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Imperial Library
Title Page
c. 4.54 Billion BCE Earth Is Born
c. 4.54 Billion BCE Earth’s Core Forms
c. 4.5 Billion BCE Birth of the Moon
c. 4.5 Billion BCE Earth’s Mantle and Magma Ocean
c. 4.5–4 Billion BCE The Hadean
c. 4.1 Billion BCE Late Heavy Bombardment
c. 4.5 Billion BCE Continental Crust
c. 4 Billion BCE Earth’s Oceans
c. 4–2.5 Billion BCE The Archean
c. 4–3 Billion BCE? Plate Tectonics
c. 3.8 Billion BCE? Life on Earth
c. 3.7 Billion BCE Stromatolites
c. 3.5 Billion BCE Greenstone Belts
c. 3.4 Billion BCE Photosynthesis
c. 3–1.8 Billion BCE Banded Iron Formations
c. 2.5 Billion BCE The Great Oxidation
c. 2 Billion BCE Eukaryotes
c. 1.2 Billion BCE The Origin of Sex
c. 1 Billion BCE Complex Multicellular Organisms
c. 720–635 Million BCE Snowball Earth?
c. 550 Million BCE Cambrian Explosion
c. 500 Million BCE Roots of the Pyrénées
c. 480 Million BCE The Appalachians
c. 470 Million BCE First Land Plants
c. 450 Million BCE Mass Extinctions
c. 375 Million BCE First Animals on Land
c. 320 Million BCE The Ural Mountains
c. 320 Million BCE Reptiles
c. 300 Million BCE The Atlas Mountains
c. 300 Million BCE Pangea
c. 252 Million BCE The Great Dying
c. 220 Million BCE Mammals
c. 200 Million BCE Triassic Extinction
c. 200–65 Million BCE Age of the Dinosaurs
c. 160 Million BCE The First Birds
c. 155 Million BCE The Sierra Nevada
c. 140 Million BCE The Atlantic Ocean
c. 130 Million BCE Flowers
c. 80 Million BCE The Rockies
c. 70 Million BCE The Himalayas
c. 66 Million BCE Deccan Traps
c. 65 Million BCE The Alps
c. 65 Million BCE Dinosaur-Killing Impact
c. 60 Million BCE Primates
c. 35 Million BCE Antarctica
c. 30 Million BCE East African Rift Zone
c. 30–20 Million BCE Advanced C46 Photosynthesis
c. 30–10 Million BCE Cascade Volcanoes
c. 28 Million BCE Hawaiian Islands
c. 10 Million BCE The Andes
c. 10 Million BCE First Hominids
c. 7 Million BCE Sahara Desert
c. 6–5 Million BCE The Grand Canyon
c. 6–5 Million BCE The Mediterranean Sea
c. 5.5 Million BCE The Caspian and Black Seas
c. 5 Million BCE Galápagos Islands
c. 3.4 Million BCE to 3300 BCE The Stone Age
c. 3 Million BCE The Dead Sea
c. 2 Million BCE Death Valley
c. 400,000 BCE Lake Victoria
c. 200,000 BCE Homo sapiens Emerges
c. 70,000 BCE The San People
c. 50,000 BCE Arizona Impact
c. 40,000 BCE The First Mines
c. 38,000 BCE La Brea Tar Pits
c. 30,000 BCE Domestication of Animals
c. 10,000 BCE Invention of Agriculture
c. 10,000 BCE End of the Last “Ice Age”
c. 9000 BCE Beringia Land Bridge
c. 8000 BCE The Great Lakes
c. 7000 BCE Fermentation of Beer and Wine
c. 6000 BCE Fertilizer
c. 3300–1200 BCE The Bronze Age
c. 3200 BCE Synthetic Pigments
c. 3000 BCE Oldest Living Trees
c. 3000 BCE Stonehenge
c. 3000 BCE The Spice Trade
c. 2500 BCE The Pyramids
c. 2000 BCE Magnetite
c. 1200–500 BCE The Iron Age
c. 800 BCE Aqueducts
c. 600 BCE First World Maps
c. 500 BCE The Earth Is Round!
