
abduction 99, 112, 117, 142

Abolition Act 185

abortion 113114

Abu Ghraib 32, 38, 44; Charles Graner 38, Lynndie England 38, Megan Ambuhl 38, Sabrina Harman 38

Abulhawa, Susan: Mornings in Jenin 13, 184; see also Chapter 2

Abu-Lughod, Lila 8, 42, 43, 46

Accord of Oslo 104

adi bapa 134

adivasi 130

Afghan women 301; see also masculinities; see also radioactive uranium

African National Congress 91, 184, 186; ANC women 189; Freedom Charter 201

Agrarian Reform Law 103

AIDS Service Organization 202

Ailleret, Charles 169

Al-Anfal campaign 25

Al-Aslami, Salah 43

Al-Dossary, Jumah 42

Al-Haj, Sami 41

Ali, Ben 160

Al-Janaby, A’beer Qassim Hamza 45

Al-Janabi, Sabrin

Al-Qaeda 201, 40

Al-Qeisi, Ali 46

Anarchists Against the Wall 90

ANC: women activists 16

Anglo-American exceptionalism: George Bush 213, Osama bin Laden 213, Sadaam Hussein 213, see also cases: Rasul vs Bush, Hamdan vs Rumsfeld

Anglo-Boer War 185

Apartheid Wall 90

Apel, Dora: Imagery in Lynching; see also lynching

Arab feminists 67; see also Eastern Women’s Conference in Cairo; see also Sharawi

Arab-Israeli War of 1967 66, 89, 90; Six Day War 78, 1967 War 78

Arab Resistance of 1936–39 67

Árbenz Guzmán, Jacobo 103

archival violence 200

Archives Act of 1962 199

Armed Forces Special Powers Act of 1958

Armed Islamic Group 169, 172

Asad, Talal 85

Asian-African Conference 11

Atlantic Highway 103

Attorney General John Ashcroft 53

Bahujan Samaj Party 151

Bai, Awanti 132, 133

Balfour Declaration of 1917 13, 64

Balfour-Paul, Glencairn 24

Bantustan system: Bantu Education Act of 1953 186, homelands 186

Barbie, Klaus 166

Basic Laws 71

Ba’th Party 24

Battle of Algiers 161; Battle of Algiers and women 168

Baz, Suheib 46

Beauvoir, Simone de 16970

Begin, Menachem: The Revolt 69

Behmai massacre 148

Bendjedid, Chadli 162, 171, 173

Bengal famine of 1943 133

Ben Gurion, David 69, 70, 75

Berlin Wall 98

Bernadotte, Folke 63

Betchel Corporation 256

Beverley, John 107

bhakti 150

Bhattacharya, Gargi 8

Biehl, Amy 182; see also enemy: relations of enmity

Bill of Rights 201

Bin Laden, Osama 17, 201, 32, 53, 213; see also Anglo-American exceptionalism

bio-determinism and queering reconciliation 219220

biopolitics 54; see also sovereignty; see also exceptionalism

Bishara, Rana 64, 87

Black (or Natives) Land Act of 1913 1856

bombing: Al-Amriyah 43, Hamas 214, Ramadi 44, Six Day War 789

border-crossing feminist 15, 131

Bouazizi, Mohamed 160, 175

Bouhrid, Djamila 164, 165, 167

Boumedienne, Houari 171

Boupacha, Djamila and Gisèle Halimi: Djamila Boupacha 15; see also Chapter 5

Bouteflika, Abdelaziz 162

boycott: Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement 16, 90, 203, 214; British Boycott Movement 203; England Cricket Counsel 203

British Defense Regulations Act of 1945 82

British Permanent Settlement Act of 1793 133

British White Paper of 1922 13

Brothers and Others 53

Burgos-Debray, Elisabeth 100, 106

burqa 22, 73

Bush, George H. W. 100

Bush, George W. 27, 29, 30, 40; Decision Points 35, 36

Bush, Laura 223,

Butler, Judith 71, 75; see also frames of recognition; see also grievability; see also precarious life

