Updated Web links for information on how to buy the various books and products and how to contact the experts mentioned in this book are all featured online at this book’s Web site: http://www.goodmetabolism.com.
At goodmetabolism.com you can also sign up for our e-mail newsletter, A Weight Off My Mind, which already has more than 30,000 subscribers. It reports on the latest news on weight-loss nutrition, metabolism, thyroid disease, and autoimmune conditions.
Thyroid Information
Mary Shomon’s Thyroid-Info Web Site
A comprehensive site featuring news articles, interviews, and information on all facets of thyroid disease, including both conventional and alternative approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Not sponsored by any pharmaceutical companies, so you get thousands of pages of unbiased, patient-oriented information from the nation’s leading thyroid patient advocate. Find chats, support groups, online forums, and more to help you in your effort to live well with thyroid disease.
Thyroid Top Doctors Directory
A directory of patient-recommended top thyroid practitioners from around the country and around the world, organized by state and country.
Thyroid Site at About.com
Founded and managed by Mary Shomon, the Thyroid Site at About.com features hundreds of links to top sites on the net, a weekly newsletter, support community, and more.
Living Well with Hypothyroidism: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You…
That You Need to Know
By Mary J. Shomon
HarperCollins/Avon, 2000
A best-seller, the book has had numerous printings and a second edition is due out. It has been an Amazon.com Top 40 Health Books Best-seller since 2000 and frequently is on the Amazon Top 100 Best-sellers list. The first in-the-trenches manual about hypothyroidism, the book is written by a patient and offers practical help on every facet of hypothyroidism. Covers alternative medicine approaches, conquering depression, overcoming infertility, having a healthy pregnancy, effective weight loss, and even special chapters on hypothyroidism in infants and children, and hypothyroidism after thyroid cancer surgery. The book also offers a comprehensive Resource Guide featuring hundreds of books, Web sites, organizations, support groups, and people who can help you live well. The Los Angeles Times has called it a “first-rate book” that “challenges patients and their doctors to look deeper and try harder to resolve the complicated symptoms of hypothyroidism.” Available at bookstores, online, or call Iherb.com for phone orders, 888-792-0028.
Sticking Out Our Necks Print Newsletter
A bimonthly 12-page print newsletter mailed directly to you that features key thyroid-related conventional and alternative information in an unbiased, patient-oriented format. Order online, or write or call:
Sticking Out Our Necks/Thyroid-Info
P.O. Box 0385
Palm Harbor, FL 34682
Sticking Out Our Necks E-mail Newsletter
A monthly e-mail newsletter featuring key thyroid-related news, developments, links, interviews, and more. To subscribe, visit the Web site or e-mail thyroid news@thyroid-info.com.
Thyroid Guide to Fertility, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Success
A 40-page guide that covers the critical relationship between the thyroid gland and nearly every aspect of childbearing. Reviews how undiagnosed thyroid problems can cause infertility or recurrent miscarriage, making it difficult or impossible to get or stay pregnant. Covers thyroid problems and how they can complicate pregnancy, worsen pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue, hair loss, and depression, and increase the risk of miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation, preterm labor, stillbirth, and cognitive problems/mental retardation. Also discusses postpartum thyroid problems and breast-feeding difficulties with thyroid disease, as well as solutions. Order online, or write or call
Sticking Out Our Necks/Thyroid-Info
P.O. Box 0385
Palm Harbor, FL 34682
Weight Loss Information
A Weight Off My Mind Newsletter
A monthly e-mail newsletter featuring key thyroid-related news, developments, links, interviews, and more. To subscribe, visit the Web site or e-mail diet@thyroid info.com.
Autoimmune Disease Information
Living Well with Autoimmune Disease: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell
You…That You Need to Know
By Mary J. Shomon
HarperCollins, 2002
After numerous printings, Living Well with Autoimmune Disease has established itself as the definitive guide to understanding mysterious and often difficult-to-pinpoint autoimmune disorders like thyroid disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, lupus, alopecia, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, Raynaud’s, and many others. The book offers a roadmap to finding both conventional and alternative diagnosis, treatment, recovery, and in some cases, even prevention or cure! Alternative Medicine Magazine has said, “Living Well with Autoimmune Disease should not only prove inspirational for those afflicted with these mysterious conditions, but also offers solid, practical advice for getting your health back on track.” Available at bookstores, online, or call Iherb.com for phone orders, 888-792-0028.
Autoimmune Report E-mail Newsletter
A monthly e-mail newsletter that reviews the latest conventional and alternative medical journals to bring you breaking information on treatments, including new drugs, diet and supplements, and other findings related to autoimmune disease. Subscribe online or e-mail autoimmune@thyroid-info.com.
Graves’ Disease: A Practical Guide
By Elaine Moore and Lisa Moore
MacFarland & Company, 2001
Excellent, comprehensive, and well-researched overview of Graves’ disease that offers conventional and alternative information on diagnosis and treatment.
Solved: The Riddle of Illness
By Stephen E. Langer and James F. Scheer
McGraw Hill—NTC, 3rd edition, 2000
Highlights the authors’ tremendous knowledge of nutritional medicine, and the relationship between thyroid disease and many conditions, such as arthritis, obesity, depression, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, sexual problems, and much more.
Thyroid Power: Ten Steps to Total Health
By Richard Shames and Karilee Halo Shames
Harper Resource, 2001
Puts some basics of hypothyroidism causes, tests, diagnosis, and treatment into a 10-step program of information that can help patients get properly diagnosed and treated.
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders
By David Brownstein
Medical Alternatives Press, 2002
Good information on holistic and hormonal approaches to thyroid treatment.
