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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
1. The Anatomy of Breathing
The Spine and Rib Cage
Joints of the Ribs
Action of the Ribs
Intercostal Muscles
The Diaphragm
Action of the Diaphragm
Diaphragm and Abdominal Cavity
The Abdominal Muscles
Auxiliary Muscles of Breathing
Extensor and Flexor Support of the Trunk
The Lungs and Trachea
Lung Capacity
2. The Larynx
Basic Structure of the Larynx
The Framework of the Larynx
The Epiglottis
Cricoarytenoid Joint
Cricothyroid Joint
Conus Elasticus
The Interior of the Larynx
Muscles of the Epiglottis
The Structure of the Vocal Folds
Intrinsic Muscles of the Larynx
Actions of the Intrinsic Muscles of the Larynx
Cricothyroid and Thyroarytenoid Antagonism
Action of the Larynx Muscles in Chest Register
Action of the Larynx Muscles in Falsetto Register
Action of the Larynx Muscles in Head Register
3. The Extrinsic Muscles of the Larynx
The Suspensory Muscles of the Larynx
Action of the Suspensory Muscles during Singing
Supported Falsetto
Head Voice
The Hyoid Apparatus
Sidebar: The Hyoid Bone
Muscles of the Hyoid Bone and Jaw
4. The Mouth and Pharynx
Muscles of the Mouth and Throat
The Function of the Palate
The Muscles of the Palate
Sidebar: The Action of Swallowing (Deglutition)
The Arched Palate
The Tongue and Its Function
Position of the Tongue in Singing
The Low Larynx and Widened Pharynx
5. The Face and Jaw
The Mask
The Nostrils and Nasal Cavity
Muscles of the Nostrils
The Eyes and Forehead
The Cheeks
The Jaw and Temporomandibular Joint
Position of the Jaw in Singing
Muscles of the Jaw
6. The Evolution and Function of the Larynx
The Origin of the Larynx
Evolution of the Cartilages and Muscles of the Larynx
Extrinsic Muscles of the Larynx and Deglutition
The Palate, Epiglottis, and Nasal Passages
Design of the Vocal Folds
The Pharynx, Upright Posture, and Human Speech
About the Author
Also by Ted Dimon
About North Atlantic Books
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