- Accountability, 88, 105
- Achievement
- effects of leaders/teachers on, 86, 87
- exercise and, 72–73
- expectations and, 55
- social/emotional learning and, 73
- steps for improving, 62–63
- See also Outcomes
- Achievement gap, 60
- strategies for closing, 61
- Actions, vs. words, 111–112
- Aditya, R., 42
- ADR (alternative dispute resolution) skills, 27
- Advocacy, 77–80
- Ahearn, K., 50
- Allport, G., 49
- Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) skills, 27
- Alviridez, J., 55
- Ammeter, A., 50
- Anderson, S., 85, 86
- Andrews, R., 86
- Appreciation, 14
- Arts, 72–75
- Astuteness, social, 50
- At-risk youth, 74
- Attitudes, 112
- Authoritarianism, 27
- Autonomy, professional, 105
- Awareness, 33–35. See also Self-knowledge
- Babad, E., 55
- Begley, P., 34
- Belonging, feeling of, 15–16
- Berkowitz, M., 66
- Biases, 10, 12, 48–49
- Bloodworth, M., 73
- Books
- negative representations in, 98
- selecting, 20
- Boon, C., 46
- Bosker, R., 55
- Boyatzis, R., 35
- Boys. See Men
- Breaking Barriers (Glaze, Mattingley, and Levin), 61
- Brophy, J., 55
- Brown, M., 45, 46
- Campbell, C., 87
- Capacity building, 41, 63, 86–89, 90. See also Improvement
- Capacity Building Series (website), 63
- Career development, 70–72
- Carlson, D., 46
- Casey, K., 40
- Character development, 65–70
- Chism, M., 26
- Chonko, L., 46
- Christensen, A., 46
- Clients, 105
- Collaboration, 42
- Collegiality, 15, 16
- Commitment, 42
- Communities
- developing, 79
- schools as, 81
- Communities of character, 67–68
- Community outreach, 70, 81–82
- Confrontation, constructive, 23–24
- Congeniality, 15
- Connelly, F. M., 105
- Conscience, acting according to, 10–11
- Contextual leadership, 42
- Coombs, C., 34
- Cooper, H., 55
- Copeland, M., 85
- Creativity, 76–77
- Crevola, C., 56
- Culture, portrayals of, 20, 98
- Curiosity, 76–77
- Curriculum
- alienation of students by, 20, 98
- arts in, 72–75
- character development and, 66
- Data, 61
- Datnow, A., 80
- De Boer, H., 55
- Deep South (Theroux), 19
- De Hoogh, A., 81
- Deming, W. Edwards, 35
- Democracy, 61, 65
- Den Hartog, D., 45, 81
- Discrimination, 47, 81
- Diversity
- ability to deal with, 34–35
- career development and, 71
- in leadership, 39–40
- and portrayals of culture, 20, 98
- working with, 80–82
- See also Equity; Inclusive education; Inclusive leadership; Inclusivity; Women
- Douglas, C., 50
- Drucker, P., 81, 82
- DuFour, R., 86
- Eaker, R., 86
- Economic arguments for equity, 60
- Education debt, 60
- Effectiveness, 34
- Emotion, 23–24
- Empathy, 17–19, 30–31
- Enns, R. J., 105
- Enron, 46
- Entrepreneurship, 75–77
- Equitable leadership, 80
- Equity, 20–21, 39, 40–41, 70, 79, 112–113
- arguments for, 60
- arts education and, 74
- career development and, 71
- need for, 80
- See also Diversity; Inclusive education
- Ethical leadership, 45–46
- and broader school community, 81
- steps for, 52–53
- Exercise, physical, 72–73
- Expectations, 21, 47–48, 55–59, 70
- Failure, factors in, 1
- Feedback, 14, 102, 106
- Ferris, G., 50
- Finland, 88
- Flaum, J., 34
- Folger, R., 45
- Formative Five, The (Hoerr), 17
- Fraser, N., 60
- Friedman, S., 41
- Fullan, M., 28, 56, 61, 85, 87, 105
- Future trends, 41, 43–45
