1. After the Righteous End, Our Lord, The Survivor, walked out of the Devastation and told us His stories. We share them now to understand His Greatness and the Significance of His Life.
2. Just as we today take our Communion Chips from bags we find in the Heaps.
3. Thus do we honor the beasts of the field.
4. Amen!
5. Today we sigh in prayerful quietude before the lightless screens on our altars, even as we await the return of the Lord’s New Season, when our screens will shine again with His light and bring delight to all!
6. Such are the strains we hear in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
7. This is why our churches are open to the sky and we adorn our pews and aisles with offerings of unwashed clothes.
8. Amen!
9. Just as today we raise our fingers against all who challenge Our Lord’s sovereignty.
10. We bob our heads each Sunday in spiritual agreement with the palpitations of St. Ian’s flute and permit ourselves the joyful riffs of our air guitars, for we are created in His image.
11. Amen!
12. Amen!
13. You may recognize these actions as the source of our Confirmation ceremony!
14. Amen!
15. Is it any wonder we “Pass the Rock” in church? We celebrate Our Lord’s game and fear His mad skills!
16. Now you see the meaning of the magenta chalk used for decoration at the annual Festival of Doubt, as well as the reason it is scrubbed clean when the festival ends.
17. We say today not to “clerk” one’s neighbor or you will lock yourself in glass. We take heed at the lessons of Our Lord.
18. Amen!
19. These used to exist.
20. In such manner do we mock our Lord and his powers during the Festival of Doubt, only to renew our faith more strongly at its conclusion.
21. The Boy with the Stubbed Toe chose unwisely. We speak of his sorrowful fate in our lessons.
22. Unseasonable at the time, and a portent of the Cleansing Devastation that Our Lord did harness with His unparalleled might.
23. Re-enacted in church with the aid of a string!
24. Just as our finest actors do today when they replay the events of Our Lord’s life for the delight of His followers.
25. Here begins the Great Action Sequence that children re-enact on the remnants of ball courts everywhere!
26. Amen!
27. Amen!
28. Perhaps this is where it occurred to Our Lord that the troubling weather recently afflicting the land could be used for Great Ends.
29. Amen!
30. Amen!
31. Technically true in the short term. It was years later that Our Lord’s Great Storms washed the Earth clean.
32. We speak these words today to remind our believers to remain open to Our Lord’s blessings.
33. One never knows which of us will be called upon in the service of Fate!
34. Years later, Our Lord did harness these powers to smite the world for its own good, bringing peace and goodwill to all Believers.
35. Amen!
36. Like grace!
37. As we say to our children, “Go forth unchecked! For your life has not yet touched the rim!”
38. Amen!