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Title page
Table of Contents
About the Author
Part I. Foundations of Botanical Medicine
1. From Complementary and Alternative Medicine to Functional Medicine: Health Care’s Emerging Evolution
From Alternative to Functional Medicine: What are we Talking about?
Where do Botanical Medicines Fit in?
How Widespread is CAM Use?
Who Uses CAM?
Why are Patients Turning to CAM?
How Often do Women Seek CAM Therapies and why?
What Patients do not Tell their Doctors and how that may Negatively Affect Patients’ Health
Why Doctors are Turning to Integrative Medicine
CAM/Integrative Medicine Education in Conventional Medicine
Functional Medicine
Toward an Integrated Future of Health Care
2. History of Herbal Medicines for Women
Women, Herbs, and Health Reform: A Historical Summary
Women Healers Throughout History
Women’s Health Movements
Ancient to Modern Herbal Prescribing
Common Women’s Health Concerns Discussed in Ancient Texts, Treatises, and Tablets
Common Herbal Prescriptions for Selected Women’s Health Concerns
History of American Botanical Medicine: From Thomson to the Eclectics
3. Fundamental Principles of Herbal Medicine
The Evidence Base for Botanical Medicine
What is Evidence-Based Medicine?
Supporting Evidence for Botanicals Discussed In this Text
References Used in the Development of this Text
Is there Adequate Evidence for Botanical Medicines?
The Actions of Herbs
General Actions
GynecologicAL and Obstetric Actions
Selection Criteria, Formulation, and Prescribing
Selection Criteria
Prescription Writing
Botanical Preparation Forms∗
Preparation Forms
Botanical Medicine Dosing
4. Guidelines for Herbal Medicine Use
Botanical Medicine Safety: Guidelines for Practitioners
Adverse Drug Reactions, Herbal Adverse Event Reports, and Adverse Events Reporting Systems
Categories of Common Herbal Adverse Effects
Herb–Drug Interactions
Lack of Appropriate Therapy OR Discontinuation of Conventional Care
Timing of Herb Use
The Relative Safety of Conventional Drugs and Herbal Medicines: Keeping it all in Perspective
Guidelines for Practitioners
Integrating Botanical Medicines into Clinical Practice: Ethical Considerations and Guidelines
Addressing Ethical Considerations
Selecting and Identifying Quality Herbal Products
Regulations Governing Botanical Products
Manufacturing Quality Botanical Products
Ethical Considerations
Part II. Every Woman’s Health
5. Endocrine Disorders and Adrenal Support
Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
Case History: Hypothyroidism
Case History: Hyperthyroidism
Stress, Adaptation, The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis, and Women’s Health
Stress, Health, and Disease: The Physiology and Pathophysiology of Stress and the Stress Response
Eustress and Distress
Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Therapies for Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Dysfunction
Botanical Approaches to Stress and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Dysregulation
Additional Therapies
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Signs and Symptoms of Pcos
Biochemical and Endocrinology Evaluation
Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment of PCOS
Case History: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
6. Sleep, Mood, and Sexual Function
Conventional Treatment Approaches
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Nutritional Considerations
Conventional Treatment Approaches
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Conventional Treatment Approaches
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Additional Therapies
Low Libido and Sexual Dysfunction
Female Sexual Response
Conventional Treatment Approaches
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Additional Therapies
7. Bone Health
Risk factors
Conventional Treatment
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
8. Cardiovascular Health
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Conventional Medical Management of CAD
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Case History
Part III. Gynecologic Health
9. Menstrual Wellness and Menstrual Problems
Menstrual Health and the Normal Menstrual Cycle
A Brief History of Menstruation in Culture and Medicine
What is Normal Menstruation?
