I’m not afraid of storms,
for I’m learning to sail my ship.


Totie Fields once said, “I’ve been on a diet for 2 weeks and all I’ve lost is 2 weeks.” If you’re trying to lose weight, you may feel like Totie is talking about you. You may have tried diet after diet, joined Weight Watchers, tried herbal diet pills, or read dozens of diet books that tell you to eat all protein, or cabbage soup, or ice cream, or 1,000 or less calories per day, only to discover that you’re not losing weight and might even be gaining it! That’s what happened to me 10 years ago when I joined Weight Watchers, followed it to the letter, and gained 2 pounds a week while everyone else was losing weight.

Or you may never have had a weight problem, then all of a sudden, the pounds started piling on, seemingly defying all the laws of physics. If it takes 3,500 excess calories to gain a pound, how could you possibly have gained 10 or 20 pounds in 1 month? And yet you did. This is what happened to me at age 33 before my 1995 wedding. After going through my 20s as a slender size 8, I quickly started packing on weight—so much so that I bought a size 12 gown, and in the months before my wedding, I had to have my wedding dress let out two more sizes (is that a horrifying thing for a bride or what?). Even after I went on a reduced-calorie diet with daily exercise, I walked down the aisle as a size 16. After the honeymoon, the weight kept piling on.

Gena had a similar experience in her late 30s:


I have a 20th school reunion coming up in my little hometown. I was always a perfect size, I played high school sports, and was a homecoming queen candidate. Sometime in my senior year, I woke up very sick one morning. The doctor told my mom that it was a thyroid infection. I took a lot of tests, got medication, and finally felt like my old self…for maybe a year. What I didn’t realize was the damage that was done to my thyroid gland would mess me up for the rest of my life. I gained weight from about 105–110 when I graduated from high school to about 205 being my top weight. And I do not eat any more than I used to; in fact, I’m eating much healthier now. I’m depressed, because I’ve turned from a skinny, healthy person into a person who just feels awful about her looks and is very embarrassed to go back to my hometown. If I could wear a sign that says I HAVE A THYROID DISORDER around my neck, maybe people wouldn’t look at me and think, Look at that fat, lazy person…she needs to push away from the table.

Maybe you have been eating the same way as usual and getting the same level of physical activity as always, but you’re wondering why this past 6 months you have managed to put on a pound a week.

In the midst of any of these situations, you may go to see your doctor, saying, “I know something is really wrong with me.” And you may be sent home with one of the following:

A. An antidepressant, because after all, depression makes you gain weight, so that must be it

B. A diet drug, because writing a prescription gives your doctor something useful and doctor-like to do

C. A shrug of the shoulders, along with one of those vague nonexplanations like, “Well, you’re getting older—it’s to be expected,” or “It must be your hormones,” or “It’s normal after having a baby,” and so on

D. A condescending look, along with some serious medical advice along the lines of, “Well, you must be eating too much and not getting enough exercise, so get off the couch and stop strapping on the feedbag!”


Gee, Doctor, thanks.

You know something is not right, and you know that you are not sitting around lazily stuffing your face with bonbons, but you don’t get the feeling that the doctor believes you. And the sad fact is, he or she probably doesn’t. One late 2003 study showed that not only general practitioners but even health professionals who specialize in treating obesity have negative stereotypes about people who are overweight, including associating them with being lazy, stupid, and worthless. Most doctors—and the people around you, to an even greater extent—have an automatic antifat bias.

You know something is wrong—something is not normal—but who believes you?

I believe you.

Because while your doctor is busy assuming that you’re too lazy to exercise and don’t have enough willpower to stop eating, what he or she isn’t doing is telling you that you could have a thyroid problem—a dysfunction in the small, butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that is crucial to your metabolism. While some narrow-minded doctors dismiss thyroid disease as just another lame excuse for being overweight, the reality is that for millions of overweight people, thyroid disease is a very real reason for weight problems. Learning about thyroid disease and its symptoms—beyond weight problems—and how to get diagnosed can be critical steps that address the underlying cause of your weight gain, help restore your hope and health, and allow healthy diet and exercise to finally work the way they should!

Recent studies have conservatively estimated that as many as 20 million people have a thyroid problem, the majority of them undiagnosed. Some experts believe that the actual number is substantially higher and rapidly on the rise. At the same time, studies have shown that 97 million Americans are overweight or obese. That’s nearly three in five: 59.4% of all men and 50.7% of all women.

This brings up a critical connection: some people struggling with a weight problem are facing even more of an uphill battle than everyone else, because they are dealing with an underlying thyroid condition that is both undiagnosed and untreated. One study found that as many as 40% of overweight people had evidence of a dysfunctional thyroid.

