of War (1917), 127

Bauer, Jack (TV character), 191

Bay News (Florida newspaper), 130

Beach, Frank, 210

Beach, Walter, 144

Bear, Amy, 113

Bear Claw, 113

Bearden, Russell, 147

Beecher, Lyman, 50

Bender, Steven, 72

Bennett, Courtney, 117

Berger, Bethany, 103

Berlin, California, 121

Berlin, Iowa, 121

Berlin, Isaac, 207

Berlin, Michigan, 121

Berlin Summer Olympics of 1936, 164

Best, Joel, 2425

Biddle, Francis, 154

Bigler, John, 86

Billington, Ray, 48

Bishop, Bridget, 24

Bjerge, Felma, 131

Blackfeet (tribe), 112

Black Legend, 68

black people

Black Legend, 68

miscegenation laws, 96

“Negroes,” 19, 65-66, 69, 76, 81, 89, 130, 144

“Negroid,” 11, 67

negrophobia, 3436

Blaine, James, 94, 211

Bloody Monday riots, 46, 62

Boalt, John, 81

Boas, Franz, 35, 166

bogeyman, 15, 41

Boston, Massachusetts, 30, 4950, 52, 54, 117, 13234

Boston Post (newspaper), 134

Boston Symphony Orchestra, 132

Bouldin, G. W., 124

Boynton, Thomas, 132

Bradford County, Florida, 130

Breivik, Anders, 188

Brinton, Daniel, 144

Brisbane, North Dakota, 116

British Guiana, 172

British West Indies, 32

Britt, George, 180

Brooke County, Georgia, 35

Bru, Federico Laredo, 172

Bubonic Plague, 141

Buck, Pearl S., 100

Buckey, Ray, 3738

Buffalo, New York, 117

Bulc, Gregor, 39

Bureau of Indian Affairs, 108, 111

Burke, Edmund, 43

California gold fields, 84, 207

California Gold Rush of 1848, 82

California Police Gazette (newspaper), 88

California Sterilization Program, 7476

Canadian Pacific Railroad, 118

Canton, China, 84

Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 131

Carey, Patrick, 60

Carmelite convent, 46, 60

Carnegie Hall, 133

Carter, Jimmy, 157, 159

Casada, Glen, 187

Catholic scare, 13, 1718, 38, 4364, 180, 182, 19192, 208

cat-killing scare (Slovenia), 39

Celler, Emanuel, 150

Center for Immigration Studies, 202203

Centers for Disease Control, 37

Central Intelligence Agency, 21

Charlestown, Massachusetts, 46, 49, 5960

Cheyenne (tribe), 105

Chicago, Illinois, 117, 12021

Chicago Cubs (baseball team), 121

Chicago Tribune (newspaper), 151, 163

Chico, California, 9394

child-abduction scare of 1750 (Paris), 40

child sacrifice (by Catholic nuns), 17, 49, 5758, 63, 86

Chin, Gabriel, 98

Chinese Exclusion Act, 99, 141

Chinese scare in popular fiction, 9092

Chinese, 2, 10, 13, 17, 19, 41, 70, 80100

anti-Chinese laws, 9596

denial of public education, 97

equated with insects and animals, 81, 94

from public menace to model minority, 98100

Tom Kim Yung affair, 95

Christian Century (magazine), 155

Christianity and Crisis (magazine), 155

Christie, Chris, 185

chronic constipation, odds of dying from, 38

Chronicles of Mount Benedict, The (1837), 59

Cincinnati, Ohio, 120, 123

Cincinnati Post (newspaper), 171

Cincinnati Reds (baseball team), 33, 121

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, 132

Citizens Committee to Repeal Chinese Exclusion and Place Immigration on a Quota Basis, 99100

