burial place of, 95
and Sodom and Gomorrah, 66
accidental, the: vs. the universal, 250
accounting: death and, 198
before God, 16
on judgment day, 73
and salvation, 272
of self, 44
Adam, 225
and Eve, 126
and serpent, 127
Adler, Adolph Peter: as author, 471-72
admonition: concern in, 238
concerned truth of, 239
as good gift, 149-50
and humility, 150
of Paul, 321
of Preacher, 236-40
and single individual, 238-40
Adresseavisen, 471
adult: and Job, 112
piety of, 386
Advent, 427
adversity: courage in, 92
faith in, 26
hope in, 94
and single individual, 88. See also anxiety; despair
Aesop: Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri, 536
“Vulpis et Ciconia,” 536
Agrippa: and Paul, 342
price of commodity, 378-79
riding horse, 450-51
stars, 19
sundial, 276
tower, 188, 361-62, 366, 458, 504
warrior, 269
and death, 430
at pool of Bethesda, 11
of Satan, 328-29, 331, 340, 342, 456
anger: and life, 37-39
vs. love, 56
unrighteousness of, 138
Anna, 425
in expectancy, 208-13, 219, 222-25
and patience, 213
as prophet, 217-18
widowhood of, 209-10
anon., Tillæg til den evangelisk-christelige Psalmebog, 537
anxiety: in defiance, 110-11
and love, 60
single individual in, 110-11
soul in, 184-86
in spiritual trial, 97
and wish, 12. See also adversity; despair
apostle: authority of, 70, 329
and congregation, 70-71, 141-43
as God’s co-worker, 333
as guide, 135-36
humility of, 340
and love, 435
and single individual, 82, 136-38
speech of, 70
and spiritual trial, 331
suffering of, 330-35
upbuilding by, 329
weakness of, 305-06
as witness, 82-84. See also individual apostles
Aristotle: doctrine of virtue of, 468
on God, 513
Metaphysics, 513
Nicomachean Ethics, 507
Works, 507
Ark of the Covenant, 267
Arndt, Johann, Die deutsche Theologie mit einer Vorrede von Dr. M. Luther und Johann Arnd, 511
Sämtliche geistreiche Bücher vom wahren Christenthum, 529
art: suffering in, 472-73
Augustine: on love, 434
Opera, 534
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 537
authority: of apostle, 70, 329
in authorship, 179
of Bible, 472
of experience, 238
of the good, 359. See also without authority
awakening, 430
discourses for, 476
of inner being, 439
and sleeping, 427
vs. upbuilding, 483
Balle, Nicolai Edinger, Lærebog i den Evangelisk-christelige Religion indrettet, til Brug i de danske Skoler, 521
baptism, 278
beatitude, 454
of heaven, 345
silence of, 338
and suffering, 335
Bedested, 261
Beundring, 225
Bias, 509
BIBLE, 472
Sirach 4:18, 139; 19:26-27, 60; 28:8, 63
Wisdom of Solomon 2:1, 241; 2:6, 241; 2:8, 241
New Testament
Acts 1:3, 535; 1:9, 506, 514; 2:3, 506; 5:9, 283; 7:48, 527; 7:55-56, 514, 528; 7:58, 528; 9:1-30, 523; 9:1-2, 528; 14:11, 527; 14:17, 511; 14:22, 527; 17:28, 514, 522; 20:35, 515; 24:15, 520, 536; 26:14, 528; 26:24, 523, 529; 27:22, 509
Colossians 1:11, 222; 2:8, 268; 2:20, 527; 3:1-2, 136; 4:2, 514
I Corinthians 1:9, 505; 1:18, 510; 1:22-23, 523; 1:23, 528; 2:9, 511, 523; 2:13-15, 527; 3:1-2, 513; 3:2, 517; 3:9, 510, 525, 528; 3:19, 506; 4:2, 515; 6:3, 509; 7:21, 514; 7:29-33, 514; 7:31, 511; 8:1, 503; 9:7, 527; 9:9, 523; 9:22, 509, 528; 9:24-26, 518; 9:24, 508, 527; 9:26, 509, 510, 517, 523, 526, 528; 10:13, 505, 511, 512, 519, 527; 10:23, 503; 12:31, 514; 13, 507, 509; 13:1, 513, 531; 13:7, 509; 13:11, 521, 532; 13:12, 506, 512, 523, 532; 14:3, 503; 14:8, 239; 14:26, 536; 15:2, 239; 15:9, 343; 15:19, 263; 15:42, 512, 521, 534; 15:53-54, 521
II Corinthians 1:23, 510, 527; 4:7-18, 253-73; 4:7, 215, 528, 536; 4:16, 507, 510, 527; 4:17, 523, 526; 4:18, 523; 5:7, 522; 5:11, 531; 5:13, 538; 5:17, 526, 528; 6:3-10, 527; 6:4-5, 523; 6:8, 527; 6:10, 510, 511; 6:14, 509; 7:9-10, 523; 9:7, 506, 514; 10:10, 528; 11:1, 506; 11:17, 506; 11:21, 506; 11:23-27, 527; 11:29-30, 526; 11:30, 527; 12:2-5, 523; 12:5, 527; 12:7, 327-46; 12:9, 526; 12:14-18, 528
Ephesians 1:10, 519; 2:3, 511; 2:19, 519; 3:13-19, 512; 3:13, 80-101, 510; 3:16, 510; 4:26, 514; 4:30, 514; 6:5, 531; 6:11, 529; 6:12, 506, 514; 6:13, 121
Galatians 1:13-16, 523; 1:15-16, 510; 1:16, 514; 2:2, 510; 2:4, 527; 2:17, 528; 3:23-29, 8-29; 3:24-25, 505; 3:24, 530; 3:28, 520; 4:3, 508; 4:4, 519; 5:20-23, 509; 6:4, 530; 6:7, 258; 6:14, 527; 6:15, 528
Hebrews 1:1, 508; 4:7, 519; 4:12, 509; 5:8, 511; 6:4, 518; 6:13, 518; 9:27, 509; 10:39, 517; 11:9, 519, 528; 11:13, 519; 12:6, 512; 12:13, 529; 13:9, 302
James 1:9-10, 142; 1:13, 506; 1:14, 506; 1:16, 32; 1:17-22, 32-48, 125-39, 141-58; 1:17, 505, 512, 528; 1:19-20, 514; 1:21, 517; 1:22-25, 517; 1:23-24, 517; 1:27, 531; 2:1, 514; 2:2-4, 514; 2:8, 514; 2:13, 509; 2:19, 517; 2:25, 275; 4:4, 258; 4:5, 283; 4:13-15, 518; 4:13, 510; 4:14, 510; 5:7, 506, 516; 5:9, 289; 5:16, 509; 5:20, 509, 517
John 1:15, 525; 1:19, 525; 1:23, 524, 525; 1:27, 524; 2:1-11, 526, 531; 3:1-2, 531; 3:8, 506; 3:21, 518; 3:26, 524; 3:27, 286, 517; 3:29-30, 275-89; 3:29, 286; 4:24, 511; 5:1-9, 505; 5:2-7, 519; 5:44, 509; 6:12, 523; 8:1-11, 514; 8:3-11, 509, 534; 8:9, 514; 8:56, 519, 524; 9:4, 509, 515; 9:6-11, 515; 11:4, 524, 526; 14:2-3, 506, 523; 14:3, 532; 14:16, 532; 14:23, 525; 14:26, 532; 15:26, 532; 16:7, 532; 16:16, 506; 16:21, 525; 18:15-17, 515; 18:21, 533; 18:25-27, 515; 18:38, 524
I John 2:2, 537; 2:15, 532; 2:17, 520, 522; 3:2, 517; 3:20, 506, 508; 4:8, 527, 537; 4:10, 506; 4:16, 527, 537; 4:17, 528; 4:18, 520, 528; 4:19, 506, 533; 4:20, 515; 5:4, 506, 527; 5:8, 506
