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Imperial Library
Preface to the Second Edition
Biographical Sketch
PART ONE Alienation
1. The Concept of Alienation
1 The young Marx’s ‘theory’ of alienation
2 What is ‘alienation’?
3 Alienation and false consciousness
4 Alienation and practice
2. The Human Essence
1 The species being
2 Species consciousness and alienation
3 Self-actualization
4 Human essential powers
3. Human Production
1 Conscious life activity
2 Labor as self-affirmation
3 Objectification and appropriation
4. Alienation and Capitalism
1 The capitalist division of labor
2 Capitalism and freedom
3 Assessing Marx on capitalist alienation
PART TWO Historical Materialism
5. Production and Society
1 ‘Economic determinism’
2 Productive powers, production relations
3 A ‘technological’ theory of history?
4 Productive powers and historical development
6. Classes
1 Social relations, property relations
2 History and social classes
3 Class interests
4 Class struggles
7. Materialist Explanations
1 Historical materialism as an empirical hypothesis
2 Materialist explanations are teleological
3 Is Marx a historical teleologist?
8. Materialism, Agency and Consciousness
1 Is Marx a determinist?
2 Three senses of ‘ideology’
3 Ideology and science
PART THREE Marxism and Morality
9. Marx on Right and Justice
1 Does Marxism have moral foundations?
2 Marx’s concept of justice
3 Capitalism and commodity exchange
4 Capital exploits justly
10. Morality as Ideology
1 The social function of morality
2 Marxism and utilitarianism
3 Is Marx an immoralist?
4 Why should a Marxist be moral?
5 Marx’s attitude toward morality, and our attitude
PART FOUR Philosophical Materialism
11. Materialist Naturalism
1 What is materialism?
2 Marx’s atheism
3 The essentiality of humanity and nature
12. Materialist Realism
1 Knowledge and practice
2 The contemplative attitude
3 Is Marx an idealist?
PART FIVE The Dialectical Method
13. The Hegelian Dialectic
1 Hegel’s vision of reality
2 Organic development or dialectic
3 Dialectic and formal logic
14. The Marxian Dialectic
1 The ‘rational kernel’ in the ‘mystical shell’
2 ‘Inverting’ Hegel
3 Reproducing the concrete in thought
15. Dialectic in Capital
1 The structure of ‘Capital’
2 Values and production prices
3 The law of value
4 Value and exploitation
16. Capitalist Exploitation
1 What is exploitation?
2 The vulnerability of labor to capital
3 Capitalist apologetics about exploitation
4 What is bad about capitalist exploitation?
5 How to think about capitalist exploitation
Concluding Remark
Some Further Reading
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