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Title Page
Chapter 1: Introduction to Python
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Features of Python
1.2.1 Easy
1.2.2 Type and Run
1.2.3 Syntax
1.2.4 Mixing
1.2.5 Dynamic Typing
1.2.6 Built in Object Types
1.2.7 Numerous Libraries and Tools
1.2.8 Portable
1.2.9 Free
1.3 The Paradigms
1.3.1 Procedural
1.3.2 Object-Oriented
1.3.3 Functional
1.4 Chronology and Uses
1.4.1 Chronology
1.4.2 Uses
1.5 Installation of Anaconda
1.6 Conclusion
Chapter 2: Python Objects
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Data Types Revisited
2.2.1 Fractions
2.3 Strings
2.4 Lists and Tuples
2.4.1 List
2.4.2 Tuples
2.4.3 Features of Tuples
2.5 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Conditional Statements
3.1 Introduction
3.2 if, if-else, and if-elif-else constructs
3.3 The if-elif-else Ladder
3.4 Logical Operators
3.5 The Ternary Operator
3.6 The get Construct
3.7 Examples
3.8 Conclusion
Chapter 4: Looping
4.1 Introduction
4.2 While
4.3 Patterns
4.4 Nesting and Applications of Loops in Lists
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5: Functions
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Features of a Function
5.2.1 Modular Programming
5.2.2 Reusability of Code
5.2.3 Manageability
5.3 Basic Terminology
5.3.1 Name of a Function
5.3.2 Arguments
5.3.3 Return Value
5.4 Definition and Invocation
5.4.1 Working
5.5 Types of Function
5.5.1 Advantage of Arguments
5.6 Implementing Search
5.7 Scope
5.8 Recursion
5.8.1 Rabbit Problem
5.8.2 Disadvantages of Using Recursion
5.9 Conclusion
Chapter 6: Iterations, Generators, and Comprehensions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Power of “For”
6.3 Iterators
6.4 Defining an Iterable Object
6.5 Generators
6.6 Comprehensions
6.7 Conclusion
Chapter 7: File Handling
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The File Handling Mechanism
7.3 The Open Function and File Access Modes
7.4 Python Functions for File Handling
7.4.1 The Essential Ones
7.4.2 The OS Methods
7.4.3 Miscellaneous Functions and File Attributes
7.5 Command Line Arguments
7.6 Implementation and Illustrations
7.7 Conclusion
Chapter 8: Strings
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The Use of “For” and “While”
8.3 String Operators
8.3.1 The Concatenation Operator (+)
8.3.2 The Replication Operator
8.3.3 The Membership Operator
8.4 Functions for String Handling
8.4.1 len()
8.4.2 Capitalize()
8.4.3 find()
8.4.4 count
8.4.5 Endswith()
8.4.6 Encode
8.4.7 Decode
8.4.8 Miscellaneous Functions
8.5 Conclusion
Chapter 9: Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Creating New Types
9.3 Attributes and Functions
9.3.1 Attributes
9.3.2 Functions
9.4 Elements of Object-Oriented Programming
9.4.1 Class
9.4.2 Object
9.4.3 Encapsulation
9.4.4 Data Hiding
9.4.5 Inheritance
9.4.6 Polymorphism
9.4.7 Reusability
9.5 Conclusion
Chapter 10: Classes and Objects
10.1 Introduction to Classes
10.2 Defining a Class
10.3 Creating an Object
10.4 Scope of Data Members
10.5 Nesting
10.6 Constructor
10.7 Constructor Overloading
10.8 Destructors
10.9 Conclusion
Chapter 11: Inheritance
11.1 Introduction to Inheritance and Composition
11.1.1 Inheritance and Methods
11.1.2 Composition
11.2 Inheritance: Importance and Types
11.2.1 Need for Inheritance
11.2.2 Types of Inheritance
11.3 Methods
11.3.1 Bound Methods
11.3.2 Unbound Method
11.3.3 Methods are Callable Objects
11.3.4 The Importance and Usage of Super
11.3.5 Calling the Base Class Function Using Super
11.4 Search in Inheritance Tree
11.5 Class Interface and Abstract Classes
11.6 Conclusion
Chapter 12: Operator Overloading
12.1 Introduction
12.2 _init_ Revisited
12.2.1 Overloading _init_ (sort of)
12.3 Methods for Overloading Binary Operators
12.4 Overloading Binary Operators: The Fraction Example
12.5 Overloading the += Operator
12.6 Overloading the > and < Operators
12.7 Overloading the _boolEan_ Operators: Precedence of _bool_over _len_
12.8 Destructors
12.9 Conclusion
Chapter 13: Exception Handling
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Importance and Mechanism
13.2.1 An Example of Try/Catch
13.2.2 Manually Raising Exceptions
13.3 Built-In Exceptions in Python
13.4 The Process
13.4.1 Exception Handling: Try/Except
13.4.2 Raising Exceptions
13.5 Crafting User Defined Exceptions
13.6 An Example of Exception Handling
13.7 Conclusion
Chapter 14: Introduction to Data Structures
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Abstract Data Type
14.3 Algorithms
14.4 Arrays
14.5 Iterative and Recursive Algorithms
14.5.1 Iterative Algorithms
14.5.2 Recursive Algorithms
14.6 Conclusion
Chapter 15: Stacks and Queues
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Stack
15.3 Dynamic Implementation of Stacks
15.4 Dynamic Implementation: Another Way
15.5 Applications of Stacks
15.5.1 Reversing a String
15.5.2 Infix, Prefix, and Postfix Expressions
15.6 Queue
15.7 Conclusion
Chapter 16: Linked Lists
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Operations
16.3 Implementing Stack Using a Linked List
16.4 Queue Using a Linked List
16.5 Conclusion
Chapter 17: Binary Search Trees
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Definition and Terminology
17.2.1 Graphs: Definition and Representation
17.2.2 Trees: Definition, Classification, and Representation
17.2.3 Representation of a Binary Tree
17.2.4 Tree Traversal: In-order, Pre-order, and Post-order
17.3 Binary Search Tree
17.3.1 Creation and Insertion
17.3.2 Traversal
17.3.3 Maximum and Minimum Elements
17.4 Conclusion
Chapter 18: Introduction to NUMPY
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Introduction to NumPy and Creation of a Basic Array
18.3 Functions for Generating Sequences
18.3.1 arange()
18.3.2 linspace()
18.3.3 logspace()
18.4 Aggregate Functions
18.5 Broadcasting
18.6 Structured Arrays
18.7 Conclusion
Chapter 19: Introduction to MATPLOTLIB
19.1 Introduction
19.2 The Plot Function
19.3 Subplots
19.4 3 Dimensional Plotting
19.5 Conclusion
Chapter 20: Introduction to Image Processing
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Opening, Reading, and Writing an Image
20.2.1 Opening an Image
20.2.2 Reading
20.2.3 Writing an Image to a File
20.2.4 Displaying an Image
20.3 The Contour Function
20.4 Clipping
20.5 Statistical Information of an Image
20.6 Basic Transformation
20.6.1 Translation
20.6.2 Rotation
20.6.3 Scaling
20.7 Conclusion
Appendix A: Multithreading in Python
Appendix B: Regular Expressions
Appendix C: Exercises for Practice: Programming Questions
Appendix D: Problems for Practice: Multiple Choice Questions
Appendix E: Answer to the Multiple Choice Questions
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