3D printing 567, 178, 329

4D printing 57

Ackerman, Spencer 396

acquisitions by tech firms 31819

action, freedom of 1645, 1667, 184

digital liberation 169

predictive systems 176

adaptive law 10710

additive manufacturing (3D printing) 567, 178, 329 382

affective computing 523, 229

affirmative action 261, 268, 292

affordances 16971

Afghanistan 50 415

Agüera y Arcas, Blaise 172, 403

AI see Artificial Intelligence


Decentralised Autonomous Organisations 47

guest acceptance/rejection 290

individual responsibility 346

reputation system 28990

sharing economy 335, 336

Taiwan 234

airport security systems 1201, 186

Ajunwa, Ifeoma 418

Aletras, Nicolaos 372, 393

algorithmic audit 3556

algorithmic injustice 27994

data-based 282

discrimination 2812

neutrality fallacy 28892

rough and ready test 2801

rule-based 2838

well-coded society 2924

algorithms 266

and code 945

and distribution 26670, 278

and information 2689

and participation 268

and price 26970

of recognition 260, 2758

scrutiny 1323

Al-Khwārizmī, Abd’Abdallah Muhammad ibn Mūsā 94

Allen, Colin 393, 394

Allen, Jonathan P. 336, 417, 419, 429, 430, 431

Alphabet 318, 319, 320

altruism, limited 365


acquisitions 318, 319

Alexa 293

book recommendations 66, 147

commons 332

concentration of tech industry 318, 320

‘cyber’ and ‘real’ distinction, disappearance of 97

Echo 134, 135

Kindle 151

machine learning 35

order refusal 106

robots 54

rules 116

working conditions 310

ambient intelligence see smart devices

American Legal Realism 109

Amnesty International 148

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 32

Anderson, Berit 410

Anderson, Elizabeth 118, 394, 401, 418, 420, 426, 429

Amazon’s working conditions 310

justice in recognition 273

Android 64, 359

Angelidou, Margarita 381

Anglican Church 159

anonymity 2312

Anonymous ‘hacktivists’ 221

antitrust law 357, 358

Anwin, Julia 403, 422

apathy 349

Apollo Guidance Computer 38


acquisitions 318

concentration of tech industry 320

founders 314

Guidelines for app developers 189

gun emoji 148

homosexuality ‘cure’ apps 2356

inflexibility of operating system 359

iPad 38

manufacturers’ working conditions 151

refusal to unlock iPhone of San Bernadino terrorist 155

Siri 37, 47, 293

taxation 328

‘Think Different’ advertisement 6

watches 44

Aquinas, Thomas 215, 409

AR see augmented reality

Arab Spring 150, 221

Arbesman, Samuel 193, 406

arbitrariness, rule-based injustice 284

Arendt, Hannah 9, 72, 163, 237, 415

Aristotle 368, 403, 411, 418

democracy 215, 222, 224, 234, 249

justice and equality 259

man as a political animal 222

morality 176

objective failures of recognition 272

political theory 9

work paradigm 3001

Armstrong, Neil 38

Arneson, Richard 308, 425, 426

Aron, Jacob 376

artificial emotional intelligence 53

artificial general intelligence 33

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 307

affective computing 53

AI Democracy 212, 213, 2504, 348

algorithmic injustice 293

automation of force 119, 120

blockchain 47

bots see bots

commons 332

Data Deal 337

data’s economic importance 317

degradation argument 361

Deliberative Democracy 232

digital law 1089, 110, 113

Direct Democracy 240

facial recognition 66

future of code 98

increasingly quantified society 61

machine vision 51

perception-control 149

political campaigning 220

political speeches 31, 3601

post-politics 362, 3656

predictions 173

privatization of force 116

smart devices 48

software engineers 194

staff scrutiny 267

superintelligence 3656

totalitarianism 177

usufructuary rights 330

Wealth Cyclone 322

Wiki Democracy 245

Asimov, Isaac 198

Assael, Yannis M. 371

Asscher, Lodewijk F. 400, 408

Associated Press 30

AT&T 20

Athens, classical 212, 21415, 217, 2223, 224, 228, 232

audit, algorithmic 3556

augmented reality (AR) 589

mixed reality 60

perception-control 146, 149, 1512, 229, 278

scrutiny 135

augmented things see smart devices

Austria 235

authoritarianism 1779

cryptography 183

state ownership of capital 329

authority 93

automated number plate recognition technology 4950

automation of force 100, 11921

autonomy 165, 167

Autor, David 428

Avent, Ryan 424, 425, 427

Azuma, Hiroki 247, 416

Babylon 77, 324

Bachrach, Peter 389, 391, 398

backgammon 31

Bailenson, Jeremy 407

Baker, Paul 422

Ball, James 428

Ball, Terence 368, 389

Baraniuk, Chris 432

Baratz, Morton S. 389, 391, 398

Barr, Alistair 421

Bartky, Sandra 126, 395

Bartlett, Jamie 388, 413, 417

Bates, James 134, 135

Baughman, Shawnee 407

BBC 373, 379, 381, 385, 405

Belamaire, Jordan 386

Belgium 129

Beniger, Andrew J. 369, 389

Benkler, Yochai 368, 370, 378, 398, 399, 400, 412, 416, 431

cooperative behaviour 45

networked information environment 145

smartphones 146

Bentham, Jeremy 126, 195

Berkman Center for Internet and Society 184, 405

Berlin, Isaiah 9, 166, 195, 368, 401, 403, 407

Berman, Robby 382, 384

Bernays, Edward L. 410

Berners-Lee, Tim 7, 48, 294, 367, 380

Bess, Michael 402, 434

Bhavani, R. 382

Bible 100, 124, 142, 257, 300, 317

BI Intelligence 428

Bimber, Bruce 369, 412

biometric analysis 523, 131, 186

Bitcoin 8, 46

Black Mirror 140

Blake, William 390

blockchain 457

automation of force 120

justice 264

smart contracts 106, 119

usufructuary rights 330

voting 240

Blue Brain project 33, 373

Bluetooth 48, 136

Bobbit, Philip 279

Boden, Margaret A. 3734, 381, 382, 383

Bogle, Ariel 385

Boixo, Sergio 3756

Bollen, Johan 416

Bolukbasi, Tolga 423

bomb-detecting spinach 51

Bonchi, Francesco 422

Booth, Robert 399

Borges, Jorge Luis 53

Bostrom, Nick 3656, 372, 373, 379, 381, 382, 435


Deliberative Democracy 2324, 235

network effect 321

Bourzac, Katherine 377

Boyle, James 331, 333, 4301

Brabham, Daren C. 416

Bradbury, Danny 415

brain–computer interfaces 48, 169

Braithwaite, John 431

Braman, Sandra 389

Brazil 244

Brexit 4, 233, 239

Bridge, Mark 393

Bridgewater Associates 267

British Empire 18

British Library 66

Brown, Gordon 95, 96, 391

Brownsword, Roger 176, 403

Brynjolfsson, Erik 374, 382, 390, 393, 427, 431

capital 315, 316, 334

Burgess, Matt 379

Burke, Edmund 263

Byford, Sam 32

Byrnes, Nanette 392

Cadwalladr, Carole 410, 413

Calabresi, Guido 279

Cambridge Analytica 220

campaigning, political 21920

Campbell, Peter 371

Canetti, Elias 29

capital 31417

commons 3314

sharing economy 3356