Cabrera, Manuel Estrada 102

cannibalism 345, 37

casbah 163

cases: Hamdan vs Rumsfeld 213; Korematsu vs United States 40; Rasul vs Bush 41; United States vs Ahira et al. 345

castas 101; see also criollos; see also latinos/mestizos

caste 11; caste votes 148; cast war 145

Castillo Armas, Carlos 103

Chahine, Youssef: 11’09’’ 01—September 11 52

checkpoints 69, 74, 802, 967

Cheney, Dick 36

Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929 140

children: children’s human rights 113, 114; Palestinian children 75, 778; radicalizing childhood 117

Chomsky, Noam 54

Churchill, Winston 64

Clear Channel 48

Clinton, Bill 100

code of alliance 141

collective Indian criminality 136

Colonial rape laws: Article 375 of the Indian Penal Code 141

Combatant Status Review Tribunal 41

Commission: 9/11 36

Commission on Gender Equality: Thenjiwe Mtintso 189

communism 11, 47, 98; see also Red Scare; see also Soviet Union

Communist Party of Guatemala 103

comparative sexual power: American femininities and American masculinities 211; homophobia and misogynism 211; Islamofascism 211; Muslim men and Muslim women 211; see also indigenous masculinity and ladino masculinity; see also indigenous women’s bodies; see also northern masculinities and southern masculinities

concubine 15, 131

conquistadores 99

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 110

Cooke, Miriam 223

Cornejo, Cecilia: I Wonder What You Will Remember of September 51; see also Pinochet

Countdown with Keith Olbermann 36

Criminal Castes and Tribes Act of 1911 14, 133; Criminal Tribes Act of 1871 133

criollos 101

curfews 78, 82, 79

Currier, Erin 151

Cuvier, Georges: Curiosities of Natural History 196

Dalhousie 132

Dalits 14, 130; see also Dalit self-determination; see also Dalit woman

Dalit self-determination 146

Dalit woman 144, 145

Dalton, Trish: Bordering on Treason

dangerous locations of women’s empowerment 6

daughtering 114

Davis, Angela 8

death squads: Mano Blanco 103

Declaration of Friendly Relations 106

De Gaulle, Charles 161, 169

Deir Yassin 63, 65, 77, 87

democracy 63

Department of Defense 40

Department of Justice 50, 53

Detainees: women 43, 82; also see terrorist

Devi, Mahasweta: “Draupadi” 1357, 143, 145, 147

Devi, Phoolan 15, 123, 160, 178, 211; see also Chapter 4

Devi, Phoolan, Marie-Thérèse Cuny, and Paul Rambali: The Bandit Queen of India: An Indian Woman’s Amazing Journey from Peasant to International Legend 15; see also Chapter 4

Dhingra, Madan Lal 146

Dilawar 40

Dirty War in Argentine: Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo 116

disappearance 116, 128

Discrimination on the Basis of Work and Descent 131

dissenting voice 110111

Dixie Chicks 49

Dixie Chicks Destruction Day 49

Djebar, Assia: Children of the New World: A Novel of the Algerian War 15; see also Chapter 5

dowry 140, 158

Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 158

Durga 146, 147, 150,

Dutch East India Company 185

Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro 118

Eastern Women’s Conference in Cairo (1938) 67

ecological activism 14

Eisenstein, Zillah 8

Emergency law 70

Emergency Regulations of the British Mandate 71

Eminem 48; “Mosh” 49

enemy 131; enemy and intellectuals 175; enemy combatant 12, 41; postcolonial enemy 145; relations of enmity 184

Enlightenment 56

Enloe, Cynthia 7, 23, 28

ethno-nationalism 114

Even, Anat and Ada Ushpiz: Asurot 89

Evian Accords 161, 170

exceptionalism 54, 170, 204; exception/emergency 131; emergency 161; see also Anglo-American exceptionalism