Civil Liberties Act of 1988, 159

Civil War (Spanish), 176

Civil War (United States), 18, 44, 63, 107

Clark, Hugh, 62

Cleveland Indians (baseball team), 121

Clinton, Hillary, 3637, 78

Clinton, Robert, 109

Coal Creek, Washington, 93

Code of Indian Offenses, 19, 101, 109, 114

Cohen, Daniel, 51, 56

Cohen, Stanley, 910, 22, 24

Collinsville, Illinois, 129


Catholic scare, 18, 47

Mexicans, 6672

Native Americans, 19, 10214

Puritans, 47

Committee on Public Information, 117

Committee on Selective Immigration, 149

Commonweal (magazine), 155

Communist “Red Scare,” 3133, 39, 41, 69, 127, 157, 180, 197, 207, 211

Constitution (US). See Amendments to the US Constitution

Continental European witch scare, 39

Convent's Doom; A Tale of Charleston in 1834, The (1854), 59

Cooke County, Florida, 130

Coumbe, Fritz, 121

Courts of Indian Offenses, 112

cows, threat from, 183

“crack babies” scare, 35

Creighton University, 156

crossers, 104105

Crow (tribe), 113

Cruz, Ted, 18586

Cubic Air Ordinance of 1870, 96

Curiel, Judge Gonzalo, 79

Cutter, Edward, 50

Czolgosz, Leon, 207

Daily Alta California (newspaper), 86

Daniels, Roger, 143, 153

Dateline NBC (television program), 18

Dearborn, Michigan, 169

Dearborn Independent (newspaper), 169

Debs, Eugene, 124

Defenseless America (1915), 127

Deitz, Marie, 130

Delano, Laura, 171

Desert Hawk, The (serial), 191

Detroit, Michigan, 25

DeWitt, John, 15859

Dillingham Commission of 1911, 202

DiMaggio, Joe, 154

Disney, Walt, 20

displaced aggression, 16

Ditton, Jason, 10

Dodd, William, 164

Dominican Republic, 172

Dooner, Pierton, 91

Dray, Philip, 36

DuBois, Josiah, 17576

Dufrèsne, Father, 54

Dunn, Lloyd, 7172

Durbrow, Elbridge, 173

Dutch Guiana, 172

East Alton, Illinois, 128

Easter Bunny, 101

Echo-Hawk, Walter, 102

Einsatzgruppen (Nazi death squads), 174

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 31

Elias, Robert, 101

Elk, Black, 110

Ellis, Charles, 133

Ellis Island, New York, 2729, 204

El Paso, Texas, 73

English Defense League, 137

Erbelding, Rebecca, 174

Escalante, Jaime, 71

Espionage Act of 1917, 124

Eugenic Immigration League, 148

eugenics, 7376, 14849, 151, 155, 157, 16670

American-Nazi connection, 151, 157, 16670

as science, 7376

decline of, 155, 166

and Mein Kampf, 151

racist ideology, 14851

sterilizations of Hispanics, 7476

euthanasia, 151, 168

Evans, James, 69, 8788

Executive Order 10450 (terminating suspected homosexuals), 31

Executive Order 9066 (interning Japanese Americans), 152, 154

Fair Pretender (1915), 126

falling TV sets, threat from, 21

Fall of a Nation, The (1916), 128

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 26, 32, 154, 17780, 187, 19596

Female Convents: Secrets of Nunneries Disclosed (1834), 48

Fenwick, Benedict, 50

Field, Stephen, 90

Fifteenth Amendment, 77

Fifth Amendment, 154

fifth column, 152, 17680

Finkelman, Paul, 121

flash floods, risk from, 38

Flint, Michigan, 25

Florida Female College, 131

Fluhrer, John, 121

Flying Torpedo, The (1916), 128

Folk Devils and Moral Panics (1972), 22

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 25

Ford, Clellan, 210

Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States (1835), 45

Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, 134

Fourteenth Amendment, 82, 147

Fox News, 19293

Friedman, Saul, 178

Friedrich III (emperor), 120

Gainesville, Florida, 130

Galveston News, 170

Gardner, Frederick, 123

Garfield, James, 94

Garfield High School (Los Angeles, California), 7071

Garland, Nebraska, 121

Gates, W. Almont, 145

General Crimes Act of March 1817, 107

Geneva, Switzerland, 173

genital size, immigrants rejected for, 28, 37

George Washington Benevolent Aid Society, 120

Gerard, James, 123

German Foreign Office, 118

Germans, 17, 2023, 39, 41, 43, 4647, 6263, 86, 11539, 151, 15354, 157, 16081, 200, 20811