Luke 1:5-25, 524; 1:26-56, 524; 1:37, 537; 2:22-38, 533; 2:25-38, 520; 2:33-40, 205-26; 2:38, 520; 3:7-9, 525; 5:5, 516; 6:22, 536; 6:26, 536; 7:11-16, 529, 531; 7:28, 534; 7:36-50, 510; 7:47, 510, 531, 532; 7:41, 508; 8:15, 506, 512, 517; 9:24-25, 531; 9:59-60, 523; 10:23-24, 520; 10:23, 535; 10:24, 524; 10:30-35, 519; 10:42, 505, 513, 517, 523, 529, 530; 11:13, 129, 514; 11:21-22, 513; 11:26, 521, 527; 11:46, 519; 12:6-7, 530; 12:16-21, 510; 12:18, 511; 12:20, 519; 12:21, 528; 12:24, 523, 534; 12:27, 523; 12:34, 520; 12:42-48, 525; 13:6-9, 520; 13:29, 526; 14:12, 514; 14:28-30, 517, 530; 15:3-4, 522; 15:8, 522; 15:16, 513; 15:20-24, 509; 15:20, 523; 16:2, 511, 517; 16:3, 518; 16:9, 515, 523; 16:16, 514; 16:19-25, 534; 16:20-22, 528; 16:21, 505, 515; 16:23, 523; 17:5, 506; 17:10, 524, 530, 531; 18:1-5, 515; 18:2-5, 534; 18:9-14, 510; 18:11, 506; 19:12-27, 525; 19:12-26, 520; 19:17, 520; 20:25, 523; 20:47, 522; 21:1-4, 534; 21:19, 159-75, 181-203, 506; 21:25-26, 517; 21:26, 517; 22:45-46, 534; 22:48, 515; 23:28, 520; 23:29, 520; 23:43, 507, 519, 524, 530
Mark 1:6, 524; 2:1-12, 531; 2:20, 510; 2:22, 524; 3:22-23, 527; 3:24-25, 524; 3:27, 513; 4:9, 513; 5:1-13, 531; 5:2-3, 527; 7:11, 514; 7:22, 508; 8:1-8, 514; 8:34-37, 531; 8:36-37, 516, 521; 8:36, 514, 515; 9:2, 529; 9:29, 520; 9:43-48, 512; 9:43, 526; 9:47, 526; 9:48, 525, 531; 10:9, 523; 10:20, 524; 10:21-22, 523; 10:23, 511; 10:25, 523; 10:46-52, 531; 10:49, 525; 11:13-14, 520; 12:1-9, 525; 12:17, 510, 517, 523; 12:25, 520; 12:30-33, 505; 12:31, 514; 12:40, 522; 12:41-44, 512, 530; 12:42-44, 507, 534; 13:14, 516; 13:19-20, 509; 13:32, 522, 532; 14:37, 527, 534; 14:45, 515; 15:31, 519
Matthew 1:18-25, 524; 2:9-11, 520; 2:16, 525; 3:3, 524, 525; 3:7-10, 525; 3:11, 524; 4:1-9, 514; 4:5-8, 518; 4:8-9, 511; 5:1-12, 520; 5:3, 531; 5:8, 508, 531; 5:11, 536; 5:22, 508; 5:23-24, 515; 5:25, 531; 5:26, 530; 5:28, 514; 5:39-41, 509; 6:2, 515, 524; 6:3, 513, 515; 6:4, 523; 6:6, 523, 530; 6:7, 523; 6:16-17, 531; 6:16, 530; 6:17-18, 530; 6:18, 523; 6:19-20, 515; 6:20-21, 523; 6:21, 520; 6:22-23, 508; 6:24, 258; 6:26, 515, 523, 530, 534; 6:27, 517; 6:28-29, 515; 6:28, 523; 6:33, 259; 6:34, 517, 522, 530; 7:1-5, 508; 7:3, 528; 7:7, 254; 7:11, 129; 7:13-14, 511; 7:15, 531; 7:26, 513; 8:12, 518; 8:21-22, 523; 8:28, 527; 9:4, 530; 10:24, 515; 10:28, 515, 519; 10:29, 505, 520; 11:3, 520, 525; 11:5, 515; 11:7-8, 524; 11:11, 524, 525; 11:12, 514, 517, 523; 11:16-17, 525; 12:20, 509; 12:24, 527; 12:29, 128, 513; 12:30, 514; 12:34, 525; 12:45, 128; 13:12, 509; 13:24-28, 513; 13:25, 513; 13:44-46, 531; 14:24-29, 524; 15:5, 514; 15:27, 505; 15:33-37, 514; 16:2-3, 510; 16:26, 515, 521; 17:1-2, 529; 17:21, 520; 18:3, 521; 18:10, 522; 18:22, 509; 19:3, 519; 19:17, 514, 524; 19:21-22, 523; 19:22, 526; 19:24, 523; 19:27, 536; 20:1-16, 508; 20:1-12, 524; 20:3-6, 518; 20:15, 508; 20:28, 525; 21:18-31, 535; 21:18-20, 520; 21:28-32, 534; 22:21, 523; 22:30, 514, 520; 23:4, 519; 23:14, 522; 24:15, 516; 24:22, 509; 24:36, 522; 25:1-13, 520; 25:1-10, 532; 25:14-29, 520; 25:21, 519, 520; 25:36-44, 531; 26:40, 527, 534; 26:49, 515; 26:53, 514; 26:65, 531
I Peter 2:20, 510; 3:1, 64; 3:4, 506, 516; 3:9, 509; 4:7-12, 55-68, 69-78; 4:7, 509, 534; 4:8, 509, 533; 5:6, 506, 529; 5:7, 513, 520
II Peter 3:8, 511; 3:10, 517; 3:12, 517
Philippians 1:3-8, 528; 1:6, 514; 2:6-7, 526; 2:7, 525; 2:10, 513; 2:12, 509, 515, 517, 527, 531; 2:13, 514; 3:10, 523; 3:13-14, 508; 3:14, 518, 529; 4:4, 527; 4:7, 523, 527
Revelation 3:3, 522; 3:15-16, 519; 3:16, 531; 7:17, 523; 21:5, 532
Romans 1:9, 527; 1:11-12, 528; 2:5, 508; 2:7, 506; 3:5, 506; 4:18, 523; 5:3-4, 511; 5:12-21, 529; 8:24, 523; 8:26, 528; 8:28, 505, 506, 519, 527, 536; 8:38-39, 528; 8:38, 512; 9:16, 345, 456; 11:34, 514; 12:12, 520; 12:14, 509; 12:15, 512, 519, 521; 12:19, 508; 13:1-13, 534; 13:8, 515; 13:12, 509; 14:17, 514; 14:19, 503; 14:23, 435; 15:5, 519; 15:24, 528; 15:28, 528
I Thessalonians 2:1, 179; 2:3, 527; 2:5, 510; 4:5-7, 514; 4:13, 523; 5:2, 517, 527; 5:3, 517, 529; 5:4-8, 509; 5:17, 506; 5:19, 520
I Timothy 1:4, 255; 2:12, 520; 3:16, 477; 4:3, 506; 4:4, 506; 5:5, 217; 5:13, 255; 5:18, 523; 6:6, 526; 6:7, 516; 6:12, 519, 529, 531
II Timothy 1:2, 528; 1:7, 219, 347-75; 2:13, 506; 2:17, 255; 4:7, 512, 519, 525, 529, 531; 4:9-16, 510; 4:10, 527
Titus 1:15, 508
Old Testament, 248
Deuteronomy 19:14, 522; 25:4, 523; 27:17, 522; 32:35, 508
Ecclesiastes 1:1, 521; 1:2, 534; 1:9, 505, 521; 1:14, 521; 1:18, 512, 513, 522; 4:10, 373, 460; 5:1, 476; 7:2, 517, 525; 11:4, 443; 11:9-10, 521; 12:1, 233-51, 521; 12:4, 239; 12:10, 264
Exodus, 248; 1:8, 525; 3:2, 514; 9:15, 517; 10:22, 526; 13:21-22, 511; 17:3-6, 526; 20:5, 508; 33:17-23, 526; 33:23, 513
Genesis, 248; 1:4, 513; 1:4-5, 530; 1:10, 513; 1:12, 513; 1:18, 513; 1:21, 513; 1:25, 513; 1:28, 523; 1:31, 506, 513, 522; 2:16-17, 513; 2:19-20, 513; 2:21-22, 513; 3:6, 513; 3:8-10, 521; 3:8-9, 513; 3:13, 126; 3:15, 519; 3:18-19, 513; 4:7, 509; 8:22, 519; 12:4, 532; 17:20, 524; 18:14, 537; 18:22-33, 509; 19:26, 519; 22:16, 518; 23:17-20, 511; 25:29-34, 520; 29:18-30, 520; 41:29-30, 512
Isaiah 11:6, 513; 25:8, 523; 34:4, 517; 42:3, 506, 509; 66:18, 506; 66:24, 525
