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Imperial Library
Title Page
1: The Story of How Mr Bluenose Came to Waharoa and Threw Something Into the Long Grass Across the Road from Mrs Doleman’s Billiard Saloon.
2: How I Found that Mr Bluenose’s Story was True, and How I Told Mr Bryce and was Rewarded for My Story.
3: How Mr Bluenose Got His Name, Roast Pork and Apple Sauce, and Why I Lay Grinning in the Dark.
4: Section TitleMrs Dainty’s Complaint, How Horse Got His Name, the Rat Who Liked Boiled Lollies, and the Trouble with False Teeth and Chewing Gum.
5: Boys and Barberry Hedges, Apples and the Dark, and the Ghost in the Macrocarpa Tunnel.
6: How Mr Bluenose Ate a Fisherman, How He Was Seasick for Six Months, and How Dad and I Ate Blue Cod and Parsley Sauce.
7: Baked Northern Spy, Father Christmas and the Boiled Lolly, and Freddy Jones and the Walking Hawk.
8: A Clove of Garlic a Day Keeps the Vampire Away, Using a Dock Leaf for a Hanky, Licking Boiled Lollies, and Sickening for Something.
9: A Dory Story, Walking Like a Sausage, Tasting the Soup of Sorrow, and What Happened to the Old Fishermen Who Disappeared on the Grand Banks.
10: What Horse Did With Mr Bluenose’s Green and White-Striped Boiled Lolly, the Corned Beef and Mustard Sandwich, and Mr Bryce’s Suggestion.
11: Freddy Jones and the Missing Tooth, Why He Tried to Look at His Tongue, Wringing and Blueing the Washing, and Hanging Bill Baillie.
12: The Morepork’s Revenge, Mr Bryce’s Verandah Post, Why Freddy Jones Bit His Tongue, and the Way Fern Uncurls at the Top.
13: Horse Gets the Sulks and Steals an Apple, the Skylark Sings, and What Happened to the Yellow Boiled Lolly and My Hanky.
14: Why Horse Laughs and Eats Apples While Mr Bluenose Pushes the Wheelbarrow, and Mr Bryce Gives Me Four Boiled Lollies On Tick and an Idea.
15: Dad Gives Me a Hand to Draw Horse Being Hanged, I Find Out What Getting Something on Tick Really Means, and Guarding the Boiled Lollies from Dad.
16: Scaring Horse and Making Him Jealous, Keeping a Promise, A Great Success, and Why I Climbed Mr Bluenose’s Gate and Ran.
17: The Bottle Thief Strikes, How I Worked to Pay Off the Boiled Lollies I Got on Tick, and A Pleasure to Do Business With.
18: Dad Brings Home a Treat and Tries to Make Me Feel Sorry For Him, and Mr Bluenose Admits That Roasted Sausages Bring Out the Glutton in Him.
19: Pork Snarlers that Squeal and Grunt, the Haunted Wardrobe, What the White Woman of Waharoa Said, and Running Home Because of the Dark.
20: The Crunch of Sugar, Somebody Tells Me My Own Story that I Made Up and then He Wants to be Paid For It in Boiled Lollies, and A Good Crop of Potatoes.
21: How the Mad Morepork Hummed and the White Woman Hooted, How Chooks Clean a Burnt Saucepan, and Why Mr Bryce Said I Was Getting All Bolshie.
22: Kehuas and Spooks Down the Cemetery, Silly Old Bluenose, the Ghost in the Macrocarpa Tunnel, and Why Freddy Jones and Billy Harsant Mowed Their Lawns.
23: Talk About Ghosts and Damming the Ditch, Getting a Double Home and Washing Amber Beads, and Mr Bryce Pays a Debt.
24: Two Moreporks Pay Me a Visit, the Epidemic is Over, First Day Back, Golden Delicious and Boy Traps, and Summer’s End.
Some Fascinating Biographical Information About the Curmudgeonly Old Author.
Also by Jack Lasenby
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