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The Infinite Suburbia Roadmap
The Drive for Upward Social Mobility
Polycentric Metropolitan Form
Metropolitan Economic Interrelationships
Harnessing Ecological Productivity
Scales of Governance
The Future Polycentric Metropolis
1 The Drive for Upward Social Mobility
1.1 The Antisuburban Crusade
Three Periods of the Antisuburban Crusades
The Second Wave
The Third Wave of Criticism
Criticism of the Suburbs and the Urban Future
1.2 The Divided Metropolis: The Suburb and the Explosion of Global Urbanization
Origins of Suburbia
Social-Democratic Suburbia
After Social Democracy
Suburbia in Developing Countries
East Asia’s New Towns
The Suburban Challenge
1.3 Suburbia as a Class Issue
The Importance of Homeownership
Suburbs as Aspirational Geography
The Assault on the Suburban Dream
Suburbs: The Last Egalitarian Geography
The New Suburban Population
Preserving an Aspirational Geography
1.4 Millennials’ Hearts Are in the Suburbs
Suburbs Change with the Generations
Millennials Want a Suburban Home of Their Own
Millennials Will Remake America’s Suburbs
Unleashing the Millennial Transformation of America’s Suburbs
1.5 Suburban Holy Land
The Commonplace Community
Suburbia Photographed: The Shock of the New
Suburbia’s Imperfections through a Humble Lens
1.6 Mexico’s Suburban Dream
The International Movement
From Satellite City to Suburb
The Evolution of Identity and Mexico City Today
1.7 Australia’s Misplaced War on the Suburban Dream
A Short History of Housing in Australia
The Brawl over Sprawl
Affordability Worsens
1.8 How Britain’s Greenbelts Choke Suburbs and Force Up Prices
The Planning System
Spiraling Housing Costs
Social Inequality
The Solution
1.9 The Myth of Homogeneous Suburbia
Transportation Expands Suburbia
Self-Built Suburbs
Industrial Suburbs
Postwar Growth
Cosmopolitanism and Class Diversity in Suburbia
1.10 Reexamining Race and Ethnicity in the Suburbs
Two Metros in Different Regions
New York Metropolitan Area
Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
Putting Suburbs into Perspective
1.11 The Grorud Valley: Borderline Suburbia
Nature and Recreation in Norwegian Culture
History of Park Planning in the Grorud Valley
Future Grorud: Global Satellite Town
2 Polycentric Metropolitan Form
2.1 Engaging with the Planet’s Urban Expansion
Urban Expansion Is Greatest in Developing Countries
The Urban Extent
Urban Layouts at the Periphery
Block Sizes and Road Density
The Implications of an Infinite Suburbia
2.2 Sprawl of the Century: Contemporary Chinese Suburbia
2.3 Measuring Urban Cores and Suburbs in the United States
Homeowners and Automobile Owners
Conventional Analysis
Principal Cities
The City Sector Model
Population Trends in Twenty-First-Century Cities
Employment and Employment Trends
Average Commute Times
Work Access between 2000 and 2010
Housing Preferences
Demographic Trends
What the City Sector Model Reveals
2.4 The Continued Suburbanization of America
What Is a Suburb?
Housing Recovery Favors the Suburbs
The Housing Cycle and the Longer-Term View
Will Suburbanization Reverse in the Future?