dehumanized, 11617

depicted in cartoons, 116

general rumors, 13031

poisoning bandages, 11516

sabotage and invasion rumors, 11719

spy pigeon rumors, 116

sinking of the Lusitania, 119

spy scare, 12227

vigilante justice, 12830

war on German music, 13136

Germantown, Indiana, 121

Germantown, Nebraska, 121

Germantown, Texas, 121

“Ghost Dance,” 11012

Giddings Deutsches Volksblatt (German newspaper), 129

Gila River, Arizona, 152

Goebbels, Joseph, 161

Goethe, Charles, 75

Goffman, Erving, 12

Gómez, Antonio, 6566

Gondi, Jean François Paul de, 201

Gonzalez, Alberto, 18

Good, Sarah, 23

Goode, Erich, 13, 106

Grant, Madison, 26, 149

Great Depression, 19, 76, 162

Greeley, Horace, 80

Greensboro, Tennessee, 130

Gregory, Thomas, 122

Griffin, Susan, 58

Groh, Heinie, 121

“Ground Zero Mosque,” 24

Guggenheim, Paul, 173

gun violence statistics, 3637

Gutman, Jeremiah, 114

Guyenne, France, 39

Hackensack, New Jersey, 26

Halloween-candy-tampering scares, 2426

Hamburg, Germany, 172

Hannah Corcoran: An Authentic Narrative of Her Conversion from Romanism (1853), 59

