The only constant these days is change, as the saying goes. And for managers the ability to lead change is becoming a core competency. To be sure, we aren’t advocating change for change’s sake. Rather, we are simply recognizing that it is the only way to stay ahead.

For instance, when you assume responsibility for leading your team of five persons, you may realize within a short while that there are some glaring inefficiencies in the way responsibilities are distributed among your subordinates. As a result, some people are overworked while others seem to be having an easy time. This is the legacy you have inherited from the previous manager who has moved on. Now what?

You can either maintain the status quo or make changes to put things right. What will you do? Either approach will have its consequences. Deciding to do nothing will impact the team’s overall productivity. Ultimately, the buck will stop at your door. That’s why you’re the boss. And if you decide to make changes, it isn’t going to be easy as well.

Consider this quote written 500 years ago:

“There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who could benefit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders by all those who could benefit by the new order. This lukewarmness arises from the incredulity of mankind who do not truly believe in anything new until they have had actual experience with it.”
— Niccolo Machiavelli


Clearly, resistance to change is not a 21st century phenomenon. It has been biologically hard-wired in humans through the ages. That’s how mankind has survived: by hanging on to what has worked in the past as it gives us a sense of comfort and security. Most of us aren’t too keen to try new ways because none of us really knows whether they will work. Better to be safe than sorry, many would think.

Just look back at your leadership journey since you became a manager. Much as you have realized that as you move higher up, you will have to behave differently, how easy has it been for you to let go of old ways of doing things?

When people are faced with change, they will react in a predictable manner as they go through a state of transition (Bridges and Mitchell). There are three phases as Diagram 20.1 illustrates.


Diagram 20.1: The change model


Phase 1: Letting go

When people are faced with change, the instinctive response is to deny that change is necessary. Letting go is difficult because you are asking them to abandon the old and familiar for the unknown and uncertain. It means not doing things that have made them successful. Relationship, routine and work environment may no longer be the same. Hence their whole world of experience, their identity and indeed their reality, will be impacted.


Phase 2: Shifting into neutral zone

Even as people reluctantly agree to let go of old ways, it does not mean they know what the new ways are or how to embrace them. The neutral zone is fraught with uncertainty and doubts. There is a lot of struggle going on. In fact, people may move two steps forward and take one step backwards. This also represents a time and opportunity for people to face up to their inner fears and discover new energy and purpose. Sufficient time should be allowed for people to come to terms with the need to change and deal with themselves. Leaders need to be patient. If done well, people will be better prepared for the third phase.


Phase 3: Moving forward

When the leader and his people have hashed out all the concerns that have surfaced, they will enter the third phase where they are ready for a new beginning. This is where people shift from reflection and contemplation to the more practical aspects of implementation and making the change work. It is tough because in trying out new ways, mistakes will be made and progress may be slow. Leaders need to demonstrate a sense of optimism while providing support.


Many well-intentioned managers literally gush with excitement about ideas that they would like to implement. Resistance as we have said is to be expected. However, if they recognize the following principles governing change, their chances for garnering support and buy-in will be much greater:

♦   Slow down and let people catch up. The higher up the management level you are, the more ready you are to bring about change. That’s because you already have had a lot of time to reconcile mentally and emotionally with the idea of change. When you talk to your people, realize that you are ahead of the curve. Therefore, don’t rush. Allow sufficient time for your people to catch up.

♦   Know that it’s natural for people to resist change. Anticipate this and be prepared to address their concerns.

♦   When change is contemplated, two forces are at work in opposition to each other. Restraining forces comprise fears, doubts, uncertainties, insecurities, etc. The driving forces will be all the good that the change will bring. Persuasion is possible only if your constituents believe that the benefits outweigh the costs involved, especially personal costs. Personal costs may the following: (a) giving up the familiar and comfortable, (b) overseeing fewer people, which means a loss of status and face, (c) needing to learn new skills while fearful that one may not be able to make it, etc.

♦   Your team will not change unless the individual members change. Only by changing them, or the way they think and behave, can you change the team or the organization.

The following describes a framework for effectively leading and managing change.


1. Explain why the change is necessary

Do it in a compelling and succinct manner. Take no more than a few minutes. State clearly: What is the change? Why is it needed? What will be the consequences if we don’t change? What are the benefits if we change?

2. Provide sufficient information about the change

Share information about what the change entails: what, who, when, where and how. Discuss the rationale. Openly explain your own perspectives. Address the pros and cons for making the change. Tell your people why you are in favour of going ahead.


3. Allow time to surface and address concerns

Encourage people to ask questions about how the change will affect them personally. Not everybody is comfortable speaking up though. Hopefully before the meeting on change takes place, you would have established a sense of trust and rapport with your team members.

At this point, your ability to listen, be empathetic, ask questions and provide space for people to voice their innermost thoughts will be vital. Watch and observe how people are reacting. Not everybody responds the same way. Some are more ready to express their thoughts than others.

These are some common questions. Not all will be articulated though. You may even have to tease them out of the people.

♦   How will I be equipped with the new skills required?

♦   In the new set-up, I think my scope of work is reduced. I will lose face.

♦   You are asking me to do more than in the past. What’s in it for me (WIIFM)?

♦   I’m really uncomfortable. I’m not sure that I can do it.

♦   Will there be additional resources that I can draw on?

It is sensible to adjourn the discussions at the end of Step 3. Let them mull over what you have said for a few days before resuming discussions and moving on to Step 4. It is unlikely that you have heard and addressed everything. Use the breaks in discussions to speak to the more quiet ones individually. Also, you may know that some team members have greater influence over others. Seek these informal leaders out and ask them for their opinions. Incorporate suggestions from them. Co-opt them as allies.

Encourage people to talk among themselves. Tell them you are also available for informal chats. Once you sense that people are letting go of the past, start involving them in planning the implementation.


4. Communicate the implementation plan

At the resumption of discussions, invite thoughts and questions. Perhaps, this is where you may request the influential informal leaders to share their views. A word from one of the guys, especially a well-respected one, may sometimes carry more weight than the same from someone who represents management: you.

The leader will now outline the overall implementation plan, calling out the key areas. Involve other members to explain the execution. Invite input and tweak where necessary. Maximize participation so that everyone has a role to play. Create a sense of ownership by letting people be responsible for different parts of the plan.

Listen and ask questions. Then end with an action plan with milestones and accountabilities defined.


5. Generate and celebrate small wins

Have regular progress reviews with your people. Expect some teething issues. Help the team address these. Also, some people may not be progressing as fast as others. Be patient and provide support. It is better to speak individually to team members who need more attention from you. Remember to carry out your part of the bargain to provide training and other support, and gather the team to celebrate small wins. This will be a booster that individuals and the team as a whole need.


6. Debrief and refine

When the change has been completely implemented, invite the team to share lessons learnt. Recognize the team for their contribution. Discuss how the plan can be further refined to be even more effective. Encourage shared leadership, i.e. all members have to feel that they have ownership in the overall success and that they can make a difference by offering suggestions. Again, remember to celebrate success.

There will be times when some team members just simply refuse to go along with the change that is necessary. What then do you do? This is another instance when you may need to have a difficult conversation.


♦   Although it is necessary to keep changing in order to stay ahead, people will naturally resist change.

♦   All changes start with the individuals. If they don’t change, the teams or organizations will not change. The change management framework will help you to lead and manage change effectively.


Q1:   When was the last time a change was implemented in your company? How well was the change communicated and implemented?

Q2:   If you were tasked with leading the change in Q1, how would you approach it?