Thyroid Foundation of America
410 Stuart Street, Boston, MA 02116
617-534-1500 or 800-832-8321
The main U.S. organization involved in thyroid education and outreach.
American Foundation for Thyroid Patients
P.O. Box 820195, Houston, TX 77282
Patient-founded organization. Primary activities include a newsletter.
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association
22100 Gratiot Avenue, East Detroit, MI 48021 810-776-3900
http://www.aarda.org/ aarda@aol.com
Information about more than 50 different autoimmune disorders, including Hashimoto’s disease and Graves’ disease. This Web site and organization provide general information about autoimmune disorders and profiles of specific diseases.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
1000 Riverside Avenue, Suite 205, Jacksonville, FL 32204
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) is a professional medical organization devoted to clinical endocrinology. They sponsor an online Specialist Search Page at http://www.aace.com/directory, which allows you to identify AACE members by geographic location, including international options. A unique feature of this page is the ability to select by subspecialty.
American Thyroid Association
6066 Leesburg Pike, P.O. Box 1836,
Falls Church, VA 22041
Features patient information sheets and a doctor referral service.
The Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Research Foundation
P.O. Box 110098
Trumbull, CT 06611
203-261-2101 Fax: 203-261-3017
http://www.brodabarnes.org info@BrodaBarnes.org
The Barnes Foundation focuses on promoting knowledge about thyroid and adrenal disorders, honoring the work of the late Dr. Broda Barnes. The group maintains lists of practitioners knowledgeable about diagnosing thyroid and adrenal disorders and those willing to treat with natural and physiological hormone replacement.
The Endocrine Society
8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 900
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-5817
301-941-0200 Fax: 301-941-0259
A group with a mission to promote the understanding of hormones and endocrinology, and the impact of this knowledge on preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease, including thyroid disease and obesity. The group publishes a number of journals and maintains an informational Web site.
Medical Journal
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
The Endocrine Society,
8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 900,
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
The medical journal that focuses on the cross-section between thyroid disease and weight loss.
Celiac/Allergy/Food Testing
York Allergy
888-751-3388, fax 954-920-3729
http://www.yorkallergyusa.com info@yorkallergyusa.com
Hormonal, Parasites, and Candida Functional Testing
Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory
63 Zillicoa Street, Asheville, NC 28801
http://www.gsdl.com cs@gsdl.com
Trace Elements Analysis
Trace Elements.com
4501 Sunbelt Drive, Addison, TX 75001
800-824-2314 or 972-250-6410, fax 972-248-4896
181 W. Commerce Drive, P.O. Box 2287, Hayden Lake, ID 83835
Sales 800-888-4353, Service 208-762-6833, fax 208-762-9395
Ediets Online— Recommended Site
At Ediets, members fill out a diet profile, then choose from a variety of diets such as Atkins, the Zone, and Jenny Craig. With a personalized program that includes daily meal plans, workout programs, and shopping lists, members enter information into the system to track progress. Membership is $5 per week.
Physique Transformation— Recommended Site
Ric Rooney and Bart Hanks of Physique Transformation provide a Personal Food Analyst software program that analyzes your diet and generates a personalized plan for reaching weight-loss goals. Members can join other dieters and enter weight-loss challenges for added motivation. Free diet analysis and trial for 5 days; membership fee is $7.97 per month.
Weight Watchers— Recommended Site
Members of Weight Watchers sign up and are allocated a certain number of daily points. Members keep track of points using interactive journals, trackers, and calculators and can join online or in local communities for support. Membership is $14.95 for a monthly subscription.
DietPower— Recommended Site
DietPower is weight and nutrition management software that helps you set weight-loss goals based on your personal information, diet, and fitness level. Record your exercise and meals using the extensive food database to track your calories and any nutrients you might be missing. DietPower is available for a free 15-day trial.
Calorie King
Founded by Allan Borushek, a clinical dietitian, the Calorie King offers an online weight management program that includes recommended meal plans, exercise routines, and help in choosing fitness goals. The site also includes recipes, calculators, fitness and health articles, forums, chat rooms, and more. The price is very affordable, at less than $5 a week.
FitDay is an online tracking system that offers a personal journal to track the foods you eat and daily activities. FitDay analyzes your diet and exercise and offers reports on calories, nutrients, weight loss, and more. A subscription is free.
FitWatch offers a comprehensive online tracking system for nutrition and exercise. Members can enter meals and exercise activities into journals using online databases. The basic version is free; a 1-month subscription to the deluxe version is less than $10.
This Web site offers an online body fat monitor designed to help you track body fat percentage, lean body mass, waist-to-hip ratio, calories burned, and more. Subscription is free.
Nutritional Analysis Tool
This online nutritional analysis tool allows users to analyze foods and meals for a variety of nutrients. The program is free.
Health Central Cool Tools
Health Central offers free fitness and weight-loss tools including a body mass index calculator, fitness profile, healthy weight calculator, and fat test.
Major National Diet Programs and Clinics
Curves International, Inc.
400 Schroeder, Waco, TX 76710
Curves is a weight-loss center specifically for women, offering a 30-minute exercise program three times a week. The exercise program involves circuit stations, taking members from one exercise to another using resistance machines and basic cardio moves. The Web site offers information about the program, a club-finder, printable forms for meal plans, progress reports, and more. Locate a club near you online at http://www.curvesinternational.com/isthereacurvesnearme or by telephone at 800-848-1096. Membership options vary according to location but in general cost $39 a month on a yearly basis or $49 month to month.
LA Weight Loss
LA Weight Loss offers members a personalized three-step program based on reducing calorie intake, behavior modification, and counseling. Members follow a meal plan that includes nutrition bars and supplements purchased from LA Weight Loss, then work with a personal counselor to help keep the weight off. The Web site offers basic information about the program and a site locator.