Hannity, Sean, 46

Hansen, Chris, 18

Happy Hunting Ground, 111

Harding, William, 125

Harlan, John Marshall, 9798

Hart, Bret, 89

Hazelton, George, 94

Hearst Corporation, 147

Heart Mountain, Wyoming, 152

Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of New York City, 27

Heidelberg University, 151, 168

Helena, Montana, 85

Henry VIII (king), 43, 47

Her Country First (1915), 12627

Hertz, Alfred, 132

Higginson, Henry, 133

Hiroshima, Japan, 156

Hispanics and IQ, 71, 75, 203204

Hitler, Adolf, 17, 22, 39, 149, 151, 155, 16181, 188, 209

Hodge, Bruce, 176, 178

Hogan, William, 59

Homeland (television program), 191

Homo rubescus, 103

homosexual scare, 3034

Hong Kong, 84

Hoover, Herbert, 76

Hoover, J. Edgar, 154, 177, 17980

Horsetown, California, 93

Horsman, Reginald, 67

House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, 148

House Un-American Activities Committee, 33

Houston, Texas, 124

Hoxie, Frederick, 11314

Hoyt, William, 56

Hrdlicka, Ales, 150

Huckabee, Mike, 186

Hutterites, 124

Hylan, John, 135

Ickes, Harold, 178

Immigration Act of 1891, 27

Immigration Act of 1903, 206

Immigration Act of 1917, 31

Immigration Act of 1924, 69

Immigration Restriction League, 148

Indian Removal Act of 1830, 107

Industrial Commission of 1901, 202

International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem (Ford), 169

internment camps for Japanese, 20, 13960, 175

Iranian hostage crisis of 1979–1981, 157

Irish Catholics, 44, 47, 62

Isaacs, Harold, 100

ISIS (Islamic State), 44, 182, 187, 197

Islamophobia, 18299

Italian Americans, 11, 139, 15354, 180

Jackson, Andrew, 102103

Jackson, Helen, 64

Jacobson, Matt, 11

Japanese, 17, 20, 41, 70, 98100, 13960, 165, 168, 175, 197, 207208

discrimination by US military, 15859

dropping of the atom bomb, 15657

internment camps, 20, 13960, 175

internment compensation, 15960

Japanese American scare, 13960

Pearl Harbor, 17, 9899, 139, 156, 158, 160

popular stereotypes, 160

racist ideology, 14851

Japanese American Citizens League, 144

Japanese American scare, 13960

Japanese Exclusion League, 143

Japanese internment camps, 20, 13960, 175

Jefferson, Thomas, 189

Jennings, Herbert Spencer, 150

Jews, 13, 2023, 27-28, 30, 73, 156, 160, 185, 190, 200, 208210

burned alive, 39

discrimination against Jewish refugees, 16181

Emma Lazarus, 16, 27, 204, 206207, 209

emergency, 16366

eugenics, 16670

ghettos, 108

inbred, 27

Kindertransport, 17071

Kristallnacht, 16465

mentally defective, 28

Nuremberg Laws, 155

refugee ships, 172

sex-ring panic, 40

spy scare, 9, 17, 21, 16181, 191, 197, 208209

sterilization and extermination, 149

well-poisoning rumors, 39

John, Sister Mary (Elizabeth Harrison), 4951

Johnson, Judy, 37

Johnson, Sydney, 3536

Jones, Claudia, 32

Journal of the American Medical Association (journal), 168

Juárez, Mexico, 73

kaiser, 13032, 191, 196, 235

Kaiser Friedrich Mutual Aid Society, 120

Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin, The (1918), 128

Kai-shek, Chiang, 99

Katz, Ariel, 25

Katzenjammer Kids (comic strip), 116

Kearney, Denis, 141

Kelley, Jolie, 139, 15455

Kennedy, Madge, 126

“kick-the-dog syndrome,” 16

Kindertransport (“children's transport”), 165

Kiowas (tribe), 112

Kipling, Rudyard, 102

Kitchen, Martin, 119

Know-Nothing Party, 6263

Kow, Ho Ah, 96

Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass), 164

Kuhn, Fritz, 166

Kunwald, Ernst, 132

Kuo, Joyce, 97

Kurita, Kenneth, Jr., 156

LaGuardia, Fiorello, 154

Lake George, New York, 180

Lakota (tribe), 110, 11213

LaPorte, Cheryl, 136

Last Days of the Republic (1880), 91

Laughlin, Harry, 14851, 168

Lavender Scare, 31

Lawrence, Thomas, 189

Lawrence of Arabia, 189

Lazarus, Emma, 16, 27, 204, 206207, 209

Ledyard, John, 189

leprosy, 40, 88

Less Than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others (2011), 12

Lexington Avenue Theater (New York City), 135

Liberty Bonds, 121, 126, 129

Life (magazine), 120

lightning strikes, threat from, 21, 183

Lincoln, Abraham, 34

Lincoln, Iowa, 121

Lindebner, Father, 110

Lindsey, Brink, 204

Linnaeus, Carolus, 103, 231

Lippmann, Walter, 182

Lira, Natalie, 74

literacy tests, 77

Liverpool, England, 119

Livingston Smith, David, 12

Long, Breckinridge, 17576

Los Angeles County, California, 76