Fallujah 44, 45

family: family order 139; extended family 139

Fatah 67

FBI 54

femininities: militarized American femininity 38; see also comparative sexual power

feminist legal critical studies 114

First Gulf War 267

First War of Indian Independence 132

forced removal 1923

forensic anthropology 14, 1089

Forest Town Raid 200

Foucault, Michel 30

Fourth Geneva Convention 21, 110

Fox, Eytan: The Bubble 81

frames of recognition 71

Gacemi, Baya and anonymous: I, Nadia, Wife of a Terrorist 15; see also Chapter 5

Gandhi 130

gauna 140

Gay and Lesbian Archives 199

Gay Association of South Africa 202

gay decade 68

Gaza 63

gender apartheid 189

German women 30

girl child 15, 131

Glaspie, April 25, 26,

Global finance and apartheid 185

global sisterhood 4, 22, 53

Gold Star Mothers 33

graffiti 87

green feminism: ecological degradation 115, 120; ecological justice 116; corporate patriarchy 115,

grievability 71

Gronnvoll, Marita 39, 42

Group Areas Act of 1950 186

Guantanamo 35, 40

Guatemala: Commission for Historical Clarification 16, 216; Mutual Support Group 104, 108

Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity 104

Gujarat: genocide against Muslims 129

HaAguda 68

habeas corpus 41, 70, 117, 128, 213; see also Anglo-American exceptionalism

Habibullah 40

Haganah 63, 65

Halimi, Gisèle 16, 169, 170

Hamas 67, 72

Hamid, Mohsin 21

Hammadi, Sa’Dun 25

Hammad, Suheir 64, 87

Harlow, Barbara 80, 137

Hatoum, Mona 64, 87

Hersh, Seymour 34

hijacker-as-woman 84; facial reconstruction 84

Hindu personal laws 141

Hindutva feminism 149

Hitler 30

homoadversarial 812, 137

homes 69, 77, 78

homines sacri 54

homoimperialism 69

homonationalism 69, 75

homosocial femininity 145

honor killings 45

Hottentot Venus: racial inferiority 196, savage female sexuality 196; women militants and Hottentot Venus 1967

House International Relations Committee 54

Hudson Valley Peace Brigade 51

Hussein, Saddam 17, 23, 245

Ighilahriz, Louisette: Algérienne 163

Immigration and Naturalization Services 54

Immorality Act of 1927 200

Immorality Amendment Act of 1950 186

imperialist feminism 31, 39, 46

India: First War of Independence in 1857 14, Tebhaga Uprising (1946–7) 15, Telengana People’s Struggle (1948–51) 15, Naxalite movement (1967–71) 15, Mandal Commission 16, 216, 217

indigeneity 10

indigenous feminism 105; see also transnational feminist praxis

indigenous masculinity and ladino masculinity 212

indigenous self-determination 1056

indigenous women’s bodies 212

International Alliance of Women 67

International Criminal Court and state sovereignty 21415

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 110

International Decade for the Indigenous Peoples 100

International Monetary Fund 120

International Railways of Central America 102

International Women’s Day in 1985 165

International Year of the Indian Peoples 100

international human rights law: rape 14, war-rape orphans 14

Iran-Iraq War 25

Iraq-Kuwait War 267

Iraq: Prevention of Genocide Act of 1988 25

Iraqi women 28, 39, 43; see also radioactive uranium

Irgun Zwei Leumi 63, 65

Irish Republican Army 80

Islam 47, 56, 164

Islamo-fascism 73; see also comparative sexual power

Islamophobia 9, 37, 54, 178; see also Muslims, Islamo-fascism

Islamic Salvation Army 164

Islamic Salvation Front 91, 162, 172

Israeli apartheid 70

Israeli Defense Force 71

Israeli exceptionalism 13, 62, 79, 91; South Africa, Rhodesia, French-Algeria, United States, Canada, Australia

Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 66, 85

Israeli state formation 701; see also David Lloyd

Israeli War of 1973 66

Jacir, Annemarie: The Dreams of a Nation 88

Jamal, Amaney 8

Joburg Pride Parade in Johannesburg 202

Johnson, Lyndon 66

José Arévalo, Juan 103

Justo Barrios, Rufino 102

Kali 136, 146, 147, 150; Tantric and Shaktic practices 150

Kapur, Shekhar: The Bandit Queen 151

Karzai, Hamid 21

Kashmir: Kashmiri separatism

Keith, Toby 49

Khader, Naim 63

Khaled, Leila: My People Shall Live 13, 183; see also Chapter 2

Khan, Mahvish: My Guantanamo Diary 12; see also Chapter 1

Kheira 171

Khmer Rouge 166

Kipling, Rudyard: “The White Man’s Burden” 19, Spanish-American War 19

Kissinger, Henry 25, 215; see also Sa’Dun Hammadi

KRS-One 49; “Real Terrorism” 49

Kurdish women 26

Kurds 256

Lakshmibai of Jhansi 132

land 6, 10, 13, 14, 56, 63, 69, 701, 767, 99, 1013, 11820, 1335, 142, 183, 185, 186, 1912; olive plantations 76, banana plantation 102; see also spacio-cide

La Pointe, Ali 163; see also Battle of Algiers

latinos/mestizos 101

Lauer, Matt 35

Laws of Manu 141

League of Nations 64, 121

Leftover Crack 48; Fuck World Trade 48

Lennon, John 47, 98

León Carpio, Ramiro de 104

liberal feminism 26, 79

liberal humanist individualism 171, 217

literature 143

Lloyd, David 701; see also Israeli state formation

Lord Moyne 66

Lucas Garcia, Romeo 103

lynching 12, 32, 38, 54; Rubin Stacey 38; see also comparative sexual power

Macaulay, Thomas Babington 141; see also colonial rape laws; see also Macaulay’s marital laws

Macaulay’s marital laws 141

Macdonald White Paper of 1938 13, 65

Madres Contra La Guerra 51

Maghreb 16, 160, 161

Magona, Sindiwe: Mother to Mother 16; see also Chapter 6

Mahal, Hazrat 132

Mahmood Mamdani: Good Muslims, Bad Muslims, 2930, see also monstrosity; see also South Africa

Maines, Natalie 49

Malom Massacre 130

Manipur: People’s Liberation Army of Manipur 130, see also Malom Massacre, see also Irom Sharmila, see also Thangjam Manorama

Manorama, Thangjam 130

masculinities: Afghan masculinity 31; American masculinities 31, 33, 38; Arab masculinities 34; Euro-American masculinities 34; GIA masculinity; terrorist masculinities 41; see also queer; see also queering; see also comparative sexual power

Mashriq 16, 160, 161

Massad, Joseph 87

Massu, Jacques 161, 170

maternal abuse 139

maternal genetics 114

maternal love 114, 117, 118

Mayan woman 109

Mazibuko, Rita 189190

McCaskell, Tim 202

McClintock, Anne 36

McDonald, James 13, 66, 213

Menchú, Rigoberta: I, Rigoberta Menchú 14; see also Chapter 3; Crossing Borders 14; see also Chapter 3

menstrual blood 42

military feminism 162

modernity 63, 73

Mohammad, Khalid Sheik 36, 37

Monroe Doctrine 199, 220

monstrosity 30, 32, 44, 84, 142

Morgan, Robin: The Demon Lover: The Roots of Terrorism

mother 44, 118, 1734; see also mothers of the anti-apartheid revolution 204; see also Gold Star Mothers; see also Madres Contra la Guerra; see also Nombulelo Elizabeth Makhubu and TRC

