Stechelberg (910m) – Obersteinberg (1778m) – Stechelberg
Start Stechelberg (910m)
Distance 9km
Height gain 868m
Height loss 868m
Grade 2–3
Time 4½hrs
Location South of Stechelberg

This walk is a loop trip which, coupled with a side journey to the Oberhornsee (Route 46), or a lengthy lunch stop at Berghotel Obersteinberg, would make a rewarding full day’s outing.

Follow Route 44 to Obersteinberg (2½hrs accommodation, refreshments) and continue along the path beyond the hotel heading northeast over pastureland. After about 15mins you come to Hotel Tschingelhorn (1678m accommodation, refreshments), another rustic mountain inn standing in an isolated position on the edge of woodland (Tel 33 855 13 43). The path forks just beyond the hotel, and both options lead to Stechelberg.

Ignore the right-hand path and continue ahead. The trail loses height, steeply in places, but always clear. Eventually you will come to another junction of tracks. One leads to the Sefinental and Gimmelwald, the other cuts down to Stechelberg. Take the descending path to the right. On the way down you cross an open bluff of pastureland with a farm and barn upon it, and with fine views down into the Lauterbrunnental. Shortly after this you rejoin the path used on the upward route and wander down the familiar trail to Stechelberg.