ABC Television Network 120
Academy Awards 97
Ackerman, Forrest J. 134
“Acquisition” (TV episode) 212–213
Adams, Scott xvi
Adventure #1 — Adventureland xvi
Adventure #2 — Pirate Adventure xvi
Adventure #3 — Secret Mission xvi
Adventure #4 — Voodoo Castle xvi
Adventure #5 — The Count xvi
Adventure #6 — Strange Odyssey xvi
Adventure #7 — Mystery Fun House xvi
Adventure #8 — Pyramid of Doom xvi
Adventure #9 — Ghost Town xvi
Adventure #10 — Savage Island, Part I xvi
Adventure #11 — Savage Island, Part II xvi
Adventure #12 — Golden Voyage xvi
Adventure #13 — Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle xvi
Adventure #14 — Return to Pirate’s Isle xvi
Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI) 146–147
Adventure/ADVENT 138
Adventureland xvi
Adventureland XL xvi
aesthetics 58
affective shifting 213
Alien: Covenant 211
Alien series 211
Altman, Robert 54
Amazing Stories 126
American Sign Language 98
Angelique’s Descent (novel) 133–134
antiquity 60–63
appendices see world-building techniques
archival evidence 176
Arda 226
Aristophanes 86
Arrakis 2
Artaud, Antonin 61–62
Asteroids 228
astonishment 43;
Astounding Stories 127
Atari ST 146
Atlantic Ocean 88
Atlas of Middle-earth 232
audio books 86
Bachelard, Gaston 23
Baggins, Bilbo 211
Bal, Mieke 22
ballet 98
Bannerworth, Marmaduke 124
Barnabas Collins and Quentin’s Demon (novel) 128
Barnabas Collins vs. The Warlock (novel) 128
Barnabas, Quentin and the Body Snatchers (novel) 128
Barnabas, Quentin and The Crystal Coffin (novel) 128
Barnabas, Quentin and The Mummy’s Curse (novel) 128
Barnabas, Quentin and the Vampire Beauty (novel) 128
Barquentine 111
Barrie, James M. 86
Barthes, Roland 225
Batman (TV series) 120–121
Batman and Robin 209
Belle of Amherst, The 86
Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp 115
de Bergerac, Cyrano 11
Berrigan, Don 86
Bessie (cow) 91
Betjeman J. 101
Big Finish Audio Dramas 133
Birds, The (play) 86
Black Ops 222
Blake, W. 106
Bleak House 108–110
Blue Whale 122
Body Snatchers, The (novel) 128
Book of Sir John Mandeville, The 10
Borges, Jorge Luis 50
Boston, Massachusetts 91
Bowen, E. 101
Boy in Darkness 102
Broadway 96
Bronte, Emily 127
Brook, Peter 61
Buchan, John 33
Bunyan, John 106
Burnham, Michael 215–219
Burns, Edward 97–98
Burton, Tim 135
Butler, Samuel 163
“Cage, The” (TV episode) 219
California 98
Cantina Band 228
Čapek, Karel 86
Cavendish, Margaret 10
Cervantes, Miguel de 62
Chagall, Marc 62
change, rate of 24–25
character (in narrative) 41, 43–44, 46–50, 52–56, 58–59, 61, 64
chase scene 231
Cheeta 115–116
Childs, Annette 146
Christian VI 16
civil rights 71
Clarke, Arthur C. 12
Clarke, Susanna 181–182
Classicism 44
clones 76
Cloudcuckooland 86
Cobert, Robert 129
code: codes clashing or synchronized 47
Codex Seraphinianus 226
cognitive revolution 165
cohesion 226
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 105–106
collective unconscious 169–170
Collins, Barnabas 124–134
Collins, Bramwell 127
Collins House 121
Collins, Laura Murdoch 123–124
Colossal Cave Adventure 138
Comic Con 215
Comical History of the States and Empires of the Moon 11
comics 206
commodity brading 215
comparing worlds 225–232
completeness 229
Concrete Happening 97
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 13
Conway, Massachusetts 89
Cotahatchee tribe 95
creativity xv
Crime and Punishment 46
crime theme 43, 44, 48, 52–53, 58–59, 65
crime scene 43
Crimes of Grindelwald, The 211
Crofut, Jane 90
Dark Passages (novel) 134
Dark Tower Series 178
Davies, Marie-Messenger 214
Day, Andrea 151
De Camp, L. Sprague 127
de la Mare, W. 108
Deaf West Theater 98
defamiliarization 48–49
Deleuze, Gilles 62
Den of Geek 217
Depp, Johnny 135
