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Imperial Library
I English Ships and Seamen, 1490−1600
Design, Build, and Rigging
Getting Under Way
Food, Cooking, and Clothing
The Sailor, His Wages and Division of Labor
Ballast and Bilgewater
Shipboard Religion
Weapons, Sweeps, and Anchors
II John Cabot’s Voyages, 1497−1498
Who Was John Cabot?
Bristol and the Transatlantic Passage
The Landfall, 24 June 1497
The Coastal Voyage
His Homeward Passage
Cabot’s Second Voyage
III Voyages to the Labrador and Newfoundland, 1500−1536
João Fernandes, Lavrador
Gaspar and Miguel Corte Real
The Anglo-Azorean Syndicate and Sebastian Cabot
Fishermen and Newfoundland Cartography, 1502−1524
João Alvares Fagundes
Robert Thorne’s Letter and John Rut’s Voyage
Master Hore’s Tourist Cruise
IV The French Maritime Background, 1453−1590
Emerging Normandy
La Rochelle
Bordeaux and the Gironde
Inauguration of the Grand Bank Fishery
V The Voyages of Verrazzano, 1524−1528
François-Premier and the Search for a Northern Strait
Giovanni da Verrazzano, Gentleman Explorer
From Deserta to the “Isthmus”
Et in Arcadia Ego
Angoulême and Refugio
Maine—“Land of Bad People”
End of the Voyage, and of Giovanni
VI Cartier’s First Voyage, 1534
Le Maître-Pilote Jacques Cartier
Cartier’s First Voyage Gets Under Way
South Shore of The Labrador
West Coast of Newfoundland
Brion, Magdalen, and Prince Edward Islands
Anticosti and Home
VII Cartier’s Second Voyage, 1535−1536
To Sea with Royal and Episcopal Blessing
Retracing First Voyage
Le Chemyn de Canada
First Winter in Canada
VIII The Search for Saguenay, 1538−1543
Preparations for Cartier’s Third Voyage
Roberval and Diplomatic Snooping
Cartier’s Third Voyage
Cartier Meets Roberval and Goes Home
The Valiant Demoiselle
France-Roy and Search for Saguenay
IX Queen Elizabeth and Her Master Mariners
Enter Gilbert and Frobisher
Martin Frobisher’s First Voyage, 1576
X Frobisher’s Second and Third Voyages, 1577−1578
Second Voyage Begins
Frobisher Bay Again
Conclusion of Second Voyage
Third Voyage
The “Mistaken Straits”
A Summer’s Ore-Gathering
Homeward Bound
XI The Northern Voyages of John Davis, 1585−1587
John Davis, Master Mariner
First Voyage, 1585
Second Voyage, 1586
Third Voyage, 1587
XII Christopher Columbus
The African Background
Enter Columbus
Early Years at Sea
XIII His “Enterprise of the Indies”
Columbus’s Great Idea
Dealing with Princes
Isabella Takes Him On
Preparing for the First Voyage
XIV Columbus’s First Voyage of Discovery, August–October 1492
Columbus the Man
From Palos to San Salvador
XV The Greater Antilles, 12 October 1492 − 15 March 1493
South to Cuba
Homeward Passage
XVI Triumph and Tragedy, March 1493−April 1494
Hour of Triumph
Columbus’s Second Voyage
From Dominica to Navidad
Evil Days at Isabela
XVII Jamaica, Cuba, and Rebellion, 1494−1496
Jamaica and the South Coast of Cuba
Hispaniola and Home
XVIII Third Voyage, Mainland Discovered, 1498−1500
Third Voyage, to Trinidad
First Continental Landing
An “Other World”
Home in Chains
Bibliographic Note
XIX The Mariner’s Day
Time and Watches
Ritual and Religion
Food and Drink
End of a Day at Sea
XX Columbus’s Fourth Voyage, 1502−1504
The “High Voyage”
Santa Maria de Belén
Marooned in Jamaica
Death of the Admiral
XXI Ferdinand Magellan
XXII Armada de Molucca, 1517−1519
Ships and Crews
Under Way
XXIII Magellan’s Voyage to the Strait, 1519−1520
From Sanlúcar to the River Plate
The Coast of Patagonia
XXIV “The Strait That Shall Forever Bear His Name,” October–November 1520
Strait Discovered
From Cape Virgins to Cape Pillar
XXV Across the Pacific
North from Cabo Pilar
Las Islas Infortunatas
Starvation at Sea, Relief at Guam
From Samar to Cebu
Battle of Mactan and Death of Magellan
XXVI Philippines and Spice Islands
Massacre at Cebu
Through the Philippines to the Spiceries
XXVII Homeward Bound, 1522
Trinidad’s Fatal Attempt
Victoria’s Voyage Home
XXVIII Drake’s Voyage of Circumnavigation, 1577−1579
From Plymouth to Puerto San Julián
Through the Strait to Furthest South
The Buccaneering Phase
Bibliographic Note
XXIX Drake in California, 1579
Nova Albion
The Good Bay of Nova Albion
The Plate of Brass—or Was It Lead?
Voyage Home
List of Illustrations
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