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Imperial Library
Title Page
Foreword—Sadie Plant
Sadie Plant
Introduction: On anomalous objects of digital culture—Jussi Parikka, Tony D. Sampson
Media anomalies: historical context
Topological thinking: the role of the accident
The topological space of “bad” objects
Conclusion: standard objects?
Part I. Contagions
1. Mutant and viral: Artificial evolution and software ecology—John Johnston
The advent of artificial evolution
Toward open ALife systems
Computer immune systems
Swarm intelligence
2. How networks become viral: Three questions concerning universal contagion—Tony D. Sampson
Universal contagion
Question concerning connectivity
The Myths of the Cold War Internet
The Power Law: There Might be Giants
Re-coupling Connection and Collectivity
A question concerning the offensive-defensive mode of epidemic power
A question concerning network power: fuzzy detection
3. Extensive abstraction in digital architecture—Luciana Parisi
Digital gene
Symbiotic algorithm
Fuzzy architecture
Chaos prehended
4. Unpredictable legacies: Viral games in the networked world—Roberta Buiani
A viral guide to the viral
The viral in viruses (being viral)
The use of the viral (becoming viral)
Viral conundrums
(Viral) Action!
Part II. Bad objects
5. Archives of software: Malicious code and the aesthesis of media accidents—Jussi Parikka
Artistic viruses: A prologue
Vision machines
Archives of risk
Commercial techniques of observation
Multiplicities of viruses
6. Contagious noise: From digital glitches to audio viruses—Steve Goodman
Rhythmic mutation
7. Toward an evil media studies—Matthew Fuller, Andrew Goffey
Stratagem 1: Bypass representation
Stratagem 2: Exploit anachronisms
Stratagem 3: Stimulate malignancy
Stratagem 4: Machine the commonplace
Stratagem 5: Make the accidental the essential
Stratagem 6: Recurse stratagems
Stratagem 7: The rapture of capture
Stratagem 8: Sophisticating machinery
Stratagem 9: What is good for natural language is good for formal language
Stratagem 10: Know your data
Stratagem 11: Liberate determinism
Stratagem 12: Inattention economy
Stratagem 13: Brains beyond language
Stratagem 14: Keep your stratagem secret as long as possible
Stratagem 15: Tale care of the symbols, the sense will follow
Stratagem 16: The creativity of matter
Further exercises
Part III. Pornography
8. Irregular fantasies, anomalous uses: Pornography spam as boundary work—Susanna Paasonen
On the boundaries of the regular
Filth, anomaly and affect
Record sizes
Fucking machines
Complex fantasies
9. Make porn, not war: How to wear the network’s underpants—Katrien Jacobs
Katrien Jacobs
Uncle Bataille said: Let’s make porn, not war
The echo of male fantasies
We are all grinning monkeys
10. Can desire go on without a body? Pornographic exchange as orbital anomaly—Dougal Phillips
Can thought go on without a body?
The libidinal economy of online porn, a case study: Empornium574
Anomie, anomaly and the orbital emancipation of digital consumption
Viva la revolución
Desire and capitalism on the libidinal band
Two screens
Conclusion: Negentropy and the problem of theory
Part IV. Censored
11. Robots.txt: The politics of search engine exclusion—Greg Elmer
The governmentality of exclusion: Developing an Internet standard
Excluding Iraq, controlling history? The White House’s robot.txt files
Spambots and other bad subjects
Google’s symbiotic business model: Site maps
Conclusion: Robot.txt files as objects of research
12. The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it? A new media approach to the study of state Internet censorship—Richard Rogers
The web as a set of discrete sites?
URL lists and Internet censorship research
Related Site Dynamic URL Sampling
Redistributed content discovery
Surfer Re-Routing
13. On narcolepsy
Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker
Accidentally asleep
Junk, trash, spam
Birth of the algorithm
The paranormal and the pathological
RFC 001b: BmTP
Universals of identification
Unknown unknowns
Tactics of nonexistence
Disappearance, or, “I’ve seen it all before”
(There is) no content
Junk or not junk
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