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Imperial Library
Front Cover
Half-Title Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1: Ten Principles of Survival
1. Anticipate
2. Be Aware
3. Be Where You Are
4. Stay Calm
5. Evaluate
6. Do the Next Right Thing
7. Take Control
8. Have What You Need
9. Use What You Have
10. Do What is Necessary
11. The Eleventh Principle: Never Give Up
Chapter 2: Ten Disasters to Prepare For
1. Home Fire While Awake
2. Home Fire While Asleep
3. Home-Invasion Intruder
4. Civil Disorder
5. Epidemics and Pandemics
6. Earthquakes
7. Tornadoes and Hurricanes
8. Floods
9. Loss of Utilities and Services
10. Evacuation
Chapter 3: Ten Items for the Prepared Home
1. Items in the Bedside Drawer
2. Fire Extinguishers, Smoke Detectors, and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
3. Water and Food Supplies
4. Sanitation and Health Needs
5. Shelter and Warmth
6. Emergency Plans and Packs
7. First Aid Kit and Manual
8. Emergency Lights and Power
9. Rescue Tools and Repair Supplies
10. Self-Defense Weapons
Chapter 4: Ten Items You Should Always Carry
1. Small Pocket Knife
2. Fire Starters (Matches, Lighter, and Striker)
3. Miniature LED Flashlight
4. Fold-Flat N95 Dust/Mist Mask
5. Whistle
6. Self-Defense Device (Firearm or Pepper Spray)
7. First Aid Items
8. Bandana
9. Medical Information Card
10. Special Items and Substitutions
Chapter 5: Ten Things You Should Have in Your Survival Pack(s)
1. Air
2. Water
3. Shelter and Warmth
4. Food and Food Preparation
5. Heat and Light Sources
6. Sanitation and Personal Hygiene
7. First Aid and Health
8. Information and Plans
9. Clothing
10. Weapons
Chapter 6: Ten Ways to Avoid and Survive Street Crime
1. Avoid Being a Victim
2. Armed Robbery on the Street
3. Walking into a Crime
4. Drive-By Shooting
5. Carjacking
6. Abduction
7. Active Shooter
8. Elevators and Trains
9. Approaching a Potential Threat
10. Child Protection
Chapter 7: Ten Self-Defense Moves You Should Know
1. Pushing Counter
2. Rear-Choke Counter
3. Front-Choke Counter
4. Wrist-Hold Counter
5. Body-Pinned Counter
6. Club-Assault Counter
7. Knife-Attack Defenses
8. Handgun Defenses
9. Disabling Strikes and Blows
10. Disabling Kicks and Stomps
Chapter 8: Ten Medical Skills You Should Know
1. Obstructed Airway
2. Cardiac Arrest (Myocardial Infarction)
3. Arterial Bleeding (Hypovolemia)
4. Heat Stroke (Hyperthermia)
5. Exposure (Hypothermia)
6. Sucking Chest Wound (Pneumothorax)
7. Shock
8. Severe Dehydration
9. Basic Bandaging
10. Basic Splinting
Chapter 9: Ten Ways to Gather and Purify Water
1. Storing Water
2. Scavenging for Water
3. Collecting Water
4. Finding Water
5. Chemical Purification
6. Boiling Water to Purify
7. Distillation of Water
8. Water Filtration and Purification Systems
9. Ultraviolet Purification
10. Water Conservation
Chapter 10: Ten Ways to Gather and Store Food
1. Stocking Up and Storing
2. Growing Your Own Food
3. Foraging
4. Fishing
5. Trapping
6. Hunting
7. Canning
8. Drying and Freeze-Drying
9. Salting, Curing, and Pickling
10. Food for Survival Packs
Chapter 11: Ten Ways to Start and Maintain a Fire
1. Fire by Matches and Strikers
2. Fire by Flint and Steel
3. Fire with the Bow and Drill
4. Fire with the Fire Saw
5. Fire by Electrical Spark
6. Fire by Gun
7. Fire by Solar Heat
8. Preparing to Start Your Fire
9. Sustaining Your Fire
10. Maximizing the Heat of Your Fire
Chapter 12: Ten Shelters You Should Know How to Build
1. Shelter at Home
2. Abandoned Buildings
3. Fallout Shelters
4. Tents
5. Tarps and Ponchos
6. Debris Huts
7. Natural Shelters
8. Snow Shelters
9. Best Available Shelter in an Emergency
10. Vehicle as Shelter
Chapter 13: Terrorism
Sources of Terrorist Motivation and Support
Civilians Are the Targets
Terrorist Methods and Weapons
Defending Against Terror
About the Author
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