Job 1:1, 512; 1:5, 511; 1:15, 512; 1:16, 513; 1:20-21, 109-24; 1:20, 512; 1:21, 512, 514, 516; 2:9, 513; 4:3-4, 512; 4:4, 512; 5:12-13, 506; 6:2, 263; 6:15-18, 298; 7:11, 512; 8:14, 524; 9:3, 505, 510, 524; 28:1-11, 135; 29:4, 512; 29:8, 512; 29:13, 512; 38:11, 521
Leviticus 25:10, 515; 25:13, 515; 25:28, 515; 25:40, 515
Micah 6:7-8, 530
Numbers 14:12, 517
Proverbs 10:10, 508; 13:12, 148; 16:8, 513; 16:19, 513; 16:32, 520, 526; 17:9, 433; 25:11, 520; 25:13, 53; 31:30, 250
Psalm 1:1, 518; 1:3, 525; 14:2, 506; 15:4, 435; 23:4, 514; 32:1, 509, 528; 33:4, 505; 37:16, 513; 51:5, 529; 51:10-12, 532; 85:11, 513; 90:4, 519, 522; 90:10, 536; 94:11, 506; 102:26, 517; 103:13, 513; 103:16, 523; 104:30, 506; 126:5, 520, 528; 133:1, 530; 137:1-6, 528; 139:2-5, 506; 139:7-10, 529; 141:1, 514; 143:7, 514; 143:10, 133; 145:16, 506
I Samuel 5:3-4, 524; 15:22, 530
biding place, 261
bird, 258, 364. See also analogy
blasphemy, 387
Børnerim, 515
Brandis, Joachim Dietrich, 524
Brandt, Frithiof, and Else Rammel, Søren Kierkegaard og Pengene, xxi, xxii, 517
bridesmaids: foolish and wise, 213
Brorson, Hans Adolph: “Flye min Aand, og bryd med Styrke,” 510
“Her vil ties, her vil bies,” 525
“I denne søde Juletid,” 528
“Jeg gaaer i Fare, hvor jeg gaaer,” 517
Psalmer og aandelige Sange, 510
Caesar, Julius, 517-18
Canaan, 95
Chamisso, Adelbert v., Peter Schlemihl’s wundersame Geschichte, 518-19
change: vs. peace, 328
and prayer, 393-94, 400, 462, 466
in self, 449
changelessness: of God, 32, 34, 121-22, 125, 136, 387, 393, 395, 400, 462
of love, 56
and patience, 40
and witness, 7
child: and death, 385
and father, 99-101, 129, 315, 385
and the good, 384-85
inwardness of, 385
and Job, 111-12
and kingdom of heaven, 240
soul as, 316
and vanity, 237-38
and wishing, 253. See also analogy
Ascension of, 464
Atonement of, 481
and blind man, 153
as child, 207-08
and Comforter, 463
and contemporaneity, 480
crucifixion of, 341
and depression, 482
invisibility of, 464
and Judas, 515
love of, 433
and Paul, 333-34
and Pharisees, 67-68, 75, 77, 433
at right hand of power, 333-34
as servant, 282
as Son of Man, 333-34
as Way, 341
Christendom: Christian in, xiii
Christianity, 433
comfort of, 473
and cowardliness, 352
and grace, 480
and love, 434
comfort: of Christianity, 473
deceitful, 465
discourse for, 298
in grace, 302
in judgment, 77-78
and love, 72
and patience, 191
in self-denial, 306-07
in spiritual trial, 98
in suffering, 463
Comforter: coming of, 396-97, 463, 465
communication: direct, 479-80
direct vs. indirect, xi-xiii
indirect, xx
and reflection, xii-xiv
and repetition, 170
concern: in admonition, 238
for congregation, 82
in deliberation, 255-56
of doubt, 256
in expectancy, 221-22
and finitude, 268
and good gift, 132
and humility, 98
in inner being, 94-95, 96-97, 98
and joy, 440
of love, 73-74
about salvation, 267-70, 272-73
in soul, 440
worldly, 392
confession: in distress, 92
conflict: in inner being, 84
congregation: and apostle, 70-71, 82, 141-43
vs. single individual, xviii
contemporaneity: and Christ, 480
Copenhagen: Frue Church, 487
Vor Frelsers Church, 472
Cordelia (Shakespeare’s), 530
courage: in adversity, 92
and love, 75
cowardliness, 347-75
and Christianity, 352
vs. continued striving, 357-78
vs. the good, 363
and humiliation, 359
and pride, 353-56, 358-60, 365-67, 369, 374-75, 457, 459
vs. resolution, 352, 356-57, 359-60, 362-63, 365-66, 458-59
self-love as, 374
spirit of, 347, 352-53, 360-61, 368-69
and talent, 358
and terror, 358-59
and time, 356-57
co-worker: of God, 86-87, 282, 333
creation: multiplicity of, 62
ruler of, 84-85
servant of, 85
Creator, see God
Croxall, T. H., 503
Cyrus, 508
Dagon’s statue, 267
danger, 331
of death, 350
in diversity, 194
earthly, 183-84
of life, 212
and pride, 456-57
of sin, 350
and thoughtlessness, 349-50
Darius, 534
David, 138
death: and accounting, 198
and angels, 430
child and, 385
danger of, 350
and deliberation, 198-99
equality in, 185, 272, 298, 429-30
and inner being, 90
need in, 298
of outer being, 79
and perdition, 186
in prosperity, 85
soul and, 184-85
and stewardship, 91-92
struggle with, 181. See also dying to
deception: discourse and, 348-49, 457
and the esthetic, 487-88
knowledge as, 126-27
of self, 211
temporality as, 175
defiance: anxiety in, 110-11
in loss, 117-18
deliberation, 113
concern in, 255-56
and death, 198-99
on giving, 147-48
irony in, xvi-xvii
patience in, 187-89
depression: and Christ, 482
Kierkegaard and, 480
and preferential love, 320-21
despair: over expectancy, 214-15
in inner being, 38-39
single individual in, 110-11
and temptation, 96
and wish, 12. See also adversity; anxiety
dialectic, the dialectical: of truth, xvii
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 509, 522, 526, 528
disappointment: in expectancy, 210-11, 223-24
discourse(s): for awakening, 476
for comfort, 298
as daring venture, 381-82
and Holy Scripture, 327
occasional, 467
vs. sermon, xiv, xxi, 5, 53, 107, 179, 231, 295, 431, 469
for terrifying, 331-32
upbuilding, 250, 344, 467, 469-71, 472, 484
doubt: concern of, 256
and good gift, 41, 131-32, 134-35
and knowledge, 127-28
dying to: the world, 325, 462. See also death
earnestness: and jest, 249, 253, 424
pagans and, 254
and upbuilding, 424
earth: dangers of, 183-84
and heaven, 35
Eden: Garden of, 126-27