Jenny Craig International
5770 Fleet Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
800-597-JENNY or 760-696-4000
Jenny Craig centers offer a three-point program that includes learning to make healthy food choices, becoming active, and becoming emotionally balanced. Members receive menu plans and activity choices, support from a personal consultant weekly for 20 minutes, and meals. The Web site offers the Jenny Direct program at home that includes weekly phone consultations, food shipped to the home, and telephone support. Membership options vary but generally cost $299 to join and an additional $70 per week, which includes prepackaged foods.
Weight Watchers
Columbus Circle Station, P.O. Box 21053, New York, NY 10023
Weight Watchers offers local programs and meetings, or Weight Watchers Online. Members can search the Web site for meeting locations where they receive the Winning Points Plan—a diet system in which members are allocated daily points depending on their weight and goals. Meetings are pay as you go, and cost varies according to location. Web site users can find a meeting to view prices. Most range from $10 to $14 per week. Online weight-loss services include Weight Watchers Etools and Weight Watchers Online, which includes a journal, a weight tracker, meal plans, point calculators, a recipe search, and more. Cost is $14.95 per month.
This medically supervised program is designed for people with a body mass index greater than or equal to 30. This program offers liquid meal replacements and eventually incorporates regular foods. Members receive counseling on lifestyle changes and exercise, and the program is directed by staff physicians, nurses, and dietitians. Prices vary from $1,500 to $3,000. The Web site describes the program and offers articles, tools, and resources for weight loss, exercise, and nutrition. Find an Optifast clinic at http://www.optifast.com/find_program.jsp.
Physicians Weight Loss Centers
395 Springside Drive, Akron, OH 44333-2496 800-204-7887
Members choose from five weight-loss and nutrition systems that include meal plans and nutritional supplements. Members meet with a consultant and receive body composition analysis, behavior guidance classes, and medical consultations. Online services offer a physician’s review of member information, a weight-loss program with preplanned menus, and the ability to track progress with online weigh-ins and by entering body measurements. Online programs range from $49.95 for a 1-month plan to $96 for a 3-month plan.
Diet Center
Members receive a personalized weight-loss program that includes step-by-step dieting guides, customized food menus, daily weigh-ins, behavior modification, counseling, fitness analysis, and more. Centers offer programs for men and women. Online services also include a three-part weight-loss program with meal plans, behavior management tools, and exercise recommendations. The Web site includes articles, health tools, calculators, and information about in-center programs. Enrollment is $32 per month.
To join Take Off All Pounds, members can find local TOPS chapters (http:// digitel.tops.org/chapter_locator.asp) and attend the first meeting for free. Weekly meetings include a weight-loss program and weigh-ins. Membership is $20 per year. TOPS online membership is $21.50 per year and includes interactive tools, chats, articles, a TOPS handbook, and a magazine.
Nutri/System, Inc.
202 Welsh Road, Horsham, PA 19044
This at-home weight-loss program provides a reduced-calorie diet based on the Food Guide Pyramid with 60% carbs, 20% protein, and 20% fat. Their approach revolves around prepackaged foods. Online services include healthy meals, dining-out guides, and assessments. The program is free and members pay for the food, which can be ordered online or by telephone.
Overeaters Anonymous
P.O. Box 44020, Rio Rancho, NM 87124-4020
Overeaters Anonymous is a recovery program using the Twelve Steps to help members recover from compulsive overeating. Meetings are held worldwide and address physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Tools of recovery include an eating plan, sponsorship, meetings, telephone support, literature, and other resources. Find local meetings at http://www.oa.org/all_about_meetings.htm or write to the above address for all meetings worldwide. The organization offers online meetings with information available at http://www.oa.org/online_meetings.html. Membership is free.
3505 Cadillac Avenue, Suite N-2, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Lindora’s lean-for-life program offers a menu plan of three meals and three snacks a day, low-carb and low-fat. Members transition to a more moderate diet and receive counseling. The online cyber clinic includes access to program experts, forums, chats, personalized charts, and graphs. The 45-day program includes 4 weeks of weight loss, two telephone coaching sessions, a starter kit with workbook and meals, and articles for $149. In-center prices vary depending on program choices and generally start at $1,000.
Duke Diet & Fitness Center
804 W. Trinity Avenue, Durham, NC 27701-1826
The Duke Diet & Fitness Center provides weight-loss programs guided by lifestyle changes. Members sign up for 2 weeks or longer in an intensive program that covers healthy eating and safe exercise. Members receive individual assessments and programs, treatment sessions, group classes, and activities that help them to adopt healthy lifestyle strategies. Programs include 2-week, 4-week, young adult, and return programs ranging from $4,295 to $6,995. The Web site offers detailed information about programs and services.
General Sites
Excellent, comprehensive information, news, and resources for weight-loss support.
iVillage Fitness
iVillage offers articles, tips, and information on weight loss including diet programs, eating habits, exercise, trends, strength training, and more.
MEDLINEPlus—Weight Loss/Dieting
This Web site run by the National Institutes of Health posts basic information and the latest news in weight loss, nutrition, and science.
Weight Loss at About.com
Extensive database of articles and resources on weight loss, including well-known diets like Atkins and Weight Watchers, info on the latest diet trends and weight-loss options, and tips on creating a healthy lifestyle.
Support Groups Online
Thyroid Diet Support Group
Join other thyroid dieters at the forum specifically for The Thyroid Diet and for discussion of how to lose weight despite thyroid disease.
About Weight Loss Forum
The About Weight Loss Forum offers support if you’re trying to lose weight. Register for free, and post questions or search through the forum for specific information about diets, nutrition, diet buddies, obesity, and other popular topics.
