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Imperial Library
Title Page
A note (and apology) on examples used
1.: I just don’t believe it!
2.: Quantum leaping sheep
3.: Cheese-eating surrender monkeys
4.: Que será, será
5.: Speak for yourself
6.: The amazing psychic poet
7.: Because I say so
8.: Don’t misunderestimate me
9.: Tap water is for plants
10.: Sexy like me
11.: Eat up your GMs
12.: Feels mighty real
13.: Trial by wardrobe
14.: The wonder of colourpuncture
15.: Who knows?
16.: My luck’s got to change
17.: If you won’t kill it don’t eat it
18.: Fast food made me obese
19.: If it ain’t clear, it ain’t real
20.: Radiohead changed my life
21.: Mood music
22.: Careful with your Johnson!
23.: The end is nigh (perhaps)
24.: Good for the goose, good for the gander
25.: One, two, three, four, we don’t want your fascist war!
26.: The duck that won the lottery
27.: Does 6 million mean nothing to you?
28.: Milk is for cows
29.: Murdered, yes; murderer, no
30.: Dear, wise reader
31.: What would Brian Boitano say?
32.: Reading between the lines
33.: Moderates need not apply
34.: If only I’d known
35.: Coffee enema conquers cancer
36.: It’s OK – I understand
37.: The only way is down
38.: You should do the impossible
39.: Lumping it all together
40.: Love George, hate terrorists
41.: Knowledge in retrospect
42.: The lady doth protest too much
43.: Fighting crime with concerts
44.: What right have you got?
45.: It didn’t work then, so …
46.: God is an alien
47.: That old chestnut
48.: They would say that
49.: That way lies disaster
50.: Not so sound bites
51.: Meet Mr Loophole
52.: Single-parent slurs
53.: Safe, in no uncertain terms
54.: The weapons they couldn’t find
55.: Chance wouldn’t be a fine thing
56.: It’s your patriotic duty
57.: Crack is my right
58.: Printed on 100 per cent fat-free paper!
59.: Anyone would have done the same
60.: Someone must pay
61.: Lies, damned lies and statistics
62.: Who says smoking kills?
63.: Counsellors stole my friends
64.: No one made you do it
65.: If it weren’t for you, they’d still be alive
66.: Prove yourself
67.: Kris Kristofferson is a lizard
68.: God don’t ride no reindeer
69.: Sparring with scarecrows
70.: Nothing but the truth
71.: What Sherlock didn’t know
72.: Al Qaeda doesn’t exist
73.: Ozone warming holes in the carbon layer
74.: Everyone is bisexual
75.: Would you nuke the enemy?
76.: Why are we so stupid?
77.: There’s nothing lucky about luck
78.: It’s only natural
79.: The awful truth
80.: Balancing fudge
81.: I’ve brought you peace and prosperity!
82.: A sharp tongue does not mean a keen mind
83.: Tooled up, obviously
84.: Hamburger heroin
85.: Fear of black pepper
86.: There is no dark side of the moon
87.: If it’s not all bad it must be all good
88.: If it’s old it’s good
89.: The voyeur’s charter
90.: How can I ever believe you again?
91.: That’s not what I said
92.: The impossible flying machine
93.: ‘It’s better than nothing’
94.: No business for cardinals
95.: They kill civilians, don’t they?
96.: What difference does it make?
97.: Attack of the killer shrubs
98.: Too much of nothing is not enough
99.: The real thing
100.: The last word
Answer to question on page 49 (16: The gambler’s fallacy)
About the Author
Also by Julian Baggini
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