The Role of Housing Prices in Suburbanization
The Role of Public Policy in Suburbanization
2.5 Transport Defines Suburbia
Suburban Expansion in Canada
Built-Form Methods
Transportation Methods
Suburbs in Smaller Cities—Census Agglomerations
A Suburban Nation
2.6 Interburbia: Ground Truthing US Metropolitan Urbanization
The Rise of the MSA
An Enduring Role for the Automobile
Metro Area Case Study 1: Denver Metropolitan Area
Denver Transportation Trends
Metro Area Case Study 2: Atlanta Metropolitan Area
Atlanta Transportation Trends
Toward Interburbia
2.7 Driving While Suburban
Population Growth Varies Widely
Labor Force Moves
Transportation Modes
The Case of Fairfax County, Virginia
National Commuting
Flow Patterns and Trends
2.8 Megaregional Australia in the Twenty-First Century
Planning Shortcomings
A Model for the Future
2.9 Health, Transportation, and the Community-Built Environment
Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Noise
Health and Neighborhood Design
Green and Blue Spaces
The Next Step: Health Impact Assessment in Community Planning
2.10 Health Advantages in Suburbs
Health Behaviors
Ranking Suburban Clinical Care
Social and Economic Factors in Suburban Health
Suburbia’s Physical Environment
Suburbia’s Final Scores
3 Metropolitan Economic Interrelationships
3.1 Trading Places among Cities and Suburbs
Gains from Trade
Homogeneity versus Heterogeneity
The Evolution of Metropolitan Structure
Implications for Policy
3.2 Suburbs in the Metropolitan Economy
New Suburbs: Exurbia
The Mall as an Economic Trading Place
The Airport as an Economic Trading Place
The Corporate Campus as an Economic Trading Place
Stable, Affluent Suburbs
Declining Suburbs and Historic Cities as Suburbs
Suburbia’s Economic Wins and Losses
3.3 Why Should Suburbs Care about Cities?
Measuring Economic Shocks
Study Results
The Effect of Industrial Diversity
The Bottom Line for Urban Planners
3.4 Six Types of High-Technology Districts
High-Technology District Types
Tech Subdivisions
Scattered Sites
Regional-Scale Clusters
Future Evolution
3.5 Creative Suburbia: Cultural Innovation in Outer Suburban Australia
Suburbs on the Cultural Fault Line
Creative Workers in the Suburbs
The Creative Lifestyle
Losses and Gains for Creative Work in the Suburbs
Questioning Inner-Urban Bias
Suburban Diversity
Policies for Suburban Creative Industries
3.6 The Global Suburb: Divesting from the World’s White Picket Fences
The Anglo-Saxon Suburb Revisited
Globalized Sub/Urbanization
Urban Theory after the Suburban Explosion
The Incomparable Suburb
3.7 Spain’s Speculative Urbanization
The Spanish Story
Urbanize Everything!
Housing Bubbles and the Periphery
How Infrastructure Fueled the Boom
Doubling Down on Urbanization
Global Speculative Urbanization
Operating Systems and Unintended Outcomes
3.8 Navi Mumbai: From New Town to Suburbia
Governance, Policy, and Land Markets
Navi Mumbai in the Twenty-First Century
The Importance of an Urban Design Vision
India’s Suburban Imagination
3.9 Postsuburban Johannesburg
Real Estate Capitalism
Building Postsuburbia
The Uneven Topographies of Postsuburbia
Inadequacy of Land-Use Planning
3.10 Subtracting the Suburbs
The Single Family Home as a Financial Instrument
Interplay: Hacking the Suburban Operating System
Playbook 1: The Distended Suburb
Playbook 2: Rethinking Flood Plains
How Growth and Subtraction Can Coexist
4 Harnessing Ecological Potential
4.1 Rediscovering the Nature of Suburbs
How Media Defined Suburbia
The Suburban Roots of the Greens
4.2 The Cosmopolitan Ecology of Suburbia
4.3 Metabolic Suburbs, or The Virtue of Low Densities
What Are Suburbs?