state ownership 32930

taxation 3279

usufructuary rights 3301

carbon nanotubes 40

Casanova, Giacomo 216, 409

Casey, Anthony J. 109, 112, 393, 394

Castells, Manuel 144, 394, 398

Castillo, Carlos 422

CBC 383

Cellan-Jones, Rory 371


by Anglican Church 159

perception-control 143, 146, 148, 151, 156

private power 190

cerebral hygiene 170


Chan, Connie 428

charisma 349

Charles I, King 1678

chatbots 30

checkers 31

Cheney-Lippold, John 132, 395

chess 31, 36

Chesterton, G. K. 370

Chicago 130

Chin, Josh 397, 422


Beijing’s toilet paper dispensers 51

censorship 148, 156

credit ratings 140, 290

hackers 181

perception-control 146, 148, 156

printing technology, introduction of 20

Qin dynasty 131

WeChat 148, 319

Christiano, Thomas 415

Chui, Michael 424, 425

Churchill, Winston 82, 202, 203, 226, 390

Cicero 167, 168, 324, 429

Cisco Systems 43, 378


scrutiny 12930

smart see smart cities

Citron, Danielle Keats 351, 419, 432

civil justice 259

Clark, Justin 405

Clarke, Arthur C. 69, 388

class-based discrimination 281

classical democracy 21416, 254

Clausewitz, Carl von 712

Clinton, Bill 271

Clinton, Hillary 233

clocks 1415

cloud computing

commons 332

Data Deal 337

hacking by the state 156

machine learning 37

utility analogy 158

Cloudflare 236

CNN Wire 370, 420

Cocco, Federica 424

code 266

and algorithms 945

‘dark’ 194

empire 978, 118

future 98

as law 96

as power 957, 1545

and values 117

well-coded society 2924

code-ified law 11012, 245

coercion 93

code 96

and immorality 203

law enforcement 104, 105

Cohen, Jared 374, 376, 384, 385, 398, 435

Cohen, Julie E. 391, 432

Coke, Sir Edward 135

Cold War 133

Coleman, E. Gabriella 180, 181, 404

collaborative democracy see Wiki Democracy

Collini, Stefan 407

Collins, Victor 134

command economy 265, 329

commons 3314, 335

commons-based peer production 244


liberty and private power 1901

perception-control 148, 1501, 229

communism 12

‘fully automated luxury’ 328

community, freedom of see republican freedom

companionship, as robot function 55

Compas 174

competition law 357

competitive elitism 21719, 221, 240, 242, 253, 254 423

computing power, growth in 3741

Comte, Auguste 170, 175, 177, 250, 403, 417

concentration camp inmates 131

concentration of wealth and power 31822, 32930

sharing economy 336

conceptual analysis 813, 845

Condliffe, Jamie 375

Condorcet, Marquis de 224

Conger, Krista 372

connectivity of technology 448

Connolly, William E. 390

consent principle 3512, 353, 355, 357

Constant, Benjamin 128, 395

constitutive nature of technology 537

contextual analysis 845

contracts, smart see smart contracts

Cooper, Daniel 402

Copernicus, Nicolaus 14

copyright 324, 332, 333

infringement 156

Cornell University 57

correlation/causation fallacy, rule-based injustice 284

corruption 82, 84, 225, 329, 361

Costeja González, Mario 138

Couldry, Nick 421

counters (democracy theorists) 2245

Crawford, Kate 418

Creative Commons 45

credit scores 267

Crete-Nishihata, Masashi 399

Crick, Bernard 72, 389, 408

criminal justice 259

Cronologics 319

Cross, Tim 375

Crossley, Rob 388

crowdocracy see Wiki Democracy

Crowdpac 417

crowds, wisdom of see wisdom of crowds

crowdsourcing 244

cryptography 1824

Cukier, Kenneth 387, 388, 395, 397, 403, 427, 433

data 62, 65

forgetting versus remembering 137

cultural oppression 273

Dabate, Connie and Richard 1345

Dahir, Abdi Latif 405

Dahl, Robert A. 91, 390, 391, 411, 430

Daily Stormer 236

D’Ancona, Matthew 239, 412, 415

Dandeker, Christopher 391

Darknessbot 234


as capital 317

increasingly quantified society 617

data-based injustice 282

Data Deal 66, 33640, 358

Data Democracy 212, 24650, 254, 348

datafication 627

data storage

digitization 62

nanotechnology 56

usufructuary rights 330

data unions 340

Dayen, David 427

Dean, Sarah 402

Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) 47

Deep Knowledge Ventures 31, 251

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 47, 178

De Filippi, Primavera 120, 378, 392, 393, 394

Delaney, Kevin J. 425, 430


AI Democracy 252

Direct Democracy 242

Deleuze, Gilles 395

Delft University 56

Deliberative Democracy 212, 22739, 254, 348

democracy 3, 10, 234, 346, 35960

after the internet 21921

AI Democracy 212, 213, 2504, 348

arguments for 2226

classical 21416, 254

competitive elitism 21719, 221, 240, 242, 253, 254

concept 746

conceptual analysis 81, 82, 845

contextual analysis 845

Data Democracy 212, 24650, 254, 348

Deliberative Democracy 212, 22739, 254, 348

Direct Democracy 212, 23943, 254, 348

dream of 21126

epistemic superiority 2234, 234

in the future 22754

liberal 21617, 246, 254

and liberty 2078, 222, 225, 249

liquid 242

nature of 213

normative analysis 845

representative 218, 240, 248

stability 240

story of 21321

supercharged state, power of the 348

Wiki Democracy 212, 2436, 254, 348

DemocracyOS 242, 415

Democratic Party (US) 229

desert, justice as 2601

Desert Wolf 404

Desrosières, Alain 369, 370

Devlin, Patrick 202, 203, 204, 407, 408

Diamandis, Peter H. 374, 435

Dickens, Charles 211

dictatorship 71

Digital Confederalism 193, 2056, 341

structural regulation 357, 358

digital disrespect 276

digital dissent 17984

digital filtering see filtering

digital law 10014

Digital Liberalism 205

Digital Libertarianism 205

digital liberty 2057

digital lifeworld

algorithmic injustice 279, 285, 290, 2924

code’s empire 97

democracy 21213, 222, 22754

distributive justice 266, 269

force 1001, 103, 1078, 113, 116, 11819, 121

freedom and the tech firm 18890, 1934, 196, 198, 200, 208

increasingly capable systems 2941

increasingly integrated technology 4260

increasingly quantified society 618

individual responsibility 3467

justice in recognition 2768

liberty 16872, 180, 183, 185, 187

limits 3601

perception-control 14652

post-politics 362, 366

power 989, 3456

property 31417, 320, 3223, 32831, 3346, 3401

public and private power 154, 156, 158, 160

regulation 354, 357

scrutiny 123, 12741

social justice 2589

technological unemployment 295, 304, 306, 311

thinking like a theorist 6986

Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1988 430

Digital Moralism 206

Digital Paternalism 198, 199, 206

digital ranking 2768

Digital Republicanism 2067, 347

structural regulation 357

Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology 96, 102, 105, 172, 333

