
Page numbers have been removed from the index for this electronic edition. To locate any of the following terms, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

A ⃒B ⃒C ⃒D ⃒E ⃒F ⃒G ⃒H ⃒I ⃒J ⃒K ⃒L ⃒M ⃒N ⃒O ⃒P ⃒Q ⃒R ⃒S ⃒T ⃒U ⃒V ⃒W ⃒Y

abortion rights

Abrams, Stacey

Abzug, Bella

Acosta, Alexander


Affordable Care Act

African Americans

descriptive representation for

racism against

role models for



AIDS Memorial Quilt

AIPAC. See American Israel Public Affairs Committee

Alianza Latina

Alpha Kappa Alpha


ambition gap

American Cancer Society

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)


accusations of, against Omar

Republican remarks displaying

resolution condemning

in Somalia

AOC. See Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria

Arab Americans

arms sales

Armstrong, Neil


Axne, Cindy

Ayotte, Kelly

baby boomers

Bachmann, Michele

the Badasses

BDS movement

Bend the Arc

Benghazi attack (2012)

Biden, Joe

Bishop, Sanford

Black Maternal Health Caucus

Blige, Mary J.

Bloomberg, Michael

BNC (Brand New Congress)

Boehner, John

Boggs, Hale

Boggs, Lindy

Bonifaz, John

border-wall funding

Boston City Council

Botts, Herb

Boxer, Barbara

Brand New Congress (BNC)

Broke (Porter)

Brook Avenue Press

Brookline, Massachusetts

Brooks, Susan

Burke, Yvonne Brathwaite

Burns, Alex

Burton, Phil and Sala

Busboys and Poets (Washington, DC)

Bush, George W.

Buttigieg, Pete

Caforio, Bryan

California, Twenty-Fifth District

California Democratic convention (2018)

“call time”

Calvert, Ken

Campbell, David E.

Cantor, Eric

cap-and-trade climate change bill

Capuano, Michael

Carlson, Tucker

Carson, André

Carson, Ben

caucus chair

Center for American Women and Politics

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Chakrabarti, Saikat

Charlottesville, Virginia, march (2017)

Chase Smith, Margaret

Cheney, Dick

Cheney, Liz

Cheshire, Connecticut

Child Development Act

childhood-trauma hearing


deaths of, in detention centers

legislation addressing needs of

presence of, on Capitol Hill

Chisholm, Shirley

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

Cisneros, Gil

The Class of ‘74 (Lawrence)

Clements, Ben

climate advisory panel

climate-change legislation

Clint, Texas

Clinton, Bill, and administration

Clinton, Hillary


coalition building

Code Pink

Cohen, Michael

Cohn, Nate

community organizing

community service

Comstock, Barbara

Confederate monuments, removal of

Congress (generally)

debate in

history of women in

leadership positions in

material culture of

seniority and power in

Congress, members of

diversity of

dress code for

minority women as


orientation for

as parents

schedule of

time allocation for

Congressional Black Caucus

Congressional Budget Office

congressional campaigns (2018)

Jahana Hayes

Katie Hill

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Ayanna Pressley

Lauren Underwood

congressional elections (2018)

Congressional Hispanic Caucus

Congressional Women’s Caucus

Connecticut, Fifth District

Connecticut Democratic convention (2018)

Connolly, Gerald

conservative Democrats

conservative Republicans

constituents, concerns of

The Constitution Demands It (Fein, Bonifaz, and Clements)

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


Cooper, Anderson

Cooper, R. Clarke

Craig, Angie

Crow, Jason

Crowley, Joe


Cummings, Elijah

Curry, Parker

Davids, Sharice

Davis, Jordan

Davis, Rodney

DCCC. See Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

DeGeneres, Ellen

DeGroot, Jake

DeLauro, Rosa

Dellums, Ron

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)

