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1. Surgical Fundaments of New Concepts on Abdominoplasty
1. New Concepts in Abdominoplasty: Origin and Evolution
2. Anatomy of the Abdominal Panniculus
3. Surgical Principles and Classification of Abdominolipoplasty or Lipoabdominoplasty
4. Lower Lipoabdominoplasty
5. Upper Lipoabdominoplasty
6. Lower and Upper Abdominolipoplasty
7. Full Lipoabdominoplasty
8. Creation of the New Umbilicus: My Technique on Abdominolipoplasty and Further Applications
9. Abdominolipoplasty
2. Further Applications of New Concepts on Abdominoplasty
10. Importance of Concepts in Abdominoplasty and Liposuction in Breast Reconstructions
11. Robotic Procedure for Plication of the Muscle Aponeurotic Abdominal Wall
12. Lipoabdominoplasty Combining a Wide Undermining of the Upper Abdomen with Complete Body Liposuction
13. Rhytidolipoplasty: Improvement by Tunnelization Through New Concepts of Abdominolipoplasty
14. Ear Reconstruction: Preservation of Perforator Vessels on the Pedicle to Improve Results
15. Reverse Lower Blepharoplasty: An Eclectic Procedure Without Cutaneous Undermining
16. Medial Thigh Lipoplasty: New Concepts (A Technique Without Skin and Panniculus Undermining)
17. Flanklipoplasty and Torsolipoplasty
18. Gluteus Lipoplasty: Improvement Results on Buttocks Through New Concepts on Abdominoplasty
19. Plication of the Abdominal Wall in Lipoabdominoplasty
20. Dorsolipoabdominoplasty
21. Buttock Lipografting and Augmentation Combined with Avelar’s Abdominoplasty
22. Vertical Abdominoplasty: Indications and Refinements
23. Abdominoplasty After Massive Weight Loss
24. Silicon Breast Implant Inclusions Through Abdominal Approach
25. Post-Bariatric Abdominoplasty
3. Surgical Principles on Abdominoplasty
26. Historical Evolution of Abdominoplasty
27. Abdominoplasties: Classification (Bozola and Psillakis) and Concepts of Treatment Strategies
28. Abdominoplasty Planning
29. Abdominoplasty in Male Patients
30. Challenges in Abdominoplasty
31. Abdominoplasty: The Role of the External Oblique Muscle
32. Correction of Minor Abdominal Diastasis and Acquired and Congenital Deformities of the Umbilicus
33. Abdominoplasty on Patients with Previous Surgical Scars
34. The “Lying” H-Shaped with Double Contour Plication of the Anterior Aponeurosis Wall in Abdominoplasty
35. Reverse Abdominoplasty
36. Extended Reverse Abdominoplasty: A Technical Alternative for Breast Reconstruction
37. Abdominoplasty: Pearls and Pitfalls
38. Complications During and After Abdominoplasties
Erratum to: New Concepts on Abdominoplasty and Further Applications
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