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Imperial Library
1: “Little piggy, little piggy, let me in, “Mother drank a bottle of gin.”
2: “Little piggy, little piggy did you get a fright, “Why bite Mother with all of your might?”
3: “Little piggy, little piggy, please come quick, “Mother has a hand on the lollypop stick.”
4: “School daze.”
5: “Breakfast at Masterson’s.”
6: “Little piggy, little piggy, how did you decide, “To take Mother as your bride?”
7: “Old King Cole was a merry old soul. “Before he snorted the coke.”
8: “It’s raining, it’s pouring, “Mother stopped her snoring.”
9: “Curiosity shocked the cat.”
10: “Say hello to my new best friend.”
11: “Now I lay me down to sleep, “For tomorrow it will keep.”
12: “The wheels on the bus go round and round.”
13: “Old MacDonald had a farm, “Eamon had a cellar.”
14: “Three blind mice see Helen run.”
15: “One for sorrow. “Helen for joy.”
16: “Little Red Riding Dooley.”
17: “Old Mother Crawford tossed her poor dog a ball.”
18: “Along came a wolf.”
19: “Hello, Dolly.”
20: “Granny, someone gave me an awful fright, “It was a woman down by the traffic light.”
21: “Knock, knock. Who’s there?”
22: “What do we have here, then?”
23: “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with—”
24: “Bingo.”
25: “Better the devil you know.”
26: “Duty calls.”
27: “Tinker, the fucking cat.”
28: “Recession bites”
29: “Something holy this way comes.”
30: “Surprise, surprise.”
31: “Some miscarriage of justice.”
32: “Tank’s a lot.”
33: “Little piggy, little piggy, come and see. “A letter has arrived, just for me.”
34: “Peek-a-boo.”
35: “Feeding time.”
36: “Say hello to my little . . .?”
37: “Having a field day.”
38: “Who’s your daddy?”
39: “Whoops-a-daisy.”
40: “Doctor, Doctor, I think I broke a nail.”
41: “Jelly baby.”
42: “I’m only jesting.”
43: “Mirror, mirror on the bathroom wall, “Is it me I see at all?”
44: “Moving a-head.”
45: “Don’t walk out on an empty stomach.”
46: “What a dental fellow.”
47: “The old bag.”
48: “Tea time.”
49: “Prove it.”
50: “Play day.”
51: “Everyone turned pale and sick, “As news spread of the lollipop stick.”
52: “Hey, diddle, diddle, “A cat played a film. “No one was over the moon.”
53: “New tricks.”
54: “For he knows not what he does.”
55: “Peace time.”
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