I went to the doctor a number of times complaining about a variety of symptoms such as

  • Unexpected weight gain, despite diet and exercise
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • More hair loss than usual
  • Moodiness
  • Muscle and joint pains and aches
  • Loss of sex drive

My doctor took a wait-and-see approach for a few months, but then she put together the symptoms and decided she should test my thyroid. I was surprised when she called to say that I was hypothyroid. I didn’t even know what a thyroid was. Sure, I’d heard overweight people laughingly refered to as having glandular problems, and I had an aunt who had a goiter once, but that was the extent of my knowledge about the master gland of metabolism.

My doctor put me on thyroid hormone replacement therapy. Blissfully ignorant, I assumed that all the symptoms, particularly the pounds, would disappear as quickly as they had appeared now that I was getting my thyroid back in order.

Surprise! Not so….

Sure, as we tweaked my medicine and dosages, I felt better in some ways—less exhausted, not so moody and achy—but except for several pounds, the weight didn’t budge. In my 20s, before my thyroid apparently started to go awry, losing weight was simple. I just cut out a bag of chips with lunch a few times a week and switched to a diet soda instead of regular, and within a few weeks, the extra pounds would be gone.

But nothing I was doing in the beginning moved the scale an ounce. This wasn’t going to be so easy. So I set out on a mission. To discover how best to optimize my thyroid treatment. To learn what and how much I could and couldn’t eat in order to lose weight. To find out whether I needed to exercise, what type of exercise, and how much. To learn how to get back on track when my weight-loss efforts got stalled or even derailed.

Along the way, I turned my own struggle to find the answers into a new role as a patient advocate for others with thyroid and autoimmune diseases. In 1997, I started several Web sites and newsletters that focus on thyroid disease and the issues that patients face. They have become the most popular patient-oriented thyroid Web sites on the Internet. My first book, Living Well with Hypothyroidism, has gone on to more than 20 printings and a second edition. And my Thyroid Diet Success Guide, a simple 40-page summary of weight-loss tips that was the inspiration for this book, has inspired thousands of thyroid patients to successfully lose weight. Throughout it all have been the thousands of letters each month from people all around the world describing their symptoms, asking if they could have a thyroid problem, and discussing their inexplicable frustration with their weight gain and their misery over not feeling well. Thyroid patients asking why they have not lost weight, despite rigorous diets and exercise programs. People who said they cried as they wrote their e-mails that describe how being overweight makes them feel ugly, old, worthless, and unattractive, and nothing has worked in their attempts to get the weight off.

Along the way, I’ve been on my own journey, and it’s taken me almost 10 years to figure out what I needed to know. And now I’m sharing it with you in The Thyroid Diet.

You don’t want to be overweight. I know there is a percentage of people who are overweight who feel comfortable with themselves and don’t have any body image issues, and more power to them. But I’m not one of them, and if you’re reading this book, neither are you.

When I’ve been overweight, I haven’t been proud to be fat. Like doctors and most of the public, I see being overweight as a failing, as a sign that I’m less. I don’t need to be model-thin. I just want to feel and look normal, healthy, and attractive. And most likely, so do you.

Let’s face it: In addition to the psychosocial burden—basically, suffering emotionally or mental health–wise because of the self-esteem and depression issues related to being overweight—there is also an increased risk of many serious health conditions, including

  • Insulin resistance
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Cardiovascular disease/heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis/degenerative joint disease
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Fatigue
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Stress incontinence

Being overweight or obese is also a risk factor for various cancers. A 16-year study by the American Cancer Society found that deaths from a wide variety of cancers—including those of the breast, endometrium, colon, rectum, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, gallbladder, ovary, cervix, liver, and prostate, as well as multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma—are linked to excess weight and obesity. Only a few cancers—lung cancer, bladder cancer, brain cancer, and melanoma—were found to have no link to excess weight. That’s certainly enough incentive to lose weight.

But we have to get off the weight-loss runaround. If you read the newspapers and women’s magazine articles, watch middle-of-the-night infomercials, view television interviews, and talk to the staff at supplement stores, you’ll hear from “experts” galore, and every one of them has the one key to weight-loss success. The key is

(That last one is courtesy of Dr. Phil.)

Blah blah blah!

The bottom line: There is no single answer. What works for you is the right answer. And that may be one of the above things, or far more likely, a combination of approaches.