Mother Earth 118

Mousovi, Ali Shah

Muslims 2930, 32, 47, 53; see also Gujarat; see also Islamophobia

Muslim women 312, 39, 56; see also comparative sexual power

Naber, Nadine 8

Nair, Mira 53

Najibullah 21

nakba 64, 75, 76

naksa 68, 78

Nasser, Kemal 63

National Coordination for Change and Democracy 175

national constitutions 121

National Liberation Front 91, 160, 162

National Party 16, 186

National Reconciliation Commission 104

national security state 69, 73, 106, 131

native informant 108

Naxalite movement 134

Nazi concentration camps 12

Nazi women guards: Irma Grese, Dorothea Binz, Juana Bormann

necropolis 182, 183

Netanyahu, Benjamin 68

Nixon, Richard 66, 215

Nizam 134

Nombulelo Elizabeth Makhubu and TRC 1878

Non-Aligned Movement 11

northern masculinities and southern masculinities 219

Nuremberg 17, 21213; Tokyo 213; Axis powers and Allied powers 213; Geneva Conventions of 1949 212; victor’s justice 213; see also war crimes

Nusrat, Haji 41

Obama, Barack 100; United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation 214 Act of 2012

One in Nine Campaign 202

Ono, Yoko 47, 98

Organisation of Lesbians and Gays Against Oppression 201

Ortiz, Dianna 99, 112; The Blindfold’s Eyes: My Journey from Torture to Truth 100

Oslo Accords (1993) 68, 72

Ottoman Empire 234, 25

Ouedraogo, Idrissa 53

Pakistan 212, 40, 54

Palestinian diaspora: Lebanon 77, 86

Palestinian Liberation Organization 66, 72, 85

Palestinian queers 75, 79

Palestinian Right to Return 78

Palestine Society of the School of Oriental and African Studies 62

Palestinian women: laboring woman 73, 75, 79, 83

Palmach 66

Parmar, Pratibha 203

Pass Laws 186

Patai, Raphael: The Arab Mind, 34

Patriot Act 53

peasant women 67, 1335

penalization of poverty 140

Permanent Settlement Act of 1793 14

Permanent Transnational Court for Gender Justice 218

personal property 140

Persons of Interest 54

personal status code: National Union of Women 164, 171; 1984 Family Code 164

Pilger, John: Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies in the War On Terror 52

pinkwashing 68, 76

pinkwatching: PQBDS, Al-Qaws, Pinkwatching Israel 68

Pinochet 17, 51, 215; see also Richard Nixon, see also Henry Kissinger

Plan de Sánchez massacre 109

Pontecorvo, Gillo: Battle of Algiers 16, 163, 176; Battle of Algiers and women 164

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 67

Posters 87

precarious life 72

Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 186

Primal Scream 48; “Rise” 48

Puar, Jasbir 7, 47, 68, 76, 178

Puar, Jasbir and Amit Rai 30, 32; see also Foucault; see also monstrosity 30

Qibya 63

queer 5, 32, 149; see also queering; see also queerphobia; see also queer rights; see also HaAguda; see also checkpoint; see also Palestinian queers

queer apartheid 202

Queers Against Apartheid 202

queer counterpublics 834

queering 345, 37; hyper-queering 47; queering Dalit women’s bodies 145; gender crossing spectacle 147

queerphobia 73; see also comparative sexual power

queer rights 63, 81, 91; see also homoadversarial

radioactive uranium 43

Rage Against the Machine 48; “Killing in the Name” 48

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh 149

Razack, Sherene 7

Reagan, Ronald 85, 215

Reconstruction of the Historical Memory of Guatemala 104, 110

red feminism: family 115, 128; see also private property 115

Red Scare 47

Refiguring the Archive: destruction of public records in South Africa 198; sanitization of official memory 198

