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Imperial Library
[Cover and Title]
About the book
Peter W. Schulze: Foreword
Works cited
Richard Falk: Multipolar prospects amid multiple challenges: Resurgent nationalism and declining US leadership
Point of departure
First stage of world order after World War Two: Peace diplomacy
Second stage of world order after World War Two: The Cold War
Mishandling unipolarity
The failed response: Unipolarity
Mishandling mega-terrorism after 9/11
Resurgent nationalism and the decline of democracy
Alternatives to anaemic multipolarity
Multilateralism with benevolent leadership
Works cited
Part I: Central elements of an emerging world order
Richard Sakwa: The international system and the clash of world orders
The international system
The cold peace and world order: Hegemony vs. pluralism
The clash of world orders
Grotius and the English School
The new global crisis: New Cold War or something else
Works cited
Jia Qingguo: Looming threat: The decay of the existing international order
Works cited
Sergey Karaganov and Dmitry Suslov: A new world order: A view from Russia
Collapse of orders
The West’s position
Security challenges
Russia: Victorious, but with problems
Future policy
Works cited
Raffaele Marchetti: Post-Western world orders
Theories of international order
Power shift: From the Cold War to multicentrism
Maps and models of international politics
Scenarios of globalisation
Three world orders
World order one: The West vs. the rest
World order two: Eurasian integration and US solitude
World order three: Enlarged West vs. China
Works cited
Part II: Building blocks, drivers, and perspectives
Adrian Pabst: The global revolt against the liberal world order
Liberalism in retreat
Liberalism’s imperial sphere of influence
Liberal hubris
The end of economic progress—for now
How liberal identity politics is eroding the West
The rise of the illiberal non-West
Contours of new international system?
Works cited
Peter W. Schulze: A world in transition: Views from Russia, the US, and the EU on the challenges of multipolarity
Hybrid war and fake news as instruments of sharpened soft power
The tools of soft power in today’s hybrid confrontations
The EU and Europe: A conglomerate lost in transition and lacking historic vision
The German factor
A world in transformation: America first but not alone
The National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends: Paradox of Progress report
Russian International Affairs Council: Theses on Russia’s Foreign and Global Positioning (2017–2024)
Instability from within: The quagmire of succession
Works cited
Alexey Gromyko: Greater Europe: Internal and external threats to security
Security and international relations after World War Two
Security after bipolarity: Hopes and frustrations
The consequences for Russia
Works cited
Winfried Veit: The European Union’s African challenge: An unknown quantity in tomorrow’s world order
Africa as a destabilising force
Africa rising and the role of the European Union
The Silk Road connection
Works cited
Walter Schwimmer: Europe at a crossroads: Less is more
How a united Europe emerged and grew
Uniting Europe is not easy
The polycrisis
The Ukraine crisis and the deterioration of relations with Russia
Brexit: The United Kingdom leaves the Union
The migration crisis
A new challenge: A difficult US administration
What to do with Turkey?
Internal turmoil and values at stake
The way out of the polycrisis
Europe as a global player
The need for reform
Peace and security
Outlook and perspectives
Works cited
Part III: Outlook: Eurasia’s further diffusion of power?
Jacopo Maria Pepe: Beyond China: The return of the Eurasian order
Before the One Belt One Road initiative: Shifts in the global economy and Eurasia’s re-connection
The One Belt One Road initiative and beyond: The rise of the rest
Conclusion: Towards a Eurasian world order
Works cited
Notes on contributors
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