Real Losers
This Web site offers plenty of support for people who want to lose weight. You’ll find success stories, informational articles to help educate and inspire you, and an extensive support network including chats, forum boards, and buddy systems.
3 Fat Chicks Community Weight Loss Journal
One way to stay on track is to keep a weight-loss journal. 3fatchicks.com offers an online community journal to help you stay motivated. The public aspect holds you accountable for your weight loss, and you’ll find lots of support from other members.
Diettalk offers free support through their forums, which include general support, support for specific diets and programs, emergency support, and more. Their site also offers chats, articles, and a free newsletter.
My Diet Buddy
Mydietbuddy.com matches members with one another according to lifestyle and diet/fitness goals. They offer a free 3-day trial, then users pay $5.95 per month.
Low-Fat, Low-Carb, Low-Glycemic, Healthy Recipes
Glycemic Index
Rick Mendosa provides a comprehensive table of foods categorized by glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load values, along with basic information about what GI means and how to use the table.
iVillage Low Fat Diet Plan Info
This Web site provides a starting point for basic information on a variety of low-fat diets including Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutri/System, and more. The site offers essential information, articles, message boards, newsletters, tools, and recipes.
Low Fat Recipes from 3 Fat Chicks
This Web site lists over 800 low-fat recipes that include calories, protein, fiber, fat gram, sodium, carbohydrates, and Weight Watcher points. Recipes are divided into categories and are free.
Low Fat Cooking
Hundreds of low-fat recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and more. Also offers articles, eating tips, meal planners, and facts about eating low-fat.
AICR—Recipe Corner
The American Institute for Cancer Research offers free healthy recipes for soups, salads, entrées, veggies, desserts, and more.
Diet and Weight-Loss Books
Atkins Diet
The Atkins home page provides information about the Atkins diet including how it works, food and recipes, motivation and success stories. You can sign up for a free Atkins account to keep a food journal, shopping list, recipe box, and more.
Zone Diet
The Zone online magazine provides support for those following the Zone diet. The Web site provides an online cookbook, success stories, meal plans, fitness calculators, and more.
Blood Type Diet/Eat Right 4 Your Type
This Web site provides information and education about the Blood Type diet. The site includes a health library, recipe database, columns and articles about diet and health.
No-Grain Diet
The Web site provides information and support for dieters. It includes expert information, success stories, newsletters, and more.
South Beach Diet
This interactive Web site offers support for those on the South Beach diet. Sign up for daily tips, recipes, and guidance from the author, Dr. Agatston, and use interactive tools to track weight and meals and generate shopping lists.
Sugar Busters
This Web site covers the basics of the Sugar Busters diet. Get information about how to follow the diet and sign on to the message board for information and support.
Fat Flush Diet
Anne Louise Gittleman’s Web site provides articles and information about the Fat Flush diet. The site also includes support boards, product information, and other dieting resources.
8 Minutes in the Morning
The Jorge Cruise Web site provides a starting place for those interested in the program 8 Minutes in the Morning. The site offers free coaching, success stories, newsletters, support, and product information.
Body for Life
The Body for Life Web site provides basic information about the program, including free downloadable strength-training programs. The site also includes bulletin boards, articles, and chat capabilities.
Protein Power
The Protein Power Web site offers information about the Protein Power Life-plan including books, recipes, and articles. Also includes fitness products, community support, and chat capabilities.
Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet
This Web site offers a list of books, articles, quizzes, and success stories relating to the Carbohydrate Addict’s diet.
Metabolic Typing Diet
This Web site discusses the Metabolic Typing diet and includes interactive quizzes for discovering your metabolic type, choosing foods, as well as providing other information about the diet.
Schwarzbein Principle
The Schwarzbein Principle Web site offers basic information about the diet including nutrition, stress management, toxins, exercise, and hormones. The site also includes articles about supplements, health news, and more.
Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys of Weight Loss Freedom
By Phillip McGraw
Free Press, 2003
Dr. Phil focuses on taking readers through a weight-loss plan based on the emotional reasons people overeat. Readers will learn how to make a weight-loss plan, receive tools to plan meals, and learn how to avoid emotional eating.
Fat and Furious
by Loree Taylor Jordan
L.T.J. Associates, 2004
A look at weight-loss issues from the mind–body perspective, and also including thyroid-related information.
Fat Tracker
by Karen Xhisholm
Fat Tracker Publications, 2003
Tracking guide to keep track of whichever diet you follow, including water, nutrients, exercise, and more.
Best Cookbooks for Weight Loss
Prevention’s Stop Dieting & Lose Weight Cookbook
by Mary Jo Platt
Rodale Press, 1998
The book details easy ways to lose weight by reducing fats, eating healthy foods, and making exercise a priority. Skipping the latest miracle diet, the more than 275 recipes are low in fat and calories.
American Heart Association Meals in Minutes Cookbook
by American Heart Association
Times Books, 2000
This cookbook provides over 200 heart-healthy meals that can be prepared in minutes. The emphasis is on easy meals that can be put together in 20 minutes or less.
Splendid Low-Carbing, Splendid Low-Carbing for Life, and More Splendid Low-Carbing
by Jennifer Eloff
A wonderful selection of low-carb recipes, including terrific desserts.
The Low-Carb Comfort Food Cookbook
by Michael R. Eades
John Wiley & Sons, 2002
This book offers over 300 low-carb recipes for comfort foods such as pancakes, ice cream, cookies, and pasta. Also provides cooking tips and articles about weight loss and cravings.
Dr. Atkins’ Quick and Easy New Diet Cookbook
by Robert C. Atkins
Fireside, 1997
If you’re following the Atkin’s diet, this book offers quick and easy recipes that are very low in carbs and high in protein and fat.
Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook
Weight Watchers International Inc. Staff
John & Wiley Sons, 1998
This cookbook is designed for the Weight Watcher’s program and provides 500 recipes, each of which is assigned food points based on fat, fiber, and calories. Recipes are varied and cover sauces, breads, meat, vegetarian dishes, pasta, and more.
Stop the Clock! Cooking
Cheryl Forberg
Penguin Putnam, 2003
Chef and registered dietitian Cheryl Forberg offers over 100 healthy recipes that focus on antiaging ingredients such as berries, fish, tomatoes, soy, grains, and more.
The Good Carb Cookbook: Secrets of Eating Low on the Glycemic Index
by Sandra Woodruff
Avery Penguin Putnam, 2001
Sandra Woodruff explains carbs and which foods affect blood sugar and cravings. Low-carb, low-calorie recipes cover all types of meals.
Stella’s Kitchen: Creative Cooking for Fun, Flavor and a Lean, Strong Body
by Estella Juarez
On Target Publications, 2003
Estella Juarez provides a variety of recipes targeted to exercise and fitness enthusiasts. She discusses the basics of choosing ingredients and provides tips on cooking.
The Vegetarian Gourmet’s Easy Low-Fat Favorites
by Bobbie Hinman
Surrey Books, 2002
This cookbook provides over 300 low-fat, vegetarian recipes using fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans. Nutritional breakdown is included as well as suggested menus.
Top Magazines
This magazine offers a more casual approach to health and fitness than Shape. It has exercise and fitness information as well as monthly home workouts.
P.O Box 37207, Boone, IA 50037
Shape is geared toward women interested in health, fitness, weight loss, aerobics, nutrition, and beauty. It contains articles, workouts, fitness news, and success stories.
Prevention covers a variety of topics and includes articles on weight loss, health conditions and issues, fitness, nutrition, and more.
4 Times Square, New York, NY 10036
This magazine covers all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit for women. Includes articles and tips on diet, nutrition, spiritual and mental health, exercise, and beauty.
911 Harcourt Street, Boston, MA 02116
Walking offers advice and motivation for people interested in walking. Articles cover health news, fitness programs, gear review, recipes, and more.
Weight Watchers
This magazine provides support and information for those following the Weight Watchers program, along with basic fitness, nutrition, and exercise advice for those not on the program. Also includes recipes, news, and more.
2100 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35209
Health is geared toward women and covers beauty, well-being, fitness, and food/nutrition. The magazine offers articles, essays, and tips on a healthy lifestyle.
Cooking Light
P.O. Box 62376, Tampa, FL 33662
Cooking Light offers a variety of creative, healthy recipes that are often low-calorie and low-fat. It includes everyday recipes, gourmet dishes, and monthly columns on vegetarian dishes. Issues also cover healthy lifestyle tips, menu planning, and more.
An excellent Web site for a variety of diet foods, low-carb products, and supplements.
This Web site offers low-carb, sugar-free diet foods in bulk or combo specials.
Grains & Greens
This online food store offers Atkins diet products and a variety of natural foods, beverages, appliances, and more.
Synergy Diet
http://www.synergydiet.com/? AID=8110879&PID=1173325
Synergy Diet is an online store offering a large selection of low-carbohydrate, sugar-free, high-protein foods, beverages, and supplements.
Online retailer features reliable information about supplements. A source for most of the supplements discussed here.
Consumer Lab
This site is a great resource for people interested in taking herbal supplements. ConsumerLab.com offers independent testing of popular herbs to help consumers evaluate the safety of vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and more.
CraniYums Supplements
Serotonin-and dopamine-balancing supplements for weight loss.
Drug Digest
This comprehensive site provides detailed information about drugs, herbs, and supplements. Also includes interactions with medications and information about specific conditions.
FDA—Overview of Dietary Supplements
This article offers basic information about what dietary supplements are, how to read labels, and more.
WebMD Drugs and Supplements
This section of WebMD provides a searchable database containing information about a variety of drugs, herbs, and supplements. Also includes articles about dietary supplements and their use and effectiveness.
About Weight Loss—Products & Supplements
This list of links provides information about popular weight-loss pills and products.
Diet Pills
This article offers in-depth information about diet pills, both prescription and over the counter. Describes popular diet drugs, side effects, pros and cons.
iVillage—Weight Loss Drugs & Surgery
In this section of iVillage, users will find information and articles about different weight-loss drugs and their safety and effectiveness.
Obesity Meds & Research http://www.obesity-news.com/newdrugs.htm
This page details information about weight-loss drugs in use, in development, and those that are available over the counter.
Medscape Drug Info http://www.medscape.com/druginfo/
Dr. Lionel Bissoon, DO
Offices in New York, NY, West Palm Beach, FL, and Los Angles, CA 212-579-9136
Mesotherapy Web Site http://www.mesotherapy.com
List of Trained Mesotherapy Practitioners in the United States http://mesoestetik.com/more.html
Exercise at About.com http://exercise.about.com
This site provides comprehensive information about all aspects of exercise including cardio, strength training, apparel, gear, and more. Includes exercise articles, support forum, newsletter, free workouts, and product reviews.
ExRx Exercise Information
ExRx is an excellent Web site offering basic information about getting started with exercise. Articles cover fitness components, injury prevention, motor development, and more.
Fitness Online http://www.fitnessonline.com/
Fitness Online contains a variety of information about fitness and exercise including getting fit, eating healthy, building muscle, and losing weight. Includes online calculators, expert advice, and instructional workouts.
The IDEA Health and Fitness Association provides health and fitness news as well as workout articles and fitness facts covering all aspects of exercise for fitness enthusiasts.
