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Part I: Autecology
I.1 Ecological Niche
I.2 Physiological Ecology: Animals
I.3 Physiological Ecology: Plants
I.4 Functional Morphology: Muscles, Elastic Mechanisms, and Animal Performance
I.5 Habitat Selection
I.6 Dispersal
I.7 Foraging Behavior
I.8 Social Behavior
I.9 Phenotypic Plasticity
I.10 Life History
I.11 Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
I.12 Geographic Range
I.13 Adaptation
I.14 Phenotypic Selection
I.15 Population Genetics and Ecology
I.16 Phylogenetics and Comparative Methods
I.17 Microevolution
I.18 Ecological Speciation: Natural Selection and the Formation of New Species
I.19 Adaptive Radiation
Part II: Population Ecology
II.1 Age-Structured and Stage-Structured Population Dynamics
II.2 Density Dependence and Single-Species Population Dynamics
II.3 Biological Chaos and Complex Dynamics
II.4 Metapopulations and Spatial Population Processes
II.5 Competition and Coexistence in Plant Communities
II.6 Competition and Coexistence in Animal Communities
II.7 Predator–Prey Interactions
II.8 Host–Parasitoid Interactions
II.9 Ecological Epidemiology
II.10 Interactions between Plants and Herbivores
II.11 Mutualism and Symbiosis
II.12 Ecology of Microbial Populations
II.13 Coevolution
Part III: Communities and Ecosystems
III.1 Biodiversity: Concepts, Patterns, and Measurement
III.2 Competition, Neutrality, and Community Organization
III.3 Predation and Community Organization
III.4 Facilitation and the Organization of Plant Communities
III.5 Indirect Effects in Communities and Ecosystems: The Role of Trophic and Nontrophic Interactions
III.6 Top-Down and Bottom-Up Regulation of Communities
III.7 The Structure and Stability of Food Webs
III.8 Spatial and Metacommunity Dynamics in Biodiversity
III.9 Ecosystem Productivity and Carbon Flows: Patterns across Ecosystems
III.10 Nutrient Cycling and Biogeochemistry
III.11 Terrestrial Carbon and Biogeochemical Cycles
III.12 Freshwater Carbon and Biogeochemical Cycles
III.13 The Marine Carbon Cycle
III.14 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
III.15 Ecological Stoichiometry
III.16 Macroecological Perspectives on Communities and Ecosystems
III.17 Alternative Stable States and Regime Shifts in Ecosystems
III.18 Responses of Communities and Ecosystems to Global Changes
III.19 Evolution of Communities and Ecosystems
Part IV: Landscapes and the Biosphere
IV.1 Landscape Dynamics
IV.2 Landscape Pattern and Biodiversity
IV.3 Ecological Dynamics in Fragmented Landscapes
IV.4 Biodiversity Patterns in Managed and Natural Landscapes
IV.5 Boundary Dynamics in Landscapes
IV.6 Spatial Patterns of Species Diversity in Terrestrial Environments
IV.7 Biosphere–Atmosphere Interactions in Landscapes
IV.8 Seascape Patterns and Dynamics of Coral Reefs
IV.9 Seascape Microbial Ecology: Structure, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Function
IV.10 Spatial Dynamics of Marine
Part V: Conservation Biology
V.1 Causes and Consequences of Species Extinctions
V.2 Population Viability Analysis
V.3 Principles of Reserve Design
V.4 Building and Implementing Systems of Conservation Areas
V.5 Marine Conservation
V.6 Conservation and Global Climate Change
V.7 Restoration Ecology
Part VI: Ecosystem Services
VI.1 Ecosystem Services: Issues of Scale and Trade-Offs
VI.2 Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Ecosystem Services
VI.3 Beyond Biodiversity: Other Aspects of Ecological Organization
VI.4 Human-Dominated Systems: Agroecosystems
VI.5 Forests
VI.6 Grasslands
VI.7 Marine Ecosystem Services
VI.8 Provisioning Services: A Focus on Fresh Water
VI.9 Regulating Services: A Focus on Disease Regulation
VI.10 Support Services: A Focus on Genetic Diversity
VI.11 The Economics of Ecosystem Services
VI.12 Technological Substitution and Augmentation of Ecosystem Services
VI.13 Conservation of Ecosystem Services
Part VII: Managing the Biosphere
VII.1 Biological Control: Theory and Practice
VII.2 Fisheries Management
VII.3 Wildlife Management
VII.4 Managing the Global Water System
VII.5 Managing Nutrient Mobilization and Eutrophication
VII.6 Managing Infectious Diseases
VII.7 Agriculture, Land Use, and the Transformation of Planet Earth
VII.8 The Ecology, Economics, and Management of Alien Invasive Species
VII.9 Ecological Economics: Principles of Economic Policy Design for Ecosystem Management
VII.10 Governance and Institutions
VII.11 Assessments: Linking Ecology to Policy
Milestones in Ecology
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