c. 500 BCE Madagascar
c. 300 BCE Quartz
c. 300 BCE Great Library of Alexandria
c. 280 BCE A Sun-Centered Cosmos
c. 250 BCE Size of the Earth
79 Pompeii
c. 700–1200 Polynesian Diaspora
c. 1000 Mayan Astronomy
c. 1370–1640 Great Wall of China
c. 1400 Native American Creation Stories
c. 1500 The Little Ice Age
c. 1500 Civil Engineering
1519 Circumnavigating the Globe
1541 Amazon River
1600 Many Earths?
1600 Huaynaputina Eruption
1619 Laws of Planetary Motion
1669 Foundations of Geology
1686 Tides
1687 Gravity
1747 Feldspar
1769 Transit of Venus
1788 Unconformities
1789 Olivine
1791 Desalination
1794 Rocks from Space
1798 Population Growth
1802–1805 Platinum Group Metals
1804 Charting North America
1811 Reading the Fossil Record
1814 Sunlight Deciphered
1815 Mount Tambora Eruption
1815 Modern Geologic Maps
1830 Uniformitarianism
c. 1830 Industrial Revolution
1837 Discovering Ice Ages
1845 Birth of Environmentalism
1851 Proof that the Earth Spins
c. 1855–1870 Deforestation
1858–1859 Natural Selection
1858 Airborne Remote Sensing
1859 Solar Flares and Space Weather
1862 The Age of the Earth
1864 (Geo) Science Fiction
1869 Exploring the Grand Canyon
c. 1870 The Anthropocene
1870 Soil Science
1872 National Parks
1879 The US Geological Survey
1883 Krakatoa Eruption
1892 The Sierra Club
1896 The Greenhouse Effect
1896 Radioactivity
1896 Structure of the Atmosphere
1896 Women in Earth Science
1900 Galveston Hurricane
1902 Controlling the Nile
1906 San Francisco Earthquake
1906 Hunting for Meteorites
1908 The Tunguska Explosion
1909 Reaching the North Pole
1910 Big Burn Wildfire
1911 Reaching the South Pole
1911 Machu Picchu
1912 Continental Drift
1913 The Ozone Layer
1914 The Panama Canal
1915 Exploring Katmai
1921 Russian Famine
1925 Tri-State Tornado
1926 Liquid-Fueled Rockets
1926 Exploration by Aviation
1933 Angel Falls
1934 Geology of Corals
1935 Dust Bowl
1936 The Inner Core
1937 Landfills
1943 Exploring the Oceans
1943 Sky Islands
1945 Geosynchronous Satellites
1946 Cloud Seeding
1947 Weather Radar
1948 Tracing Human Origins
1949 Island Arcs
1953 Ascending Everest
1954 Nuclear Power
1957 Mapping the Seafloor
1957 Sputnik
1957–1958 International Geophysical Year (IGY)
1958 Earth’s Radiation Belts
1960 Weather Satellites
1960 Understanding Impact Craters
1960 Mariana Trench
1960 Valdivia Earthquake
1961 Humans in Space
1961 Terraforming
1963 Reversing Magnetic Polarity
1966 Endosymbiosis
1966 Earth Selfies
1967 Extremophiles
1968 Leaving Earth’s Gravity
1970 Meteorites and Life
1970 Earth Day
1972 Earth Science Satellites
1972 Geology on the Moon
1973 Seafloor Spreading
1973 Tropical Rain/Cloud Forests
1973 Global Positioning System
1975 Insect Migration
1975 Magnetic Navigation
1976 Temperate Rainforests
1977 Voyager Golden Record
1977 Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
1978 Wind Power
1979 A World Wide Web
1980 Mount St. Helens Eruption
1980 Extinction Impact Hypothesis
1981 Great Barrier Reef
1982 Genetic Engineering of Crops
1982 Basin and Range
1982 Solar Power
1982 Volcanic Explosivity Index
1983 Gorillas in the Mist
1983 Plant Genetics
1984 The Oscillating Magnetosphere
1985 Underwater Archaeology
1986 Chernobyl Disaster
1987 California Condors
1987 Yucca Mountain
1988 Light Pollution
1988 Chimpanzees
1991 Biosphere 2
1991 Mount Pinatubo Eruption
1992 Tundra
1992 Boreal Forests (Taiga)
1993 Oceanography from Space
1994 Hydroelectric Power
1995 Earthlike Exoplanets
1997 Large Animal Migrations
1998 Ocean Conservation
1999 Earth’s Spin Slows Over Time
1999 Torino Impact Hazard Scale
1999 Vargas Landslide
2004 Sumatran Earthquake and Tsunami
2004 Grasslands and Chaparral
2007 Carbon Footprint
2008 Global Seed Vault
2010 Eyjafjallajökull Eruption
2011 Building Bridges
2011 Temperate Deciduous Forests
2012 Lake Vostok
2013 Savanna
2013 Rising CO46
2016 Long-Duration Space Travel
2017 North American Solar Eclipse
2029 Apophis Near Miss
~2050 Settlements on Mars?
~2100 End of Fossil Fuels?
~50,000 Next Ice Age?
~100,000 Yellowstone Supervolcano
~100,000–200,000 Loihi
~500,000 Next Big Asteroid Impact?
~250 Million Pangea Proxima
~600 Million Last Total Solar Eclipse
~1 Billion Earth’s Oceans Evaporate
~2–3 Billion Earth’s Core Solidifies
~5 Billion The End of the Earth
GSA Geologic Timescale
Notes and Further Reading
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