education: suffering as, 179, 424-25, 426, 450
and upbuilding, 474
end: of all things, 69-71
envy: and stinginess, 61
equality: in death, 185, 272, 298, 429-30
external, 143
in forgiveness, 58
before God, 141-46, 152, 156-58
in salvation, 272
esthetic, the: vs. the ethical, 468-69
vs. the religious, xii-xiv, xvii-xviii, 479-80, 487-88
eternity, the eternal: expectancy and, 206, 215
and hope, 214
and inwardness, 461
past vs., 338-39
and reflection, 86
salvation and, 253-73
separation from, 337
vs. temporality, 27, 163, 185, 211, 215, 218, 266-67, 356-57, 392, 461, 470, 472
vs. variety, 209
ethical, the: vs. the esthetic, 468-69
Eve: and Adam, 126
and serpent, 126
evil: vs. faith, 435
vs. good, 386
in human being, 130-31
and observation, 60
existence, see life
expectancy: Anna in, 208, 211-13, 215, 219, 222-25
and concern, 221-22
and despair, 214-15
and disappointment, 210-11, 223-24
earthly, 214
and fulfillment, 205-06, 208, 213-14, 215-17, 221, 222-25
of fullness of time, 219
and goal, 260-61
and happiness, 16
heavenly, 214
in inner being, 222
joy in, 224
judgment and, 220-21
of life, 212
object of, 218-19
of resurrection, 216
of salvation, 253-73
service in, 222-23
in soul, 220
and superstition, 259
in temporality, 259
youth and, 220
experience: authority of, 238
and faith, 28
and future, 19
and goal, 260
and life, 22-23
vs. salvation, 263-64
and youth, 259-60
external, the: vs. the internal, 60, 163-64
patience and, 168-69
and temporality, 166
in adversity, 26
vs. evil, 435
and experience, 28
as fantasy, 25
as good gift, 44
and happiness, 25-26
as highest good, 9-16
in human beings, 24-25
as power, 19
vs. probability, 339
in teacher, 12-13
and understanding, 395
vs. wish, 36
fantasy: faith as, 25
fasting: and impatience, 223
and prayer, 223
father: and child, 99-101, 129, 315, 385
and son, 434
and two sons, 427-28
Father of lights, see God
fatherliness: dark saying about, 100
fear: of God, 479
and impatience, 216
and trembling, 478-79
Fenelon, 448
Festus, 529
finitude: and concern, 268
forgiveness: equality in, 58
Frimodighed, 528
Fuhrmann, W. D., Leben und Schicksal des Lucilio Vanini, 521
and experience, 19-21
and power, 18
vs. present, 8-9, 17-19, 27-28
struggle with, 17-19
and thorn in flesh, 456
Fyenske Fierdingsaarsskrivt for Literatur og Kritik, xxi
of world, 441
Gethsemane: disciples in, 427
God: accounting before, 16
as almighty Father, 37, 441-42
and angel of Satan, 342
Aristotle on, 513
changelessness of, 7, 32, 40, 121-22, 125, 136, 393, 395, 400, 462
defiance against, 37-39
denial of, 386
equality before, 141-46, 152, 156-58
as eternal object of wonder, 226
existence of, 321-22
as Father of lights, 39-40, 125, 138, 139
fear of, 479
as giver of good gifts, 13-14, 98-101, 133-34, 441
and history, 322
as human, 387
and human being, 310, 399-400, 447, 454
in inner being, 461
loss through, 119-21
love for, 45-46, 75, 97, 101, 476, 478
love of, 46, 75, 97, 129, 133, 334, 425-26, 428, 433, 438, 440, 462, 478
as power, 333-34
power of, 133
praise of, 121-22
revenge of, 56-58
separation from, 247-48
and single individual, 246, 304, 443
as spirit, 88
and spiritual trial, 323-24
struggle with, 199-202, 336, 354
temptation by, 33, 38-39, 40, 111
temptation of, 35-37, 38-39, 40, 46
test by, 98
thankfulness to, 90
youth and, 233-51, 442-43. See also Comforter, Holy Spirit, Word
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang v., Faust I, 516
Werke, 516
good, the: acknowledgment of, 369-75
authority of, 359
child and, 384-85
vs. evil, 386
highest, 379
love of, 360
and resolution, 362-69, 372, 375, 379
secrecy of, 370-72
service of, 362-69
and soul, 380
good gift(s), 424
from above, 31-48, 125-39, 141-58, 429
admonition as, 149-50
and concern, 132
faith as, 44
giver of, 13-14, 98-101, 133-34, 144-51, 156-57, 441
in hereafter, 35
from human beings, 133-34
and humility, 40-41
love as, 157-58
nature of, 39
vs. perfect gift, 39
punishment as, 47-48
and receivers, 33-35, 45, 134, 136-38, 144-45, 151-56
and single individual, 134-35, 136-38
sympathy as, 150
temptation by, 146-47
thanksgiving for, 40-48, 90, 116, 152-56, 254
truth as, 150-51
goodness: as weakness, 257
Goshen: Jews in, 242
and punishment, 47
wisdom of, 338, 467. See also God
grace: and Christianity, 480
comfort in, 302
contentment with, 300-03
and inner being, 302
and single individual, 269
gratitude, see thanksgiving
Greeks: foolishness to, 262
Gude, Ludvig Jacob Mendel, Om Magister Kierkegaards Forfattervirksomhed. Iagttagelser af en Landsbypræst, 538
guilt: vs. innocence, 65
vs. love, 67-78
and prayer, 397
and punishment, 81
and sin, 453
happiness: and expectancy, 16
and faith, 25-26
and revenge, 440
of self, 374
and sin, 61
heaven: beatitude of, 345
and earth, 35
and prayer, 442
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: and the religious, 470
and upbuilding, 423
Lectures on the History of Philosophy, 521-22
Phenomenology of Mind, 516, 533
Werke, 516
Heiberg, Johann Ludvig: and poetry, 468
“Gjensvar paa Herr Professor Hauchs Svar,” 534
Syvsoverdag, 519
Heidegger, Martin, Being and Time, xxii
Herod (king of Judea), 284
Herodotus, History, 507-08, 524, 534
hiker, see analogy
Himmelstrup, Jens, Søren Kierkegaard International Bibliografi, xxi
history: God and, 322
Holmgaard, Otto, Exstaticus, 538
