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Title page
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List of Plates
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List of Maps
Chapter 1: Egyptian Archaeology
1.1 Introduction: Ancient Egyptian Civilization and Its Prehistoric Predecessors
1.2 Egyptian Archaeology
1.3 Egyptology
1.4 History of Egyptology and Egyptian Archaeology
1.5 Archaeological Methods
1.6 Archaeological Theory
1.7 Ancient Egypt and Egyptian Archaeologists in Fiction and Films
Chapter 2: Hieroglyphs, Language, and Pharaonic Chronology
2.1 Language of the Ancient Egyptians
2.2 Origins and Development of Egyptian Writing
2.3 Scripts and Media of Writing
2.4 Signs, Structure, and Grammar
2.5 Literacy in Ancient Egypt
2.6 Textual Studies
2.7 Use of Texts in Egyptian Archaeology
2.8 Historical Outline of Pharaonic Egypt
2.9 The Egyptian Civil Calendar, King Lists, and Calculation of Pharaonic Chronology
Chapter 3: The Environmental Background to Pharaonic Civilization
3.1 Geography: Terms and Place Names
3.2 Environmental Setting
3.3 Environmental and Other Problems for Archaeology in Egypt
3.4 The Seasons and the Agricultural System
3.5 The Ancient Egyptian Diet
3.6 Other Useful Animals and Plants
3.7 Building Materials
3.8 Other Resources: Clays, Stones, Minerals
3.9 Imported Materials
Chapter 4: Egyptian Prehistory
4.1 Paleolithic Cultures in Egypt
4.2 Lower Paleolithic
4.3 Middle Paleolithic
4.4 Upper Paleolithic
4.5 Late Paleolithic
4.6 Epipaleolithic (Final Paleolithic)
4.7 Saharan Neolithic
4.8 Neolithic in the Nile Valley: Faiyum A and Lower Egypt
4.9 Neolithic in the Nile Valley: Middle and Upper Egypt
Chapter 5: The Rise of Complex Society and Early Civilization
Predynastic Egypt
5.1 The Predynastic Period: Egypt in the Fourth Millennium BC
5.2 Lower Egypt: Predynastic Culture
5.3 Upper Egypt: Naqada Culture
5.4 Lower Nubia: A-Group Culture
5.5 State Formation and Unification
The Early Dynastic State
5.6 Organization and Institutions of the Early Dynastic State
5.7 Early Writing and Formal Art
5.8 The Expanding State
5.9 Who Were the Ancient Egyptians? Physical Anthropology
Chapter 6: The Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period
6.1 The Old Kingdom: Overview
The Early Old Kingdom
6.2 The 3rd Dynasty: Djoser’s Step Pyramid at Saqqara
6.3 The 4th Dynasty’s First King, Sneferu, and His Three Pyramids
6.4 Khufu’s Great Pyramid at Giza
6.5 The Great Sphinx and Khafra’s Pyramid Complex
6.6 Menkaura’s Giza Pyramid and Its Remarkable Valley Temple Finds
6.7 Giza Pyramid Towns
6.8 Giza Mastabas, Queen Hetepheres’s Hidden “Tomb,” and the Workmen’s Cemetery
The Later Old Kingdom
6.9 Sun Temples of the 5th Dynasty
6.10 Later Old Kingdom Pyramids and the Pyramid Texts
6.11 An Expanding Bureaucracy: Private Tombs in the 5th and 6th Dynasties
6.12 Egypt Abroad
The First Intermediate Period
6.13 The End of the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period: Causes of State Collapse
Chapter 7: The Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period
The Middle Kingdom
7.1 The Middle Kingdom: Overview
7.2 Pre-Unification 11th Dynasty: Saff Tombs at Thebes
7.3 Mentuhotep II’s Complex at Deir el-Bahri
7.4 Model Workers and the Deir el-Bahri Tomb of Meketra
7.5 12th-Dynasty Temples
7.6 12th- and 13th-Dynasty Pyramids
7.7 Towns and Domestic Architecture: Kahun and South Abydos
7.8 Nomarchs in Middle Egypt: The Beni Hasan Tombs
7.9 Mining in the Sinai and a Galena Mine in the Eastern Desert
7.10 Egyptian Forts in Nubia and Indigenous Peoples There
The Second Intermediate Period
7.11 The Second Intermediate Period: The Hyksos Kingdom in the North
7.12 The Kerma Kingdom in Upper Nubia
7.13 The Theban State during the Second Intermediate Period
Chapter 8: The New Kingdom
8.1 The New Kingdom: Overview
The Early New Kingdom
8.2 Early New Kingdom Architecture: Ahmose’s Abydos Pyramid Complex, the Thutmosid Palace and Harbor at Tell el-Daba, and the Theban Mortuary Temples of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III
8.3 Amenhotep III’s Malkata Palace
8.4 Tell el-Amarna and the Amarna Period
8.5 The Amarna Aftermath and Tutankhamen’s Tomb
New Kingdom Temples
8.6 Restoration of the Traditional Gods: Sety I’s Abydos Temple
8.7 The Temples of Karnak and Luxor in the New Kingdom
8.8 Ramessid Mortuary Temples
Royal and Elite Tombs
8.9 Royal Tombs in the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens
8.10 Elite Tombs at Thebes and Saqqara
State Towns and Settlements
8.11 The Workmen’s Village and Tombs at Deir el-Medina
8.12 Nubian Temple Towns
Chapter 9: The Third Intermediate Period and Late Period
9.1 The Third Intermediate Period: Overview
9.2 The Late Period: Overview
9.3 Tanis: A New City with Royal Tombs
9.4 Napata/Gebel Barkal and Sanam
9.5 el-Kurru and Nuri: The Kushite Royal Tombs
9.6 Saqqara: The Serapeum and Animal Cults
9.7 Some High-Status Tombs of the Third Intermediate Period and Late Period
9.8 Tell el-Maskhuta and Tell el-Herr
Chapter 10: The Greco-Roman Period
Greco-Roman Egypt
10.1 The Ptolemaic Period: Overview
10.2 The Roman Period: Overview
10.3 Alexandria
10.4 Greco-Roman Settlements in the Faiyum
10.5 Two Greco-Roman Temple Complexes in Upper Egypt: Dendera and Philae
Sites Outside the Nile Valley
10.6 The Western Desert: Bahariya and Dakhla Oases
10.7 The Eastern Desert: Roman Ports, Forts, Roads, and Quarrying Sites
10.8 Qasr Ibrim
10.9 Meroe: The Kushite Capital and Royal Cemeteries
Chapter 11: The Study of Ancient Egypt
Glossary of Terms
Suggested Readings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Appendix 1: Additional Readings in French, German, and Italian
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Appendix 2: Websites
Websites for archaeological sites/projects discussed in this book
Other useful websites
Chapter Summaries and Discussion Questions
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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