Democratic members of Congress

climate-change legislation by

foreign policy on Israel as source of conflict

gun-control legislation by

motions to recommit for

southern border crisis as source of conflict

Democratic National Committee

Democratic Party

diversity in

fundraising for female candidates

ideological divisions in

for millennials

and 116th Congress

protection for incumbents by

in 2018 elections

women in

Department of Defense

Department of Homeland Security

descriptive representation

for African Americans

by Sharice Davids

by Deb Haaland

impact of, on politics

for Muslims in America

for Native Americans

detention centers, migrant

deaths of children in

family separation policy

members’ tour of

oversight hearings on

spending bills for

digital natives

Dimon, Jamie

Dingell, Debbie

Dingell, John

discrimination. See also racism


anti-Muslim sentiments against Omar and Tlaib

anti-Semitic remarks by Republicans

anti-Semitism in Somalia

Capitol iftar celebration

change in Democratic Party due to

Democratic conflict over foreign policy on Israel

and Jahana Hayes’s campaign

House anti-Semitism resolution

in House of Representatives

Israel/anti-Semitism controversy for Omar

Muslim representation in Congress

Ilhan Omar’s political career

in 116th Congress

Rashida Tlaib’s foreign policy views

tolerance of, in Trump era

as transformative

and Donald Trump’s tweets about the Squad

Dodd, Chris

Doggett, Lloyd

Dole, Elizabeth

domestic violence

Dowd, Maureen

dress code

dual-loyalty trope

Duckworth, Tammy

Dunn, Michael

Dziedzic, Kari

economic abuse

Edison, Thomas

Elder, Laurel

Ellison, Keith

El Paso County, Texas

Emanuel, Rahm

emergency border bills

EMILY’s List

Emmer, Tom


Engel, Eliot

Epstein, Jeffrey

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974)

Equal Rights Amendment


Ernst, Joni

Escobar, Veronica

Esty, Elizabeth

Everytown for Gun Safety


fact checking

Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)

Family and Medical Leave Act

Farrakhan, Louis

Fast and Furious operation

federal government shutdown (2018–2019)

Fein, Ron

Feinstein, Dianne

Feldmann, Sarah

feminist movement

fly-in days

foreign policy. See Israel, foreign policy on

Fox, Richard L.

Fox News

Freedlander, David

Freedom (Statue of Freedom)

Freedom Caucus

Freedom of Information Act

freshman members of Congress. See also 116th Congress

communication of leadership with

disillusionment for

frustration over control for

during government shutdown

Jahana Hayes’s experience

Katie Hill’s experience

independence for

media attention for

as parents

policy positions of

schedule of

Speaker of the House election for

Rashida Tlaib’s experience

Lauren Underwood’s experience

work done by

Fudge, Marcia


in 2018 midterm campaigns

Sharice Davids on

by Republican women

Gaetz, Matt

Gaza War

gender parity

generational inequality

Generation X

Generation Z

Georgia General Assembly

Gertzog, Irwin

Ghana, commemorative trip to

Giffords, Gabrielle

Gillibrand, Kirsten

Gingrich, Newt

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader

“Girl on Fire” (Keyes)

Glassman, Mary

GND. See Green New Deal

Gosar, Paul

Gottheimer, Josh

Gover, Kevin

Grassley, Chuck

Great Gym Rebellion

Greene, Cheryl

Green New Deal (GND)

Greenwald, Glenn

Grose, Christian

gun-control legislation

Gustafson, Melanie

gym, access to

Haaland, Deb

Haberman, Maggie

Habitat for Humanity

Hammill, Drew

Handel, Karen

Hardaway, Michael

Harris, Kamala

Harvard University

Hastert, Dennis

Hayes, Jahana

health-care policy

Hébert, Edward

Heitkamp, Heidi

Hemingway, Ernest

Herrera Beutler, Jaime


Hill, Katie

Hill, Shak

Hirsi, Adnan

Hirsi Ali, Ayaan

Ho-Chunk Nation

Hogan, Larry

home district visits

Houlahan, Chrissy

House Administration Committee

House Armed Services Committee

House Banking and Currency Committee

House Committee on Homeland Security

House Committee on Oversight and Reform

House Democratic Caucus

House Education and Labor Committee

House Energy and Commerce Committee

House Ethics Committee

House Financial Services Committee

House Foreign Affairs Committee

House Intelligence Committee

House Judiciary Committee

House of Representatives

diversity in

dress code

emergency border bill

immigration legislation

member management in

power to impeach for

schedules of members

voting procedure

House Oversight Committee

House Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families

House Subcommittee on Elections

House Ways and Means Committee

Houston, Sam

Howell, Bill

Hoyer, Steny

Hultgren, Randy

Hunter, Duncan

Hutchison, Kay Bailey

ICE. See Immigration and Customs Enforcement

identity politics

iftar celebration, at Capitol

Illinois, Fourteenth District


bipartisan legislation on

as congressional policy issue

Donald Trump’s policies on

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

“Impeachment August”

impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump

the Badasses on

gravity of impeachment

and House’s power to impeach

impeachment issue for 116th Congress

moderate Democrats on

Nancy Pelosi’s initiation of

Katie Porter on impeachment

Rashida Tlaib on impeachment

Ukraine incident



Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

Internal Revenue Service


Iraq War

Israel, foreign policy on

conflict among Democrats over

of Eliot Engel

of Ilhan Omar

of Rashida Tlaib

Israel/anti-Semitism controversy, for Ilhan Omar

Jefferson, Thomas

Jeffries, Hakeem

Jemison, Mae

Jewish Americans

historical language against

House anti-Semitism resolution

on Omar’s Israel/anti-Semitism controversy

on Tlaib’s foreign policy views

views of US support for Israel

Johnson, Chuck

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Johnson, Nancy

John Wayne Airport

JPMorgan Chase

Justice Democrats

Kaine, Tim

Kassebaum, Nancy

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Joseph P., II

Kennedy, Ted

Kerry, John

Keyes, Alicia

Khan, Khizr, and family

Khanna, Ro

Khera, Farhana

Kimmel, Jimmy

Kincaid, Charles

King, Steve

Klobuchar, Amy

Knight, Steve

Kraninger, Kathy

Kudlow, Larry

Laguna Pueblo tribe

Lawless, Jennifer L.

Lawrence, John A.

Learning Club

Lee, Barbara

Lewandowski, Corey

Lewis, John

LGBTQ rights

liberal Democrats. See progressive Democrats

Likud Party


Lofgren, Zoe

Long, Billy

Longworth, Nicolas

Lopez, Jennifer

Lowey, Nita

Luethy, Michael

Luria, Elaine

Maher, Bill

Maloney, Laura

Markey, Ed

Maroon 5 (band)

Mason, Lance

Massachusetts, Seventh District

material culture, congressional

May, Catherine

McAleenan, Kevin

McBath, Lucy

McCain, John

McCarthy, Kevin

McConnell, Mitch

McMorris Rodgers, Cathy

media attention


Medicare for All

Medicare Part D program


emotionality in workplace for

male voters for Republican women

view of 116th Congress by

Meng, Grace



#MeToo movement

Mikulski, Barbara


Mink, Patsy Takemoto

Mink, Wendy

Minnesota Department of Education

Minnesota legislature

minority women, in Congress

moderate Democrats

moderate Republicans

Moms’ Caucus

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Monticello plantation

Morella, Connie

motions to recommit

Moulton, Seth

Mucarsel-Powell, Debbie

Mueller, Robert

Mueller report


Murkowski, Lisa

Murphy, Chris

Murray, Patty

Muslim Advocates group


anti-Muslim sentiments against Omar and Tlaib

anti-Semitism in Muslim countries

descriptive representation for

Muslim Americans in Congress

support for Ilhan Omar by

travel ban for

Nadler, Jerry

Nagourney, Adam

NAMES Project

National Defense Authorization Act

National Hispanic Institute

National Institutes of Health

National Teacher of the Year award

National Visionary Leadership Project

Native Americans

Netanyahu, Benjamin

New Deal

New Democrat Coalition

New Mexico, Second District

new Southern Democrats

New York, Fourteenth District

Nielsen, Kirstjen

9/11 terrorist attacks

Nineteenth Amendment

Nixon, Richard

Norton, Mary

Not One Penny campaign


Obama, Barack, and administration

Obama, Michelle

Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria (AOC)

Ocasio-Cortez, Gabriel

office schedulers

Omar, Ilhan

103rd Congress

116th Congress. See also freshman members of Congress

cliques in

diversity of

hearings for

impact and longevity of

impeachment issue for

legacy of

Nancy Pelosi in

political conflicts in

progressive agenda of

Republican women in

standard setting for

O’Rourke, Beto

oversight hearings

emotionality in

House Committee on Homeland Security

House Education and Labor Committee

House Financial Services Committee

House Foreign Affairs Committee

House Oversight Committee

and time allocation for members of Congress

PACs. See political action committees


Palin, Sarah

Pallone, Frank

parents, members as

Parks, Rosa

Pawnee Tribe

payday loans

Pelosi, Nancy

Pelosi, Paul, Sr.