Louis XV (king), 40

Louisville, Kentucky, 46, 62

Louisville Journal (newspaper), 62

Lower Manhattan, New York, 187

Lowie, Robert, 113

Luce, Henry, 100

Lusitania (ship), 119

Luther, Martin, 4647, 105

MacDonnell, Francis, 179

Madrid, Spain, 176

Manhattan Beach, California, 37

manifest destiny, 67

Maria Monk's Daughter (1874), 59

Marne, Michigan, 121

Marshall Law, 93

Martin, Vivian, 127

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 47, 181

Mateen, Omar, 187

Mathison, Carrie, 191

Maxim, Hudson, 12728

Mayberry-Lewis, David, 200

McCarthy, Joseph, 31, 33, 211

McCarthy, Maureen, 50

McClatchy, Valentine, 146

McClure, Addison, 94

McDougal, John, 86

McKinley, William, 207

McKinley High School (Honolulu, Hawaii), 156

McLaren, Angus, 33

McMartin Preschool scare, 37

McVeigh, Timothy, 187, 205

“Medicine Dance,” 112

Mein Kampf (Hitler), 151, 16970

Meloy, Michael, 145

Mennonites, 124

Mercantile Journal (Boston), 50

Mexican Americans and IQ, 71, 75, 203204

Mexican Repatriation, 76

Meyers, Christopher, 36

Middletown, California, 93

Military Intelligence Service, 159

Miller, Stephen, 205206, 209

Miller, Stuart, 86

moccasin, 105

Mods and Rockers, 22

Mola, Emilio, 176

Montreal, Canada, 5253, 56

Mooney, James, 158

Moore, Hannah, 199

moral panics, 910, 13, 1541, 18283, 191, 21011

Morgenthau, Henry, 167, 175

Morris, William (John Fluhrer), 121

Morse, Samuel, 45

Morse Code, 45

Mount Benedict boarding school, 49

Mousekian, Donabet, 29

Muck, Karl, 13234

Muenster, Texas, 128

Mundo, Oto, 92

Mungen, William, 91

Munich, Germany, 39, 188

Muslims, 9, 1213, 17, 19, 21, 30, 41, 43, 46, 63, 127, 13637, 159, 16162, 180, 18299, 200202, 205, 207, 21012

Arab calligraphy scare, 13637

exaggerated threat from, 9, 12, 17, 19, 2122, 24, 26, 30, 41, 44, 63, 125, 13637, 162, 18099, 205, 207, 21012

refugee scare, 16162, 18299

school scares, 13637

Trump ban on, 19, 21, 30,

Nagasaki, Japan, 156

Nagel, Charles, 120

Nation (magazine), 171

National Academies of Sciences, 202

National Museum (Washington, DC), 150

National Security League, 135

National Socialist League, 145

Nation's Peril, The (1915), 127

Native Americans, 17, 68, 87, 10114, 144, 15758, 165, 190, 200, 208

Bear Claw, 113

Blackfeet (tribe), 112

Cheyenne (tribe), 105

and citizenship, 19

Crow (tribe), 113

“Ghost Dance,” 11012

Indian Removal Act of 1830, 107

Kiowas (tribe), 112

Lakota (tribe), 110, 11213

“Medicine Dance,” 112

Ojibwe (tribe), 112

“red skins,” 103

Shoshone (tribe), 112

Sitting Bull, 110

traditional dances, 110

Wolf Tail, 112

Wovoka (medicine man), 111

Yurok (tribe), 104

nativists, 12, 13, 18

Navy Club, 135

Nazir, Abu, 191

Neale, Sister Isabella, 61

negrophobia, 3436

“New Colossus, The” (Lazarus), 27

New Haven, Connecticut, 116

New Hyde Park, New York, 187

New Orleans, Louisiana, 11

New World of Islam, The (1921), 190

New York City, 117, 119, 135, 154, 167

New York Commercial Advertiser (newspaper), 56

New York Journal-American (newspaper), 177

New York Metropolitan Opera House, 132

New York orphanage saga, 78

New York Philharmonic, 134

New York Post (newspaper), 177

New York Times (newspaper), 11, 31, 135, 150, 155, 168

New York Tribune (newspaper), 80, 126

New York World-Telegram (newspaper), 177

New York Yankees, 154

Niagara Falls, New York, 117

Nice, France, 188

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 155

Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht), 164

Nineteenth Amendment, 206

Nordic “races,” 6970, 74, 78, 140, 14850, 153, 162, 168

North Rhodesia, 172

Northwest Ordinance of 1787, 107

Nun of St. Ursula; or, the Burning of the Convent; a Romance of Mt. Benedict, The (1845), 59

Nuremberg Laws, 155, 164

Nuremberg trials, 151

Oahu, Hawaii, 156

Obama, Barack, 185

O'Bryan, Timothy, 25

Office of War Information, 152

Ojibwe (tribe), 112

Oklahoma City Federal Building, 187, 205

online sexual predators, 18

Order of Caucasians, 94

Order of the Star Spangled Banner, 45

Orlando, Florida, 187

Orleans, Massachusetts, 131

Osborne, Sarah, 23

Ottoman Empire, 190

Passing of the Great Race, The (1916), 149

Patria (1917), 14748

Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, 137

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 17, 9899, 139, 156, 158, 160

