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Title Page
Table of Contents
What is the Meaning of Life?
Become your True Self
Wishing Well
www.ADDerWorld.comPosts from my Personal Blog
1. My tears in the rain
2. The Green Machine Lesson
3. Thinking First before Reacting
4. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
5. The PoWeR of Choice
6. Attraction is Magic, wonderful, uplifting Magic. There’s no doubt about it
7. The Shame Game
8. The Relevance of an ADHD Memoir - What it is for you
9. Think Outside the Box
10. YoUr iDeAs and cReaTiVity are VaLiD!
11. If you have ADHD and write about it they will destroy you!
12. Smile to start positive relationships
13. Next Personal Goal Please
14. Passion is me
15. The Concept of Time for someone with ADHD
16. The Harshness and Disasters of ADHD Relationships
17. Do I have ADHD? Perception is a Deception
18. The Sad Truth of ADHD - No, it is NOT an easy life
19. Diagnosis of ADD/ADHD Brings forgiveness and understanding
20. A Natural Born Pool Hustler Thanks to ADHD!
21. Medication a cure for ADHD?
22. Life
23. Ghosts of Relationships past
24. PERFECTIONISM, To Be Perfect or Not to be Perfect?
25. The Tale of an ADHD Memoir
26. An Unexpected Email about A Marriage in Peril
27. You Can Use Hyper-Focusing to Meditate
28. People with ADHD are Amazing and Wonderful!
29. The gift of Hyper-Focus is yours!
30. When there is a WILL there is a WAY
31. Parents and their Child’s Homework
32. People Pleasers, may I have your approval?
33. Center of the Universe, Sex, Love and More!
34. Relationships Start Exciting, But what happens next?
35. Relationships Start Exciting, But what happens next? Part 2
36. Relationships Start Exciting, But what happens next? Part 3 The lost art of listening
37. Being around Big Names and Not Going Crazy Ga-Ga, ADD Advantage?
38. Hello, I am the Magic Man
39. Living with an ADHD Partner
40. Reading Problems and Solutions with Tips
41. The Anxiety and Worry Connection
42. Merry Christmas Everyone
43. Another ADDer dilemma – Changes
44. Sometimes I tried anything, Even wearing glasses!
45. Finding, Falling and Staying in love
46. ADHD affected my relationships and finding love
47. ADHD affected my relationships and finding love Part 2
48. White noise and instrumental music helps My ADHD mind function and other helpful stuff
49. Educators I salute you!
50. My personal musing about ADHD
51. My personal musing about ADHD Part 2
52. Commander Mart
53. This is my top ten list of jobs for Adders:
54. Those that are left behind
55. The Contradiction of ADD/ ADHD
56. The Contradiction of ADD ADHD Part 2
57. The Contradiction of ADD ADHD Part 3
58. Focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive
59. Sometimes it’s for our own good
60. Those with ADD ADHD Missing subtle human communication cues
61. Why? What for? What’s the use?
62. The Power of Positive Thinking and Redirection!
63. The Power of Positive Thinking and Redirection! Part 2
64. The Power of Positive Thinking and Redirection! Part 3
65. Magical Mystery Tour, Life with my ADDer
66. My personal book about ADHD, the ADDer World websites and me 1 year later
The Brilliant Reality of ADHD
Medical Disclaimer
About the Author
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