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Title Page
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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Requirements of plant breeders
1.2 Evolution of crop species
1.3 Natural and human selection
1.4 Contribution of modern plant breeders
Chapter 2: Modes of Reproduction and Types of Cultivar
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Modes of reproduction
2.3 Types of cultivar
2.4 Annuals and perennials
2.5 Reproductive sterility
Chapter 3: Breeding Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 People, politics and economic criteria
3.3 Grower profitability
3.4 Increasing end-use quality
3.5 Increasing pest and disease resistance
3.6 Types of plant resistance
3.7 Mechanisms for disease resistance
3.8 Testing plant resistance
3.9 Conclusions
Chapter 4: Breeding Schemes
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Development of pure-line cultivars
4.3 Developing multiline cultivars
4.4 Development of open-pollinated population cultivars
4.5 Developing synthetic cultivars
4.6 Developing hybrid cultivars
4.7 Development of clonal cultivars
4.8 Developing apomictic cultivars
4.9 Summary
Chapter 5: Genetics and Plant Breeding
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Qualitative genetics
5.3 Quantitative genetics
Chapter 6: Predictions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Heritability
6.3 Diallel crossing designs
Chapter 7: Selection
7.1 Introduction
7.2 What to select and when to select
7.3 Response to selection
7.4 Applied selection
7.5 Cross prediction
7.6 Parental selection
Chapter 8: Broadening the Genetic Basis
8.1 Induced mutations
8.2 Interspecific and intergeneric hybridization
8.3 Plant genetic transformation
Chapter 9: Contemporary Approaches in Plant Breeding
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Tissue culture
9.3 Molecular markers in plant breeding
Chapter 10: Practical Considerations
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Experimental design
10.3 Greenhouse management
10.4 Field plot techniques
10.5 Use of computers in plant breeding
10.6 Release of new cultivars
Chapter 11: Current Developments in Plant Breeding
11.1 Intellectual property and ownership issues
11.2 The impact of biotechnology
11.3 The regulation of genetically modified plants
11.4 Plant breeding as a career
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