Description of a New World, Called The Blazing-World, The 10
direct address 87
disability 79
Discworld 181
Discworld Series 181
Doestoevsky, Fyodor 3
Don Quixote 62
Doppelganger 42
Doré, G. 105
Dorfman, Eugene 225
Dostoevsky, Fyodor 40–66
Double, The 46
Dracula (novel) 122
dragons of Pryan see Pryan
Drama Desk Award 98
Dreams of the Dark (novel) 134
Dreyer, Carl Theodor 61
drugs 164
Du Maurier, Daphne 127
Dublin, Massachusetts 89
“Dunwich Horror, The” (short story) 126
Dwarf Fortress 227
Dydo, Ulla E. 97–98
Dynamite Comics 134
Dyson sphere 184
Earth 227
East Jaffrey, Massachusetts 89
East Sutton, Massachusetts 98
Echo Base 230
egalitarianism 70–71
Eisenstein, Sergei 62
ekphrasis 226
El Greco 106
11 rue Simon-Crubellier 227
Empire Strikes Back, The 230
“Enterprise Continuity Problems” (webpage) 212
entertainment stepping stones 215
Equilan 184
Escape the Gloomer xvi
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 86
Europe 93
Evreinov, Nikolai 62
Ex Astris Scienta 212
Fairy Books 151–152
“Fall of the House of Usher, The” (short story) 130
Fallon, Sarah 232
fantagonism 210
Fantastic Beasts 211
father as theme, motif, symbolism 44–48, 52–53, 55, 57–58, 64
Fathers and Sons 44
Fellowes, Julian 54
femme fatale 54
Ferengi 212–213
fetish 50
feudal system 172
film noir 58
Film Studies 225
Filonov, Pavel 62
Finney, Jack 128
Florensky, Pavel 62
footnotes see world-building techniques
forgiveness 44
France 91
Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus 11
free will xv
freedoms 72
Freidenberg, Olga 55–56
Fuchsia 102
Gaiman, Neil 101
Gapminder 232
Gargantua & Pantagruel 46
gender 15–18
general semantics 170
Georgia, Phillipia 222
Gernsback, Hugo 11
gestalt 127
Gold Key Comics 128
Goldberg, Whoopi 135
Gondor 226
Good Year Playhouse 120
Gosford Park 54
Grand Theft Auto V 228
Greece 94
Greedo 231
Greek chorus 86
Greene, Graham 100
Greenville, North Carolina 86
Grimm, Brothers 106
grotesque 64
Grotowski, Jerzy 61
Grover’s Corners (musical) 98
Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles 150
Haberts, Aaron 217
Hall, Sam 120
Halley, Edmund 13
Hamlet 61
hand-crafted worlds 227–228
Hanson, Christopher 3
Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, The 87
Harris, J. 101
Harwood-Smith, Jennifer 3
Haven (TV series) 178
“Lost and Found” 178
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 29
head canon 207
Heinlein, Robert A. 67
Heiress of Collinwood (novel) 134
Hermes Press 128
Hersey family 95–96
Higgins, Andrew 3
Hilbert, David 232
Hillard, Molly Clark 152
History of a Town, The 64
Hitchcock’s Diegetic Imagination: Thornton Wilder, Shadow of a Doubt, and Hitchcock’s Mise-en-Scéne 99
Hoffman, Julia (Dr.) 134
Hollywood 97
Holocaust 115
Hoth 230
House of Dark Shadows (film) 130
House, The (TV show) 120
Hugh the Hand 182
Hugo Award 67
Hula girls 177
Huygens, Christiaan 13
“I, Mudd” (TV episode) 218
i09 217
Ibsen, Henrik 62
iceberg vs searchlight 69
I-Ching 125–126
Idiot, The 40
“If Memory Serves” (TV episode) 219
imaginary world 41, 43–47, 49, 58–59, 64–65, 206–207, 211, 218
infodump 180–181
infratrsuctures see world infrastructures
Inglis, Rob 86
Inheritance, The xvi
Innocent Abroad 180–181
InterAction see Sierra Newsletter
Interactive Fantasies 150
interconnectivity 175–8
interquel 217
Into the Labyrinth 184
invention 229
Jackson, Shirley 127
Jackson’s Whole 75–76
Jacques, Brian xvi
Jaffrey, Massachusetts 89
James, Edward 3
Jane Eyre (novel) 121
Japan 73–74
jeeveses 76
Johnathan Strange & Mr Norrell 181
Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground, The 7, 10–11, 13–14, 16, 18
Journey to the Center of the Earth 11
Juno 115
Karlavaegen, Derek 150–151
Karlen, John 133
Kazakhstan 88
Kennedy, Kara 3
Kepler, Johannes 11
Khan 222