Internet Fitness
Internet Fitness provides information about exercise, walking, running, motivation, strength training, home fitness, and more. An authority in his or her field moderates each category.
Just Move
This site run by the American Heart Association offers news and information relating to fitness, health, and weight loss. It provides an online forum and fitness diary to track your workouts.
Workout.com offers a library of professionally developed exercise programs, exercise instructions, video demonstrations, community support, and more. Workouts are categorized according to goals such as muscle development, cardiovascular conditioning, and weight loss. A 3-month membership costs $24.95.
MEDLINE Plus—Exercise/Physical Fitness
MEDLINE offers general fitness information that includes getting started, activity tips, and exercise for children and seniors. Also provides the latest news on physical activity and links to other helpful resources.
Jim Karas’ Exercise Instruction
Run by personal trainer Jim Karas, this Web site provides instructions for a variety of exercises using equipment such as resistance bands, dumbbells, and exercise balls. The site also includes exercise logs, fitness articles, and a community forum for support.
Popular Fitness Exercise Instruction
This Web site’s exercise instruction page offers video demonstrations for basic exercises for major muscle groups. The site also provides exercise and fitness articles and workout programs.
Fitness Books
Body for Life
By Bill Phillips and Michael D’Orso
HarperCollins, 1999
This book explains the 12-week program, including strength-training workouts, cardio, nutrition, and supplements. Includes blank logs to keep track of exercise and diet.
Strength Training for Dummies
By Suzanne Schlosberg and Liz Neporent
For Dummies, 2000
Fitness professionals discuss the basics of weight training in simple terms, providing readers with a step-by-step process for setting up a strength-training program. Chapters cover types of equipment, tips on technique, and illustrations of basic exercises.
Smart Exercise
By Covert Bailey
Mariner Books, 1996
Bailey does a nice job of explaining the basic concepts of fitness and weight loss. He explains physiology in simple terms and describes how the body builds muscles, burns fat, and more.
Getting Stronger
Bill Pearl
Shelter Publications, 2001
This well-written book covers all aspects of weight training for beginners and bodybuilders alike. It includes sport-specific training for a variety of sports along with detailed instructions and pictures.
By Bob Anderson
Shelter Publications, 2001
This excellent book explains the basics of stretching, then provides an extensive list of stretches (including pictures) for the entire body. There’s a section on stretching for specific sports and information on specific conditions such as back pain.
Getting in Shape
By Bob Anderson, Ed Burke, and Bill Pearl
Shelter Publications, 1994
This illustrated book provides basic workouts for men and women. The authors discuss the basic components of fitness, offer programs for work, travel, and the gym, and move into discussions about food, health, pregnancy, and more.
Fitness for Dummies
By Suzanne Schlosberg and Liz Neporent
For Dummies, 1999
This book for beginners helps readers plan a well-rounded fitness program by explaining the basics of exercise without any confusing jargon. Topics cover cardio, weight training, basic nutrition, supplements, myths, and more.
Top Fitness/Exercise Videos for Beginners
Winsor Pilates
A program that features a set of various videos for doing mat Pilates at home. Videos offer a variety of routines to help tone and sculpt the entire body.
Pilates for Dummies 2001
This 60-minute workout is perfect for beginners, explaining the fundamentals of Pilates training. The workout includes basic movements and goes at a slow pace.
Yoga Journal’s Yoga for Beginners
By Patricia Walden 1990
For beginners, this is the most comprehensive video about yoga available. The instructor leads exercisers through a basic yoga workout, emphasizing form and posture through the 60-minute routine.
Kathy Smith’s Step Workout
By Kathy Smith 2001
This is the perfect starting point for beginning steppers. Kathy Smith provides three progressively more difficult step segments, and exercisers move through the segments as they become conditioned.
Fat Burning for Dummies with Gay Gasper
By Gay Gasper 2001
This easy-to-follow routine introduces 10 basic aerobic moves, allowing beginner exercisers to learn the fundamentals of cardio exercise. The video shows on-screen modifications and includes safety tips.
15-Minute Workouts for Dummies
By Gay Gasper 2003
Gay Gasper’s newest video offers four workouts, each one focused on a different muscle group: thighs, arms, legs, and abs. The workout has on-screen modifications, tips, and safety suggestions.
FIRM Basics Series (Fat Burning, Abs, Buns and Thighs, Sculpting with Weights)1986
The FIRM offers an excellent series of videos introducing new exercisers to strength training. Instructors offer tips on proper form and provide brief aerobic sections in between weight work. Each video costs $14.95.
Ease into Fitness
By Karen Voight 1999
Karen Voight offers a very basic, low-impact workout for new exercisers and seniors using a resistance band. The exercises are easy to understand, and Karen provides excellent instruction.
Beginner’s Stretch for Flexibility
By Tamilee Webb 2000
Tamilee Webb provides a basic 30-minute flexibility workout. This relaxing routine involves traditional stretches along with easy yoga poses for a nice introduction to stretching.
Leslie Sansone’s In-Home Walk
By Leslie Sansone 2000
This easy-to-follow video offers a 2-mile walking workout that can be done in the home. Perfect for beginners.
Yoga Stress Relief for Beginners
By Suzanne Deason 1998
This 17-minute video offers a relaxing series of poses to introduce new exercisers to yoga.
Belleruth Naparstek’s Weight Loss Guided Visualization Audio/CD By Belleruth Naparstek
This guided weight-loss CD uses imagery to help users heighten serotonin levels to reduce appetite and to convert fat into focused energy and muscle. The 60-minute audio also helps listeners learn to appreciate their bodies.
