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Title Page
Part I: Basic topics and 2D interpretation
Chapter 1: Introduction and overview
1.1 Exploration Geophysics in Petroleum Exploration
1.2 The Principle of Seismic Reflection Surveying
1.3 Overview of the Seismic Reflection Industry
1.4 A Brief History of Seismic Surveying
1.5 Societies, Books and Journals
Chapter 2: Geophysical signal description
2.1 Overview
2.2 Cosine Waves
2.3 Signals and Spectra
2.4 Periodic Waveforms: Fourier Series
2.5 Seismic Wavelets
2.6 Wavelet Characteristics: Time and Frequency Domains
2.7 Digitization of Signals
2.8 Fourier Description of Space-Dependent Quantities
Chapter 3: Data acquisition
3.1 General Points
3.2 Seismic Sources and Receivers
3.3 Static Corrections
3.4 Recording and Presentation of Data
3.5 Common Mid-Point (CMP) Shooting
3.6 The Attack on Noise
3.7 3D Surveys
Chapter 4: Seismic wave propagation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 P-wave
4.3 Controls on P-Wave Velocity
4.4 P-wave Waveforms
4.5 Shear Waves and Surface Waves
4.6 P-wave Attenuation
4.7 P-wave Transmission Paths
Chapter 5: The process of reflection
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Fresnel Zones
5.3 Fresnel Zones and the Seismic Reflection
5.4 Faults and Diffractions
5.5 Hyperbolae on Stacked Time Sections
5.6 The Reflection as a Summation of Hyperbolae
5.7 Resolution of the Seismic Reflection Method
5.8 Multiple Reflections: Common Modes
5.9 Multiples: the Scale of the Problem
Chapter 6: Velocity analysis, CMP stacking and post-stack migration
6.1 General Points
6.2 Definitions of Seismic Velocity: Well Data
6.3 Velocities from Seismic Data: V-rms
6.4 Velocities from Seismic Data: V-stack
6.5 Velocity Analysis
6.6 Errors in Seismic-Derived Velocities
6.7 Multiple Suppression by CMP Stacking
6.8 Stacking the Whole Section: A Make-or-Break Process
6.9 Some Stacking Refinements
6.10 Migration: The Fundamental Idea
6.11 Full-Waveform Migration
6.12 Migration example: 2D Section
Chapter 7: Interpretation of two-dimensional (2D) surveys for structure
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Linking well Geology to the Seismic Section
7.3 Choosing Reflections to Pick
7.4 Picking Reflections
7.5 Sideswipe
7.6 A Sideswipe Example: Fault Diffractions
7.7 Preparing Structure Maps in TWT
7.8 Time to Depth Conversion
7.9 Examples of Time-Depth Conversion
Part II: Seismic input to reservoir characterization
Chapter 8: Better images of the subsurface
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Reflection Point Dispersal, Conflicting Dips and DMO
8.3 Prestack Time Migration (PSTM)
8.4 Prestack Depth Migration (PSDM)
8.5 Anisotropy: the Ultimate Refinement in Velocity
8.6 Velocity-depth Ambiguity
8.7 Future Migration Technique: Kirchhoff or Wave Extrapolation?
8.8 3D Migration
8.9 3D Seismic Interpretation
8.10 Growth and Impact of 3D Seismic Surveys
Chapter 9: Modifying the seismic waveform
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Testing an Electronic Filter: The Impulse Response
9.3 Digital Filters: Convolution
9.4 Cross-correlation and Auto-Correlation
9.5 Frequency Filtering by Convolution
9.6 The Seismogram As a Convolution
9.7 Deconvolution
9.8 Designing Deconvolution Operators
9.9 Predictive Deconvolution
9.10 Wavelet Processing
9.11 Frequency-domain Processing
9.12 Data Processing and the Fragility of Bandwidth
Chapter 10: Refining reservoir architecture from seismic data
10.1 Introduction: The Reservoir Model
10.2 Refining Reservoir Environment: Seismic Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis
10.3 Refining Reservoir Structure: Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP)
10.4 Refining Reservoir Structure: Seismic Attributes
10.5 Seismic Forward Modelling
Chapter 11: Seismic input to mapping reservoir properties
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Reflection Amplitude
11.3 Acoustic Impedance (AI) Inversion
11.4 Amplitude Variation with Offset (AVO)
11.5 AVO Intercept and Gradient
11.6 Fluid Factor
11.7 AVO Inversion to Rock Properties λρ and μρ
11.8 AVO Inversion to P- and S-Wave Impedance
11.9 Elastic Impedance: AVO Made Easy?
11.10 Best Fluid Indicator?
11.11 Instantaneous Seismic Attributes
11.12 Usage of Seismic Attributes
11.13 Predicting Log Properties from Seismic Attributes
11.14 4C and 4D Surveys
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