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Cover Page
Title Page
The UFO Pattern: A Condensed Statement of Repeated Observations
Early Beginnings
Rationale and Disciplines in the Analyses
What's a Good Name?
Data Sources
Organization of the Analysis
Section I: Physical Properties and Effects
A. Introductory Statement
B. Evidence of Weight and Massiveness
C. Evidence of Solidity and Hardness
D. Conclusion
Section II: Performance
A. Performance as an Aid to Identification
B. Speed
C. Acceleration
D. Optical Effects of High Acceleration
Section III: Illumination
A. General Statement and Summary of Coverage
B. Sample Data on Colors and Illumination
C. Ionization and Quantum Light Processes
D. Physical Data
E. Brightness
F. The Fuzzy or Invisible UFO Outline
G. A Word of Caution on Color
Section IV: How Hot Is UFO Radiation?
A. The Radiation Questions
B. David and Goliath, and Other Radiation Data
C. Radiation Analysis
Section V: Energetic Particle Ejection as a Propulsion Possibility
A. A 34-Particle Universe
B. The Charged Particles
C. The Neutral Particles
D. Photons
E. Conclusion
Section VI: Transmission of Forces
A. The Possibilities
B. Discussion
Section VII: Direct Evidence of Force Field Propulsion
A. The Reasoning
B. The Evidence
Section VIII: Force Field Evaluation: Which Type?
A. Field Types and Newton's Law
B. The UFO Game
Game 1
Game 2
C. The Neutrino as a Propulsion Possibility
Game 3
D. Conclusions
Section IX: The Saucer Hum and the Cyclic Field
A. Preliminary Statement
B. Typical Evidence
C. Discussion
D. Reader Question: Can You Define Cyclic Field More Clearly?
E. The Cause of the Hum
Conclusion and Discussion
Section X: Propulsion Oddities
A. Where the Force Field Emerges
B. Saucer Rings
C. Discussion
Section XI: Saucer Dynamics
A. Data
B. Mechanics
C. Sudden Reversals
D. Bank-To-Turn Maneuvers
E. UFO Takeoff Dynamics
F. Optimum Trajectory Theory
G. Platform Experiments
Section XII: Silent Subsonic Operation
A. Data
B. Discussion
Section XIII: Silent Supersonic Operation
A. Supersonic Aerodynamics
B. Relation Between Pressure, Kinetic, and Field Energies
C. Corroboration
D. Significance of Acceleration-Field Flow Control
E. Slender Nose Investigation, Simplest Possible Field Control
F. Airflow Over a Spherical UFO
G. Aerodynamic Control for Ellipsoidal UFOs
H. Exact Compressible-Flow Equations with Field Control
Postscript: Is There a Possible Alternate to Acceleration Fields?
Section XIV: The Aerodynamic Heating of UFOs
A. The Problem as Seen by Earth Technicians
B. The Force Field Control of Aerodynamic Heating
C. Cooling: A Fallout From the Heating Problem
D. Other Possibilities: Slip Flow
Section XV: High-Acceleration Loading On Occupants
A. The Problem
B. The Superposition of Fields
C. An Example: The Dirigible-Shaped UFO
D. Acceleration Neutralization During Maneuvers
Section XVI: UFO Artifacts
A. The Ubatuba Magnesium and the Isotope Ratio
B. Frank Edwards' Tale of Wilbert Smith
C. Angel Hair
Section XVII: The Humanoid Occupants
A. Sample Data
B. Physical Characteristics and Significance
C. The UFO Occupant As a Scientist
D. The Hoppers
Section XVIII: Time Requirements For Interstellar Travel
A. Time Is Not a Constant Factor
B. Acceleration and Mission Profile
C. Parametric Studies
D. The Effective-Speed Concept
E. Conclusion
Section XIX: UFO Operational Capabilities
A. Pushing Against a Solid Footing
B. Heading For the Stars
C. Alternate Energy Supply Possibilities
D. Mass Ratios and Speed—All Energy Stored On Board.
E. Performance Unlimited—Energy Gathered en Route
F. The Control of Matter by Quark Seeding
Section XX: Summary and Conclusions
1. The UFO as a Craft and Machine
2. UFO Performance
3. Some Field Engine Properties
4. Propulsion by Energetic Particles
5. UFO Radioactivity
6. Ionized Air Zones
7. Why UFOs Tilt To Maneuver
8. Acceleration Loading on Occupants
9. Analysis of the Sound—the Hum and Whine—and Vibrations Initiated by the UFO Cyclic Force Field. The Field as a Weapon.
10. The Control of Airflow by Acceleration-Field Technology
11. Jet Noise and UFO Silence
12. High-Speed Aerodynamic Heating or Cooling?
13. The Time Required for Interstellar Travel.
14. The UFO Energy Supply—Is It Enough?
15. Speculative Theories of the Force Field—What Is It?
16. UFO Artifacts
17. A Summary of Astronomical Facts for UFO Students
18. UFO Occupants, Our Alien Visitors
Appendix 1: Analysis of the Sound (Hum) and Vibrations Initiated by the UFO Cyclic Force Field
A. Sound Generated at UFO Lower Surface (with Square Wave Force Field)
B. Sinusoidal Forcing Function
C. Vibration of Cylinder by Square Wave Force Field
Appendix 2: A Comparison of Level and Ballistic Trajectories
A. Assumptions
B. Symbols Used
C. Level Trajectory
D. Ballistic-Arc Trajectory
E. Comparison of Level-Path and Ballistic-Arc Trajectories
Appendix 3: UFO Aerodynamics: Incompressible Potential Flow Theory
A. Basics
B. Bodies of Revolution
C. Force Field Specification: Spherical UFO as Example
D. Acceleration-Field-Potential Design
E. Streamlines About Spherical UFO
F. Pointed-Nose Body of Revolution
Appendix 4: Compressible Gas Dynamics with Force Field
A. The Static Case
B. Gas Dynamics
C. Equations of Airflow for Bodies of Revolution
Appendix 5: Interstellar Travel Theory
A. The Earth Reference Frame
B. The On Board Reference Frame
Appendix 6: Propulsion Equations
A. The Dependence of Mass Ratio on Propellent Fraction
B. The Rocket Equations
C. Mass-Energy Conversion
D. Propulsion Mode Switch-Over
E. Proton Fission into 3 Antiquarks
Appendix 7: Analyses of UFO Fields
A. Field Intensity
B. Field Energy Variation
C. Equations for UFO Field if Generated by Positron-Electron Annihilation
Author's Technical Biography and Credentials
Works Cited
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