The majority of Americans are overweight. And let’s face it, while some have an underlying thyroid problem, some don’t. Yet most overweight people find it very hard to lose weight, because dropping pounds and keeping them off is very difficult. It’s even tougher with a thyroid condition.

You’re not lazy or lacking willpower. Your weight problem is most likely not an emotional issue that can be shouted and bullied out of you by a television personality. You’re probably not downing an entire box of donuts every night when no one else is watching. Your eating habits are probably not very different from your friends or family members who are at a normal weight. Your body may truly refuse to lose weight on rabbit food, Weight Watchers, or the Atkins diet.

Your problem is that your body doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. A challenge that is already hard for most people may be even harder for you. This is the most difficult point to get past—to accept that fundamentally your thyroid condition may make weight loss an unfair fight, especially in the beginning and perhaps forever. What you suspect about your body is probably true. You may gain weight more easily than others, and you probably won’t lose weight as quickly as others.

In fact, if you are hypothyroid, your metabolism becomes so efficient at storing every calorie that even the most rigorous diet and exercise programs may not work. Your friend or spouse could go on the same diet as you, lose a pound or two a week, and you might stay the same or even gain weight. It’s not fair!


Okay, since we’ve established that it’s not fair, it’s time to move on. That’s life—I’ve got a thyroid problem, you’ve got a thyroid problem, and it’s not likely to go away. This is something we’ll probably both live with for the rest of our lives. The question is: Are we going to live well with it, or it is going to define us and make us miserable? Is it going to stop us from feeling good about ourselves, fitting into clothes we like, feeling sexy, exercising or playing sports, having energy for work, family, and children?

I made a decision that it wasn’t going to stop me, and I hope you join me in that decision. That is where The Thyroid Diet comes in. I’m not going to tell you that you’ll find any magic weight-loss secrets in this book. No miracle pill that will make the pounds melt away, or food that will allow you to eat all you want and lose weight overnight. I wish I had that to give you. (I wish I had it myself!)

But for those of you whose weight challenges are due to a thyroid condition that you don’t yet know you have, what you will find in The Thyroid Diet are clear guidelines and straightforward information about thyroid disease that will help you find out more and get that diagnosis! The Thyroid Diet, in a simple, understandable way, offers you the support, encouragement, and information you need to pursue the right diagnosis and treatment with your doctor. That’s no easy task in today’s environment of rigid diagnostic criteria and 10-minute managed care visits.

The best news so far? Excitingly, for some of you, just getting treatment for your previously undiagnosed thyroid problem will be all that you need to return to a healthy weight, without a rigorous change in your diet and exercise!

However, for the majority of thyroid patients, treatment alone doesn’t seem to resolve weight problems. Losing weight involves optimizing the thyroid treatment program, because you may not be able to lose weight until you are on the right brand, mix, and dosage of thyroid medicine. Simply switching brands, or adding an additional drug, or slightly changing dosages may be the minor adjustment that restores your metabolism to normal and allows you to lose weight. Again, The Thyroid Diet will help, as we explore the brands, mixtures, and dosage options that may be right for you, along with other lifestyle issues and supplements to help optimize your thyroid treatment.

But despite optimal thyroid treatment, you may still struggle. At that point, other approaches become central to losing weight, including ensuring that your metabolism works as best as it can, resolving underlying nutritional deficiencies, treating depression and correcting brain chemistry imbalances, reducing stress, combating insulin resistance, treating food allergies and sensitivities, and exercising. The Thyroid Diet will help you understand these factors. Herbs and supplements, stress reduction techniques, prescription weight-loss drugs, ways to deal with food sensitivities, exercise guidelines, and even innovative approaches like mesotherapy might help you get on track.

I’ve interviewed hundreds of doctors, extensively reviewed the latest research on thyroid disease, metabolism, weight loss, and nutrition, and talked to thousands of thyroid patients over the past 7 years. I’ve culled through this vast sea of information to share with you the best tips, ideas, theories, and recommendations.

Perhaps most important are the actual eating plans. In The Thyroid Diet you’ll find several different approaches, ranging from a less structured program to options for those who are calorie and carbohydrate sensitive, to a more structured approach. You’ll find food lists and a host of innovative suggestions that can help you get to a healthier weight. I know you’ll find ideas that will work for you.

We even have a set of delicious and healthy gourmet recipes—consider them incentive!—from pioneering chef Jim McCauley, who as a food connoisseur and recently diagnosed diabetic has made it his mission to transform mundane healthy eating into a satisfying gourmet experience! You’ll also find that the appendices include information on books, Web sites, tools, support groups, and experts who can help.

Isn’t it time you mastered your master gland of metabolism? Let’s get started!