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The Foundations of Our Approach
Overview of This Book
A Radical New Way of Relating to Young People
The Elements of Thriving
Developing Flexible Strength
This Book’s Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations
Précis of the DNA-V Model
DNA-V Is Always Contextual
Conceptualizing DNA-V for Young People
Introducing Young People to DNA-V
Values Help Us Connect to Meaning and Vitality
Values Are the Center of the DNA-V Universe
Values Transform the World
How to Listen for Values
Redefining Success
Basic Training: Creating a Values-Informed Space
The Advisor Helps Us Efficiently Find Our Way
Escaping the Physical World
Upsides of the Advisor
Downsides of the Advisor
Living in Two Worlds
Unhooking from the Advisor
Making Good Use of Advisor Skills
Basic Training: Getting to Know the Advisor
Case Conceptualization and Intervention Planning
The Noticer Helps Us Appreciate and Choose
Bree’s Story Is All Too Common
We Begin as Noticers
Why Noticing Disappears
Rediscovering the Wisdom of Our Feelings
Basic Training: Building Noticer Skills
Case Conceptualization and Intervention Planning
The Discoverer Helps Us Develop and Grow
A Small, Safe Place
The Discoverer Helps Build Behavioral Repertoires
Tracking: Building Discoverer Skills by Mapping Behavior to Workability
Discovering Values
Discovering Strengths
Basic Training: Steps for Developing the Discoverer
Case Conceptualization and Intervention Planning
Returning to Values and Committing to Action
Connecting Values to Actions
Bringing DNA-V Together to Develop Flexible Strength
Aggression and Risk Taking: The Norm, Not the Exception
Case Conceptualization and Intervention Planning
Introducing DNA-V Flexibility
The Flexible Strength Found in a Single Word: Willingness
Intervention Planning
Our Self in Action
Why the Self Becomes a Problem
What Is Self-Esteem?
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Self-Esteem?
Self-Esteem Is Behavior
Applying Behavioral Principles to Examining the Self
Self-View in DNA-V
Putting Self-Concept into Context
Building a Growth Mind-Set
Freeing the Self from Rigid Rules
Promoting Hope
Developing Flexible Self-View
Exercises for Developing a Flexible Self-View
From Self-Abuse to Self-Compassion
The Birth of an Abusive Advisor
Why Reassurance Can Backfire
Shame as a Shield
Leaving the Abuser Behind
Exercises for Loosening Self-Rules and Building Self-Compassion
Friendship and Love Are in Our DNA
A Leading Cause of Death
Fighting for Love
Why Social Connection Became Essential to Humans
Social View Begins in the Infant
Social Skills Emerge from Relationships
Our Default Mode Is Thinking Socially
An Academically Smart and Emotionally Stupid World
Two People, Two Advisors
Exercises for Developing a Flexible Social View
Building Strong Social Networks
The Challenges of School Environments
Social Connections Make Us Stronger
Guilt, Fear, and Prosocial Behavior
Integrating Young People into Modern Society
Managing the Tension Between Giving and Taking
Targeting Individuals and Social Networks Simultaneously
Helping Young People Create Their Own Prosocial Community
Exercises for Building Social Networks Using Social View
Eight Tips for Becoming a DNA-V Expert
Tip 1. Begin with a DNA-V Case Conceptualization
Tip 2. Appreciate Young People and Their Ability to Adapt
Tip 3. Start Wherever You Can Create Some Space
Tip 4. Do DNA-V, Don’t Talk DNA-V
Tip 5. Become a Function Spotter
Tip 6. Learn How to Undermine the Traps of Language
Tip 7. Let Antecedent Stimulus Control Be Your Window Into a Hidden World
Tip 8. Focus on Broadening and Building
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