Pence, Mike


people of color, racism against

Perry, Joan

personal stories, sharing

Phillips curve


Pocan, Mark

policy gangs, on immigration

political action committees (PACs)

political parties, polarization in

political savvy

politics, impact of descriptive representation on

pool, access to

Porter, Katie

Powell, Jerome

predatory payday loans

presidential primary campaigns (2020)

Pressley, Ayanna


Pritchard, Amy

Problem Solvers Caucus

Progressive Caucus

progressive Democrats


Pueblo of San Felipe tribe

Pyramid Club

Quiet Skies Caucus


Rankin, Jeannette

Rayburn, Sam

Reagan, Ronald, and administration

Reagan Library

Reagan National Airport


refugee experience, of Ilhan Omar

Refugee Summit (2017)

regular order

Reid, Charlotte

Relay for Life

Remnick, David

Republican members of Congress

motions to recommit by

Ocasio-Cortez’s work with

racist/anti-Semitic remarks by

on “socialist” Democrats

views of Ocasio-Cortez by

Republican Party

appeals to female voters by

and Likud Party

Trump effect for

Republican women

ambition/cultural gaps for candidates

in Congressional Women’s Caucus

fundraising by

future for

moderate candidates

party’s appeals to female voters

and polarization in political parties

and Trump effect

in 2018 midterm election

resistance politics

restrooms, for members

Richmond, Cedric

Richmond, Virginia

Right to Privacy Act

Robert’s Rules of Order

Roby, George

Roby, Martha

Roby, Riley

Rogers, Will

Rojas, Alexandra

role models

“Role Models Revisited” (Wolbrecht and Campbell)

Romney, Mitt

Rooney, Francis

Roosevelt, Franklin

Rose, Max

Ross, Wilbur

Roybal-Allard, Lucille

Ryan, Paul


SALT tax policy

Sanders, Bernie

Sandy Hook elementary school shooting

Santos, Manny

Saudi Arabia, arms sales to

Scalise, Steve

schedules, of members of Congress

Schiff, Adam

Schiff, Eve

Schroeder, Pat

Schumer, Chuck



climate change legislation in

dress code for

emergency border bill of

female members of

gun control legislation in

House border bill in

schedules of members

Senate Rules Committee



sex scandals

sexual harassment

Shalala, Donna

Sherrill, Mikie

Shirley Chisholm Project

Sinema, Kyrsten

slaves and slavery

Slevin, Jeremy

Slotkin, Elissa

Snowboots on the Ground tour

social media. See also specific platforms

Soltz, Jon


Soros, George

southern border crisis

conflict between House Democrats over

detention center tour by members

hearings on detention centers

history of immigration legislation

Senate emergency border bill

Squad’s opposition to House border bill

Southern Cross, flags with

Spanberger, Abigail

Spanberger, Adam

Speaker of the House election (2019)

the Squad

Standing Rock Indian Reservation

State of the Union addresses

Statue of Freedom

Stefanik, Elise

Stevens, Haley

Stewart, Corey

Stewart, Don

Stewart, Jon

Steyer, Tom

suffrage, women’s

The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway)

Sunshine Bronx Business Incubator

Sunshine Law

Swers, Michele

Taulbee, William

Tea Party movement

Thomas, Clarence

Thompson, Mike

3½ Minutes, Ten Bullets (film)

time allocation, for members of Congress

Title IX law

Tlaib, Rashida

Torres Small, Xochitl

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

travel ban

Trent, Corbin

Trump, Donald, and administration

The Trump Effect (Lawless and Fox)

TSA (Transportation Security Administration)

Tucson, Arizona


The Two-Income Trap (Warren)

two-state solution

Ukraine incident

Underwood, Lauren

United Airlines

United Farm Workers of America

United Nations General Assembly

United Way of Central Iowa

universal-background-check bill

University of Missouri

US Air Force

US Army

US Border Patrol

US Capitol

iftar celebration at

Native American portrayals in art

people of color as minority in

as workplace

US census (2020)

US Navy

Vietnam War

Violence Against Women Act

viral videos, campaign

Virginia House of Delegates

voter turnout

voting procedure

Walsh, Debbie

Walters, Mimi

Warren, Elizabeth

Wasniewski, Matthew

Waters, Maxine

Welch, Peter

Westra, Kim

West Virginia Republican Party


White House Fellows

White nationalism

white supremacy

Who the Hell Is Katie Hill? (film)

widows, as members of Congress

Wild, Susan

Winslow, Barbara

Wolbrecht, Christina

Wolf, Frank


ambition/cultural gaps for female political candidates

campaigns by

female voters in 2018 election

history of congressional

legislation addressing needs of

in Republican Party (See Republican women)

Women & Power on Capitol Hill (Gertzog)

Women’s Armed Services Integration Act (1948)

Women’s Educational Equity Act (1974)

Women’s March (2017)

Working Families Party

World War I

World War II

Yemen, military assistance for war in

Young, Brigham