Holy Spirit: baptism with, 278
God as, 139. See also God
honesty: of Job, 118
with self, 123
hope: in adversity, 94
and eternity, 214
through experience, 95, 437-38
in Scripture, 95
in spiritual trial, 95
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus): Carminum, 510, 518
Epistolarum, 520
Opera, 510
human being(s): as evil, 130-31
faith in, 24-25
glory of, 182-83
and God, 310, 399-400, 447, 454
as God’s co-worker, 86-87
good gifts from, 133-34, 145-51
and nature, 436
perfection of, 136-39, 297-326, 447
powerlessness of, 307-26
and prosperity, 85
as ruler of creation, 84-85
as servant of creation, 85
thoughtlessness of, 339-40
humiliation: and cowardliness, 359
and pride, 358
humility: and admonition, 150
of apostle, 340
and concern, 98
and good gift, 40-41
of John the Baptizer, 279-89
vs. judgment, 43-44
and patience, 81
and power, 12
and resolution, 368-69
in ruling, 85
and self-denial, 279-89
humor: and upbuilding, 470
hunter, see analogy
Ignatius de Loyola, 535
immanence: ethical categories of, xiv
immortality, 447
and judgment, 476
impatience: and fasting, 223
and fear, 216
vs. patience, 172, 174-75, 189-91, 196-97, 213, 216
and prayer, 223
in struggle, 200
and wish, 36-37
inner being: and adversity, 93-98, 439
awakening of, 439
in conflict, 84
and death, 90
and despair, 38-39
in expectancy, 222
and giver of good gifts, 99, 441
God in, 461
and grace, 302
Kierkegaard and, 478
loss of, 439
and observation, 60
of Paul, 83
and power, 91
prayer in, 383
and prosperity, 88-93
and self, 438
strengthening in, 79-101, 436-37
struggle in, 314-20, 378, 462-63
and thanksgiving, 90
and witness, 87-88, 90, 92-93, 96-97, 437. See also inwardness; soul
innocence: vs. guilt, 65
Intelligensblade, xxi
internal, the: vs. external, 60, 163-64
inwardness: of child, 385
vs. desire, 461
and the eternal, 461
and learning, 426
and love, 434-35
in prayer, 386, 391-94, 397, 460-61, 465
in soul, 267. See also inner being; soul
irony: in deliberation, xvi-xvii
Isaiah, 524
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, Werke, 448
James, 63
on the Word, 173
Jerusalem: deliverance of, 217
jest: child’s gift as, 46
and earnestness, 249, 253, 424
and upbuilding, 424
Jew(s): in Goshen, 242
and love, 56
and miracle, 243
offense to, 262
Job, xxi
adult and, 112
child and, 111-12
and his children, 438
honesty of, 118
and loss, 115-17
patience of, 118-19
single individual and, 113-14
sufferings of, 110-11
youth and, 112
John the Baptizer: in desert, 277
humility of, 279-89
and prophets, 208
temptations of, 280-81
Joseph (Old Testament), 116, 284
joy: and concern, 440
in expectancy, 224
in self-denial, 278, 281, 285-89
and sorrow, 122
Judaism: and paganism, 464
Judas: and Christ, 515
judgment: and accounting, 72
and comfort, 77-78
and expectancy, 220-21
vs. humility, 43-44
and immortality, 476
vs. misjudgment, 371-75
of others, 58
witness to, 350-51
world and, 76-77
Kierkegaard, Michael Pedersen (father), xxi, 3, 51, 105, 229, 293, 525
Kierkegaard, Peter Christian (brother): on Kierkegaard’s authorship, 483-84
as author, ix-xxi, 430, 432, 446, 473, 477-89
chronology of works, xii-xiv, xvii-xviii
and esthetic works, ix-xiii, 468-69, 479-80, 482, 487-88
and father, xxi
and inner being, 478
and pseudonymous works, ix-xiii, xix-xx
Constantin Constantius, 469
Fashion Designer, 469
Inter et Inter, xiv
Johannes Anti-Climacus, xi, xv, 482-83
Johannes Climacus, xi, xiii, xiv, xv, xix, 482
Johannes the Seducer, 469
Judge William, 468
Quidam, 469
and single individual, 475-76, 484
and upbuilding, 482
Victor Eremita, 469
and reader, x, xiv-xv, xvii-xxi, 5, 53, 107, 179, 231, 295, 346, 431, 444-47, 473-77, 486
and religious works, xii-xiv, xvii-xviii, 470, 479-80, 487-88
and thanksgiving, 478
works cited:
“The Activity of a Traveling Esthetician and How He Still Happened to Pay for the Dinner,” xvii
Armed Neutrality, 537
The Book on Adler, 432, 471, 536
The Changelessness of God, 513
Christian Discourses, x, 472, 533, 536, 537
“Discourses at the Communion on Fridays,” 483
“Thoughts That Wound from Behind,” xv
The Concept of Anxiety, x, 505, 513, 529, 535, 536
The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates, 505, 522, 534, 537
Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xvii, xviii, xix, xx, 481, 512, 524, 527, 530, 531, 534, 535-56
The Corsair Affair and Articles Related to the Writings, xvii
The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress, x, xiii-xiv, 480-81, 537
A Cycle of Ethical-Religious Essays, 477, 480
Efterladte Papirer, 537
Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses, xxii, 418-19, 508
Either/Or, ix, xi, xii, xvii, 468-69, 477, 479-80, 481, 485, 487, 519, 523, 527, 528, 533, 534, 538
“Diapsalmata,” 503
“The First Love,” 512
“The Seducer’s Diary,” 503
Fear and Trembling, ix, 522, 527
For Self-Examination, xx, 523, 527
Four Upbuilding Discourses (1843), x, 103-75, 410-11
reception of, xxi-xxii
Four Upbuilding Discourses (1844), x, 291-401, 416-17
Johannes Climacus, or De omnibus dubitandum est, 503, 535
Judge for Yourself!, 527
Kierkegaard: Letters and Documents, xi, xix, 519, 525
The Lily in the Field and the Bird of the Air, x, 523, 534
The Moment and Late Writings, 513
On My Work as an Author, xi, xiv, xv, xviii, 537, 538
Papirer, 537