refugees 43, 78; refugee camps 69, 779

Rent Act of 1859 133

Report of the President’s Intelligence Oversight Board 100

Revenue system 133

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan 23

revolutionary maternity 14

Rio Negro massacre 108

Ríos Montt, Efraín 104, 215; see also Ronald Reagan

Riverbend: Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog from Iraq 12; see also Chapter 1; Baghdad Burning II: More Girl Blog from Iraq 12; see also Chapter 1

romantic love between comrades 194

Roy, Arundhati 289

rupture defense 165; see also Jacques Vèrges

Russell Tribunal on Palestine 71, 203, 218

Sabra 63, 86, 87

Sachs, Albie 201

Sadaawi, Nawal 175

Samajwadi Party 151

Sandinista revolution 98

Sanford, Victoria 108

saving 7, 9, 11, 22, 31, 32, 35, 39, 4246, 219; see also Muslim women

School of the Americas 55, 100

Schroeder, Barbet: Terror’s Advocate 16, 161; see also Jacques Vèrges

Second World War: Japanese War crimes 345, see also cases: United States vs Ahira et al. case; see also Nuremberg

Sen, Mala: India’s Bandit Queen: The True Story of Phoolan Devi 15; see also Chapter 4

Separate Amenities Act of 1953 186

September 11 20, 27

Serrano Elías, Jorge Antonio 104

Sétif 161

settler colonialism 62, 70; see also Settler Colonial Studies; see also Israeli state formation; see also Israeli apartheid

Settler Colonial Studies; Past is Present: Settler Colonialism in Palestine 62

sexual violence: biological warfare 114; castration 86, 147; “corrective” rape 200; female militants 195; forced impregnation 110; gang rape 142, marital rape 140; military rape 1623; national security rape 109110; rape 43, 45, 86, 106, 134, 144; sexual humiliation 142, 145

Shantilla 63, 86, 87

Sharawi, Huda 67

Sharon, Ariel 85

Sharmila, Irom 130

Sharpeville Massacre of 1960 191

Sheehan, Cindy 51

Simon Nkoli Anti-Apartheid Commitee 202

Sinclair, Ingrid: Flame 195

Shimon 68

Simelane, Eudy 200

Singh Sodhi, Balbir 47

Sitthiket, Vasan 151

Sleeman, William 135

Sjoberg, Laura 73

social memory of terror 112

Somoza military dictatorship 98

Sori, Soni 130

South Asian: Pakistani 53; Sikhs 2, 47; Khalistani separatism 129

South Africa: Truth and Reconciliation Commission 16, 216; TRC and Antjie Krog 190, see also Rita Mazibuko 190; see also TRC, bodily integrity rights and subsistence rights 188, ANC women 189; see also Nombulelo Elizabeth Makhubu and TRC;

South Africa Bill 185

South African History Archive 199

South African youth 183, 191; exploitation of youth power 193; lost generation 193

sovereignty 54, 70, 76, 106, 219

Soviet Afghanistan 21; see also Pakistan

Soviet Union 98

Soweto Uprising: Hector Pieterson, Sam Nzima, Mbuyisa Makhubu 187; Soweto and War on Terror 188; Soweto generation 193

spacio-cide 10, 75

Spanish colonization: colonial torture 99

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 21, 22, 72, 151, 152

Statute of Westminister 185

Stern Gang 63

Stolar, Martin 54

Stoll, David: Rigoberta Menchú and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans 106

streets 15

street theater: Saluting the National Erection—Giant Penis Parade 89; see also Dirty War in Argentine

strip search 79, 80

suicide bomber: Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) 1, Indo-Sri-Lanka Accord 1

