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Imperial Library
Title Page
Chapter One: The Scandinavian Homelands
1. The Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan
2. A Description of the Islands of the North
Chapter Two: Scandinavian Society
3. The Lay of Rig (RígsÞula)
4. Politics in Harald Finehair’s Norway
5. Hoskuld Buys A Slave
6. How the Hersir Erling Treated his Slaves
Chapter Three: Early Religion and Belief
7. The Norse Creation-Myth
8. Ragnarok: The Doom of the Gods
9. A Prophetess in Greenland
10. Odin’s Wisdom and Arts
11. Odin Welcomes Eirik Bloodax to Valhalla
12. Odin Hangs on Yggdrasil
13. Odin and Human Sacrifice
(a) The Death of King Vikar
(b) The Deaths of Domaldi and Olaf Tretelgja
14. Sigurd, the Earl of Lade, Sacrifices to the Gods
15. The Temple at Uppsala
16. A Temple in Iceland
17. King Harald Gormsson and the Land-Spirits
18. Norse Funeral Practices
(a) Snorri’s History of Burial Practices
(b) Odin Orders Cremation and Becomes a God
(c) The Death of Baldur the Good
(d) Gunnar’s Burial Mound
19. The Living Dead
(a) Gunnar’s Posthumous Poem
(b) Grettir’s Fight with Glam
Chapter Four: Women in the Viking Age
20. Unn the Deep-Minded Takes Control of her Life
21. Queen Gunnhild has her way with Hrut
22. The Prowess of Freydis, Daughter of Eirik the Red
23. A Warrior-Woman
24. Gudrun Drives her Sons to Take Revenge
About Gudrun [a prose introduction]
25. Gudrun Osvifrsdaughter’s Incitement of her Sons
26. The Goading of Hildigunn
27. Betrothals from the Sagas
(a) The Betrothal of Olaf Hoskuldsson
(b) How Unn Mordsdaughter Found Herself Betrothed
28. Divorces from the Sagas
(a) How Gudrun Divorced Thorvald
(b) Vigdis Divorces Thord Goddi
(c) How Aud Dealt with Her Humiliating Divorce
Chapter Five: Viking Warriors and their Weapons
29. The Accomplishments of A Viking Warrior
(a) Earl Rognvald Kali on Being a Gentleman
(b) Gunnar Hamundarson, the Ideal Warrior
(c) Olaf Tryggvason, King of Norway
30. Berserkers and the Berserk Rage
(a) Odin’s Berserks
(b) The Rage of Skallagrim and Egil
(c) Egil Fights a Berserk
(d) Grettir Fights a Berserk
31. Weapons
(a) King Magnus Barelegs Dresses to Kill
(b) The Sword Skofnung
(c) Sigmund, Sigurd, and the Sword Gram
(d) Saint Olaf’s Sword, Hneitir
(e) Viking Age Swords
Chapter Six: Fjord-Serpents: Viking Ships
32. King Olaf Tryggvason Builds the Long Serpent
33. Harald Sigurdarson’s Splendid Ship
34. King Sverrir’s Mariasud
35. The Great Ships of King Hakon IV
36. Animal Heads on the Prows of Ships
37. Sea-Battles in the Sagas
(a) Olaf Tryggvason at the Battle of Svold
(b) Rognvald and Thorfinn the Mighty Fight It Out in the Orkneys
(c) Earl Rognvald Kali in the Mediterranean
(d) The Battle of Fimreite (Norafjord), 1184
Chapter Seven: “Sudden and Unforeseen Attacks of Northmen”
38. On the Causes of the Viking Expansion
39. Viking Raids on England, 789–850/1
40. Alcuin’s Letter to King Athelred, 793
41. An English Gospel Book Ransomed from the Vikings
42. Viking Raids on Ireland, 795–842
43. The Martyrdom of Blathmac, 825
44. The Life of Saint Findan
45. Irish Resistance to the Norsemen
46. Franks and Vikings, 800–829
47. The Northmen in France, 843–865
48. The Annals of St-Vast, 882–886
49. An Account of the Siege of Paris, 885–886
50. Vikings in the Iberian Peninsula
(a) Ibn al-Kutia. Year 230 (17 September 844–1 October 845)
(b) Ibn Adhari. Year 229 (30 September 843–17 September 844)
Chapter Eight: “The Heathens Stayed”: From Raiding to Settlement