King Lear 61
King’s Quest: Adventures of Graham 149
King’s Quest II: Romancing the Stones 147
King’s Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! 141, 145, 148
King’s Quest ZZT 150
Kipling, Rudyard 32
Knox, Ronald 26
Komarr 69
Kuling 109
Kurosawa, Akira 40
Lake Sunapee 89
Lake Winnipesaukee 89
Lake Wobegon 227
Lang, Andrew 151–152
Lang, Leonora Blanche “Nora” 151–152
Las Vegas 221
Leinster, Murray 127
Lem, Stanisłaus 228
Lennard, John 69
Lesser, Sol 97
Letters of Gertrue Stein and Thornton Wilder, The 98
Levy-Bruhl, Lucien 46
Licensed Practical Sexuality Therapists (LPSTs) 71
Life: A User’s Manual 227
Limbeck (dwarf) 180
Lindbergh, Charles 94
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The 10
liveness 86
Loomis, Willie 133
“Lottery, The” (short story) 127
Lovecraft, H. P. 126
Lowe, Al 151
Lucas, George 211
Luce, William 86
Lucian of Samosata 10
Macbeth 61
MacCaulay, Thomas Babington 22
MacDowell County 85
Mallory, J. P. 23
“Man Trap, The” (TV episode) 119
Maning, Stewart 135
maps see world-building techniques
March, Shelia 121
Marlowe, Christopher 106
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 50
Martin, George R. R. 1
Martin-Green, Sonequa 216
Marvel Cinematic Universe 215
Marx, Karl 15
Marxist/Marxism 15–16
Mary Sue, The 217
Massachusetts 88
Massachusetts Tech 91
Massie, Elizabeth 134
Master of Shadows: The Gothic World of Dan Curtis (documentary) 135
Mathematics 232
McMahan, Mike 221
measuring worlds 225–232
Medon, Tion 231
Méliès, Georges 18
Memory Alpha 209
Memory Beta 209
“Menagerie, The” (TV episode) 219
mensch 185–188
Merrimack County 98
metatheatrical devices 87
Meyer, Nicolas 222
Meyerhold, Vsevolod 61
Micromégas 11
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 61
Miéville, China 105
Millay, Diana 123–124
Millennium Falcon 230
Mills, Craig 149
“Mirror, Mirror” (TV episode) 127
Molière 15
Moody, Ellen 22
Moorcock, M. 101
Morgan, C. 101
Morr, Kenyon 149
Morris, William 106
Mount, Anson 222
Mt. Monadnock 89
Mt. Washington 89
Mudd, Harry “Harcourt Fenton” 218
“Mudd’s Women” (TV episode) 218
multiple authors see authorship
multiverse 150–151
mundemes 225
Muzzlehatch 115
Myst 228
Narnia 11
narractivity 212
narremes 225
neo-canon 208
Nephelokokkygia 86
New York 94
New York Times, The 94
Newsome, Howie 91
Nickelodeon 221
Niels Klim’s Underground Travels 3
Night of Dark Shadows (film) 130
Nimoy, Leonard 218
Nineteen Eighty-Four 116
Niven, Larry 127
No Man’s Sky 227
North America 88
North Conway, Massachusetts 89
North Sutton, Massachusetts 98
Notes from the Underground 46
Oberammergau, Germany 86
O’Brien, K. 101
Official Book of King’s Quest, The 143–145
One Step Beyond (TV Show) 120
On-Line Systems see Sierra
ontology 212
opera 98
Original Music from Dark Shadows (audio recording) 129
Orquiloa, John 218
Outer Limits, The (TV Show) 120
overlaid worlds 123
parallel universes see multiverse
Paris 227
Pasadena Playhouse 98
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 61
Passion Plays 86
Pearson, Roberta 214
Peck, Ethan 218
Peel, Jeremy 232
Perec, Georges 227
perspective as narrative, cultural 40, 43, 45, 47–48, 53–54, 59, 63–64
Peter Pan (play) 86
phase space 225
Phoenix 123–124
Picard, Jean-Luc 221
Picture of Dorian Gray, The 42
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista 58
Plato 14
Pohl, Frederik 127
PONG 228
post-apocalyptic science fiction 67
“Premature Burial, The” (short story) 128
Priest, Thomas Pickett 124
procedurally generated worlds 227–228
Prometheus 211
Prospero’s Island 86
Prucher, J. 180
Prunesquallor, Irma 111
Pryan 184–188
dragons of Pryan 187–188;
R. U. R. (play) 86
Rabelais, François 46
radio plays 86
Rainey, Steven Mark 134
Raw (comics) 98