digital storage 129

digitization 62

of force 100, 10114

Direct Democracy 212, 23943, 254, 348

disabilities, people with

digital liberation 169

as victims of violence crimes 273

Discord 236


algorithmic 2812

rule-based injustice 284, 2878

disrespect, digital 276

dissent, digital 17984

distributed computing see smart devices

distributive justice 25770, 274, 278

Data Deal 337

Private Property Paradigm 326

Divine Rule 349

DNA 64, 362

Dodge, Martin 391

Domesday Book 1617, 369

dominant goods 154

Domingos, Pedro 373, 374, 410, 417, 432

computing power, growth in 38

data unions 340

machine learning 345

Drahos, Peter 431

Dredge, Stuart 384, 385

driverless vehicles see self-driving vehicles


force 106

hacking 183

increasingly integrated technology 54, 55

productive technologies 316

sharing economy 335

totalitarianism 179

utility analogy 158

Dryzek, John S. 368

Dunn, John 408, 409

Durkheim, Émile 61

Dvorsky, George 384

Dworkin, Gerald 171, 352, 401, 402, 432

Dwoskin, Elizabeth 433

Dwyer, Paula 428

Ebay 102

Economist 378, 379, 380, 381, 397, 422

Edelman, Benjamin 423

e-Democracia Wikilegis 244

Edwards, Cory 371

egalitarianism 259, 2615

egalitarian plateau 259

e-government 220

Egypt 19, 183

Eisenstein, Elizabeth 62, 387

Ekbia, Hamid R. 431

Electrick spray paint 51

Electronic Frontier Foundation 406

Eliot, T. S. 57

Elster, Jon 304, 425

EMC 386, 387

Emerging Technology from the arXiv 422


affective computing 523

perception-control 1489

Enchassi, Nadia Judith 370, 420

encryption 1824

Engels, Friedrich 310, 3267, 362, 426, 429, 436


Levellers 21516

Luddites 13

Revolution 77, 1678

Entous, Adam 433

entrenchment, rule-based injustice 284

Epicenter 51

epidermal electronics 44

Epstein, Robert 398

equality 10

Data Democracy 247

Deliberative Democracy 234

democracy 223, 2256

Direct Democracy 240

distributive justice 2623

human nature 3645

and justice, difference between 259

of opportunity 260, 261, 263, 270, 294

Esteva, Andre 372

Estonia 47, 220

Ethereum 47


Data Deal 339

human enhancement 363 see also morality

European Convention on Human Rights 326

European Court of Human Rights 31, 109

European Court of Justice 138

European Parliament 184

European Union (EU)