Peiping, China, 98

Pena, Ignacio, 7677

People (magazine), 38

Perils of Nyoka, The (1942), 191

Pershing, Indiana, 121

Pershing, John, 121

Pershing's Crusaders (1918), 128

Perth Amboy (tugboat), 131

Pets (magazine), 171

phantom Zeppelin sightings, 131

Phelan, James, 85, 141, 145

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 18, 46, 61

Philadelphia Board of Controllers, 61

pigeon rumors, 116, 131

Pigtail Ordinance of 1873, 96

Pine Ridge Reservation, 11213

Pittsburgh Press (newspaper), 177

Plecker, Walter, 169

Plessy v. Ferguson, 97

Pole Ordinance of 1870, 96

Police Gazette (newspaper), 88

Polk, James, 68

Pollock, Tom, 188

poll tax, 77

polygamy, 108, 190, 210

Pond, Gideon, 111

pope (Catholic), 18, 43, 45, 47, 48, 50, 196

Pope's Day (November 5), 47

Popular Science Monthly (magazine), 27

Portland, Oregon, 93

Prager, Robert, 129

Prekel, Henry, 125

Prentice, George, 62

Princeton Educational Testing Service, 70

Protestants, 4450, 5357, 59, 6163, 105, 107, 192

Providence, Rhode Island, 133

Puerto Ricans, 71

Pulse nightclub attack, 187

Puritans, 47, 181

Puyallup Fairgrounds, Washington State, 152

Quanza (ship), 172

race, as myth, 35, 71, 201, 208, 213

Ramji, Rubina, 190

Raskin, Israel, 28

Recovered Continent: A Tale of the Chinese Invasion, The (1898), 92

Red Cloud, 112

Red Deer, Robert, 113

Red Lake Reservation, Minnesota, 112

“red skins,” 103

Reed, Rebecca, 49, 5253, 59, 63

Reformation, 105

Reumschüssel, Anja E., 9, 12, 13

Richwine, Jason, 203

Riegner, Gerhart, 17374

Rising Tide of Color: The Threat Against White World-Supremacy, The (1920), 169

risks. See threats and risks

Riverheads High School (Virginia), 136

Robbins, Rossell, 106

Robin Hood, 33

Rockefeller Foundation, 169

Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory, 93

Rogers, Edith, 170

Roma (people), 149

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 172

Roosevelt, Franklin, 114, 152, 155, 16162, 16465, 167, 17376, 178, 180

Roosevelt, Theodore, 117, 133, 144, 190

Roscoe, Thomas, 48

Ross, Edward, 141

Rostow, Eugene, 153

Rubella, 120

Russo-Japanese War, 145

Sage, Rufus, 67

Saipov, Sayfullo, 187

Salem witch trials, 23, 181, 193

San Antonio Inquirer (newspaper), 124

San Francisco, California, 81, 85, 88, 9697, 132, 14143, 145

San Francisco Call (newspaper), 95

San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper), 142, 155

San Francisco City Council, 142

San Francisco Examiner (newspaper), 141

San Francisco Labor Council, 141

San Francisco Orchestra, 132

San Francisco School Board, 97, 143

Santa Anita Racetrack, California, 152

Santa Claus, 209

Santa Monica, California, 25

Santayana, George, 15

Satanic cults, 17, 198

“scalp-dance,” 110

Schiller, Friedrich, 209

Schneider, Carl, 151

Schroeder, Paul, 121

Schroeder, Texas, 121

Schulte, Eduard, 173

Scientific American (magazine), 128

Scott, Winfield, 158

Seal Harbor, Maine, 132

Selective Service Act, 124

Sells, Cato, 112

Seneca the Elder, 182

serial killers, 17

Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1926), 189

Seventh Cavalry, 111

Shadows of the West (1920), 147

Shahada (Muslim prayer), 136, 194

Shakespeare, William, 161

Shasta County, California, 9293

Shenanigan Kids (comic strip), 116

Sherman, Fraser, 12627

Sherwood, Percy, 117

Shoemaker, Nancy, 103

Short and Truthful History of the Taking of Oregon and California by the Chinese, A (1882), 9192

