Why a book on the first-time manager? Isn’t learning how to manage people something that comes naturally as you progress up the ladder in your career? And, frankly, looking at the managers around you, haven’t these people picked things up on their own through trial and error?

In this introduction, I would like to address all these thoughts, as well as a few others, that may come to your mind as you make that first leap into the ranks of management.

First, let me start with a few words on my corporate journey, and how I became the author of this book. I began my life in corporations more than 30 years ago, embarking on what has turned out to be a two-part career: first as a corporate executive and then as a leadership consultant.

For the first 20-odd years, I worked for various U.S. and European multinationals. I assumed my first role as a manager at the ripe age of 26. In the years ahead, I worked in various disciplines such as engineering, marketing, sales and general management. My last position held was that of Asia-Pacific vice-president of an American high-tech corporation. Then, I decided that it was time for me to venture out on my own and do something that has always been my passion: developing people. That was the start of my second career, and I’ve been doing it for the last 12 years. In this capacity, I worked with high-potential managers ranging from young 20-somethings to experienced and battle-hardened 50-somethings to do only one thing: enhance their success and effectiveness as leaders in corporations.

Truth be told, I’m having much more fun and satisfaction working with people than running businesses. And this is something that I will talk a little more about later in this book.

So why should you spend your time reading a book on the first-time manager? To answer this question, please sit back and imagine that you are about to embark on a new project of great importance to your company. You are the leader of a team of specialists, many of whom you are meeting for the first time. What’s the feeling like?

You’d probably feel a tinge of excitement running down your spine. At the same time, you are gripped with some uncertainty and insecurity too. These are some typical questions that you may have:

♦   What am I expected to do?

♦   How will my success be defined?

♦   What are some challenges that I will face? How can I tackle them successfully?

♦   Are there some new skills and knowledge that I will need? How do I acquire these?

♦   What’s unique about my new role that I must quickly come to grips with?

♦   I don’t know enough about my co-workers. How should I behave towards them?

♦   How can I get the most out of my team?

♦   I’m the boss now. If any of my guys get out of line, how should I crack the whip?

♦   I’m not that comfortable with my boss. What should I do?

♦   Will I be successful by focusing on doing my job in the best possible way? Or do I need to network and play politics like some managers I know?

♦   Are there some pitfalls that I must avoid?

♦   What will help me become more successful?


What are your chances of success then? Most first-time managers, flushed with the idea of becoming a boss for the first time in their career, will think the odds are in their favour.

Having worked with thousands of such managers in various organizations around the world, my observation is that making this transition from an individual contributor to a manager is fraught with difficulties. Nearly all struggle with the new challenges ahead. They soon face a stark reality. They are pretty much on their own and there is no honeymoon period, so to speak. Their superiors expect them to prove their worth from the word “Go”. And, by the way, please don’t expect much help from bosses. They are under pressure as well and simply too busy to provide guidance to their rookie managers.

However, first-time managers are a hardy and resilient lot. With some help, the majority will make it. Unfortunately, for some people, the experience will be an unpleasant one. Sadly, some will soon decide that being a manager is not their thing. Perhaps, they really don’t have what it takes to become managers, they and their bosses will quickly conclude. It is better for them to revert to their previous level and be a specialist or individual contributor. Or does it really have to be this way?


Many years ago, I came across a charmingly facetious book about organizational life written by a Canadian educational psychologist, Laurence Peter. It is called The Peter Principle.

“In any organization, people tend to rise to their level of incompetence.”
— The Peter Principle

This maxim has intrigued me for many decades since then. I have seen many bright, young and promising people getting themselves trapped by The Peter Principle and never achieving their potential as managers and leaders. Yet, I have also worked with countless managers who are better prepared mentally and emotionally for the journey. The speed bumps are still there. There will be tough challenges. But they are much better equipped to handle them. Many of these people not only excel as first-time managers but proceed to move up the next few levels, adding immense value to their organizations and the people with whom they work.

