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Chapter 1
1. Fermenting genealogy
2. An Irish Marriage
3. Devil of a Childhood
4. The Magician Appears
5. Ménage à Trois
6. The Shame of Education
7. Music in Dublin
8. Marking Time
Chapter 2
1. The Ghosting of Vandeleur Lee
2. Experiments with the Novel
3. Some Further Experiments
4. Respectable Habits
5. On Growing a Beard
6. Courting Miss Lockett
7. Death and a Renewal
Chapter 3
1. In Search of a Family
2. Heroes and Friends
3. The Prospective Lover
4. Introducing Sidney Webb
Chapter 4
1. The Perfect Ibsenite
2. A Crust for the Critics
3. Mystical Betrothal
4. Corno di Bassetto
5. Exits and Entrances
Chapter 5
1. The Courtship of the Webbs
2. Plays Unpleasant
3. Arms and the Man
4. The Playwright and the Actress
5. Candidamania
Chapter 6
1. Living with the Saturday
2. Some Dramatic Opinions
3. Tilting with Henry Irving
4. Candida Refinished
5. A First Play for Puritans
Chapter 7
1. St Pancras Vestryman
2. Courtship Dances
3. A Terrible Adventure
Chapter 8
1. The Happy Accidents of Marriage
2. On Heroines and Hero-Worship
3. Boer War Manoeuvres
Chapter 9
1. Some Unexpected Characters
2. Home Life and Holidays
3. Shakes versus Shav
4. Man and Superman
5. John Bull’s Other Island
6. Granville Barker Comes to Court
7. Curtain Up on Major Barbara
Chapter 10
1. Fabian Bedfellows
2. Wells Joins the Cast
3. A Revolution at the Court
4. Concerning The Doctor’s Dilemma
5. Invasion of the West End
Chapter 11
1. Sitting to Rodin
2. A Cat and Dog Life
3. Getting Married and Staying Married
4. Slave of the Automobile
5. A Treatise on Biography
6. Shewing up the Censorship
Chapter 12
1. The Gods and Misalliance
2. Further Particulars on Mr Wells
3. Skits and Farces
4. On the Sub-text of Success
5. Dearest Liar
Chapter 13
1. Concerning Fame and Anonymity
2. The History of Pygmalion
3. What He Did in the Great War
4. Touring the Trenches
5. The Recruiting Officer
6. Anglo-Irish Politics
7. Casualties of War
Chapter 14
1. Some Hints on the Peace
2. Shaw's Heartbreak
3. Miss Cross Patch Comes to Stay
4. Tragedy of an Elderly Gentleman
5. Home Rule for England
6. Free Will in Translation
Chapter 15
1. Collaborating with a Saint
2. The End and a Beginning
3. An Idle Romance
4. Intelligent Women and the Body Politic
Chapter 16
1. Striking an Attitude
2. Upsetting The Apple Cart
3. Author of Himself
4. The Celtic-Hibernian School
5. The Boxer and the Nun
Chapter 17
1. Elopement to Russia
2. A Pilgrim's Progress
3. Missionary Travels
4. Prefaces to Death
Chapter 18
1. The Demands of the Political Theatre
2. Undergoing a sea Change
3. Spontaneous Resurrection
4. Paperback and Celluloid
5. Three Plays for Historians
6. Trebitsch über Alles
Chapter 19
1. Uncommon Sense and Careless Talk
2. Wife and Widower
3. Some Late Appearances
4. Fatal Attachments
5. The Story Continues
6. A Very Late Conclusion
About Bernard Shaw
About Michael Holroyd
Also by this Author
Great Lives: Literary Lives
An Invitation from the Publisher
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