Shoshone (tribe), 112

Sitting Bull, 110

Six Hours in a Convent (1857), 59

Six Months a Nun (no date), 59

Six Months in a Convent (1835), 52, 59

Six Months in a House of Correction (1835), 59

Sixth Amendment, 154

small pox, 88, 91, 111

Smith, Eli, 189

Smithsonian Institution, 212

social Darwinism, 74, 149

social-panic checklist, 3639

“sociopathic personality disturbance” (classification of homosexuality), 34

South Dakota, 111, 125

Spanish Civil War, 176

Spickard, Paul, 15354

Squak Valley, Washington state, 93

SS Einsatzgruppen (Nazi death squads), 174

Stalin, Joseph, 31

Stand and Deliver (1988), 71

Stanford, Leland, 86

Stanford University, 141, 144

“Star-Spangled Banner, The,” (US national anthem) 45, 133

Statue of Liberty, 16, 27, 41, 204, 206, 208209

Stimpson, Henry, 158

St. Louis (ship), 172

St. Louis, Missouri, 46, 120

Stockton, Clay, 93

Stoddard, Lothrop, 6970, 169, 190

Stokes, Rose, 124

Stone, William, 5657

Stop Islamization of America, 137

“sun-dance,” 110

Surgeon General (US), 28

Sussman, Robert, 16768, 187, 213

Swift, Henry, 11112

Syrian refugee scare, 22, 38, 18586

Tacoma, Washington, 93

Taft, Robert, 171

Taira, Katelyn, 159

Tampa Morning Tribune (newspaper), 130

Teller, Henry, 10910

Testimony of an Escaped Novice from the Sisterhood of St. Joseph, The (1855), 48

theory of disharmonious crossings (Laughlin), 150

Thirteenth Amendment, 206

Thorndale, Texas, 66

threats and risks

from cows, 183

from falling TV sets, 21

from flash floods, 38

from lightning strikes, 21, 183

from vending machines, 21

Time (magazine), 38, 100, 180

Tituba (witchcraft accusations against), 23

Tooth Fairy, 101, 209

Totson, Kevin, 25

Treaty of Versailles, 135, 163

Treaty of Wyandot, 107

Trump, Donald J., 1213, 19, 21, 44, 63, 65. 76. 7879, 87, 159, 18385, 19798, 201, 205, 207, 21112

Turner, Mary, 36

Twain, Mark, 189

Twenty-Fourth Amendment, 77

Tyler Kent Affair, 177

Under Four Flags (1918), 128

Ursulines, 49

US Constitution. See Amendments to the US Constitution

Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), 118

Van Schaack, Eric, 127

Variety (magazine), 127

vending machines, threat from, 21

video-game violence, 17

Volksblatt und Freiheitsfreund (newspaper), 12122

Vozzo, Domenico, 2930

Wagner, Robert, 17071

Waldenrath, Alexander, 122

“war-dance,” 110

War Department, 20, 152, 159

Warfield, Edwin, 133

War Refugee Board, 176

Washington, George, 120, 189

Washington College, 61

Washington Post (newspaper), 126, 197

Washington Times-Herald (newspaper), 31

Watson, Tara, 203

Weber, David, 68

Wherry, Keith, 31

Whiteness of a Different Color (1891), 11

white people

“White Man's Burden,” 102

white slavery scare, 40

See also race, as myth

Whitney, Atwell, 90

Wickersham Commission of 1931, 202

Wiederhold, Patrick, 25

Wilson, Woodrow, 120, 122, 148, 211

Wise, Stephen, 17374

witches, 2324, 3133, 39, 106, 181, 193

Salem, 23, 3233, 181, 193

witch-hunts, 3132, 39, 135, 193, 199, 211

Wolfgang Goethe, Johann, 209

Wolf Tail, 112

Woltor, Robert, 9192

Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation (1917), 128

World Jewish Congress, 173

World Trade Center, 24

Wounded Knee, South Dakota, 11011

Wovoka (medicine man), 111

Wu, William, 91

Wüstenbecker, Katja, 115

Wyman, David, 175

Xilomenos, Nicolaos, 29

“Yarbtown,” California, 90

Young, Jock, 9

Young, John, 143

Young, Rosamond, 134

Younger, Maud, 146

Yung, Tom Kim, 95

Yurok (tribe), 104

Zeppelin Attack on New York (1917), 128

Zyklon B, 73