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Other Books By This Author
Title Page
List of Maps
List of Plates
Prologue - Background for War
Early Developments
U-boats in World War I
Treaties, Disarmament, and Submarines
The Rebirth of the German Navy
A Dramatic Reconversion
To the Eve of War
Book One - The U-boat War Against the British Empire: September 1939—December 1941
Chapter One
“To Die Gallantly”
The Boat
Complicated Rules
“Winston Is Back”
Hits and Misses
Encounters with Ark Royal
“A Wonderful Success”
North Sea Patrols
Poised for a Naval Race
Chapter Two
Plans and Problems
Prien in Scapa Flow
The First Wolf Pack
Atlantic U-boat Operations: October-December 1939
U-boat Countermeasures
Atlantic Operations: January and February 1940
The U-boat Failure in Norway
Chapter Three
Return to the North Atlantic
Great Britain at Risk
“Happy Time”: The June Slaughter
First Patrols from Lorient
The August Slaughter
Strategies, Secrets, and Deals
More Happy Times
The October Slaughter
Serious British Lapses
Chapter Four
A Brutal Winter
Knitting Anglo-American Relations
Unhappy Times
Attacking Naval Enigma
“The Battle of the Atlantic”
The Loss of Prien
The Loss of Schepke and Kretschmer
More Bad News
Declining Prospects
A Slight British Lead
Chapter Five
Flower Petals of Rare Beauty
“Sink the Bismarck”
Rich Trophies in West African Waters
June Patrols to the North Atlantic
A Revealing Convoy Battle
Coastal Command
Barbarossa: The Baltic and the Arctic
July Patrols to the North Atlantic
The Atlantic Charter
August Patrols to the North Atlantic
The Capture of U-570
Chapter Six
Allied Naval Operations
German Naval Operations
The North Atlantic Run
Another Fierce Convoy Battle
“We Are at War”
Patrols to West Africa
In Support of Rommel
The Crisis in the Mediterranean
The Loss of Kota Pinang, Atlantis, and Python
An Epic Convoy Battle
Book Two - The U-boat War Against the Americas: December 1941—August 1942
Chapter Seven
Japan Strikes
A New War
The “Norway Paranoia”
“All We Need Is Ships”
A New Convoy Plan
Beats on the Drum
First Actions off Cape Hatteras
The Attack on Canada
Exploiting British Antisubmarine Technology
German Diversions and Delays
More Failures in Gibraltar-Azores Waters
Chapter Eight
The Loss of Naval Enigma
First Type VII Patrols to the United States
First Forays to the West Indies and Caribbean
Unforeseen and Unplanned Convoy Attacks
Another Heavy Blow
Heated Exchanges
Global Naval Challenges
Hardegen’s Second Patrol
A Spectacular Foray
Patrols to Other Waters
Sharing Deep Secrets
Chapter Nine
The British Raid on St. Nazaire
Hitler’s Doubts and Promises
Strategic Victories at Coral Sea and Midway
Penetrating Gulfs
Difficult Hunting on the East Coast
Slaughter in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea
Allied Oil Problems Mount
The Argonaut Conference
Group Hecht
Mines, Agents, and Mishaps
More Record Patrols by the Type IXs
Chapter Ten
The Shifting Character of the U-boat War
June Patrols to the Americas
Sharply Diminishing Returns from the Type IXs
The Arctic: Convoy PQ 17
The Mediterranean: Supporting Rommel
Return to the North Atlantic Run
Return to the Middle and South Atlantic
Further Patrols to the Americas
More Poor Returns from the Type IXs
Withdrawal from the Caribbean
Appendix 1 - Oceangoing U-boats Assigned to Combat: The First Three Years: August 1939–August 1942
Appendix 2 - U-boat Patrols to the North Atlantic: August 1939–August 1942
Appendix 3 - U-boat Patrols to the South Atlantic: October 1940–August 1942
Appendix 4 - U-boat Patrols to the Americas: December 1941–August 1942
Appendix 5 - U-boats Assigned to the Arctic Area: July 1941–August 1942
Appendix 6 - U-boats Transferred to the Mediterranean Sea: September 1941–August 1942
Appendix 7 - Sinkings by Type II U-boats (Ducks): September 1939–November 1941
Appendix 8 - Italian Submarines Based in the Atlantic
Appendix 9 - The British Destroyer Situation 1939–1941
Appendix 10 - The Canadian Destroyer Situation 1939–1945
Appendix 11 - Exchange of Ocean-Escort Vessels Other Than Destroyers Between the Royal Navy and the Royal Canadian Navy 1942–1944
Appendix 12 - The American Destroyer Situation: January 1942–September 1942
Appendix 13 - American Destroyer Escort and Frigate Building Programs
Appendix 14 - American Patrol Craft-Building Program in World War II: January 1, 1942–July 1, 1942
Appendix 15 - Ocean-Escort Vessels Lent by the Royal Navy to the U.S. Navy 1942–1943
Appendix 16 - Employment of Atlantic Fleet Destroyers as Escorts for Troopship and Special-Cargo Convoys and for Other Tasks: November 1941–September 1942
Appendix 17 - Allied Tanker Losses to Axis Submarines in the Atlantic Ocean Area: September 1939–December 1942
Appendix 18 - Allied and Neutral Ships and Tonnage Sunk by German and Italian Submarines in World War II: September 3, 1939–August 31, 1942
Acknowledgments and Sources
About the Author
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