Onset, Frequency, and Duration of Menstruation
Frequency and Types of Menstrual Disorders
Factors Affecting the Menstrual Cycle
Promoting Healthy Menstruation
Puberty, Menarche, and Adolescence
Significance of Age at Menarche and Patterns of Early Menstrual Cycles on Long-Term Health
Talking with Girls about Menstrual Health and Hygiene
Menstrual Irregularities and Difficulties in the Adolescent Female
Emotional and Psychological Challenges in Adolescence
Herbs and Adolescent Girls: Safe Use Versus Wrongful Advertising
Common Problems of Puberty and Menstruation in Adolescent Females and their Botanical Treatments
Acne Vulgaris
Signs and Symptoms of Acne
Conventional Treatment
Signs and Symptoms of Amenorrhea
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment of Amenorrhea
Signs and Symptoms
Conventional Treatment
Botanical Treatment of Dysmenorrhea
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Premenstrual Symptoms, Premenstrual Syndrome, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment of PMS and PMDD
Discussion Of Botanicals
Case History: Premenstrual Syndrome
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Premenstrual Headache and Migraine
Symptoms of Migraine
Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment of Headache and Migraine
Discussion of Botanicals
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
10. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Summary of Etiologies as Associated with Life Stages
Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Discussion of Botanicals
Nutritional Considerations
Case History: Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
11. Breasts, Uterus, and Pelvis
Uterine Fibroids
Conventional Treatment
Botanical Treatment
Case History: Uterine Fibroids
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Fibrocystic Breasts and Breast Pain
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Treatment
Botanical Treatment
Case History: Cyclic Mastalgia
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment
Discussion of Botanicals
Case Histories: Endometriosis
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment
Formulae for CPP Treatment
Dietary Considerations
Additional Therapies
Cervical Dysplasia: Botanical and Naturopathic Approaches
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical and Naturopathic Treatment
12. Vaginal and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Vulvovaginitis and Common Vaginal Infections
Bacterial Vaginosis
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Chronic Vulvovaginitis and Intestinal Permeability
Human Papillomavirus and Genital Warts
Conventional Treatment Approaches
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Discussion of Botanical Protocol
Nutritional Considerations
Case History
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Herpes Simplex Virus in Pregnancy
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Case History: Herpes Simplex Virus 2 in Pregnancy
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Human Immunodefeciency Virus Infection and Botanical Therapies
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in the HIV/AIDS Population
Why are HIV/AIDS Patients Turning to Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies?
Benefits of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapy
Risks of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in HIV/AIDS
Efficacy of Botanical Therapies in HIV/AIDS
Safety Issues with Herbs and HIV/AIDS Therapy
Overview of Immunomodulating Herbs Commonly Used in HIV/AIDS
13. Common Urinary Tract Problems
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract Infection Incidence and Etiology
Risk Factors for Urinary Tract Infection
Conventional Treatment Approaches
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Nutritional Considerations/Additional Therapies
Case History: Treatment of an Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Infection in a Nonpregnant Woman
Case History: Treatment of an Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Infection in a Pregnant Woman at 8 Weeks’ Gestation
Interstitial Cystitis
Symptoms and Signs
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Treatment
Botanical Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
14. Breast Cancer Prevention and Supportive Therapies
The Breasts and the Breast Examination
Cyclic Influences on Breast Tissue
Breast Cancer
Conventional Risk Reduction Strategies
Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Conventional Breast Cancer Treatment
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Breast Cancer Treatment
After Breast Cancer
Part IV. Fertility and the Childbearing Cycle
15. Pregnancy and Botanical Medicine Use and Safety
Prevalence of Herb Use During Pregnancy
Why are Herbs Being Used During Pregnancy?
