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Imperial Library
Chapter One: Exploring the Evidence
Young blood: Magic or medicine?
Five things we wouldn’t know without NAPLAN
FactCheck: Has Australia’s net debt doubled under the current government?
Curious Kids: What causes windy weather?
I’m not overweight, so why do I need to eat healthy foods?
Some women feel grief after an abortion, but there’s no evidence of serious mental health issues
FactCheck: Is Australia’s population the ‘highest-growing in the world’?
Chapter Two: Leadership Matters
‘Balmain basket weavers’ strike again, tearing the Liberal Party apart
The high costs of our destructive coup culture
Climate policy is a fiendish problem for governments—time for an independent authority with real powers
Part of what Australians think is good leadership might just be Anglo traits
Closing the gap on Indigenous education must start with commitment and respect
Vice-chancellors’ salaries are just a symptom of what’s wrong with universities
Why the world should be worried about the rise of strongman politics
Chapter Three: Life on the Margins
‘Just a piece of meat’: How homeless women have little choice but to use sex for survival
Homelessness: Australia’s shameful story of policy complacency and failure continues
What it’s like to be a ‘black economy’ worker
Villages wiped out: Why infectious diseases are so much more harmful to isolated peoples
Wollemi pines are dinosaur trees
How an alien seaweed invasion spawned an Antarctic mystery
Discovered: A huge liquid water lake beneath the southern pole of Mars
Chapter Four: The Power of Words and Images
When literature takes you by surprise: Or, the case against trigger warnings
Sexist abuse has a long history in Australian politics—and takes us all to a dark place
Barracking, sheilas and shouts: How the Irish influenced Australian English
The horror and pleasure of misused words: From mispronunciation to malapropisms
How imagery and media coverage influence our empathy for strangers
Chapter Five: Navigating a Changing World
Overcoming our mistrust of robots in our homes and workplaces
China’s Social Credit System puts its people under pressure to be model citizens
Growing cities face challenges of keeping the masses moving up, down and across
With apartment living on the rise, how do families and their noisy children fit in?
Protecting your kids from failure isn’t helpful—here’s how to build their resilience
Australian Ninja Warrior and the death of style and grace in sport
A bird’s-eye view of New Zealand’s changing glaciers
As humans change the world, predators seize the chance to succeed
Chapter Six: Work, Pay and Prices
Working four-day weeks for five days’ pay? Research shows it pays off
Why we don’t need to prepare young people for the ‘future of work’
A silent career killer—here’s what workplaces can do about menopause
FactCheck: GetUp! on the impact of US corporate tax cuts on wages
FactCheck: Does South Australia have the ‘highest energy prices’ in the nation and ‘the least reliable grid’?
Chapter Seven: Confronting Our Past
Jesus wasn’t white: He was a brown-skinned, Middle Eastern Jew. Here’s why that matters
‘Western civilisation’? History teaching has moved on, and so should those who champion it
Friday essay: On the trail of the London thylacines
A brief history of fake doctors, and how they get away with it
Friday essay: The ‘great Australian silence’ 50 years on
Time to honour a historical legend: 50 years since the discovery of Mungo Lady
Chapter Eight: Questions of Identity
A sports car and a glitter ball are now in space—what does that say about us as humans?
Tourists are stuck at the airport, but erupting Mt Agung has a deeper significance for the Balinese
First reconciliation, then a republic—starting with changing the date of Australia Day
A DNA test says you’ve got Indigenous Australian ancestry. Now what?
How the everyday commute is changing who we are
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