You don’t have to fear The Peter Principle. It can be circumvented and I’ll show you how.

I would like to graphically illustrate the value of this book to first-time managers by using the imagery of a novice explorer venturing into the wilderness. These are what you will get:

1.   A map and compass for your journey.

2.   A set of useful tools that will help you overcome obstacles along the way. These tools will enable you to make improvisations according to the situations at your workplace.

3.   An experienced tour guide who shares lessons learnt from other travellers before you so that you can avoid pitfalls and hidden traps. These will be shared through managerial anecdotes sprinkled through the various chapters. Though most of these situations are real, some background details have been modified and pseudonyms are used.

4.   A telescope. Why? With the above you’re all set for the here and now. A telescope helps you to peek a little beyond your immediate destination, and prepare you for the next steps in your career.


I would further add that this book is written for managing in an Asian environment. It is meant for Asian managers and their Western counterparts who will work alongside each other in Asia. With China and India fast becoming economic powerhouses, more and more investments are heading towards Asia. Increasingly there will be more Asian managers reaching the upper rungs of management. At the same time, Western managers, especially the younger ones, will want to be stationed in Asia, not just for short-term assignments, but for the long haul.

These self-confident, rising Asian managers and the curious, young Western managers know that it is no longer tenable to apply Western management practices without adaptation. There is visible pride in things Chinese and Indian. This book will therefore blend the best of Western thinking and Eastern wisdom.


This book will be most helpful for the thousands of young people promoted into managerial responsibilities for the first time each year.

Experienced and more senior managers who are facing challenges in leading and managing may find the topics a useful refresher, as they will offer new insights on managing and leading. There is a truism about managing that is worth reminding ourselves about. As we move upwards and acquire even more responsibilities, the basics do not change or become less relevant. True, we’ll need to adapt our management styles to more complex situations. Also true is the fact that we’ll also need to constantly reinvent ourselves and broaden our repertoire. But we must never lose sight of the basics.

Well-meaning bosses of first-time managers, who are increasingly aware of their pivotal role in helping their new managers succeed, will find this a useful resource. I have also included in the appendices practical information and insights for learning and development practitioners, consultants, academics and executive coaches, who are involved in setting up and delivering leadership development programmes for high-potential employees.


The first-time manager is a very busy person with many things on her mind, conflicting priorities and insufficient time to get all these accomplished. In writing this book, I have adopted a straightforward, pragmatic and conversational approach. The reading experience is very much like you, the reader, and I are engaged in a friendly and candid chat one topic at a time.

Please note that throughout this book, I will use the pronouns “he” and “she” interchangeably. In my experience, men and women can be equally effective as managers. In fact, I think organizational effectiveness will be further enhanced if more women move up the hierarchy. Various studies in the United States and Europe such as those by McKinsey and Catalyst have shown that companies with the highest proportion of female directors are more profitable and efficient, on the average, than those with the lowest.1

You will find 26 brief and easy-to-read chapters that will contain practical ideas that you will need to know and act on. Browse through the book very quickly the first time round to get a feel of what is in store for you. Then come back again and again one chapter at a time. Highlight the pages. Dog-ear them. Write margin notes. Keep a notebook handy so that you can jot down ideas that you find useful.

At the end of each chapter, are the Anchors and Deep Dive segments, identified by corresponding icons. Anchors are a summary of key takeaways. Deep Dive poses provocative questions for you to reflect on. More importantly, act on them at the workplace.

To conclude this introduction, I’d like to share a Chinese saying.

“Learning without thinking is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous.”
— Confucius

Let’s go one step further by reminding ourselves,

“Action without knowledge is irresponsible; Knowledge without action is a waste of time.”

I welcome feedback from readers. Please email me at You can also visit our website at

My hope is that this book will in some small way facilitate the development of new managers who will spearhead Asia’s growth in the 21st century.

Thank you.

—BH Tan