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Imperial Library
The Saving Grace of God
1. The Necessity of Grace
2. The Concept of Saving Grace
3. Attributes of Saving Grace
4. The Theological Terminology Regarding the Divine Will of Grace
Concluding Remarks
The Doctrine of Christ
Importance and Division of the Doctrine
I. The Doctrine of the Person of Christ
Short Summary of the Doctrine
1. The True Deity of Christ
2. The True Humanity of Christ
Peculiarities of Christ’s Human Nature
The Human Nature of Christ Came into Existence Through the Operation of the Holy Ghost
The Sinlessness of the Human Nature of Christ
The Impersonality of the Human Nature of Christ
3. The Personal Union
The Personal Union and the Christological Theories of Modern Theology
4. The Communion of Natures
The Reason for the Special Discussion of the Communion of Natures
Critique of the Denial of the Communion of Natures
The Communion of Natures More Completely Described
5. The Communion of Attributes
The Three Genera of the Communication of Attributes
The First Genus of Communication of Attributes
Critique of the Denial of the First Genus
Abstract Terms in the First Genus
The Second Genus of the Communication of Attributes
Communicated Omnipotence
Communicated Omniscience
Communicated Omnipresence
Communicated Divine Honor
In the Second Genus the Divine Attributes are Not Separated from the Divine Essence
The Abstract Terms of the Genus Maiestaticum
No Reciprocity of the Second Genus
All Divine Attributes are Communicated to the Human Nature
The Third Genus of the Communication of Attributes
The Importance of the Genus Apotelesmaticum
The Genus Apotelesmaticum and the Ancient Church
Lutherans and Reformed Use the Same Terms of the Third Genus in a Different Sense
Eutychianism and Nestorianism Repudiated in the Third Genus
Summary Critique of Reformed Christology
II. The Doctrine of the States of Christ
1. The Nature of the Humiliation and the Exaltation
False Views of the Humiliation of Christ
The Crypto-Kenotic Controversy, 1619–1627
On the Terminology Used in Describing the Humiliation and Exaltation
2. The Several Stages of Christ’s Humiliation and Exaltation
Christ’s Conception and Nativity
Christ’s Education, Growth in Wisdom, and Visible Earthly Life
Christ’s Suffering, Death, and Burial
Christ’s Descent into Hell
The Forty Days Between Christ’s” Resurrection and Ascension
Christ’s Ascension
Christ’s Session at God’s Right Hand
Christ’s Second Advent
III. The Doctrine of Christ’s Office
In General
The Threefold Office of Christ
The Prophetic Office of Christ
The Execution of the Prophetic Office in the State of Humiliation
The Execution of the Prophetic Office in the State of Exaltation
The Sacerdotal Office of Christ
The Sacerdotal Office of Christ in the State of Humiliation
The Vicarious Satisfaction
Objective and Subjective Reconciliation
Objections Raised Against the Vicarious Satisfaction
Some Modern Theories of the Atonement Examined
The Active Obedience of Christ
The Sacrifice of Christ and the Sacrifices of the Old Testament
To Whom and for Whom Christ Rendered Satisfaction
The Intercession of Christ
The Sacerdotal Office of Christ in the State of Exaltation
The Kingly Office of Christ
A Threefold Kingdom
The Unity of the Three Kingdoms
Differences of the Three Kingdoms
The Doctrine of the Kingly Office of Christ an Article of Faith
False Teachings Regarding the Kingly Office of Christ
The Application of Salvation
Preliminary Survey
Orderly Arrangement of the Doctrines Pertaining to the “Ordo Salutis”
Saving Faith
1. The Sole Object of Saving Faith Is the Gospel
2. Saving Faith Is “Fiducia Cordis”
3. Saving Faith Is “Fides Specialis”
4. Saving Faith Is “Fides Actualis”
5. The Function of Faith in Justification
6. Saving Faith Is “Fides Directa”
7. Saving Faith Embraces the Assurance of Grace, Faith, and the Testimony of the Holy Ghost
8. Saving Faith Is Trust in the Grace That is Offered to Us in the Gospel
9. The Faith of Infants
10. On the Meaning of the Term “Faith”
1. The Nature of Conversion
2. The Efficient Cause of Conversion
3. The Means Through Which God Effects Conversion
4. The Inner Motions of Conversion
5. Conversion Is Instantaneous
6. Man Can Prevent His Conversion
7. Transitive and Intransitive Conversion
8. Continued Conversion
9. Re-Conversion
10. Objections to Divine Monergism in Conversion
The Ostensible Reasons Are Devoid of Logic
Synergism on the Defensive
The True Reason for Opposing Divine Monergism in Conversion
The Pernicious Character of Synergism
11. Synonyms of Conversion
Justification by Faith
1. Justification by Faith, Without the Deeds of the Law
2. The Strong Language Used in Scripture Against the Workmongers
3. The Postulates of Justification by Faith, Without Works
4. Justification the Central Doctrine of the Christian Religion
5. All Christians Believe in Justification by Faith
6. The Disastrous Results of the Denial of Justification by Faith
7. The Terminology Employed in Presenting This Doctrine
8. Justification on the Basis of Works
9. The Doctrine of Justification and the Distinction Between the Law and the Gospel
10. The Assurance of Justification
11. The Papacy and the Doctrine of Justification
12. Modern Protestant Theology and the Doctrine of Justification
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