Philosophical Fragments or A Fragment of Philosophy, x, xv, 511, 514, 520, 521, 523, 525, 531, 535, 536
The Point of View for My Work as an Author: ix, x, xi, 527, 537, 538
“‘The Single Individual’: Two Notes Concerning My Work as an Author,” xviii
Practice in Christianity, xi, 482-83, 505, 537
“Blessed Is He Who Is Not Offended at Me,” 480
“Come Here, All You Who Labor And Are Burdened, And I Will Give You Rest,” 477, 480
Repetition, ix, 512, 517, 518, 521
Sickness unto Death, xi, xv, 477, 480, 482-83, 505, 511, 517, 520, 524, 527, 537
Sixteen Upbuilding Discourses, xxii, 420-21
Stages on Life’s Way, 468-69, 522, 528, 531, 534, 535, 536
Three Discourses at the Communion on Fridays, 538
Three Discourses on Imagined Occasions, 535
“On the Occasion of a Confession,” 521
Three Upbuilding Discourses (1843), ix, 49-101, 408-09, 431-32, 534
reception of, xxi-xxii
Three Upbuilding Discourses (1844), x, xxi, 227-89, 414-15, 536
reception of, xxi-xxii
Two Ages, xiii, xviii, xix, 534, 536
Two Discourses at the Communion on Fridays, 537
Two Upbuilding Discourses (1843), ix, xi, xii, xiii-xiv, xvii, xix, 1-48, 406-07, 477, 479-80, 481, 485, 486, 487-88, 525, 538
reception of, xxi-xxii
Two Upbuilding Discourses (1844), x, xi, 177-226, 412-13
An Upbuilding Discourse, 510
Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits, xvii, 486, 535, 536
“Confessional Address,” xvii
“An Occasional Discourse,” xx
Without Authority, xi, 510, 523, 534, 537, 538
Works of Love, xvi, 504, 508, 510, 521, 531, 533, 534, 537
“The Work of Love in Commemorating One Who is Dead,” 520
Kingo, Thomas, “Ak, Herre, se Min Hjerte-Vee,” 508
“Far, Verden, far vel,” 515
Psalmer og aandelige Sange, 508
knowledge: concerned, 436
as deception, 126-27
and doubt, 127-28
of God, 321-26
of good and evil, 125-28, 131-32
of self, 18, 275-76, 312-26, 345, 355, 447
of soul, 172-75
tree of, 125
and witness, 86
Kristensen, Evald Tang, Danske Börnerim, Remser og Lege, 538
Krüger, Friedrich C. (ed.), Die deutsche Theologie mit einer Vorrede von Dr. M. Luther und Johann Arnd, 511
Lazarus, 335
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, “Eine Duplik,” 524
Schriften, 524
life: and anger, 37-39
changes of, 33
as contradiction, 14-15
dangers of, 212
as dark saying, 35, 37-39, 88, 260
diversity in, 194
earnestness of, 22-23, 184, 253
expectancy of, 212
and experience, 22-23
highest, 339
necessities of, 21-22
and need, 297-99
patience in, 160-61
and salvation, 254-55
of single human being, 207
as struggle, 351-52
of temporality, 265-66
tree of, 148
uncertainty of, 184-85
vanity of, 239
witness to, 261-63
loss: through accident, 119
and defiance, 117-18
through God, 119-21
of inner being, 439
Job’s, 115-17
through people, 120
through self, 120
of soul, 186
love, 437
and anger, 56
and anxiety, 60
apostle and, 435
beauty of, 55
blindness of, 59-62
vs. care, 74
changelessness of, 56
of Christ, 433
and comfort, 72
concern of, 73-74
and courage, 75
and end of all things, 70-71
for enemy, 58
for God, 45-46, 75, 97, 442, 476, 478
God’s, 46, 75, 97, 129, 133, 425-26, 428, 433, 438, 440, 462, 478
as God’s witness, 334
for the good, 360
as good gift, 157-58
vs. guilt, 67-68
honorable vs. dishonorable, 434
and inwardness, 434-35
and Jew, 56
and judgment, 66-68, 71, 72-73, 76-77
for others, 424-25, 428, 432, 434
and paganism, 55-56
and prayer, 66
preferential, 320-21
vs. revenge, 55-56
and sin, 55-68, 69-78, 433, 434-35
and single individual, 72
Socrates on, 515
spirit of, 347, 360, 366, 368-69, 375
struggling, 433
and time, 433
and vicissitude, 433
and well-wishing, 8-16
witness to, 57
Luther, Martin, Die deutsche Theologie mit einer Vorrede von Dr. M. Luther und Johann Arnd, 511
maieutics, see Socrates
making aware: of the essentially Christian, x, xi-xii
Martensen, Hans Lassen, 468
on Paul, 483
Grundrids til Moralphilosophiens System, 535
“maybe”: and eternal expectancy, 217
mediocrity, 483-84
mercy, 362
need for, 340
messenger, see analogy
miracle: and Jewish people, 243
Møller, Peter Ludvig, 535
Møller, Poul Martin, 535
moment: vs. eternity, 200, 472-73
Moses, 121
greatness of, 448-49
and prayer, 311-12
mother: and child, 385, 464-65
mover: unmoved, 126
Mynster, Jakob Peter, 538
“Kirkelig Polemik,” xxi
Nain: widow’s son from, 347
need: in death, 298
for God, 136-39, 297-326, 447, 461, 478
and life, 297-99
for mercy, 340
and poverty, 298
for upbuilding, 474-75
nisse, 367
observation: evil eye and, 60
vs. observer, 59
upbuilding, 253
Oehlenschläger, Adam, Aladdin, 523
Olsen, Regine Frederikke: as “that single individual,” xix
outer being: death of, 79
paganism: and earnestness, 254
and Judaism, 464
and love, 55-56
paradise, 75
past: vs. eternity, 338-39
of Paul, 340-43
vs. present, 8-9
as thorn in flesh, 343-46
pastor: vs. poet, 488-89
Anna and, 213
and changelessness of God, 40
and comfort, 191
in deliberation, 187-89
in the external, 168-69
and humility, 81
vs. impatience, 172, 174-75, 189-91, 196-97, 213
of Job, 118-19
in life, 160-61
and purpose, 191-92
and single individual, 193
and soul, 159-75, 181-203, 424-25
vs. spiritlessness, 198
and struggle, 199-202
and wish, 189-90
admonition of, 321
and Agrippa, 342
and angel of Satan, 456
and Christ, 333-34
and congregation, 82-84, 121, 334
inner being of, 83
Martensen on, 483
past of, 340-43