Lack of Training in Obstetric Botanical Medicine Use
Herbs Most Commonly Used During Pregnancy
Safety, Evidence, and Potential Adverse Effects of Botanical Use During Pregnancy
Using Herbs During Pregnancy
Contraindicated Herbs for Pregnancy and Lactation
A Word about Partus Preparators
Contraindicated Herb Lists and Botanical Safety Classifications
Forms of Administration Appropriate During Pregnancy
16. Fertility Challenges
Female Factors Affecting Fertility
Male Factors Affecting Fertility
Conventional Treatment Approaches
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Discussion of Botanical Protocol
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Case History
17. Pregnancy: First Trimester
Pregnancy Care and Prenatal Wellness
Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, Lifestyle, and Psychoemotional Health: Central To Optimal Childbearing Health
Herbs as Part of Pregnancy Wellness
The Role of Herbs in the Prevention and Treatment of Miscarriage
Causes of Miscarriage
Signs and Symptoms of Miscarriage
Differential Diagnosis
Categories of Miscarriage
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment for Miscarriage: Threatened and Habitual
Case History
Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Symptoms of NVP and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Risk Factors for NVP and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Conventional Treatment of NVP and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Nonpharmacologic Treatment of NVP and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Botanical Treatment of NVP and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
18. Pregnancy: Second Trimester
Heartburn (Gastroesophageal Reflux) in Pregnancy
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Treatment
Botanical Treatment
Case History
Preterm Labor and Uterine Irritability
Signs and Symptoms
Medical Treatment
Botanical Treatment
19. Pregnancy: Third Trimester
Constipation During Pregnancy
Conventional Treatment of Constipation
Botanical Treatment for Constipation
Case History
Hypertension in Pregnancy
Descriptions of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy by Classification and General Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Additional Therapies
Group B Streptococcus Infection in Pregnancy
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Botanical Treatment of Group B Streptococcus
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Case History
Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy
Differential Diagnosis
Conventional Medical Treatment for PUPPP
Botanical Treatment of PUPPP
Nutritional Considerations
Varicosities in Pregnancy
Treatment of Varicosities in Pregnancy
Botanical Treatment of Varicosities in Pregnancy
Insomnia in Pregnancy
Medical Treatment of Insomnia in Pregnancy
General Treatment of Sleep Difficulties in Pregnancy
Botanical Treatment of Insomnia in Pregnancy
Additional Therapies
Case History
Breech Presentation and Version
Reasons for Breech Presentation
Risks of Breech Presentation and Breech Birth
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis of Breech Presentation
Conventional Treatment Options for Turning a Breech Presentation: External Cephalic Version
Botanical Treatment Options for Turning a Breech Presentation
Additional Techniques
20. Labor and Birth
Facilitating Labor: Induction, Augmentation, and Dysfunctional Labor
Medical Approaches to Labor Induction and Augmentation
Medical Approaches to Dysfunctional Labor
Botanical Approaches to Facilitating Labor
Additional Methods of Facilitating Labor
Labor Stimulation Protocol
Case History
Pain in Labor
Assumptions about Labor and Birth: Obstetric Versus Midwifery Beliefs
Psychological Preparation for Labor
Continuous Labor Support
Various Positions
Herbs for Pain Relief
Sterile Water Injections
21. The Postpartum
Postpartum Care of the Mother
What is the Postpartum?
Redefining Postpartum in a Woman-Centered Way
The Use of Herbs for Postpartum Care
Common Postpartum Complaints
Postpartum Depression
Etiology and Risk Factors for Ppd
Prevention of Postpartum Depression
Conventional Treatment Approaches
The Botanical Practitioner’s Perspective
Formulae for Postpartum Depression
Nutritional Considerations
Additional Therapies
Case History: Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Perineal Healing
Prevention of Perineal Tears
Botanical Treatment for Perineal Healing
22. Breastfeeding and Botanical Medicine
Breastfeeding and Herbs: A Comprehensive Review of Safety Considerations and Breastfeeding Concerns for the Mother–Infant Dyad
Herbs and Breastfeeding
How Chemicals Enter Breast Milk: What we Know
Health Issues as Seen in the Cultural Context of the Breastfeeding Woman
Common Lactation Concerns: Cracked Nipples, Engorgement, Mastitis, and Insufficient Breast Milk
Sore, Cracked Nipples
Breast Engorgement
Plugged Ducts and Mastitis
Insufficient Breast Milk
Nutritional Considerations
Part V. The Empowered Years: Menopausal Health
23. Menopausal Health
Perimenopause and Menopause: An Overview
What is Menopause?
Symptoms of Peri/Menopause for which Women Commonly Seek Herbal Care
Herbal Strategies: An Overview
Reframing Menopause: The Wise Woman Perspective
The Medicalization of Menopause
Reframing Menopause: Women’s Mystery Stories
Menopause Support Groups
A Whole Foods Diet for Menopause and Beyond
Herbal Medicines for the Menopausal Years
A Few Words on Exercise
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Risks, Benefits, Alternatives
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Side Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Women’s Opinions of Hormone replacement Therapy
Natural Hormones
Botanical Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy
Additional Therapies
Case History
Appendix I. Common and Botanical Medicine Names Quick Reference Dose Chart
Appendix II. Chemical Constituents of Medicinal Plants
Appendix III. Summary Table of Herbs for Women’s Health
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