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Imperial Library
1. The Pentecostal Principle
2. Emergence and Ethics: The Ethos of Pneumatological Methodology
3. Many Tongues of Pentecost: Ethical Methodology as a Paradigm of Pluralism
4. The Pentecostal Spirit: Way of Being for the Pentecostal Principle
5. The Promise of the Pentecostal Principle: Religion as Play
Epilogue: The End Which Is to Come
Jose Comblin, The Holy Spirit and Liberation'
This study is also philosophical in its basic outlook, addressing the issue of the social ontologica
opher Giorgio Agamben argues that the current phase of capitalism is "a gigantic apparatus for captu
Politics does not operate as pure means; it principally refers to activities determined by preset
We once moved over from the theology of work to the theology of grace. Perhaps, it is now time to mo
Beginning, before it becomes a historical event, is the supreme capacity of man; politically, it is
The opening definition is informed by Hannah Arendt's theory of action2
has no telos which must justify it and no end which must call it into cessation. It is characterized
Grace is to exuberantly embrace the Holy Spirit as the spirit of play. "The spirit that animates h
Grace as an event is both continuous and discontinuous. This is the sense that though one can grow f
This understanding of grace arises largely from a charismatic conviction that it is "an empowerment
Third, grace is also an effect, a manifestation of the indwelling Spirit of God in human beings.'
Finally, the pentecostal worldview affirms the "surprises" of the Holy Spirit as a central and non
tion and collaboration of human beings in action even as the Holy Spirit intensely displays God's pr
The pentecostal principle predates pentecostalism and is likely to outlive it as a complex shared se
In this book I want to respond to these pertinent questions within the context of pentecostalism as
This principle is what I have named as the pentecostal principle and it expresses the fluid dynami
Does the formulation of pentecostal principle at this point in history mean that we are living in th
Tillich is right in identifying the Protestant principle as eternal and a permanent criterion of eve
This synthesis may remind readers who are familiar with D. Lyle Dabney's "theology of the third arti
In addition, both syntheses are primarily informed by the need to transcend Protestant theology (sec
Jurgen Moltmann tells us in his book The Coming of God that possibility underlines the self-descri
With an engaging focus on possibility resources for addressing the theological-ethical issues of tod
The pentecostal principle in a certain sense captures the spirit of our current era. The era's basic
Its energy gestures to the basic restlessness of life, to the incomplete, protean, and dynamic ach
Now add the word Protestant in front of principle and we have Protestant principle. The Protestant p
The Protestant principle is an expression of the conquest of religion by the Spiritual Presence and
Tillich holds that it is only Jesus as the Christ who in history has the perfect combination of Cath
conditional to the status of infinite and unconditional. When is the reaction triggered? It is at a
operations of immanent entities,28
how can it ground what is always there? If you are to argue that the kairos or the Protestant prin
Religiously speaking, Tillich's "Protestant Principle" is a manifestation of the ancient prophetic t
As already noted, Tillich derived his Protestant principle from the Protestant doctrine of justifica
On reading Frank D. Macchia's new, penetrating book on theology of justification, Justified in the S
the life-giving Spirit. Pneumatic existence is new, life-renewing existence. Now, a perspicacious in
Tillich's Protestant principle came out of Protestantism and judges it as well as every other religi
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