A Modest Proposal
Public Goods in Private Ownership
Ornamented Performance
The Question of the Car
The Necessity of Planning
4.4 Suburban Wetlandia
The Stormwater Problem
Wetlands versus Cities
New Infrastructure Paradigms
Suburban Wetlandia
Constructing the Future
4.5 Designing Backward for Suburbia
Thinking Backward and Inverse Problems
The Strength of Weak Ties
The Tyranny of Small Decisions
Questioning, Experimenting, and Predicting Suburbias
4.6 Greening Sprawl: Lawn Culture and Carbon Storage in the Suburban Landscape
Homeowner Preferences
Homeowners’ Cultural Aesthetic of Care and Neighborhood Norms
Developers’ Perceptions of the Market for Suburban Homes
Lot Size: Nudging Suburban Landscapes toward More Trees
Tactics for Greening Sprawl by Storing Carbon in the Suburban Landscape
4.7 Belting Future Suburbia
The Static Greenbelt at the Dynamic Fringe
New Spatial Patterns on the New Fringe
The Developer’s Greenbelt
The Not-So-Smart Greenbelt
Innovative Approaches to Belting
Process-Based Ways to Belt the Suburban Fringe
The “Wastebelt” Vision
The Waste Matrix
Modular Plug-ins
Wastewater-Supported Landscapes
4.8 The Horizontal Metropolis
Roots of the Horizontal Metropolis in Europe
Foundational Research
Isotropy: The Logic of Water Networks in the Horizontal Metropolis
Brussels: Transportation Networks in the Horizontal Metropolis
Switzerland: Energy Networks and Diffused Production in the Horizontal Metropolis
A Revolution in Land Use: Another Broadacre City
Beyond Suburbia
4.9 Sprawl Is Dead! Long Live the Low-Density City
An Archaeology of Urban Expansion
A Precedent for the Low-Density City
The Grammar of the Low-Density City
Ecosystem Services, Cycles, and Actors
Embracing Instability and Uncertainty
Hampton Roads, Virginia: Experimentation and Preparedness
Shifting Centrality across the Low-Density City
4.10 Willow Pond: Technologies for a Future Suburban Form
Sustainable Suburban Form
Technological Adaptations: New Energy Systems
More Adaptations: Recycling Water and Materials
Sustainable Agriculture: Creating Food, Medicine, and Information
Trends That Eased the Transition
Barriers Overcome in the Transition
A Look at the Benefits
Is a Sustainable Suburban Form Possible?
4.11 The Power of Suburbia
Measuring Smart Energy
Transport Energy Consumption
Calculating Solar Energy Generation Potential
Solar Energy Generation Potential and Density
5 Scales of Governance
5.1 Between Power and Appearance: The Enterprise Suburbs of Silicon Valley
5.2 Coding Permanent Flexibility
Tools of Legibility and Control
The “Climax End-State” Fallacy
RGB (255,255,0) Yellow: The Highest and Best Use Is Zoned—Not Planned
Ecology Evolving Policy
From Object to System-Based Codes
Opportunistic Suburbia
5.3 Cities, Suburbs, and the Challenge of Metropolitan Governance
The Legal Structure of Metropolitan Areas
The Costs of Fragmentation
From Regional Government to Regional Governance
Shortfalls of Regional Governance Mechanisms
5.4 Suburban Government and the Virtues of Local Control
The Suburban Preference
The Benefits of Local Governance
Preference for Suburbs: Quality of Education
Development and Local Governance
Balancing Governance and the Need for Services
5.5 Old Suburbs Meet New Urbanism
The Inner Ring Today
The Inner Ring as a Distributional Problem
The Inner Ring as an Aesthetic Problem: Enter the New Urbanism
Countering Costlessness of New Urbanist Codes
Rethinking the Older Suburbs
5.6 Beyond Suburbia? Urban Transitions across the Global South
Containment Strategies
Payment for Ecosystem Services
Green Enclaves
Differential Sustainability at Work
5.7 Brazilian Suburbs: Marginality, Informality, and Exclusivity
Early Peri-Urbanization (until the 1960s)
Peak Peri-Urbanization (1960s to 1980s)
Fragmented Peri-Urbanization (1980s to 2000)
Reorganized Peri-Urbanization (ince 2000)
Emerging Polycentricity: Macrometrópole Paulista
The Future of Brazilian Suburbs
5.8 Dachascapes and Dystopias
The Soviet Era
Post-Soviet Suburbanization Trends
Elite Highway Suburban Development
Middle-Income Suburbanization
Future Metropolitan Development
5.9 Turbo-Suburbanism in Luanda
Urban Growth in Postconflict Luanda
Suburban Planning and Antiplanning
Luxury Housing Compounds
Social Housing and the Chinese Pop-Up Model
Informal Settlements
Life in Luanda’s New Suburbs
Future Challenges
5.10 The Dark Side of Suburbia: Israeli Settlements of the West Bank
The Suburban Model on the West Bank
The Suburb as Civilian Fortification
The Walls of Suburbia
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