recollections of, 340-43
repentance of, 341-43
as Saul, 341-43
in Spain, 334
in spiritual trial, 261-63
and Stephen, 341
thorn in flesh of, 328, 336-37, 346
on upbuilding, 471
as witness, 82-84, 98, 261-63, 328, 332-34
peace: change vs., 328
on earth, 126
perdition: death and, 186
Peter, 153
on billowing sea, 272
as witness, 57
Phaedrus Augustus: Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri, 536
“Vulpis et Ciconia,” 536
Pharisee(s), 201
and Christ, 67-68, 75, 77, 433
and scribes, 67-68
and truth, 152
Philipsen, Philip G., xxii
Phoenicia, 428
Plato, 522
Opera, 515
Republic, 535
Symposium, 515
Plum, Niels Munk, “Lidt om Søren Kierkegaards Citationsmade,” 505
Plutarch, “How a Man May Become Aware of His Progress in Virtue,” 525
Plutarchs Moralia, 525
poet: vs. pastor, 488-89
Ponte, Louis de, 535
Pontius Pilate, 524
poverty: and need, 298
vs. wealth, 429-30
power: faith as, 19
and future, 18
God as, 333-34
and humility, 12
of inner being, 91
of prayer, 384
of sin, 75
spirit of, 219, 347, 360, 366, 368-69, 375
powerlessness: of human being, 307-26
of sagacity, 461
of sin, 64
prayer, 7, 28-29, 31, 48, 79, 425-26, 429, 435-36
change through, 393-94, 400, 462, 466
child and, 384-86
and explanation, 396-400, 462-64
and fasting, 223
and guilt, 397
and heaven, 442
and impatience, 223
in inner being, 383
inwardness in, 386, 391-94, 397, 460-61, 465
and king, 304-05
and love, 66
Moses and, 311-12
for needy, 304
power of, 384
proper vs. improper, 383
and resolution, 381
struggle in, 377-401, 460, 465
and thanksgiving, 43, 400, 447-48, 462, 466-67
and wisdom, 330-31
present: vs. future, 8-9, 17-19, 27-28
vs. past, 8-9
price of commodity, see analogy
pride: and cowardliness, 353-56, 358-60, 365-67, 369, 374-75, 457, 459
and danger, 456-57
false, 354-55
and humiliation, 358
prisoner, see analogy
prodigal son: 131
prosperity: and adversity, 92, 98, 438
death in, 85
and inner being, 88-93
and unfortunate person, 93
punishment: as good gift, 47-48
and guilt, 81
and repentance, 48
as temptation, 47
pupil: and teacher, 156
purpose: youth and, 191-92
Rammel, Else, and Frithiof Brandt, Søren Kierkegaard og Pengene, xxi, xxii, 517
recollection(s), 453-54
of Paul, 340-43
of Word, 248
of youth, 248-50
reduplication, 484-85. See also repetition
reflection: and communication, xii-xiv
double, xiv
and the eternal, 86
and understanding, 478-79
and upbuilding, 472
Reitzel, Carl Andreas, 517
religious, the: vs. the esthetic, xii-xiv, xvii-xviii, 479-80, 487-88
Hegel on, 470
and upbuilding, 479-80
repentance: of Paul, 341-43
and punishment, 48
repetition, 295
and communication, 170
and redoubling, 169. See also reduplication
resolution(s): as beginning, 351, 361
vs. cowardliness, 352, 356-57, 359-60, 362-63, 365-66, 458-59
and the eternal, 347-49, 363, 382
and humility, 368-69
and prayer, 381
and regression, 365-66
self-control of, 361
as service of the good, 362-69, 372, 375, 379
of youth, 369
resurrection: of dead, 476
expectancy of, 216
retreat, 248-49
revenge: of God, 56-58
human, 56
vs. love, 55-56
sweetness of, 55-56
riding horse, see analogy
Romantisme, 524
Rome, 80-84
Roskilde, 538
sagacity, 380
cowardliness as, 355-56, 359-60
powerlessness of, 461
and prosperity, 439
salvation, 28
and accounting, 272
equality in, 272
expectancy of, 253-73
experience vs., 263-64
indifference toward, 258
and life, 254-55
as matter of course, 256
and single individual, 268-69
and wish, 253-54
witness to, 261
Sanhedrin, 341
Satan: angel of, 328-29, 331, 340, 342, 456
Saul, see Paul
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 524
scribes: and Pharisees, 67-68
Scripture: discourse and, 327
and hope, 95
as interpreter of divine, 327. See also BIBLE
self: accounting of, 44
changes in, 449
control of, 219, 347, 360-61, 366, 368-69, 375
hatred of, 374
honesty with, 123
and inner being, 438
judgment of, 44-45, 58, 286, 340
knowledge of, 18, 275-76, 312-26, 345, 355, 447
love of, 374
return to, 338
struggle with, 128, 167, 308-09, 314-20
understanding of, 431
sermon: vs. discourse, xiv, xxi, 5, 53, 107, 179, 231, 295, 431, 469
for upbuilding, 430-31
serpent: and Adam, 127
and Eve, 126
servant: Christ as, 282
as God’s co-worker, 282
single individual as, 281-82, 443
unfaithful, 282
unworthy, 372-73
service: in expectancy, 222-23
of the good, 362-69
70,000 fathoms, 531
Shakespeare, William: King Lear, 530
Works, 530
sickness: unto death, 267, 315
Siloam: pool of, 153
Simeon, 224
sin(s): danger of, 350
euphemism for, 353
and guilt, 453
and hate, 61
and love, 55-68, 69-78, 433, 434
power of, 75
powerlessness of, 64
single individual, 57, 454, 485
and admonition, 238-40
in adversity, 88
in anxiety, 110-11
and apostle, 82
vs. congregation, xviii
and divine equality, 143
and divine justice, 91
vs. generality, 304
and grace, 269
and Job, 113
life of, 207
and love, 72
and patience, 193
and pseudonymous writers, 475
as reader, 5, 53, 107, 179, 231, 295, 431, 444-47, 486
as receiver of good gifts, 134, 136-38
and salvation, 268-69
and self-denial, 288
in terror, 182-83
and thorn in flesh, 346
and truth, 233-34
uniqueness of, 475
universality of, xvii-xx, 475, 486
sleeping: and awakening, 427
Socrates: on Governance, xix
on love, 515
maieutic approach of, x, xii, 479
against sophism, 449
