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Imperial Library
1. The Historical Context
2. The Caliph al-'Adid's Procession
3. Al-'Adid and Saladin
4. The Golden Hall
5. Hypocrisy
6. The Pearl Guesthouse
7. Al-'Adid and Hasan
8. Sittalmulk
9. The Assassins
10. Freedom of Thought
11. The Lock of Hair
12. Who are you Accusing?
13. The Guesthouse
14. 'Isa al-Hikari
15. Tughrul Bey
16. Sittalmulk
17. The Complaint
18. Love Rules
19. The Jewel Store
20. Between Two Suitors
21. 'Imadin
22. A Strange Affair
23. The Isma'ilis
24. Volunteering
25. The Letter
26. The Tunnels
27. The Meeting
28. The Hint
29. The Surprise
30. The Power of Love
31. Al-Hikari and Bahadin
32. A Historic Meeting
33. The Fox
34. Intrigue
35. Hasan and Bahadin
36. The Flight
37. An Important Meeting
38. The Legacy
39. Yaquta
40. Bahadin
41. The End of the Dynasty
42 Apprehensions
43. The Ploy
44. The Text of the Letter
45. Jawhar
46. Fustat
47. A Private Meeting
48. The Attack
49. The Beloved's Messenger
50. Sultan Nuradin
51. Failure
52. In Prison
53. The Journey
54. The Fortress of Misyaf
55. Sheikh Dabbous
56. The Miracle
57. 'Abd al-Rahim
58. Rashidin
59. The Paradise of the Assassins
60. An Amazing Secret
61. Doubts and Apprehensions
62. Sheikh Suleiman
63. On the Road
64. The House
65. The Truth
66. The Journey to Egypt
67. The Meeting
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