Suppression of Communism Act of 1950 186

suttee 22

Swadeshi 160

Sykes-Picot Agreement 24

Taguba Report 46

Taliban 201, 40

Tancredo, Tom 54

Tatchell, Peter 201

Tawil, Raymonda: My Home, My Prison 13, see also Chapter 2

Tebhaga Uprising 14, 134

Telengana People’s Struggle 134

terrorism 636, 867, 130, 131, 161, 1701, 174; counterterrorism 174; terrorism, law, and justice 1657, ; terrorism vs war 85; see also Haganah, zIrgun Zwei Leumi, Palmach, Stern Gang; see also Deir Yassin, Gaza, Jenin, Qibya, Sabra, Shantilla, West Bank; see also Folke Bernadotte, Lord Moyne, see also Khmer Rouge 166, see also Rio Negro; see social memory of terror

terrorist 29, 30, 32, 33, 131, 161, 1657; terrorist corporealities 142; see also Khaled Sheikh Mohammad, Abu Zubaydah, Habibullah, Dilawar, Ali Shah Mousovi, Haji Nusrat, Sami al-haj, Jumah al-Dossary, Balbir Singh Sodhi, Sikh; see also woman terrorist

Terrorism Act of 1967 186

testimonio 1078, 110

testimonial voice 113, 116

The Coup 48; Party Music’ “Burn Them Prisons” 48

thuggee 135; racialized colonial paranoia 137

Thuggee Acts 1356

Tickell, Alex 8

torture 32, 345, 412, 99, 117, 118, 161, 1689, 218; police custodial torture 142; see also comparative sexual power; see also Spanish colonization

trans 4

translocal activism: local and global 198, 214, 215

transnational conversations: Abu Ghraib and India’s caste locations 6, Algeria and India 160, South African and Israeli apartheid 6, Guatemala, Algeria, India 6, War on Terror and Palestine question 10, War on Terror and Algeria 11; transnational public discourse 146, Israel and South Africa; also see International Alliance of Women

transnational feminism 1, 3, 23, 26, 29, 31, 46, 51, 62, 66, 69, 79, 87, 89, 112113, 146, 151, 169, 170, 174, 175; women of the global north and south 190, 1912; see also checkpoints, Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace

transnational feminist praxis 834, 101, 198; transnational queer 4

TRC archive 199

Truman, Harry 66, 214

Tutu, Desmond: ubuntu 216

Tychostup, Lorna 51

Ubico, Jorge 103

unbound feminisms 4

UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (CAT) 35

UN Decade for Women 23

UN Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 10, 104, 121

United Fruit Company 1023

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 121

UN Special Committee on Apartheid 16

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture: Juan Méndez 37

US LGBTQI Delegation 68

UN Special Committee on Apartheid of 1962 186

UN, US, and apartheid 185

US Women of Color Delegation 68

UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance 154

vandalism 87

Vedic Hinduism 149, 150

veil 162; public unveiling 162

Vèrges, Jacques 16, 1657

Vietnam 66, 98

Wajda 45

Walker, Alice 203

Waked, Sharif: Chic Point: Fashion for Israeli Checkpoints 13, 63, 812

war crimes 21214; see also Nuremberg; see also Second World War; see also Harry Truman; see also James McDonald; see also Pinochet; see also Rios Montt

warrior goddess 15, 131

waterboarding 35, 36, 37,

weapon of culture 97

weapons 78

West Bank 63, 82

Wicomb, Zoe: David’s Story 16; see also Chapter 6; unrepresentability of truth and trauma 195

women’s rights 91

women suicide bombers 84

woman terrorist 69, 73, 121, 131, 171, 218; fidayate (women fighters) 163, 164, 177; women guerrillas: Zohra Drif, Samia Lakhdari, Hassiba Bentbouali 163; see also Battle of Algiers; see also Djamila Bouhrid; see also Kheira; see also South Africa

Women Make Movies 50; Response to Hate 50

World Bank 120

World War II Japanese detainees 12

Wyllie, William Curzon 146

Yacef, Saadi: Souvenirs de la Bataille d’Alger 163, 167

Yishuv 65

Zangana, Haifa: City of Widows: An Iraqi Woman’s Account of War and Resistance 12; see also Chapter 1

Zubaydah, Abu 37