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Imperial Library
Want of Coincidence in Barter.
Want of a Measure of Value.
Want of Means of Subdivision.
Utility and Value are not intrinsic.
Value expresses Patio of Exchange.
The Functions of Money
A Standard of Value.
A Store of Value.
Separation of Functions.
Early History of Money
Currency in the Hunting State.
Currency in the Pastoral State.
Articles of Ornament as Currency.
Currency in the Agricultural State.
Manufactured and Miscellaneous Articles as Currency.
Qualities of the Material of Money
1. Utility and value.
2. Portability.
3. Indestructibility.
4. Homogeneity.
5. Divisibility.
6. Stability of Value.
7. Cognizability.
The Metals as Money
Other Metals.
Alloys of Metals.
The Invention of Coining.
What is a Coin?
Various Forms of Coins.
The best Form for Coins.
Coins as Works of Art.
Historical Coins.
The Royal Attribute of Coining.
The Principles of Circulation
The Standard Unit of Value.
Coin, Money of Account, and Unit of Value.
Standard and Token Money.
Metallic and Nominal Values of Coins.
Legal Tender.
The Force of Habit in the Circulation of Money.
Gresham's Law.
Extension of Gresham's Law.
Systems of Metallic Money
Currency by Weight.
Unrestricted Currency by Tale.
Single Legal Tender System.
Multiple Legal Tender System.
Composite Legal Tender.
The English System of Metallic Currency
English Gold Coin.
English Silver Coin.
English Bronze Coinage.
Deficiency of Weight of the English Gold Coin.
Withdrawal of Light Gold Coin.
Supply of Gold Coin.
Supply of Silver Coin.
The Royal Mint.
Fractional Currency
Billon Coin.
Cposite Coin.
Bronze Coin.
English Bronze Coin.
Weight of the Currency.
Nickel, Manganese, Aluminium, and other Metals and Alloys.
The Battle of the Standards
The Double Standard.
Compensatory Action.
The Demonetization of Silver.
Disadvantages of the Double Standard.
The Monetary Systems of the World.
Technical Matters Relating to Coinage
The Alloys in Coin.
The Wear of Coin.
Methods of Counting Coins.
Cost of the Metallic Currency.
International Money
Advantages of International Money.
Disadvantages of International Money.
Conflict of Monetary Systems.
International Monetary Negotiations.
Decimalization of English Money.
The Future American Dollar.
German Monetary Reform.
Systems of Fractional Money.
Final Selection of the Unit of International Money.
The Mechanism of Exchange
Progressive Development of the Methods of Exchange.
Representative Money.
Cheque and Clearing System.
Representative Money
Early History of Representative Money.
Reasons for the Use of Representative Money.
Inconvenience of Metallic Money.
The Weight of Currency.
Saving of Interest.
The Nature and Varieties of Promissory Notes
Specific Deposit Warrant.
General Deposit Warrant.
Difference between a Special and a General Promise.
Pecuniary Promissory Notes.
Principles of the Circulation of Representative Money.
Methods of Regulating a Paper Currency
1. Simple Deposit.
2. Partial Deposit.
3. Minimum Reserve.
4. Proportional Reserve.
5. Maximum Issue.
6. Elastic Limit.
7. Documentary Reserve.
8. Real Property Reserve.
9. Regulation by the Foreign Exchanges.
10. Free Issue System.
11. The Gold Par Method.
12. Convertibility by Revenue Payments.
13. Deferred Convertibility.
14. Inconvertible Paper Money.
Over Issue of Paper Money.
Want of Elasticity of Paper Money.
Credit Documents
Measurement of Credit.
Bills of Exchange.
Interest-bearing Documents.
Definition of Money.
Book Credit and the Banking System
Single Bank System.
System of Two Banks.
Complex Bank System.
Branch Bank System.
Bank Agency System.
London Agency System.
Country Clearing System.
The Clearing-House System
Transaction of Business at the London Clearing House.
Manchester Clearing House.
New York Clearing House.
Extension of the Clearing System.
Advantages of the Cheque and Clearing System.
Proportion of Cash Payments.
Cases to which the Clearing System is inapplicable.
The Cheque Bank
Relation of the Cheque Bank to other Banks.
The Cheque Bank as a Monetary Agent.
Payment of Wages by Cheques.
The Cheque Bank as a Savings Bank.
Results of the Cheque Bank System.
Foreign Bills of Exchange
Origin and Nature of Bills of Exchange.
Trade in Foreign Bills.
The World's Clearing House.
Centralization of Financial Transactions in London.
Representation of Foreign Bankers in London.
A Tabular Standard of Value
Corn Rents.
A Multiple Legal Tender.
Lowe's proposed Table of Reference.
Poulett Scrope's Tabular Standard of Value.
Difficulties of the Scheme.
The Bank of England and the Money Market
Expansion of Trade.
Competition of Bankers.
The Bank Charter Act of 1844.
The Free-banking School.
Possibility of Over-issue.
The Right of Coining Bank Notes
Scotch and English Banking.
Cash Reserves of Bankers.
Remedy for the Sensitiveness of the Money Market.
The Quantity of Money Needed by a Nation
Quantity of Work to be done by Money.
Efficiency of the Currency.
Effects of the Cheque and Clearing System.
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