reader, framing perspective on narrative 41, 43, 47–50, 52–53
Realm of the Sky 176;
Reddit 209
Redwall Universe xvi
Remark, Erich Maria 55
Revisiting Imaginary Worlds 2
Rick and Morty 221
Ride-a-Cock-Horse 107
Rime of the Ancient Mariner 105
rivers 30–31
Rockport, Massachusetts 88
Rome 94
Root, Luther 212–213
Ross, Marilyn (William Edward Daniel Ross) 128
Rossetti, D. G. 106
Rowling, J. K. 211
Russell, Gordon 120
Rymer, James Malcolm 124
S/Z 225
Salem Branch, The (novel) 134
salience 230–231
Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mikhail 64
Sandy Bay 88
Sarek 217
Schneider, Bernd 212
Schumacher, Joel 209
Scorsese, Martin 40
Scott, Ridley 211
Screen Rant 218
self-reflexivity 87
Sellers, Peter 101
Sentinel 94
Sergyar 69–70
series novels 21–22
serpents 187–188;
Shadows on the Wall 120–121
Shannon, Lorelei 149
Sharing Knife series 67
Shatner, William 216
Shelley, Mary 11
Sideways in Time (short story) 127
Sierra Newsletter 149
Sierra On-Line see Sierra
sigla 177
Skotoprigonyevsk 2
Skywalker, Anakin 231
Skywalker, Luke 230
Slaughterhouse Five 64
slavery, slaves 76
Soames family 96
soft sciences see social sciences
Solaris 228
Solo, Han 230
Soloviev, Vladimir 62
Somnium 11
sonic fidelity 221
Sourdust 111
South Sutton 98
space opera 68
Spanish history 68
Spear, Peter 141
Spearfish, South Dakota 86
Spirited Away 56
spiritual: center 62
St. John in Exile 86
Star Trek: Beyond 208
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 216
Star Trek: Generations 212
Star Trek: Into Darkness 208
Star Trek: Lower Decks 221
Star Trek: The Motion Picture 208
Star Trek: The Original Series 207–208, 210–211, 214, 216–221
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 222
Stevens, Frances 127
Stewart, Patrick 221
Sting 101
Stoker, Bram 122
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The (novella) 42, 127
Strindberg, August 62
subcultural capital 212
submersible sales brochure 182
Sutton County 98
Sutton Mills 98
Sybok 216–217
Symbolism, an artistic movement 62–64
symbolism: archaic 49
syndication 131
Take a Break! Pinball 151
Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor, The 10
Targaryen dynasty 1
Tarkovsky, Andrei 61
Taxi Driver 40
Tempest, The 86
Tenniel, John 105
Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture 131
“Tholian Web, The” (TV episode) 217
Tientsin (Tianjin) 109–110
Tierra Entertainment see AGD Interactive
Time Zone 143
Titus Awakes 102
Todorov, Tzvetan 11
Tolstoy, Leo 55
Tony Award 98
totem 52
tragic farce 64
travelogues 4
Treaty of Versailles 94
Treknology Encyclopedia 212
Trivette, Donald B. 143–145
True History 10
trust 41
Turgenev, Ivan 44
Twain, Mark 13
Twin Peaks: The Return 191–205
Twitter 220
Under-River 115
USA mirrored in fiction 70–71
user experience time 228–229
USS Discovery (spaceship) 215
uterine replicators 73
Vampirella 134
Van Gogh, Vincent 106
Vance, Jack 75
Varney the Vampire, or the Feast of Blood 124
Velázquez, Diego 106
Vermeer, Johannes 62
Verne, Jules 11
virtual reality 2
Voltaire 11
Vonnegut, Kurt 64
Vorkosigan, Miles 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80
Vorkosigan universe 2
Vorkosiverse 69–70
Vulcan High Command 213
Vygotsky, Lev 46
Wallace, Art 120
warrior as theme, symbolism 55
Watkins, Alfred 32
Wayward Pines 230
Weird Fiction 126
Weird Tales 126
Welles, Orson 101
White Mountains 89
Wide Green World series 67
Willetts, Stephen 206
Williams, John 228
Wittman, Henri 225
Wizard of Oz, The 86
Wolf Moon Rising (novel) 134
Wood, Sam 97
Woolf, Virginia 22–23
world-building 24–25, 27, 29–30, 32, 40–43, 46–54, 177, 179–183, 193, 196–197, 200, 202, 209
world data 228
world infrastructures 229–231
World of Five Gods series 67
wrap around 143–145
Wuthering Heights (novel) 127