- Gaskell, J., 60
- Gender. See Men; Women
- Gini, A., 80
- Girls. See Women
- Glass, R., 61
- Glaze, A., 61, 65, 78, 86, 87
- Goleman, D., 35, 101
- Golem effect, 47
- Good, T., 55
- Green, A., 60
- Greenbaum, R., 45
- Greenleaf, R., 103
- Harber, K., 55
- Harrington, R., 34
- Harrison, D., 45
- Hassan, S., 46
- Hattie, J., 55, 102–103
- Hawley, W., 85
- Heasley, K., 26
- Helmrich, B., 26
- Hesselbein, F., 26
- High School Graduation (Glaze, Mattingley, and Andrews), 86, 87
- Hill, P., 56
- Hockwarter, W., 50
- Hoerr, T., 17
- Hogarth, B., 113–114
- Holistic education
- advocacy, 77–80
- arts, 72–75
- career development, 70–72
- character development, 65–70
- demand for, 66
- entrepreneurship, 75–77
- professional development for, 83–84
- Hope (emotion), 111
- Hope, L., 112
- House, R., 42, 79
- Hsieh, T., 34
- Human nature, beliefs about, 35–37
- “Human Relations in Education” (course), 21
- Human rights, 21, 80
- Human Side of Enterprise, The (McGregor), 35
- Impact, of leaders, 102–104
- Improvement, 85, 86–89
- strategies for, 89–93, 99–100
- See also Capacity building
- Inclusive education, 20–21, 40–41, 79. See also Diversity; Equity
- Inclusive leadership, 80–82. See also Diversity; Equity
- Inclusivity, 39, 112–113
- steps for improving, 62–63
- See also Diversity; Equity
- Inequality, 60
- Influence, 50, 110
- Inside-out approach, 34
- Interpersonal skills, 21–22, 36–37
- Intrapreneurs, 76
- Introspection, 8, 12. See also Reflection; Self-knowledge
- Jackson, R. W. B., 105
- Janmaat, J., 60
- Japanese management, 36
- Jasper, K., 15
- Jussim, L., 55
- Kacmar, K., 46
- Kalshoven, K., 46, 81
- Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPR), 68–69, 82
- Kendrick, M., 78
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 10–11
- Kovach, K., 5
- Kuklinski, M., 55
- Kumari, R., 85
- Ladson-Billings, G., 60
- Lammel, J., 51
- Leadership
- attributes of, 9
- diversity in, 39–40
- history of, 24, 27
- interpersonal skills, 21–22
- quotes on, 26
- women in, 23, 25, 37–39
- Leadership, heart of, 2–3
- key requirements for, 29. See also Capacity building; Expectations; Holistic education; Self-knowledge
- perspectives on, 110–113
- steps for reaching, 4–5
- Leading beyond the walls, 81–82
- Learning, and expectations, 55
- Learning Exchange, The (website), 63
- Learning Partnership, 77
- Legacy, 110
- Lessons learned, 3, 29–30, 51–52, 61–62, 82–83, 98–99, 113–115
- Levin, B., 60, 61
- Lickona, T., 66
- Life chances, 11, 70
- Lipicnik, B., 46
- Lloyd-Ellis, H., 60
- Logan, C., 111
- Loyalty, 42
- Lugg, C., 80
- Mahsud, R., 46
- Mann, C., 19
- Martin, P., 79
- Marx, G., 43
- Material World (Menzel and Mann), 19
- Mattingley, R., 61, 86, 111–112
- McCarthy, M., 80
- McGregor, Douglas, 35
- McKee, A., 35
- McKinsey and Company, 87, 99
- Men
- career development for, 71
- mentoring, 37–39
- Mentoring, 37–39
- Menzel, P., 19
- Mihelic, K., 46
- Mintzberg, H., 50
- Moods, 35
- Moral imperative, 10–11, 104
- Morality
- ethical leadership and, 45–46
- and power, 12
- Morrison, E., 46
- Motivation, 13–14 (box), 13–16, 27
- Music education, 73
- National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices, 74
- Networking, 50
- Neubert, M., 46