Brexit 4, 233, 239

competition law 357

General Data Protection Regulation 138, 433

Google fine 357

personal data laws 138

right to explanation 354

taxation 328

everyware see smart devices

Executive Office of the President 421, 422

exploitation 273

Eyefluence 319


acceptable/unacceptable posts 190

acquisitions 318, 31920

artificial intelligence 116

ban on far-right groups 236

commercial value 66

concentration of tech industry 318, 319, 320, 321

democracy 359

embarrassing photographs 137

fake news 230

fragmented reality 230

friends 284

job applicants 267

Kurds 236

‘Likes’ 132, 149, 221, 248

machine learning 35

Messenger 318

new media 77

news platform 147

Newsroom 406

Oculus Rift 59

personal data about users 645

photograph upload numbers 63

power 350

rules 116

user emotions 1489

user-generated content 315

user numbers 45, 65

users as unpaid workforce 338

US presidential election (2016) 354

Faception 173

facial analysis 52

facial recognition 30, 51

data-based injustice 282

machine learning 36

rule-based injustice 2856

totalitarianism 178

fact-checking 234

Fairfield, Joshua A. T. 400

fairness principle 353, 355, 357

fake news 150, 230, 233, 234

Faraday, Michael 5

Faris, Robert 412

Farr, James 16, 368, 369, 389

Faulkner, William 138

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 55

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 155

Feinberg, Joel 196, 407, 408

feudal system 1589

film direction 30


fragmented reality 229, 231

justice in recognition 278

perception-control 143, 1445, 14652

financial trading

AI systems 31

digitization 102, 186

distributive justice 268

network effect 321

Finland 220

Finn, Ed 391

first movers 320

Fischer, Lisa 381

Fischetti, Mark 380

Fitbit 44, 135

Flickr 282

Floridi, Luciano 374, 385

Foot, Philippa 394

force 89, 93, 10021

automation 100, 11921

code 96

cryptography 182

digitization 100, 10114

harm principle 200

implications 121

nature of politics 734

privatization 100, 11419

public and private power 154, 155, 157, 15960

separation of powers 3589

Ford 30, 116

Ford, Henry 11, 221

Ford, Martin 424, 428

forgetting 1368

Forster, E. M. 15, 369

Foucault, Michel 391, 392, 394, 395, 415

disciplinary power 1267

law enforcement 104, 105

truth as instrument of repression 238

fragmented morality 204, 231

fragmented reality 22931, 237


armed escorts for Jewish schoolchildren 273

Holocaust denial 235

participatory budgeting (Paris) 220

Revolution 17, 77, 123, 216, 304

Frank, Aaron 386

Frank, Robert H. 420, 421

Frankfurt, Harry 418

Frayne, David 426

Freeden, Michael 389


of action see action, freedom of

of community see republican freedom

consent principle 353

future 1867

of movement 192

republican see republican freedom

of speech 1901, 2357

of thought see thought, freedom of

see also liberty 166, 401

Freud, Sigmund 3023, 425

Friedman, R. B. 433

Friedman, Thomas L. 375

Fromm, Erich 163, 1667, 401

Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance 32

Fukuyama, Francis 402, 408, 430, 434

Fuller, Steve 435

Fullerton, Jamie 385

Full Fact 414

gait analysis 53, 178

Gandhi, Mahatma 6

Garmin fitness tracker 135

Garreau, Joel 435

Gartner Newsroom 377

Gasser, Urs 380

Gates, Bill 306, 328


and political agenda 72

see also sexism

General Data Protection Regulation 138, 433

Georgia 47

Germany 163, 235, 274

Gershgorn, Dave 385

Gibson, William 42

Gladstone, William 5

Gleick, James 19, 370, 389, 390

Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism 191

global positioning system (GPS) 44, 49, 64, 103, 106

Go 312, 36

goblin property 325

Goldman, Alvin I. 415

Goldman, Bruce 402

Goldman Sachs 102

Goldsmith, Oliver 313

Golem 53

Goode, Lauren 431

Goodman, Marc 64, 376, 387, 388, 405

Goodwin, Morag 403


acquisitions 318, 319

advertisements 288, 318, 351

algorithmic audit, objection to 355

AlphaGo 312, 33, 36

Android 318

artificial intelligence 116

augmented reality 58

autocomplete system 289

chips 40

cloud storage 156

concentration of tech industry 318

copyright infringement sites 156

Daydream 59

‘Doctrine’ 15

driverless cars 54

fine 357

Gmail 137, 155

government requests for information 155

and government/state 157

Holocaust denial 346

machine learning 36

page rankings 147

quantum computers 40

searches 64, 137, 147, 280, 2889, 351, 352, 357

self-driving vehicles 116

software engineers 297

TensorFlow 332

translation system 656

Gorz, André 426

Gould, Carol 400, 434

GPS 44, 49, 64, 103, 106

Gramsci, Antonio 144

graphene 41

Gray, Tim 407

Great Chain of Being 349

Greece, ancient

agora 190, 191

democracy 212, 21415, 217, 2223, 224, 228, 232, 254

omens and oracles 253

political theory 9

property 77, 324

Stoics 323

work paradigm 3001

Green, Harriet 379

Greenberg, Andy 414

Greenfield, Adam 376, 377

Greengard, Samuel 374, 377, 381, 383, 384

Grimmelmann, James 391, 393

Groopman, Jerome 384

group membership fallacy, rule-based injustice 284

Grullon, Gustavo 427

guilds 159


cultural context 14

emoji 148

smart 106

Guo, Jeff 423

Gutenberg’s printing press 20, 623

Haac, Oscar A. 402

Habermas, Jürgen 245, 411, 416


political 1802

and power 156

by the state 156

Hajian, Sara 422

Halpin, H. 367

Halting Problem 399

Hamilton, Alexander 17, 18, 369

Hamilton, Kevin 433

Hamm, Steve 386, 388

Hanson, Russell L. 368, 389, 409

Harari, Yuval Noah 369, 381, 389, 416, 417, 434, 435

Data Democracy 247

importance of language to politics 16, 17, 133

Harcourt, Bernard E. 403

harm principle 195205

Harrell, Erika 420

Harris, J. W. 407

Hart, H. L. A. 103, 2023, 3645, 392, 435


encryption 184

free online courses 334

Law School 1845

robotics 55

Hassan, Samer 393

Hauser, Christine 396

Havelock, Eric A. 393

Haven, Douglas 409

Hayek, Friedrich 395, 401, 429

liberty 163

non-egalitarianism 263

property 325

scrutiny 133, 134

health insurance 267, 280

Heater, Brian 377

Hegel, G. W. F. 11, 85, 272, 3256, 429

Held, David 408, 409, 412

Hern, Alex 370, 374, 388, 396, 421, 427

Hero of Alexandria 53

Hess, Amanda 413

Higgins, Stan 378

Hildebrandt, Mireille 367, 434

Hinchliffe, Emma 373

Hitler, Adolf 226

Hobbes, Thomas 9, 114, 185, 363, 394, 405, 435

Hobsbawm, Eric 79, 390

Hofstadter, Richard 237, 414

Hollerith, Herman 19

Holmes, Oliver Wendell 110, 393

Holocaust denial 235, 239, 346

holograms 589, 146, 179

Homer 111


Apple’s ‘cure’ apps 2356

Hart–Devlin debate 2023

justice in recognition 2723

neutrality fallacy 289

Honduras 47

HoneyPot bots 233

Hong Kong 58

Honig, Bonnie 368

Honneth, Axel 271, 420

Hopkins, Nick 406

Horvatch, Brett 410

House of Representatives (US) 229

housing, and distributive justice 267, 268

Howard, Philip N. 155, 400, 413

Hudson, Laura 371

Huffington Post 183

human capital 315, 316

human enhancement 3623

human nature, ‘elementary truths’ about 3645

human vulnerability 364, 365

Hume, David 11415, 118, 263, 364, 394, 418, 435

Huxley, Aldous 12

Hvistendahl, Mara 397


Candide 656

commons 332

concentration camp inmates, identification numbers 131

Deep Blue 31, 33, 36

founder 19

Watson 323, 103

IFR 382

immediate sensory experience 14950

immersive nature of technology 5760

immorality see morality

impartiality 291

imperishability of information 127, 1368

implicitly unjust rules 2848

Improbable 3301

income 301, 3057

increasingly capable systems 2941

Artificial Intelligence 307

computing power, exponential growth in 3741

increasingly integrated technology 4260

connective 448

constitutive 537

immersive 5760

pervasive 434

sensitive 4953

increasingly quantified society 618

Data Democracy 2467

scrutiny 1289, 140

individual responsibility 3467

Indulska, Jadwiga 423

industrial revolution 1213

inequality see equality

influence 93, 122

code 96, 97

digital liberation 1701

harm principle 200


and algorithms 2689

importance to politics 1719

increasingly quantified society 617

injustice see justice

Innis, Harold 19, 370

Instagram 149, 318, 319 288


AI systems 323