Light Boxes for Light Treatment/Seasonal Affective Disorder Therapy
By Sunbox Company800-548-3968
Excellent quality, selection, and service, offering the nation’s largest selection of various lamps specifically designed for light treatment. Also features articles and information on light therapy.
Dr. Levine’s Ultimate Weight Loss Formula™ 800-641-2907
There are 17 grams of fiber per serving. The formula comes in chocolate, vanilla cream, orange cream, hazelnut, and raspberry.
Find a Practioner
American Osteopathic Association
142 E. Ontario Street, Chicago, IL 60611
The American Osteopathic Association has state referral lists for osteopaths in all 50 states.
American Board of Medical Specialties “Certified Doctor” Service 800-776-2378
This is an online service that allows you to browse for doctors by specialty and locale and get certification information on specific docs. These are conventional doctors.
American Medical Association (AMA) “Physician Select” http://www.ama-assn.org/aps/amahg.htm
The AMA’s Physician Select program allows you to browse their database for AMA member doctors, almost always conventional doctors. It offers medical school and year graduated, residency training, primary practice, secondary practice, major professional activity, and board certification for all doctors who are licensed physicians.
American Holistic Health Association P.O. Box 17400, Anaheim, CA 92817-7400 714-779-6152
http://www.ahha.org/ ahha@healthy.net
The American Holistic Health Association offers an online referral to its members, who are holistic doctors.
American Holistic Medical Association 6728 Old McLean Village Drive, McLean, VA 22101 703-556-9728
Patient Information: 703-556-9728 http://www.holisticmedicine.org info@holisticmedicine.org
The American Holistic Medical Association publishes a referral directory of member MDs and DOs.
American Board of Medical Specialties 1007 Church Street, Suite 404, Evanston, IL 60201-5913 847-491-9091
Phone Verification: 866-ASK-ABMS
U.S. News and World Report “Best Graduate Schools”/Medical School Evaluation 800-836-6397
You can evaluate whether your doctor went to a good medical school by checking the med school rankings provided by U.S. News and World Report. You can also order their Best Graduate Schools Directory on the Web site or by phone. It costs $5.95.
Find a Bariatric (Weight Loss) Physician
American Board of Bariatric Medicine 5453 E. Evans Place,
Denver, CO 80222-5234
The ABBM is a certifying organization in the field of bariatric medicine. The certification helps ensure a physician’s knowledge in the field of obesity and obesity-related conditions.
American Society of Bariatric Physicians 5453 E. Evans Place, Denver, CO 80222-5234 303-770-2526
The ASBP is an international association of health care professionals who have a special interest in treatment of overweight, obesity, and related disorders. They maintain practice guidelines and provide information to members, the public, and the health care industry.
Find a Nutritionist/Dietitian
American Dietetic Association 120 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000,
Chicago, IL 60606-6995 800-877-1600
The ADA is the largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The group is dedicated to educating the public on obesity, aging, nutrition, and genetics.
Find a Personal Trainer
American College of Sports Medicine 401 W. Michigan Street,
Indianapolis, IN 46202-3233 317-637-9200
The ACSM is one of the most respected certifying organizations, using scientific research to provide education to fitness professionals and the public, as well as applications of exercise science and sports medicine.
American Council on Exercise 4851 Paramount Drive,
San Diego, CA 92123 800-825-3636 or 858-279-8227
The American Council on exercise is the largest nonprofit certification organization in the world. ACE sets the standards for qualified fitness professionals and educates the public about fitness products, trends, and programs.
National Academy of Sports Medicine 26632 Agoura Road,
Calabasas, CA 91302 800-460-NASM (6276)
http://www.nasm.org/TrainerLocator.asp? type=fitness
The NASM was founded by doctors, physical therapists, and fitness professionals. This organization provides education and certification for fitness and sports medicine professionals.
The following practitioners and experts provided information or ideas as I developed this book.
David Brownstein, MD
David Brownstein is a board-certified family physician and practitioner of holistic medicine. He is the medical director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Dr. Brownstein specializes in the use of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and natural hormones. He is the author of three popular books: The Miracle of Natural Hormones, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, and Overcoming Arthritis. His Web site is located at http://www.drbrownstein.com. He can be reached at 4173 Fieldbrook, West Bloomfield, MI 48323; 248-851-3372 or 888-647-5616; info@drbrownstein.com.
Hyla Cass, MD
Hyla Cass is an integrative and holistic physician and psychiatrist, with expertise in natural treatments for stress, anxiety, depression, nutritional and hormonal imbalances. She is the best-selling author of a number of books, including Natural Highs. Her Web site is located at http://www.cassmd.com, and she can be reached by e-mail at hyla@cassmd.com.
Udo Erasmus, PhD
Udo Erasmus is a nutritionist and researcher who has spent more than 15 years exploring the practical aspects of fats. He pioneered technology for pressing and packaging fresh oils and created the well-known Udo’s Oils series of essential fatty acid products. He is also author of the best-selling book Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill. His Web site is located at http://www.udoerasmus, and he offers private consultations by phone from his office in Canada. He can be reached at admin@udoerasmus.com.
Bruce Fife, ND
Bruce Fife is a certified nutritionist and naturopathic physician. He is the author of several books including The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil and Eat Fat, Look Thin. He can be reached at P.O. Box 25203, Colorado Springs, CO 80936 or thyroidhealth@adelphia.net.
Ted Friedman, MD
Ted Friedman is an associate professor of medicine at UCLA’s endocrinology division and an endocrinologist in private practice. His Web site is located at http://www.goodhormonehealth.com. Dr. Friedman’s practice is located at 8737 Beverly Boulevard, Suite 203, Los Angeles, CA 90048. For an appointment or more information, call 310-335-0327, or e-mail appointments@goodhormone health.com.