- New Zealand, 20
- NGA (National Governors Association) Center for Best Practices, 74
- Nova Scotia, 40–41, 61
- OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), 89
- Ontario, 56–57, 61, 63
- capacity building in, 86
- character education in, 66–67
- equity and inclusive education in, 20–21, 40
- Human Rights Code, 21
- Learning Partnership, 77
- strategies for improvement in, 89–93
- Operational skills, 22
- Opportunity gaps, 60
- Orenstein, P., 80
- Ouchi, William, 35–36
- Outcomes
- desired, imperatives for achieving, 102
- equity of, 70
- See also Achievement
- Outrage, 23
- People skills, 21–22, 36–37
- Piccolo, R., 45, 46
- Pickett, K., 60
- PLCs (professional learning communities), 15–16, 86
- Policy entrepreneurs, 76
- Political action, engaging in, 51
- Political skills, 50–51
- Position power, 12
- Power, 12–13, 110
- Prejudices, 10, 12, 47, 49
- Preston, J., 60
- Problems, personal, 16
- Professional development
- Professionalism, 3, 104–106
- Professional learning communities (PLCs), 15–16, 86
- Prussia, G., 46
- Pygmalion effect, 47, 55
- Ratey, J., 72
- Realizing the Promise of Diversity, 21
- Reeves, D. B., 86–87
- Reflection, 7–9, 102
- questions for, 8 (box)
- See also Introspection; Self-knowledge
- Respect, 9–12, 21
- Responsibilities, recognizing, 104–106
- Results, focus on, 102. See also Improvement; Outcomes
- Retirement, and reflection on career, 9
- Roberts, J., 46
- Rosenthal, R., 55
- Ryan, J., 80
- Sahlberg, P., 88
- Sandberg, S., 26
- Scandals, 45, 46
- Schleicher, A., 56, 89
- Self-analysis, 8 (box). See also Introspection; Reflection
- Self-knowledge, 33–35, 47–49. See also Introspection; Reflection
- Self-monitoring, 39
- Self-regulation, 35
- Sergiovanni, T., 12, 15, 23, 81
- Service, 103–104, 105, 106, 110
- Shanker, A., 104
- Sharratt, L., 111
- Sincerity, apparent, 50
- Situational leadership, 27
- Skills, soft, 50–51, 72
- Social arguments for equity, 60
- Social astuteness, 50
- Social/emotional learning, 73
- Social entrepreneurs, 76
- Soft skills, 50–51, 72
- Special education, 71
- Standards, high, 104–105
- Stein, N., 80
- Stereotypes, 47–49
- Stewardship, 109
- Stewart, V., 56, 89
- St. George, A., 55
- Strike, K., 81
- Students
- challenges facing, 93
- effects of teachers/leaders on, 86, 87
- focus on, 105
- needs of, 95–98
- opportunities for, 94–95
- at-risk youth, 74
- Sykes, G., 85
- Tekavcic, M., 46
- Theory X, 35, 36
- Theory Y, 35, 36
- Theory Z, 35–36
- Theroux, Paul, 19
- Thiessen, D., 86
- 3Rs, The, 41
- Tjan, A., 34
- Toughness, 22
- Trends, future, 41, 43–45
- Trevino, L., 45, 46
- Trust, 10
- 21st century skills, 72
- Ulrich, D., 102
- Unlocking Potential for Learning (Campbell, Fullan, and Glaze), 87
- Urgency, 110
- Walberg, H., 73
- Walumbwa, F., 46
- Webb, L., 80
- Weinstein, R., 55
- Weissberg, R., 73
- What’s Worth Fighting for in the Principalship? (Fullan), 28
- What Works? (website), 63
- Wilhelm, W., 41
- Wilkinson, R., 60
- Women
- bringing into administration, 25
- career decisions, 71
- emotion and, 23
- in leadership, 37–39
- Workplace, character in, 68–70
- World Class Learners (Zhao), 84
- Wynne, K., 40
- York Region District School Board, 57, 68–69, 82
- Yuki, G., 46