algorithmic injustice 280

distributive justice 267, 268

intangible property 324

integrated circuits 40

Intel 39, 375

intellectual property 315, 324, 3323

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 139

Internet Live Stats 377, 387

internet of things see smart devices

intersubjective failures of recognition 272

intimate nature of scrutiny 127, 1346

Iran 183, 184

Isaacson, Walter 39, 374

Issenberg, Sasha 410

Istvan, Zoltan 380

Italy 173, 215

iTunes 96

Jahoda, Marie 425, 426

Jain, Rishabh 414

Japan 54

Jasanoff, Sheila 400

Jawbone 44

Jay, John 369

Jay, Martin 414

Jefferson, Thomas 327, 366, 430, 436

Jeopardy! 32

Jie, Ke 32

job applicants 2667, 268

Jobs, Steve 314

Johnson, Bobby 399

Johnson, Steve 427

Jones, Steve 388

Jøsang, Audun 423

Jouppi, Norm 375

judicial system 102

Jury Theorem 224


algorithmic injustice 27994

civil 259

concept 745, 76

conceptual analysis 81

criminal 259

as desert 2601

as dessert 261, 262

distributive 25770, 274, 278

and equality, difference between 259

fairness principle 353

property 31341

in recognition 260, 2718

social see social justice

technological unemployment 295312

Justinian, Emperor 202

Kahane, Guy 434

Kant, Immanuel 186, 272, 406

Karrahalios, Karrie 433

Kasparov, Garry 31, 36, 373

Kassarnig, Valentin 372

Keen, Andrew 376

Kelion, Leo 413

Kellmereit, Daniel 380

Kelly, Kevin 20, 21, 370, 373, 374, 375, 430

Kelly, Rick 384, 385

Kelly III, John E. 386, 388

Kelsen, Hans 103, 392

Kennedy, John F. 164, 188, 347

Kennedy, Robert F. 256

Keurig 116

Khatchadourian, Raffi 52, 382

Khomami, Nadia 397

Al-Khwārizmī, Abd’Abdallah Muhammad ibn Mūsā 94

Kim, Mark 376

King, Martin Luther 6, 180, 257, 360, 404

Kirchner, Lauren 403

Kirobo Mini 55

Kitchin, Rob 376, 377, 380, 381, 387, 388, 391, 404

Klaas, Brian 408

Kleinman, Zoe 383

Knockel, Jeffrey 399

Koch brothers 230

Kolhatkar, Sheelah 367, 423

Kollanyi, Bence 413

Korea 20

Kotler, Steven 374, 435

Krasodomski-Jones, Alex 412

Kurzweil, Ray 38, 366, 374, 436

Kymlicka, Will 418

labour market 303

Lai, Richard 386

Lampos, Vasileios 393

Landemore, Hélène 408, 411, 416

Laney, Doug 431

Langbort, Cedric 433


importance to politics 1617, 19

limits of 1011

political concepts 7680

public and private power 157

Lanier, Jaron 367, 374, 384, 400, 416, 419, 428, 431, 435

Data Deal 338

human enhancement 363

network effect 321

Silicon Valley startups 67

Wiki Democracy 246

Lant, Karla 376

Laouris, Yiannis 435

Large Hadron Collider 65

Larkin, Yelena 427

Larson, Jeff 403, 422

Larson, Selena 370, 421


adaptive 10710

AI Democracy 253

AI systems 31

code-ified 11012, 245

digital 10014

dissent 17980

enforcement 1017

intellectual property 332

justice in recognition 2745

oral cultures 11112

rule of 115

self-enforcing 1013

supercharged state 1712

wise restraints 1856

written 111, 112

Lawrence, Neil 374, 388, 427

Leftwich, Adrian 389

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 21, 153, 370

Leonardo Da Vinci 28

Lessig, Lawrence 391, 392, 394, 420, 433

code as law 96

cyberspace as a place 97

free software 359

law enforcement through force 104, 105

privatization of force 100, 117

Leta Jones, Meg 138, 397, 432

Levellers 21516

Levy, Steven 404

Lewis, Michael 428

liberal democracy 21617, 246, 254

liberal-democratic principle of legitimacy 350

liberalism 77, 350

liberty 3, 10, 23, 346

concept 745, 76

conceptual analysis 81

contextual analysis 84

Deliberative Democracy 234

and democracy 2078, 222, 225, 249

digital 2057

digital dissent 17984

digital liberation 16871

harm principle 195205

human enhancement 363

nature of politics 74

price mechanism 270

and private power 18994

supercharged state 1719

and the tech firm 188208

transparency regulation 355

types 1648

wise restraints 1846

see also freedom

Library of Congress 56

life-logs 63

Lincoln, Abraham 89, 210, 231, 323

Linn, Allison 398

Linux 2434, 245, 333

Lipińska, Veronika 435

lip-reading 30

liquid democracy 242

Lively, J. 409

Livingston, James 425

Livy 216

loans, and distributive justice 267, 268

Locke, John 216, 246, 301, 323, 429 234

Lopatto, Elizabeth 434

lottery, work distribution via 304

Loveluck, Benjamin 378

Luca, Michael 423

luck egalitarianism 262, 307

Luddites 13

Lukes, Steven 3901, 395, 398

Luxemburg, Rosa 348, 432

Lynch, Jack 384

Machiavelli, Niccolò 188, 217, 406, 409

machine learning 347, 266

algorithmic injustice 293

commons 332

data-based injustice 282

Data Democracy 248

data’s economic importance 317

distributive justice 267

future of code 98

group membership fallacy 284

increasingly quantified society 61

liberty and private power 191

political campaigning 220

predictions 139, 173, 175

productive technologies 316

rule-based injustice 284

MacKinnon, Rebecca 396

Madison, James 216, 241, 369, 415

MagicLeap 59

Maistre, Joseph de 101

make-work 304

manipulation 93, 122

code 96, 97

digital liberation 1701

harm principle 200

Mannheim, Karl 78, 390

Manyika, James 424

Mao, Huina 416

Marconi, Guglielmo 21

marginalization 273

Margretts, Helen 410

market system, and distributive justice 2645

Markoff, John 400, 413

Martinez, Peter 413

Marx, Karl 367, 390, 398, 415, 417, 424, 425, 429, 434, 436

Communist Manifesto 3267, 362

Direct Democracy 2401

future of political ideas 86

justice 258

perception-control 144

on philosophers 7

political concepts 78

property 324, 3267

sorcerer 366

workers 295, 298, 301, 307

Mason, Paul 374

Massachusetts Institute of Technology see MIT

Mattu, Surya 403

Maxim, Hiram 20

Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor 387, 388, 395, 397, 427, 433

data 62, 65

forgetting versus remembering 137

Mayr, Otto 14, 368

McAfee, Andrew 374, 382, 390, 393, 427, 431

capital 315, 316, 334

McChesney, Robert W. 400, 427

McDermott, Daniel 390

McGinnis, John O. 416

McKinsey 295, 299

Mearian, Lucas 386

MedEthEx 108


3D printing 567

AI systems 31, 32, 1089, 113

digital law 11213

increasingly integrated technology 51, 54, 567

ransomware 182

robotics 54

technological unemployment 300

Medium 183

memory 1368

Merchant, Brian 430

merit, and distributive justice 261

Mesthene, Emmanuel G. 368

metadata 63

Metcalfe’s Law 320

Metz, Cade 372, 373, 374, 375, 380

Metz, Rachel 407

Michaely, Roni 427


acquisitions 318

chips 40

commons 332

concentration of tech industry 318, 320

Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism 191

HoloLens 59

patents 315

speech-recognition AI system 30

Tay 37, 346

might is right 349


AI systems 31

brain–computer interfaces 48

sensors 50

Mill, James 195

Mill, John Stuart 367, 403, 4067, 411, 414, 415

change, need for 3

Deliberative Democracy 234

democracy 223

freedom of speech, constraints on 237

harm principle 196, 198, 199, 203

liberty 1956, 201, 203

liquid democracy 242

normative analysis 83

predictions 173

upbringing 195

Miller, David 435

Mills, Laurence 418

Milton, John 124, 167, 395

minstrel accounts 232

Mirani, Leo 396

Miremadi, Mehdi 424

Misra, Tanvi 377


affective computing 53

bomb-detecting spinach 501

Senseable City Lab 50

Technology Review Custom 427

temporary tattoos for smartphone control 51

Mitchell, Margaret 403

Mitchell, William J. 183, 376, 405

Mizokami, Kyle 379

Moley 407

Momentum Machines 299

Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de 358, 433

Moore, Gordon 39, 374

Moore’s Law 3940, 41


AI Democracy 253

automation of 1767

Data Democracy 24950

Direct Democracy 240

fragmented 204, 231

harm principle 2005

justice in distribution 261

see also ethics

Moravec’s paradox 54, 382

More, Max 402, 434

Morgan, J. P. 318

Morozov, Evgeny 15, 336, 369, 414, 431

motor insurance 267

movement, freedom of 192

MoveOn 221

Moxley, Lauren 410

Moynihan, Daniel 230

Mumford, Lewis 42, 153

Muoio, Danielle 383 48, 380

Mussolini, Benito 118

Nagel, Thomas 423

Nakamoto, Satoshi 45

names 1301

nanotechnology 56

Nardi, Bonnie, A. 431

nationalism 273

National Security Agency (NSA)




