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Title Page
Delay, Don't Deny Digging Deeper
Introduction, and how to use this e-book
Chapter 1: All of the diets work and none of them work
Chapter 2: The obesity epidemic—why are we so fat?
Chapter 3: The problem with calories
Chapter 4: Insulin: The key to unlocking your fat stores
Chapter 5: What is intermittent fasting, and why should we do it?
Chapter 6: Finding your ideal intermittent fasting plan
Chapter 7: An “eating window” approach to intermittent fasting
Chapter 8: An “up/down day” intermittent fasting approach
Chapter 9: One meal a day: My sweet spot
Chapter 10: Keeping the fast: What can I have when I’m fasting?
Chapter 11: Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle, not a religion
Chapter 12: Saturday is not a special occasion | (It happens every week...)
Chapter 13: We don’t cheat—we PLAN
Chapter 14: To weigh or not to weigh? That is the question
Chapter 15: What should I EAT? Delay, Don’t Deny!
Chapter 16: Let’s talk about maintenance
Chapter 17: Sharing intermittent fasting with others
Chapter 18: Finding a support group
Chapter 19: Troubleshooting: What if I am not seeing results?
Chapter 20: A word about exercise
Appendix A: My weight loss story
Appendix B: 30 journal prompts
Appendix C: Annotated Bibliography
Appendix D: Testimonials: Fasting WORKS!
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