Sodom and Gomorrah: and Abraham, 66
Solomon, 89
Solon, 507
Son of Man, see Christ
sorrow: and comfort, 34-35, 396
and joy, 122
and spiritual trial, 450
soul: anxiety of, 184-86
as child, 316
concern in, 440
and death, 184-85
expectancy in, 220
and the good, 380
inwardness in, 267
knowledge of, 172-75
loss of, 186
and patience, 159-75, 181-203, 424-25
possession of, 166
and prayer, 427
as self-contradiction, 163, 166-67, 172
strength of, 181-82. See also inner being; inwardness
Spain: Paul in, 334
sparrow, 214
Spinoza, Benedict: Opera, 521
Tractatus theologico-politicus, 521
spirit: of cowardliness, 347, 360-61, 368-69
God as, 88
of power and love and self-control, 347, 360-61, 366, 368-69, 375
of power and self-control, 219
as thorn in flesh, 336-37
witness to, 333
spiritlessness: vs. patience, 198
spiritual trial: apostle and, 331
comfort in, 98
God and, 323-24
hope in, 95
Paul in, 261-63
of sorrow, 450
star(s): as witness, 207. See also analogy
Stephen, 334
and Paul, 341
stewardship: and death, 91-92
Stoicism, 466
strength: of soul, 181-82
in suffering, 95
out of terror, 182
in weakness, 171-72
striving: continued, 357-58
Suetonius (Cajus Suetonius Tranquillus), “Julius Caesar,” 517-18
Lives of the Caesars, 517-18
suffering(s): of apostle, 330-35
in art, 472-73
and beatitude, 335
and comfort, 463
as education, 179, 424-25, 426, 450
of Job, 110-11
of Paul, 82-83, 332-34, 451-52
of separation, 337
in spiritual trial, 97-98
and strength, 95
and time, 472-73
witness to, 332-34
and understanding, 454
upbuilding in, 424
sun: rising vs. setting, 275, 277, 289
sundial, see analogy
superstition, 458
and expectancy, 259
sympathy: as good gift, 150
teacher: faith in, 12-13
and pupil, 156
temporality: as deception, 175
as desire, 461
vs. eternity, 27, 163, 185, 211, 215, 218, 266-67, 356-57, 392, 461, 470, 472
expectancy in, 259
and the external, 166
life of, 265-66. See also time
temptation, 440-41
anxiety of, 96
by good gifts, 146-47
hardship as, 94
of John the Baptizer, 280-81
punishment as, 47-48
Teologisk Tidsskrift, 505
terror: cowardliness and, 358-59
single individual in, 182-83
strength out of, 182
test: by God, 98
thanksgiving: for good gifts, 42-48, 90, 116, 152-56, 254
Kierkegaard and, 478
in prayer, 43, 400, 462, 465, 466-67
and witness, 93
and future, 456
past as, 343-46
single individual and, 346
spirit as, 336
and upbuilding, 468
as warning, 331
thoughtlessness, 339-40
and danger, 349-50
Tillæg til den evangelisk-christelige Psalmebog, 537
time: and cowardliness, 356-57
fullness of, 219
and love, 433
and suffering, 472-73. See also temporality
tower, see analogy
tree: of knowledge, 125-27
of life, 148
and deception, x, xii-xiv, 306
dialectic of, xvii
general, 276
as good gift, 150-51
indifferent, 233
and Pharisee, 152
and upbuilding, 468-69
and witness, 83
word of, 137
understanding: and faith, 395-96
and reflection, 478-79
of self, 431
and suffering, 454-55
unhappiness: vs. happiness, 20-21, 117
universal, the: vs. the accidental, 250
apostolic, 329
vs. awakening, 483
and culture, 474
and direct communication, 479
discourse(s) for, 239-40, 344, 346, 450, 467, 469-71, 472, 476, 479, 484
in divine equality, 143
and earnestness, 424
and education, 474
vs. generality, 276
Hegel and, 423
and humor, 470
and jest, 424
need for, 474-75
in New Testament, 503
in observation, 253
Paul on, 471
by pseudonyms, 482
and the religious, 479-80
vs. scholarship, 469-70
in sermons, 430-31
for single individual, 276, 473
in suffering, 424
terrifying, 473
and thanksgiving, 468
and truth, 468-69
vs. “for upbuilding,” xiv-xvii, 5, 53, 107, 179, 231, 295, 431, 483
Valdemar Atterdag, 519
Vanini, Lucilio (Julius Caesar), 521
vanity, 428
childhood and, 237
of life, 239
variety: vs. eternity, 209
Viallaneix, Nelly, “Schopenhauer et Kierkegaard,” 524
Wagner (Goethe’s), 516
warrior, see analogy
weakness: of apostle, 305-06
strength in, 171-72
wealth: vs. poverty, 429-30
Weisse, Christian Hermann, 468
System der Æsthetik von der Idee der Schönheit, 535
wisdom: of Governance, 338
and hindsight, 287
prayer and, 330-31
wish: and anxiety, 12
in childhood, 253
and despair, 12
vs. faith, 36
fraudulence of, 254
fulfillment of, 11, 22, 33, 35-37, 189-90, 250, 316, 388, 392-93, 395
and impatience, 36-37
and inner being, 11-12, 253-54
for others, 8-16
and patience, 189-90
for salvation, 253-54
singleness of, 393-94
and witness, 35
without authority: in authorship, x, xiv-xv, 5, 53, 107, 179, 231, 240, 295, 431, 432, 450
and changelessness of God, 7
and death, 93
and direct communication, 479
explanation as, 436-37
external, 88
and inner being, 87-88, 90, 92, 96-97, 437
John the Baptizer as, 283-85, 286
in judgment, 350-51
and knowledge, 86-87
love as, 334
to love, 57
Peter as, 57
to salvation, 261
of spirit, 333
star as, 207
to suffering, 332-34
and thanksgiving, 93
and truth, 83
widow as, 429
and wish, 35
Word: apostle James on, 173
and meekness, 139
of truth, 137
youth’s recollection of, 248
gain of, 441
human being and, 86
and judgment, 76-77
Xerxes (king of Persia), 447
youth: and Creator, 233-51, 442-43
and expectancy, 220
and experience, 259-60
and good gifts, 144
and Job, 112
light-mindedness of, 72
and purpose, 191-92
and recollection, 248-50
resolutions of, 369
as time of growth, 245-46
and Word, 248-50