phone taps 125

terrorists, identification of 35, 132

Nelson, Eric 429

Nelson, Justin 434

neo-Nazism 235, 236

Netflix 147, 269

network effect 3202

network neutrality 1578

neuroelectronics 41

neuroprosthetics 51

NeuroSky 48

neutrality fallacy 28892


fake 150, 230, 233, 234

perception-control 1467, 150, 151, 152, 229

shared values principle 3534

Newton, Casey 377

Newton, Sir Isaac 78

New York 130

New York Times 392

New Zealand 24, 244, 276

Ng, Jason Q. 399

Niblett, Anthony 109, 112, 393, 394

Nichols, John 400

Nicholson, Peter P. 389

Nietzsche, Friedrich 88

night watchman state 265

Nike Fuelbands 44

Nissenbaum, Helen 170, 402

Nobel, Alfred 20

Nobel prize for Chemistry 56

Norman, Donald A. 401

normative analysis 835

norms 274, 275

Novartis 51

Noveck, Beth Simone 220, 410, 416

Nozick, Robert 2634, 313, 418, 426

nuclear power 14

NYC Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation 377

Obama, Barack 4, 95, 21920, 230

Ober, Josiah 411

objective failures of recognition 272

objectivity, and the neutrality fallacy 292

Obodovski, Daniel 380

Occupy 150, 221

Octobot 55

Odysseus 1656

Olson, Parmy 430

O’Malley, James 380

O’Neil, Cathy 418, 419, 421, 433

Ong, Walter 111, 393

Onlife Initiative 368

online groups 221

Oord, Aäron van den 371

open-source production 244, 333

open-source software 2434

opportunity, equality of 260, 261, 263, 270, 294

oppression 273

Oracle 427

oral cultures 11112

O’Reilly, Tim 391, 392, 393

Original Sin 349

Orwell, George 390, 415

intellectual honesty and balanced judgment, disappearance of 2378

Nineteen Eighty-Four 12, 122, 151

political speech 81

ostracism 217

overtly unjust rules 2834

Owlchemy Labs 319

Oxford English Dictionary 79

Oxford University 30

Paine, Thomas 1678

Pakistan 50

Palfrey, John 380

Panopticon 126

Parfit, Derek 418

Parijs, Philippe van 306, 425, 426

Paro 55

participation and algorithms 268

Pascal, Blaise 40, 41

Pasquale, Frank 397, 399, 400, 404, 406, 419, 422, 423, 428, 432, 434

algorithms 194

Google 351

Pateman, Carol 410

patents 315, 316, 324, 332, 333

patriarchy 349

Pearson, Jordan 421

Penney, Jon 395

Penny, Timothy J. 412

perception-control 89, 123, 14252

Deliberative Democracy 229

digital liberation 170

digital lifeworld 14650

implications 1502

justice in recognition 278

public and private power 154, 1567, 160

separation of control 3589

twentieth century 1446

Pericles 214, 224, 253

Perry, Walter 397

Persia 19

personal property 324

person-specific pricing 269, 270

persuasion 142

pervasiveness of technology 434

Perzanowski, Aaron 325, 394, 429, 431

Peterson, Andrea 385

Pettit, Philip 167, 401

Philadelphia 130

Phillips, Anne 368

philosophical engineers 69, 294, 347

Piketty, Thomas 314, 3278, 4267, 430

PKK 236

PlanIt Valley, Portugal 50

Plato 389, 397, 409, 413, 432

democracy 212, 251

memory 136

philosophers 347

political theory 9

property 77

Ring of Gyges 232

Plaugic, Lizzie 414

Playstation VR 59

Pocock, J. G. A. 389

Pokémon Go 58

political campaigning 21920

political concepts 7480

political hacking 1802

political speeches 31, 3601

political theory 805

conceptual analysis 813, 845

contextual analysis 845

future of 845

normative analysis 835

promise of 911


Direct Democracy 2401, 243

technocratic 251


definition 74

nature of 704

of politics 72

post-truth 2301, 237

of prediction 1726

task of 346

of tech firms 1569

Popper, Ben 381

Portugal 50

post-politics 3626

post-truth politics 2301, 237

Potts, Amanda 422

power 3, 10, 223, 89, 3456

code as 957, 1545

concept 75, 76

conceptual analysis 81

definition 92

digital technology 948

faces of 923

force 10021

and liberty 18994

nature of 902

nature of politics 74

perception-control 14252

private 15360, 18994

public 15360

range of 912, 158

scrutiny 12241

separation of powers 3589

and significance 92, 158

stability of 92, 158

structural regulation 356, 3579

supercharged state 3478

tech firms 34854

pragmatism 349

predictability of behaviour 127, 1389


Data Democracy 250

politics of 1726

totalitarianism 177

predictive policing 174, 176

predictive sentencing 174, 176

preliterate societies 11112

Preotiuc, Daniel 393

pricing mechanism 26970, 286

Prince, Matthew 414

Princeton Review 286

printing technology

3D printing 567, 178, 329

4D printing 57

Gutenberg’s press 20, 623

prioritarians 260

Pritchard, Tom 405

Private Property Paradigm 3237, 336

privatization of force 100, 11419

productive technologies 31617

state ownership 329

taxation 328

profit, rights of 3301

Promobot 556

property 31341

capital 31417

concentration of 31822

concept 77, 78

conceptual analysis 823

future 327

new paradigm 32740

Private Property Paradigm 3237

types of 324

Wealth Cyclone 3223

ProPublica 174

Proteus Biomedical 51

Protocols of the Elders of Zion 232

proxy votes 242

public utilities, similarity of tech firms to 1578

Qin dynasty 131

quantum computers 40

Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QDCA) technology 41


data-based injustice 282

neutrality fallacy 288, 289, 290

recidivism prediction 174

rule-based injustice 283, 285

Radicati Group Inc. 387

Ralph Lauren 44

ranking, digital 2768

algorithmic injustice 28990

ransomware 182

rateability of life 13940, 277

rational ignorance, problem of 241

Ratner, Paul 383

Rawls, John 389, 404, 417, 419, 432

justice 257, 258, 2623

political hacking 181

political theory 9

reality, fragmented 22931, 237

real property 324

recognition, algorithms of 260, 2758

Reddit 77

regulation of tech firms 3501, 3549

reinforcement learning (AI) 35

Remnick, David 367, 412

representative democracy 218, 240, 248

republican freedom 1678, 184

and democracy 222

and private power 191

wise restraints 185

Republican Party (US) 229 290

reputation systems 28990

resources, limited 365

responsibility, individual 3467

Reuters 405

revolution concept 77, 78

Richards, Thomas 369

Rieff, David 397


to explanation 354

usufructuary 3301

to work 3045, 307

Riley v. California 381

Roberts, John 52

RoboBees 55


Asimov’s First Law 1989

degradation argument 361

digital liberation 169

force 106

harm principle 204

increasingly integrated technology 536

productive technologies 316

technological unemployment 295, 298, 299

Robot Tax 306, 328

Rockefeller, John D. 318

Rome, ancient

freedom 168

property 77, 324

stars 253

statistics 18

writing 19

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 18

Roosevelt, Theodore 318

Rose, David 43, 376, 381, 385, 396

Rosenberg, Robin 407, 408

Rosenbush, Steve 392

rough and ready test of algorithmic injustice 2801

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 394, 401, 408, 411, 415, 429