51. Viking Activities in England, 851–900
52. The Martyrdom of Saint Edmund
53. The Vikings in Ireland, 845–917
54. Ketil Flatnose and his Descendants in the Hebrides
55. Earl Sigurd and the Establishment of the Earldom of Orkney
56. Runic Inscriptions from Maes Howe, Mainland, Orkney
57. Runic Inscriptions from the Isle of Man
58. Rollo Obtains Normandy from the King of the Franks
Chapter Nine: Austrveg: The Viking Road to the East
59. The Piraeus Lion
60. The Rūs
61. The Rūs Attack Constantinople
62. On the Arrival of the Varangians
63. A Muslim Diplomat Meets Rūs Merchants on the Volga River
64. River Routes to Constantinople
65. A Norwegian Soldier of Fortune in the East
66. Rūs Expeditions to the Middle East
67. The Yngvar Runestones
Chapter Ten: Into the Western Ocean: The Faeroes, Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland
68. The Islands in the Northern Ocean, ca 825
69. Sailing Directions and Distances in the North Atlantic
70. The Western Ocean
71. Adam of Bremen on Iceland
72. Icelandic Accounts of the Discovery and Settlement of Iceland
(a) The Book of the Icelanders
(b) The Book of Settlements
(c) The Saga of the People of Eyri
73. Skallagrim’s Landtake in Iceland
74. The Settlement of Greenland
(a) The Book of the Icelanders
(b) The Book of Settlements
75. The King’s Mirror on Greenland
76. Adam of Bremen on Vinland
77. The Norse Discovery of Vinland
78. Thorfinn Karlsefni in Vinland
Chapter Eleven: Viking Life and Death
79. Advice for Sailors and Merchants
80. Svein Asleifarson’s Viking Life
81. Egil in Youth and Old Age
82. Children
(a) Young Grettir Helps around the Farm
(b) Children Mimic Adults
(c) The Child Is Mother of the Woman
(d) Choosing Sides in a Game
83. Games and Entertainment
(a) A Horse-fight from Njal’s Saga
(b) A Horse-fight from Grettir’s Saga
(c) A Throwing Game from Bard’s Saga
(d) Games at Sand from Hord’s Saga
(e) Entertainment at a Wedding Feast at Reykjaholar from The Saga of Thorgils and Haflidi
(f) Mock Lawsuits from The Saga of the People of Ljosavatn
84. The Jomsvikings Meet their End
85. The Death of Gunnar
86. The Burning of Njal
87. The Death of Thormod Kolbrunarskald
Chapter Twelve: From Odin to Christ
88. Early Missions to the North: The Life of Saint Anskar
89. The Conversion of the Danes Under Harald Bluetooth
90. Olaf Tryggvason and the Conversion of Norway
91. A Poet Abandons the Old Gods
92. The Christianization of Norway Under Saint Olaf
93. The Conversion of the Icelanders
94. The Conversion of Greenland
95. The Conversion of Orkney
96. Christianity in Sweden
97. Christianity and the Church in Norway
98. The Travels of King Sigurd, Jerusalem-Farer
99. The Journey of abbot Nikolas Bergsson from Iceland to Jerusalem
Chapter Thirteen: State-Building at Home and Abroad
100. Harald Finehair and the Unification of Norway
101. State-Making in Denmark: The Jelling Stone
102. State-Making in Denmark: Unification and Expansion
103. The Martyrdom of Alfeah (Saint Alphege)
104. Knut the Great and the North Sea Empire
105. The England Runestones
106. The Earldom of Orkney at its Zenith
Chapter Fourteen: The End of the Viking Age
107. The Battle of Clontarf, 1014
108. The Battle of Stamford Bridge, 1066
109. The Decline of the Earls of Orkney
110. The Battle of Largs, 1263
111. Advice from Odin
Index of Topics
Index of Authors and Sources
Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures
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