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Imperial Library
Table of Contents
Publishing details
Also by Max Gunther
About the Author
I. The Man Who was Never Wrong
II . Winners and Losers and Why
The Maddening Something
An Unforgiving Game
Feelers and Formulators
III. The Ancients
Legends of the Golden Touch
“Something Sinister”
The Union Pacific Affair
IV. The Feelers
The Lady Who Knew
The Telex Caper and Other Adventures
Bulls and Bears and Conveyor Belts
The Hunch Phenomenon
The Curious Case of Table Eight
V-Charts and Visions
V. By the Stars
Eleven Perfect Years
The Electronic-Mood Theory
The Giraffe Effect
The Fast-Luck Man
The Wall Street Tigress
Department of Research
VI. Useful Ghosts
A letter from Montclair
The Story of Thomas
The Peculiar Professor Reinhardt
VII. By the Dark of the Moon
A Most Peculiar Investment Club
A Source of Power
Intentions are Better than Hopes
The Witches’ Cauldron Party
Panandrio’s Party
The Money Magnet
VIII. By the Cards
The Net-Worth Wager
Communications with the Self
The Triple-Quadruple
Seventy-Eight Pieces of Cardboard
A Reading by a Master
IX. The Dreamers
Mad Mrs. H.
Easter at the Broker’s
Beautiful Dreamer
The State of Best Chances
X. Devices
Communication Links
Yes, No, Maybe
XI. By the Numbers
North Sides and Apricots
The Hypermagic Diabolic Square
The Universal Code
The Cowles Communications Caper
XII. A Synthesis of Predictions
David Williams (Chapter V)
Madeleine Monnet (Chapter V)
Doralee H. (Chapter IX)
Mrs. Clare Neal and Thomas (Chapter VI)
Ron Warmoth (Chapter VII)
Yo Brenner (Chapter XI)
XIII. Where Now, Sweet Aspirant?
Appendix: Lessons On Winning Weirdly
Occult Market Lesson I: Winning Weirdly with Feeler Techniques
Occult Market Lesson II: Winning Weirdly with Astrology
Occult Market Lesson III: Winning Weirdly with Tarot Cards
Occult Market Lesson IV: Winning Weirdly with Witchcraft
Other titles by Max Gunther
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