democracy 207, 222, 225, 240

freedom of thought 165

liberty 207

political theory 9

property 3234

scrutiny 123

state and force 114

Rowling, J. K. 3245, 333

Ruan, Lotus 399

rule-based injustice 2838

rule of law 115


code-ified law 112

digital law 1078, 109, 113

Rushkoff, Douglas 207, 408, 421

Russell, Bertrand 426

Russia 556, 354

Ryan, Alan 218, 409, 410, 417, 429

Sadowski, Jathan 404

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 69

Sample, Ian 413

Samsung 48, 59, 119

Sandel, Michael J. 361, 434, 435

Sander, Alison 383

Sandvig, Christian 422, 433

Santander, Spain 50

Saudi Arabia 183

Savulescu, Julian 402, 434

Scanlon, Thomas 165, 401, 418

Schaff, Kory 3001, 425

Schattschneider, E. E. 398

Schechner, Sam 419

Schmidt, Eric 374, 376, 384, 385, 398, 435

Schneider, Nathan 430

Schneier, Bruce 388

Scholz, Trebor 430

Schrems, Max 645

Schultz, Jason 325, 394, 418, 429, 431

Schumpeter, Joseph 218, 219, 221, 242, 409

Schwab, Klaus 319, 379, 381, 382, 417, 428

Scoble, Robert 381, 404, 405

Scott, Clare 385

Scott, James C. 1278, 1301, 1334, 395

scrutable nature of society 12734, 337

scrutiny 89, 12241

auxiliary function 124, 125

cryptography 182

digital liberation 170

in digital lifeworld 12740

disciplinary function 124, 1257

implications 141

nature of 1234

power of 1247

public and private power 154, 155, 1567, 160

separation of powers 3589

of staff 267

search engines

perception-control 1478, 150, 151, 152

totalitarianism 177

see also Google

Sedol, Lee 31

self-driving vehicles 30

communication between 48

‘cyber’ and ‘real’ distinction, disappearance of 97

democracy 359

digital liberation 169

embedded rules 734

force, digitization of 1034

harm principle 198, 204

liberty and private power 192

lidar 49

machine learning 35

privatization of force 116, 11718

robotics 545

technological unemployment 299

totalitarianism 178

utility analogy 158

self-enforcing law 1013

Semayne’s Case 396

Sen, Amartya 408

Sensifall 407

sensitivity of technology 4953

separation of powers 358

sexism 273

neutrality fallacy 291

rule-based injustice 283, 285


Apple’s homosexuality ‘cure’ apps 2356

Hart–Devlin debate 202

justice in recognition 2723

neutrality fallacy 289

political agenda 72

Shakespeare, William 308, 310, 331, 426

Shanahan, Murray 373, 374, 375, 376, 379, 436

whole-brain emulation 33

shared values principle 3534, 355, 357

sharing economy 3356

Shead, Sam 424

Shel, Israel 381, 404, 405

Shiller, Benjamin Reed 41920

Shin, Laura 379

shopping platforms, and distributive justice 269

Siedentop, Larry 389, 418, 429

Siegel, Eric 397, 398, 419

Silicon Valley

automation of morality 177

brain–computer interfaces 48

employee characteristics 8, 294

employee numbers 319

‘Google Doctrine’ 15

Moore’s Law 39, 41

philosophical engineers 8

startups, claims of 67

Silva, Shiroma 413

Silver, David 372, 374

Silverman, Craig 412

Simon, Julie 410, 414, 416

Simonite, Tom 375, 386, 404

Singer-Vine, Jeremy 419

Singh Grewal, David 428

Skinner, Quentin 167, 401

Skunk Riot Control Copter 179

Skype 148

Slee, Tom 2901, 422, 423

Sloan Digital Sky Survey 65

smart assets 47

smart cities 44, 50, 66

fairness principle 353

scrutiny 130

smart contracts 47, 1067

automation of force 119

smart devices 43

automation of force 119

code’s empire 97

connectivity 45, 48

dolls 182

glasses 58

guns 106

hacking 182, 183

harm principle 1978

pervasiveness 434

pills 51

privatization of force 116

productive technologies 316

scrutiny 134, 1356

toilet paper dispensers 51

toilets 182

vibrators 1356

smart dust technology 50


Android 318

checking 42

Direct Democracy 240

Freedom app 166

GPS 64

implantable 52

interfaces 51

location prediction 139

NeuroSky headsets 48

perception-control 146

Pokémon Go 58

processing power 38

scrutiny 135

sensors 501

smart stores 299

Smith, Adam 264, 301, 325, 326, 429

Smith, Bryant Walker 383

Smith, Cooper 387

Smith, Mat 377

Snapchat 44, 58

Snowden, Edward 156

social justice 3, 10, 245, 346

algorithmic injustice 27994

in distribution 25770, 274, 278

future 3401

nature of 2589

property 31341

in recognition 2718

sharing economy 336

technological unemployment 295312

Socrates 136, 217, 226

Solon, Olivia 419

Solove, Daniel J. 194, 406

Soltani, Ashkan 419

sousveillance 63

South Africa 179

Spain 50, 58

Special Air Service (SAS) 2878


freedom of 1901, 2357

recognition 30

Spence, Michael 425, 427, 431

Spencer, Herbert 308, 426

spinach, bomb-detecting 51

Spinoza, Baruch 224, 411

spintronic materials 41

Spotify 236

Sprat, Thomas 79

Squires, Judith 72, 389, 420

Srnicek, Nick 426

stability, and democracy 225, 234


digital law 1078, 10910, 113

network effect 320, 321

Staples 269


and distributive justice 264, 265

ownership of capital 32930

supercharged see supercharged state

Statista 378

statistics 1718

status, and work paradigm 301, 3079

Steele, Billy 396

Steiner, Christopher 391, 421

Stephen, James Fitzjames 2012, 407

Stoics 323

Straitens, Iman 416

structural regulation 3569

Sudha, L. R. 382

sufficientarians 260, 280

Sullivan, Danny 388

Sumerians 19, 278

Sun, Yiting 424

Sundararajan, Arun 431

Sunstein, Cass R. 1701, 231, 241, 402, 412, 413, 415

supercharged state 1719, 187

power 3478

wise restraints 185

supervised learning (AI) 35

Surden, Harry 392, 393

surnames 1301

Surowiecki, James 411

surveillance see scrutiny

Susskind, Daniel 370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 382, 383, 384, 387, 388, 392, 393, 416, 424, 425, 430, 431

commons 3312, 334

technological unemployment 296, 299, 300

Susskind, Jamie 417

Susskind, Richard 370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 382, 383, 384, 387, 388, 392, 416, 424, 425, 430, 431