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD
Ann Louise Gittleman is author of a number of best-selling books on nutrition and hormones, including Before the Change and The Fat Flush Plan. She has worked in both the public and private health sectors with thousands of clients. Her Web site and contact information is located at http://www.fatflush.com.
Donna Hurlock, MD
Donna Hurlock is an Alexandria, Virginia–based gynecologist and a certified menopause clinician. She also has a special interest in wellness, disease prevention, nutrition, and treating hypothyroidism via alternative medicine approaches. Her Web site is located at http://www.dhurlock.yourmd.com. She can be reached at 205S. Whiting Street, Suite 303, Alexandria, VA 22304; 703-823-1533.
Dave Junno PsyD
Dave Junno is a psychologist, coach, and author of Lowering High Cholesterol and Reducing Your Risk of Heart Disease—Ready or Not! E-mail him at drjunno @drjunno.com or visit his Web site at http://www.lower-high-cholesterol-ready-ornot.com.
Stephen Langer, MD
Stephen Langer is a holistic physician in private practice, with expertise in holistic and integrative therapies, antiaging medicine, and hormonal, thyroid, and nutritional conditions. He is also the author of numerous books, including Solved: The Riddle of Illness, which is coauthored with James Scheer. Dr. Langer provides in-office and phone consultations regarding thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, orthomolecular medicine, optimal nutrition, metabolic medicine, and food allergies. He can be reached at 3031 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 230, Berkeley, CA 94705; 510-548-7384.
Scott Levine, MD
Scott Levine is board certified in internal medicine and maintains a practice in Orlando, Florida. He created Dr. Levine’s Ultimate Weight Loss Formula, a fiber-based weight-loss aid. His Web site is at http://www.thindoctor.com, and he can be reached at 7350 Sandlake Commons Boulevard, Suite 2217, Orlando, FL 32819; 800-641-2907 or 407-354-0001.
Jim McCauley
Since childhood, Jim knew that he wanted to work in the food industry, either as a chef or owning his own restaurant. Before achieving that, he spent 15 years working in the entertainment industry, often helping out friends who owned and managed restaurants. In 1995, Jim moved to New York and enrolled at the French Culinary Institute (FCI). After graduating from FCI, Jim worked at a three-star Hudson Valley restaurant outside of New York City, then took a job as a chef working in corporate dining. Two years ago, Jim was diagnosed as diabetic, so he’s turned his training, knowledge, and love of food to working on healthier and appropriate recipes that taste great. He can be reached at jim.mccauley@verizon.net.
Joseph Mercola, DO
Joseph Mercola is a Chicago-area osteopathic physician and natural medicine expert who specializes in treating metabolic and immune system disorders. He also runs a popular alternative medicine Web site at http://www.mercola.com. Mercola is coauthor of the best-selling book The No-Grain Diet. He can be reached at Optimal Wellness Center, 1443 W. Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg, IL 60194; 847-985-1777.
Byron Richards, CCN
Byron Richards is a pioneer in the field of clinical nutrition, with over 18 years of experience helping patients recover from serious health issues as well as helping those interested in preventive health. A nutritionist in private practice, he is author of the book Mastering Leptin. His Web site is at http://www.masteringleptin.com, and he can be contacted for in-person or phone consultations at 800-717-9355.
Marie Savard, MD
Marie Savard is an internationally known internist and women’s health expert, author, and patient rights advocate. She is the founder of the Savard System and author of two books: How to Save Your Own Life: The Savard System for Managing—and Controlling—Your Health Care and The Savard Health Record: A Six-Step System for Managing Your Health Care. Dr. Savard’s Web site is at http://www.dr savard.com. She can be reached at Savard Systems, 54 Churchill Drive, York, PA 17403; 877-SAVARDS (728-2737) or 717-747-0936
Richard Shames, MD/Karilee Halo Shames RN, PhD
Richard Shames is a holistic physician in private practice and is coauthor of a number of health-related books, including Thyroid Power. Dr. Shames also provides telephone consultations. Karilee Halo Shames is a clinical specialist in psychiatric nursing and a certified holistic nurse with a PhD in holistic studies. She has maintained a private practice in collaboration with Dr. Richard Shames for 20 years, specializing in comprehensive treatment aspects of energy-depletion illnesses. She is coauthor of Thyroid Power. Richard and Karilee Shames can be reached at P.O. Box 593, Sebastopol, CA 95473-0593; 415-472-2343; their Web site at http://www.thyroidpower.com; or by e-mail, thyroidpower@aol.com.
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Jacob Teitelbaum is board certified in internal medicine. For over a decade, he has worked with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and thyroid patients. He has a specialized practice in Annapolis, Maryland, and is director of the Annapolis Research Center for Effective FMS/CFS Therapies. He is author of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic. Dr. Teitelbaum’s Web site is at http://www.end fatigue.com, and he can be reached at 466 Forelands Road, Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-573-5389.
Silvia Treves
Silvia Treves is a certified personal trainer, specializing in Pilates mat exercise and rehabilitative exercise and strength/flexibility training, working in the Montgomery County and northwest Washington, D.C., area. Her clients have included Kirk Douglas and a number of other celebrities, and her expertise is working with seniors and people with chronic disease and physical limitations. She can be reached at 301-654-3976 or silviatreves50@yahoo.com.
Paige Waehner
Paige Waehner is a fitness and exercise expert and writer, and serves as exercise guide at the About.com Exercise site, located at http://exercise.about.com.
Ken Woliner, MD, ABFP
Ken Woliner is a board-certified family physician in private practice in Boca Raton. He can be reached at Holistic Family Medicine, 2499 Glades Road, #106A, Boca Raton, FL 33431; 561-620-7779; knw6@cornell.edu.