commons 3312, 334

technological unemployment 296, 300

Svirsky, Dan 423

Swan, Melanie 378, 392

Swearingen, Jake 396

Sweden 47

Swift, Adam 81, 390, 408, 418

Taigman, Yaniv 371

Taiwan 234

Takahashi, Dean 386

talkers (democracy theorists) 225

Taplin, Jonathan 318, 428

Tapscott, Alex 368, 378, 415

Tapscott, Don 239, 368, 378, 415

Tashea, Jason 403


of capital 3279

and forced labour 313

Private Property Paradigm 326

Robot Tax 306, 328

technological unemployment 295312

first to go 298300

human capital 316

thesis 2978

work paradigm 3003

work paradigm, after the 30511

work paradigm, responses within the 3035

technology, politics of 1221

teledildonics 200

Telegraph 380

telepathy 48

Temkin, Larry 418

Tennyson, Alfred Lord 344

ter Meulen, Ruud 434

Tesla 116

theorist, thinking like a 6986

future of political ideas 856

nature of politics 704

political concepts 7480

political theory 804

Thielman, Sam 396

Thoreau, Henry David 180, 227, 404

thought, freedom of 1657, 184

digital liberation 170

predictive systems 176

and private power 1912

Thucydides 214, 409, 411

Tibbits, Skylar 385

Timberg, Craig 433

Time 382

time, and the work paradigm 302

Tkacz, Nathaniel 417

Tocqueville, Alexis de 394, 401, 411

democracy 160, 162, 188, 221, 225

future of political ideas 86

law, familiarity with the 112

political science xiii

Todorov, Alexander 403

Tolkien, J. R. R. 232

Topol, Sarah A. 372

Tor 45

Torgerson, Douglas 416

totalitarianism 1779

consumer tolerance of 189

touchscreens 51

Townsend, Anthony M. 370

Toyota 55

trademarks 324

tradition 349

translation 30, 58, 656

transparency regulation 3546

troll-spotting 234

Trotsky, Leon 21, 114, 370

Trump, Donald 12, 158, 190, 220, 233, 239

truth 2389

Tsarapatsanis, Dimitrios 393

Tucker, Ian 421

Tucker, Patrick 380

Tufekci, Zeynep 236, 395, 410, 412, 414

Turing, Alan 40, 203

Turkey 183, 184

Tutt, Andrew 433

Tutu, Desmond 292

Twitter 378

bots 233

Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism 191

minstrel accounts 232

new media 77

retweeting of political statements 221

Saudi Arabia 183

social rewards 149

Tay 37

tweets 63

US House of Representatives 229

user numbers 45

Tyson, Laura 425

Uber 47, 116, 289, 336

ubiquitous computing see smart devices

Underworlds 50

unemployment see technological unemployment

United Kingdom (UK)

blockchain 47

Brexit referendum 4, 233, 239

Department for Work and Pensions 47

encryption 184

freedom of speech 235

guns 14

housing market fluctuations 331

illegal acts 172

liberalism 77

tax authorities 66

see also England

United States (US)

2012 presidential election 21920

2016 presidential election 4, 12, 220, 230, 233, 354

antitrust law 357

Army 48, 178

blockchain 47

censuses 17, 19

city design 130

civil society organizations 221

Cold War 133

computers, abuse of 276

concentration of industries 318

Constitution 155, 235, 243, 333

consumer searches 268

DARPA 47, 178

democracy 221, 225, 241

disabilities, people with 273

drones 55

FBI 155

federal budget (2015) 38

freedom of speech 235

guns 14

Holocaust denial 235

House of Representatives 229

internet of things 136

IRS 139

lawsuits 102

liberalism 77

Library of Congress 56

Louisville, Kentucky 44

manufacturing sector 295

net neutrality 158

new media 77

New York’s Metropolitan Transportation authority 178

NSA see National Security Agency

poverty 305

predictive sentencing 174

Revolution 167, 168, 216

State Department 236

statistics 18

Supreme Court 109

truckers 299

unattended ground sensors used by military 50

universal basic income (UBI) 3067, 310, 328, 337

universality 291

unsupervised learning (AI) 35

Urban Engines 319

usage rights 3301

Useem, Jeremy 419

usufructuary rights 3301

utility companies, similarity of tech firms to 1578

Valentino-DeVries, Jennifer 419

Vanderborght, Yannick 425, 426

Van Reybrouck, David 408

Vättö, Kristian 375

Verne, Jules 21

vibrators, smart 1356

virtual reality (VR) 5960

‘cyber’ and ‘real’ distinction, disappearance of 978

degradation argument 361

digital liberty 206

harm principle 2002, 2034

mixed reality 60

perception-control 146, 149

politics of technology 13

scrutiny 135

technological unemployment 311

vision, machine 51

see also facial recognition

VITAL (Validating Investment Tool for Advancing Life Sciences) 31

Vita-More, Natasha 402, 434

voice analysis 52

voice recognition 282 417 417


AI Democracy 252

apps 252

Data Democracy 247, 249

Direct Democracy 240, 2412

VR see virtual reality

vTaiwan 234

vulnerability, human 364, 365

Wakefield, Jane 381

Waldrop, M. Mitchell 376

Wallach, Wendell 374, 381, 383, 384, 393, 394, 435

airport security system 120

Walzer, Michael 154, 310, 400, 420, 426

war 712

Wassom, Brian D. 402

Watkins, Alan 416

Waymo 54

Wealth Cyclone 3223, 327

Data Deal 337

sharing economy 336

usufructuary rights 331

wearable technologies 44, 135

Weber, Max 36970, 394, 432

bureaucracy 18

modernity 69

state and force 114

task of politics 346

WeChat 148, 319

Weigend, Andreas 338, 431

Weinstein, James 414

wellbeing, and the work paradigm 3023, 30911

Wells, H. G. 12

WhatsApp 97, 183, 318, 320

Whipple, Tom 384

Whitby, Andrew 423

White, Stuart 390

Whitehead, Alfred North 177, 403

whole-brain emulation 33

Wholefoods 319

Wiesel, Elie 292

Wiki Democracy 212, 2436, 254, 348


bots 2334

commons 333

constant change 245

contributors 45, 243

goal 245

Iran 183

Turkey 183

Wilde, Oscar 310, 426

Wile, Rob 372

will, limited understanding and strength of 365

William of Moerbeke 215

William the Conqueror 16

Williams, Alex 426

Winfield, Alan 382, 383

Winner, Langdon 14, 368

Wisconsin v Loomis 174

wisdom of crowds 2245, 226

Direct Democracy 240

Wiki Democracy 244

wise restraints 348

Deliberative Democracy 237

Digital Liberalism 205

liberty 1846, 187

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 25, 368, 370, 382, 390

clarity of expression 82

face as soul of the body 52

language, limits of 11

thinking 345

Wolfenden Report 202

Wolfgang, Meldon 383

women’s liberation movement 73

Wong, Gillian 397, 422

Wong, Joon Ian 379

Wong, Julia 367, 423

Woolley, Samuel C. 413

Wootson Jr, Cleve R. 396


distributive justice 2667, 268

resistance to automation 305

right to 3045, 307

as scarce resource 3034

see also technological unemployment

work ethic 262, 3089

work paradigm 30011

after the 30511

income 301

responses 3035

status 301

wellbeing 3023

World Economic Forum 51

Wozniak, Steve 314

Wright, Aaron 392, 394

Wright, Orville 21

Wright, Ronald 367


AI systems 30

importance to politics 1617, 133

law 111, 112

and memory 136

perception-control 149

Wu, Tim 189, 31314, 385, 406, 426

Wu, Yonghui 371

Wyatt, Sally 370

Wyss Institute 383

xenophobia 273

Xiong, Wei 371

Xqbot 2334

Yahoo 156

Yonck, Richard 404, 420, 423

Young, Angelo 428

Young, Iris Marion 273, 291, 417, 420, 423


acquisition 319

for Press 378

Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism 191

Iran’s version 184

machine learning 36

user-generated content 315

user numbers 45

Zenbo 55

Zeng, Xiao-Jun 416

Zittrain, Jonathan 152, 399